Esempio n. 1
function Dwoo_Plugin_makeThumb(Dwoo $dwoo, $file = '', $prefix = '', $height = 300, $width = 200, $method = 'fit', $overwrite = false)
    if ($file == '') {
        return false;
    // check if the file contains the Path to the image
    $file = str_replace(CAT_URL, CAT_PATH, $file);
    $file = strpos($file, CAT_PATH) === false ? CAT_PATH . $file : $file;
    // Set some values
    $temp_path = CAT_PATH . '/temp/' . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/';
    $temp_url = CAT_URL . '/temp/' . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/';
    $info = pathinfo($file);
    $new_path = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($temp_path . $prefix . $info['filename'] . '_' . $width . '_' . $height . '.' . $info['extension']);
    $new_url = str_replace(CAT_PATH, CAT_URL, $new_path);
    // Create temp directory, if the folder doesn't exist
    if (!file_exists($temp_path)) {
        CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($temp_path, NULL, true);
    // Create the file, if the file does not exist or overwrite is set to true
    if (!file_exists($new_path) || $overwrite == true) {
        CAT_Helper_Image::getInstance()->make_thumb($file, $new_path, $height, $width, $method);
    return $new_url;
    // end make_thumb()
Esempio n. 2
  *  Create directories recursive
  * @param string   $dir_name - directory to create
  * @param ocatal   $dir_mode - access mode
  * @return boolean result of operation
  * The function was moved to Directory helper class
 function make_dir($dir_name, $dir_mode = OCTAL_DIR_MODE)
     if (!class_exists('CAT_Helper_Directory')) {
         @(require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CAT/Helper/Directory.php');
     $addons_helper = new CAT_Helper_Directory();
     return $addons_helper->createDirectory($dir_name, $dir_mode);
Esempio n. 3
  * copy directory structure with files
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $dirsource
  * @param  string  $dirdest
 public static function copyRecursive($dirsource, $dirdest)
     if (is_dir($dirsource)) {
         $dir_handle = dir($dirsource);
     } else {
         return false;
     if (!is_object($dir_handle)) {
         return false;
     while ($file = $dir_handle->read()) {
         if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
             if (!is_dir($dirsource . "/" . $file)) {
                 copy($dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . '/' . $file);
                 if ($file != '.svn' && $file != '.git') {
                     CAT_Helper_Directory::setPerms($dirdest . "/" . $file);
             } else {
                 CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($dirdest . '/' . $file);
                 self::copyRecursive($dirsource . "/" . $file, $dirdest . '/' . $file);
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * This function is used to install a module (addon); requires an
  * already existing ZIP file. Use installUploaded() to handle uploads.
  * @access public
  * @param
 public static function installModule($zipfile, $silent = false, $remove_zip_on_error = false)
     // keep old modules happy
     global $wb, $admin, $database, $backend;
     if (!is_object($admin) && is_object($backend)) {
         $admin =& $backend;
     // keep old modules happy
     $self = self::getInstance();
     $extension = pathinfo($zipfile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $sourcedir = pathinfo($zipfile, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
     // Set temp vars
     $temp_dir = CAT_PATH . '/temp/';
     $temp_unzip = $temp_dir . '/unzip_' . pathinfo($zipfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '/';
     $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('file extension [%s], source dir [%s], remove zip [%s]', $extension, $sourcedir, $remove_zip_on_error));
     $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('temp dir [%s], unzip dir [%s]', $temp_dir, $temp_unzip));
     // Check for language or template/module
     if ($extension == 'php') {
         $temp_unzip = $zipfile;
     } elseif ($extension == 'zip') {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('creating temp. unzip dir [%s]', $temp_unzip));
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('zip file [%s], output dir [%s]', $zipfile, $temp_unzip));
         // Setup the PclZip object and unzip the files to the temp unzip folder
         $list = CAT_Helper_Zip::getInstance($zipfile)->config('Path', CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($temp_unzip))->extract();
         // check if anything was extracted
         if (!$list) {
             $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('No $list from ZIP-Helper, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
             if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
             if (!$silent) {
                 self::printError('Unable to extract the file. Please check the ZIP format.');
             return false;
         // check for info.php
         if (!file_exists($temp_unzip . '/info.php')) {
             // check subfolders for info.php
             $info = CAT_Helper_Directory::getInstance(1)->maxRecursionDepth(4)->findFile('info.php', $temp_unzip);
             if (!$info) {
                 $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('No info.php found, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
                 if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
                 if (!$silent) {
                     self::printError('Invalid installation file. No info.php found. Please check the ZIP format.');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $temp_infofile = pathinfo($info, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
                 $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('set $temp_infofile to [%s]', $temp_infofile));
         } else {
             $temp_infofile = $temp_unzip;
     } else {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Unknown extension [%s], "php" or "zip" expected, removing [%s]', $extension, $temp_unzip));
         if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
         if (!$silent) {
             self::printError('Invalid installation file. Wrong extension. Please check the ZIP format.');
         return false;
     // Check the info.php file / language file
     $precheck_errors = NULL;
     if ($addon_info = self::checkInfo($temp_infofile)) {
         $precheck_errors = self::preCheckAddon($zipfile, $temp_infofile, false);
     } else {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Unable to load info file [%s], removing [%s]', $temp_infofile, $temp_unzip));
         if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
         if (!$silent) {
             self::printError($self->lang()->translate('Invalid installation file. {{error}}', array('error' => $self->lang()->translate('Unable to find info.php'))));
         return false;
     // precheck failed
     if ($precheck_errors != '' && !is_bool($precheck_errors)) {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Pre-installation check(s) failed, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
         if (!$silent) {
             self::printError($precheck_errors, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], false);
         return false;
     // So, now we have done all preinstall checks, lets see what to do next
     $addon_directory = $addon_info['addon_function'] == 'language' ? $addon_info['module_code'] . '.php' : $addon_info['module_directory'];
     // Set module directory
     $addon_dir = CAT_PATH . '/' . $addon_info['addon_function'] . 's/' . $addon_directory;
     $action = 'install';
     if (file_exists($addon_dir) && $addon_info['addon_function'] != 'language') {
         $action = 'upgrade';
         // look for old info.php
         $previous_info = self::checkInfo($addon_dir);
         if ($previous_info) {
             // compare versions
             if (self::versionCompare($previous_info['module_version'], $addon_info['module_version'], '>=')) {
                 $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Version check found no difference between installed and uploaded version, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
                 if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
                 if (!$silent) {
                     self::printError('Already installed');
                 } else {
                     self::$error = 'already installed';
                 return false;
     // Make sure the module dir exists, and chmod if needed
     if ($addon_info['addon_function'] != 'language') {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Creating addon directory [%s]', $addon_dir));
         // copy files from temp folder
         // we use $temp_infofile here as source as it is the folder the
         // info.php file resides
         if (CAT_Helper_Directory::copyRecursive($temp_infofile, $addon_dir) !== true) {
             $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Copy failed, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
             if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
             if (!$silent) {
                 self::printError('Unable to install - error copying files');
             return false;
         // remove temp
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
         if ($remove_zip_on_error) {
     // load the module info into the database
     if (!self::loadModuleIntoDB($addon_dir, $action, self::checkInfo($addon_dir))) {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Loading module into DB failed, removing [%s]', $temp_unzip));
         if (!$silent) {
         return false;
     // Run the modules install // upgrade script if there is one
     if (file_exists($addon_dir . '/' . $action . '.php')) {
         $self->log()->LogDebug(sprintf('Running [%s]', $addon_dir . '/' . $action . '.php'));
         require $addon_dir . '/' . $action . '.php';
     if ($action == 'install' && $addon_info['addon_function'] == 'language') {
         $target = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($addon_dir);
         // for manual install...
         if ($zipfile !== $target) {
             rename($zipfile, $addon_directory);
     // set module permissions
     if ($addon_info['addon_function'] == 'module' && ($addon_info['module_function'] == 'page' || $addon_info['module_function'] == 'tool') || $addon_info['addon_function'] == 'template') {
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
 // ================================
 if (is_writable(CAT_PATH . $ajax['folder_path'])) {
     $folder_name = $val->sanitizePost('name');
     if (!$folder_name) {
         $folder_name = $backend->lang()->translate('New folder');
     $create_folder = CAT_PATH . $ajax['folder_path'] . '/' . $folder_name;
     $counter = 1;
     while (is_dir($create_folder)) {
         $create_folder = CAT_PATH . $ajax['folder_path'] . '/' . $folder_name . ' ' . $counter;
     // =====================================================
     // ! Try to create new folder; also creates an index.php
     // =====================================================
     if (CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($create_folder, NULL, true)) {
         if (is_writable($create_folder)) {
             $ajax['message'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Folder created successfully');
             $ajax['created'] = true;
         } else {
             $ajax['message'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Unable to write to the target directory');
             $ajax['created'] = false;
     } else {
         $ajax['message'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Unable to write to the target directory');
         $ajax['created'] = false;
 } else {
     $ajax['message'] = $backend->lang()->translate('Unable to write to the target directory');
     $ajax['created'] = false;
Esempio n. 6
        array_push($files, 'add', 'view', 'modify');
    foreach ($files as $n) {
        $fh = fopen($full . '/' . $n . '.php', 'w');
        if ($fh) {
            writeHeader($fh, $name, $author, $type);
// if it's a template...
if ($type == 'template') {
    $contents = file_get_contents($full . '/index.php');
    $contents .= "\n\$dwoodata\t= array(); // if you need to set some additional template vars, add them here\nglobal \$page_id;\n\$variant = CAT_Helper_Page::getPageSettings(\$page_id,'internal','template_variant');\nif ( \$variant == '' ) \$variant = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_VARIANT;\nif ( \$variant == '' || !file_exists(CAT_PATH.'/templates/bootstrap/templates/'.\$variant.'/index.tpl' ) )\n    \$variant = 'default';\n\$parser->setPath(CAT_TEMPLATE_DIR.'/templates/'.\$variant);\n\$parser->setFallbackPath(CAT_TEMPLATE_DIR.'/templates/default');\n\$parser->output('index.tpl',\$dwoodata);\n";
    file_put_contents($full . '/index.php', $contents);
    CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($full . '/templates/default');
    CAT_Helper_Directory::recursiveCreateIndex($full . '/templates');
// insert module into DB
foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
    $key = str_replace($pre, 'module_', $key);
    $info[$key] = $value;
$info['addon_function'] = $type;
CAT_Helper_Addons::loadModuleIntoDB($dir, 'install', $info);
$success = true;
$message = $backend->lang()->translate('Module created successfully!');
function printResult()
    global $message, $success;
Esempio n. 7
  * Install a Droplet from a ZIP file (the ZIP may contain more than one
  * Droplet)
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $temp_file - name of the ZIP file
  * @return array   see droplets_import() method
 public static function installDroplet($temp_file)
     $self = self::getInstance();
     $temp_unzip = CAT_PATH . '/temp/droplets_unzip/';
     $errors = array();
     $imports = array();
     $count = 0;
     // extract file
     $list = CAT_Helper_Zip::getInstance($temp_file)->config('Path', $temp_unzip)->extract();
     // get .php files
     $files = CAT_Helper_Directory::getPHPFiles($temp_unzip, $temp_unzip . '/');
     // now, open all *.php files and search for the header;
     // an exported droplet starts with "//:"
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) !== 'index' && pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php') {
             $description = NULL;
             $usage = NULL;
             $code = NULL;
             // Name of the Droplet = Filename
             $name = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             // Slurp file contents
             $lines = file($temp_unzip . '/' . $file);
             // First line: Description
             if (preg_match('#^//\\:(.*)$#', $lines[0], $match)) {
                 $description = addslashes($match[1]);
             // Second line: Usage instructions
             if (preg_match('#^//\\:(.*)$#', $lines[0], $match)) {
                 $usage = addslashes($match[1]);
             // there may be more comment lines; they will be added to the usage instructions
             while (preg_match('#^//(.*)$#', $lines[0], $match)) {
                 $usage .= addslashes(trim($match[1]));
             if (!$description && !$usage) {
                 // invalid file
                 $errors[$file] = CAT_Helper_Directory::getInstance()->lang()->translate('No valid Droplet file (missing description and/or usage instructions)');
             // Remaining: Droplet code
             $code = implode('', $lines);
             // replace 'evil' chars in code
             $tags = array('<?php', '?>', '<?');
             //$code = addslashes(str_replace($tags, '', $code));
             $code = str_replace($tags, '', $code);
             // Already in the DB?
             $stmt = 'INSERT';
             $id = NULL;
             $found = $self->db()->query("SELECT * FROM `:prefix:mod_droplets` WHERE name=:name", array('name' => $name));
             if ($found->rowCount()) {
                 $stmt = 'REPLACE';
                 $id = $found->fetchColumn();
             // execute
             $q = "{$stmt} INTO `:prefix:mod_droplets` SET " . ($id ? 'id=' . $id . ', ' : '') . '`name`=:name, `code`=:code, `description`=:desc, ' . '`modified_when`=:when, `modified_by`=:userid, ' . '`active`=:active, `comments`=:usage';
             $params = array('name' => $name, 'code' => $code, 'desc' => $description, 'when' => time(), 'userid' => CAT_Users::get_user_id(), 'active' => 1, 'usage' => $usage);
             $result = $self->db()->query($q, $params);
             if (!$self->db()->isError()) {
                 $imports[$name] = 1;
             } else {
                 $errors[$name] = $self->db()->getError();
         // check for data directory
         if (file_exists($temp_unzip . '/data')) {
             // copy all files
             CAT_Helper_Directory::copyRecursive($temp_unzip . '/data', dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/');
     // cleanup; ignore errors here
     return array('count' => $count, 'errors' => $errors, 'imported' => $imports);
Esempio n. 8
 public static function createAccessFile($filename, $page_id)
     $filename = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($filename);
     // check if $filename is a full path (may be 'link' db value)
     if (!preg_match('~^' . CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath(CAT_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY) . '~i', $filename)) {
         $filename = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath(CAT_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY . '/' . dirname($filename) . '/' . self::getFilename(basename($filename)) . PAGE_EXTENSION);
     $pages_path = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath(CAT_PATH . PAGES_DIRECTORY);
     $rel_pages_dir = str_replace($pages_path, '', CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath(dirname($filename)));
     $rel_filename = str_replace($pages_path, '', CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($filename));
     // prevent system directories and files from being overwritten (level 0)
     $denied = false;
     if (PAGES_DIRECTORY == '') {
         $forbidden_dirs = self::$instance->_config['forbidden_l0'];
         $forbidden_files = self::$instance->_config['forbidden_filenames_l0'];
         $search = explode('/', $rel_filename);
         $denied = in_array($search[1], $forbidden_dirs);
         $denied = in_array($search[1], $forbidden_files);
     if (true === is_writable($pages_path) && false == $denied) {
         // First make sure parent folder exists
         $parent_folders = explode('/', $rel_pages_dir);
         $parents = '';
         foreach ($parent_folders as $parent_folder) {
             if ($parent_folder != '/' && $parent_folder != '') {
                 $parents .= '/' . $parent_folder;
                 if (!file_exists($pages_path . $parents)) {
                     // create dir; also creates index.php (last param = true)
                     CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($pages_path . $parents, OCTAL_DIR_MODE, true);
                     CAT_Helper_Directory::setPerms($pages_path . $parents);
         $step_back = str_repeat('../', substr_count($rel_pages_dir, '/') + (PAGES_DIRECTORY == "" ? 0 : 1));
         $content = '<?php' . "\n";
         $content .= "/**\n *\tThis file is autogenerated by BlackCat CMS Version " . CAT_VERSION . "\n";
         $content .= " *\tDo not modify this file!\n */\n";
         $content .= "\t" . '$page_id = ' . $page_id . ';' . "\n";
         $content .= "\t" . 'require_once \'' . $step_back . 'index.php\';' . "\n";
         $content .= '?>';
          *  write the file
         $fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
         if ($fp) {
             fwrite($fp, $content, strlen($content));
              *  Chmod the file
         } else {
             CAT_Backend::getInstance()->print_error('Error creating access file in the pages directory, cannot open file');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         CAT_Backend::getInstance()->print_error('Error creating access file in the pages directory, path not writable or forbidden file / directory name');
         return false;
Esempio n. 9
  * Accessor to KLogger class; this makes using the class significant faster!
  * @access public
  * @return object
 public function log()
     // 8 = OFF
     if ($this->debugLevel < 8) {
         if (!is_object($this->logObj)) {
             if (!CAT_Registry::exists('CAT_PATH', false)) {
                 CAT_Registry::define('CAT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..', 1);
             $debug_dir = CAT_PATH . '/temp/logs' . ($this->debugLevel == 7 ? '/debug_' . get_class($this) : '');
             if (get_class($this) != 'CAT_Helper_Directory') {
                 $debug_dir = CAT_Helper_Directory::sanitizePath($debug_dir);
             if (!file_exists($debug_dir)) {
                 if (get_class($this) != 'CAT_Helper_Directory') {
                     CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($debug_dir, 0777);
                 } else {
                     mkdir($debug_dir, 0777);
             $this->logObj = CAT_Helper_KLogger::instance($debug_dir, $this->debugLevel);
         return $this->logObj;
     return $this;