function activate($sTemplate) { $aTemplate = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($sTemplate); if (empty($aTemplate) || !is_array($aTemplate)) { return array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_operation_failed')); } $aTemplates = array(); $iTemplates = $this->oDb->getTemplatesBy(array('type' => 'active'), $aTemplates); if ($iTemplates == 1 && $aTemplates[0]['name'] == $sTemplate) { return array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_last_active')); } $sTemplateDefault = getParam('template'); if ($aTemplate['uri'] == $sTemplateDefault) { return array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_deactivate_default')); } $oInstallerUtils = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance(); $aResult = (int) $aTemplate['enabled'] == 0 ? $oInstallerUtils->perform($aTemplate['path'], 'enable') : $oInstallerUtils->perform($aTemplate['path'], 'disable'); if ($aResult['code'] != 0) { return $aResult; } $oTemplate = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance(); $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => _t('_adm_scs_operation_done')); if ((int) $aTemplate['enabled'] == 0) { $aResult['content'] = $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('page_content_2_col.html', array('page_menu_code' => $this->getPageMenu(), 'page_main_code' => $this->getPageCode())); } else { $aResult['content'] = ""; } return $aResult; }
function processActions() { if (($sAction = bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_' . $this->sLangPrefix . '_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'uninstall': $sPageName = bx_process_input(bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_page_name')); if (empty($sPageName)) { break; } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($sPageName); if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule)) { break; } if (($iWidgetId = (int) bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_widget_id')) != 0 && (int) bx_get($this->sParamPrefix . '_confirmed') != 1) { $aResult['message'] = $this->getPopupConfirm($iWidgetId, $aModule); break; } bx_import('BxDolStudioInstallerUtils'); $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($aModule['path'], 'uninstall'); if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { $aResult['message'] = $this->getPopupResult($aResult['message']); } break; } if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { bx_import('BxTemplStudioFunctions'); $aResult['message'] = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->transBox('', $aResult['message']); } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
/** * Check all pending for uninstallation modules and uninstall them if no pending for deletion files are found */ public static function checkModulesPendingUninstall() { bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $a = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModules(); foreach ($a as $aModule) { // after we make sure that all pending for deletion files are deleted if (!$aModule['pending_uninstall'] || BxDolStorage::isQueuedFilesForDeletion($aModule['name'])) { continue; } // remove pending uninstall flag self::setModulePendingUninstall($aModule['uri'], false); // perform uninstallation bx_import('BxDolStudioInstallerUtils'); $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($aModule['path'], 'uninstall'); // send email nofitication $aTemplateKeys = array('Module' => $aModule['title'], 'Result' => _t('_Success'), 'Message' => ''); if ($aResult['code'] > 0) { $aTemplateKeys['Result'] = _t('_Failed'); $aTemplateKeys['Message'] = $aResult['message']; } bx_import('BxDolEmailTemplates'); $aMessage = BxDolEmailTemplates::getInstance()->parseTemplate('t_DelayedModuleUninstall', $aTemplateKeys); sendMail(getParam('site_email'), $aMessage['Subject'], $aMessage['Body'], 0, array(), BX_EMAIL_SYSTEM); } }
/** * Static method to get an instance of a module's class. * * @param $sName module name. */ public static function getInstance($sName) { if (empty($sName)) { return null; } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($sName); if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule)) { return null; } $sClassName = $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Module'; if ('system' != $sName) { if (isset($GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName])) { return $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName]; } $sClassPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . '/classes/' . $sClassName . '.php'; if (!file_exists($sClassPath)) { return null; } require_once $sClassPath; $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName] = new $sClassName($aModule); return $GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClassName]; } else { $sClassName = 'BxTemplServices'; return bx_instance($sClassName, array($aModule)); } }
function isEnabled($aWidget) { $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($aWidget['module']); if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule)) { return true; } return (int) $aModule['enabled'] == 1; }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct($oConfig) { parent::__construct(); if (is_a($oConfig, 'BxDolModuleConfig')) { $this->_sPrefix = $oConfig->getDbPrefix(); } else { trigger_error('It is impossible to create BxDolModuleDb class instance without prefix: ' . get_class($this), E_USER_ERROR); } }
protected function getIcon(&$aWidget) { $oTemplate = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance(); $sUrl = $oTemplate->getIconUrl($aWidget['icon']); if (empty($sUrl)) { $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($aWidget['module']); $sUrl = BxDolStudioUtils::getIconDefault($aModule['type']); } return $sUrl; }
/** * Perform serice call * @param $mixed module name or module id * @param $sMethod service method name in format 'method_name', corresponding class metod is serviceMethodName * @param $aParams params to pass to service method * @param $sClass class to search for service method, by default it is main module class * @return service call result */ public static function call($mixed, $sMethod, $aParams = array(), $sClass = 'Module') { $oDb = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance(); $aModule = array(); if (is_string($mixed)) { $aModule = $oDb->getModuleByName($mixed); } else { $aModule = $oDb->getModuleById($mixed); } return empty($aModule) ? '' : BxDolRequest::processAsService($aModule, $sMethod, $aParams, $sClass); }
public static function getObjectInstance($sModule = "", $sPage = "", $bInit = true) { $oModuleDb = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance(); $sClass = 'BxTemplStudioModule'; if ($sModule != '' && $oModuleDb->isModuleByName($sModule)) { $aModule = $oModuleDb->getModuleByName($sModule); if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . 'classes/' . $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'StudioPage.php')) { bx_import('StudioPage', $aModule); $sClass = $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'StudioPage'; } } $oObject = new $sClass($sModule, $sPage); if ($bInit) { $oObject->init(); } return $oObject; }
public function prepare() { $iUmaskSave = umask(0); bx_import('BxDolStudioInstallerUtils'); $oInstallerUtils = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance(); $aUpdated = array(); while (true) { $aUpdates = $oInstallerUtils->checkUpdates(); foreach ($aUpdates as $aUpdate) { $mixedResult = $oInstallerUtils->downloadUpdatePublic($aUpdate['name']); if ($mixedResult !== true) { $this->setError($mixedResult); break; } } if ($this->getError()) { break; } $aUpdates = $oInstallerUtils->getUpdates(); foreach ($aUpdates as $aUpdate) { $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($aUpdate['dir'], 'update'); if ((int) $aResult['code'] != 0) { $this->setError($aResult['message']); break; } else { $aUpdated[$aUpdate['module_name']] = $aUpdate['version_to']; } } break; } umask($iUmaskSave); if (!empty($aUpdated)) { bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $oModuleQuery = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance(); $sUpdated = ''; foreach ($aUpdated as $sModule => $sVersion) { $aModule = $oModuleQuery->getModuleByName($sModule); $sUpdated .= _t('_sys_et_txt_body_upgraded_module', $aModule['title'], $sVersion); } sendMailTemplateSystem('t_UpgradeModulesSuccess', array('conclusion' => $sUpdated)); } return $this->getError() ? false : true; }
public function actionResetHash($sType) { $oDb = bx_instance('BxDolStudioInstallerQuery'); $sResult = ''; switch ($sType) { case 'system': $oHasher = bx_instance('BxDolInstallerHasher'); $oDb->deleteModuleTrackFiles(BX_SYSTEM_MODULE_ID); $sResult = _t('_bx_dev_hash_' . ($oHasher->hashSystemFiles() ? 'msg' : 'err') . '_reset_hash_system'); break; case 'modules': bx_import('BxDolInstallerUtils'); bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModules(); $aTmplVarsModules = array(); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { if ($aModule['name'] == 'system') { continue; } $aConfig = BxDolInstallerUtils::getModuleConfig($aModule); $sPathInstaller = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . 'install/installer.php'; if (empty($aConfig) || !file_exists($sPathInstaller)) { continue; } require_once $sPathInstaller; $sClassName = $aConfig['class_prefix'] . 'Installer'; $oInstaller = new $sClassName($aConfig); $oDb->deleteModuleTrackFiles($aModule['id']); $aFiles = array(); $oInstaller->hashFiles(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'modules/' . $aModule['path'], $aFiles); foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) { $oDb->insertModuleTrack($aModule['id'], $aFile); } $aTmplVarsModules[] = array('module' => $aModule['title'], 'files' => count($aFiles)); } $sResult = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('hash_modules.html', array('bx_repeat:modules' => $aTmplVarsModules)); break; } echo $sResult; exit; }
/** * Process menu triggers. * Menu triggers allow to automatically add menu items to modules with no different if dependant module was install before or after the module menu item belongs to. * For example module "Notes" adds menu items to all profiles modules (Persons, Organizations, etc) * with no difference if persons module was installed before or after "Notes" module was installed. * @param $sMenuTriggerName trigger name to process, usually specified in module installer class - @see BxBaseModGeneralInstaller * @return always true, always success */ public static function processMenuTrigger($sMenuTriggerName) { // get list of active modules $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'modules', 'active' => 1)); // get list of menu triggers $aMenuItems = BxDolMenuQuery::getMenuTriggers($sMenuTriggerName); // check each menu item trigger for all modules foreach ($aMenuItems as $aMenuItem) { foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { if (!BxDolRequest::serviceExists($aModule['name'], 'get_menu_set_name_for_menu_trigger')) { continue; } if (!($sMenuSet = BxDolService::call($aModule['name'], 'get_menu_set_name_for_menu_trigger', array($sMenuTriggerName)))) { continue; } $aMenuItem['set_name'] = $sMenuSet; BxDolMenuQuery::addMenuItemToSet($aMenuItem); } } return true; }
protected function _restoreLanguageByModule($aLanguage, $sPath, $mixedModule) { $oXmlParser = BxDolXmlParser::getInstance(); $aModule = $mixedModule; if (!is_array($mixedModule)) { $sMethod = is_string($mixedModule) && !is_numeric($mixedModule) ? 'getModuleByUri' : 'getModuleById'; $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->{$sMethod}($mixedModule); } if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule) || !$aModule['uri'] || !$aModule['lang_category']) { return true; } $sPath = $sPath . $aModule['uri'] . '.xml'; if (!file_exists($sPath) && isset($aModule['path'])) { $sPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . 'install/langs/' . $aLanguage['name'] . '.xml'; if (!file_exists($sPath)) { return true; } } $aLanguageInfo = $this->readLanguage($sPath); if (empty($aLanguageInfo['name']) || empty($aLanguageInfo['strings']) || $aLanguageInfo['name'] != $aLanguage['name']) { return false; } $aCategory = array(); $this->oDb->getCategoriesBy(array('type' => 'by_name', 'value' => $aModule['lang_category']), $aCategory, false); $iCategoryId = 0; if (empty($aCategory) || !is_array($aCategory)) { $iCategoryId = $this->addLanguageCategory($aModule['lang_category']); if (empty($iCategoryId)) { return false; } } else { $iCategoryId = $aCategory['id']; } $bDeleteStringsByKey = !$this->oDb->deleteStringsBy(array('type' => 'by_cat_and_lang', 'category_id' => $iCategoryId, 'language_id' => $aLanguage['id'])); $bResult = true; foreach ($aLanguageInfo['strings'] as $sKey => $sValue) { if ($sKey != '') { if ($bDeleteStringsByKey) { $this->oDb->deleteStringsBy(array('type' => 'by_key_and_lang', 'key' => $sKey, 'language_id' => $aLanguage['id'])); } $bResult &= $this->addLanguageString($sKey, $sValue, $aLanguage['id'], $iCategoryId, false) > 0; } } return $bResult; }
public function downloadUpdatePublic($sModuleName) { bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($sModuleName); bx_import('BxDolStudioJson'); $aItem = BxDolStudioJson::getInstance()->load(BX_DOL_UNITY_URL_MARKET . 'json_download_update', array('product' => base64_encode(serialize(array('name' => $aModule['name'], 'version' => $aModule['version'], 'hash' => $aModule['hash']))), 'domain' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, 'user' => (int) getParam('sys_oauth_user'))); return $this->downloadFile($aItem); }
<?php /** * @package Dolphin Core * @copyright Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * @license CC-BY - */ require_once "./../inc/"; $GLOBALS['aRequest'] = explode('/', $_GET['r']); $sName = bx_process_input(array_shift($GLOBALS['aRequest'])); bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $GLOBALS['aModule'] = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByUri($sName); if (empty($GLOBALS['aModule'])) { require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ""; BxDolRequest::moduleNotFound($sName); } include BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $GLOBALS['aModule']['path'] . 'request.php';
public function serviceGetBlockSpace($bDynamic = false) { $bInclideScriptSpace = false; //Use dynamic loading by default if this setting is enabled. $sJsObject = $this->getPageJsObject(); $aChartData = array(); if (!$bDynamic) { $aItems = array(array('label' => '_adm_dbd_txt_su_database', 'value' => $this->getDbSize())); if ($bInclideScriptSpace) { $iSizeDiskTotal = $this->getFolderSize(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT); $iSizeDiskMedia = $this->getFolderSize(BX_DIRECTORY_STORAGE); $aItems[] = array('label' => '_adm_dbd_txt_su_system', 'value' => $iSizeDiskTotal - $iSizeDiskMedia); } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'all')); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { $sName = $aModule['name']; $sTitle = $aModule['title']; if ($aModule['name'] == 'system') { $sName = 'sys'; $sTitle = _t('_adm_dbd_txt_su_system_media'); } $aItems[] = array('label' => $sTitle, 'value' => (int) $this->oDb->getModuleStorageSize($sName)); } $iSizeTotal = 0; $aChartData = array(); foreach ($aItems as $sColor => $aItem) { $iSizeTotal += $aItem['value']; $aChartData[] = array(bx_js_string(strip_tags(_t($aItem['label'])), BX_ESCAPE_STR_APOS), array('v' => $aItem['value'], 'f' => bx_js_string(_t_format_size($aItem['value'])))); } } $sContent = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->parseHtmlByName('dbd_space.html', array('bx_if:show_content' => array('condition' => !$bDynamic, 'content' => array('js_object' => $sJsObject, 'chart_data' => json_encode($aChartData))), 'bx_if:show_loader' => array('condition' => $bDynamic, 'content' => array('js_object' => $sJsObject)))); return array('content' => $sContent); }
public static function getModules($bShowCustom = true, $bShowSystem = true) { $aResult = array(); if ($bShowSystem) { $aResult[BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM] = self::getModuleTitle(BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM); } if ($bShowCustom) { $aResult[BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM] = self::getModuleTitle(BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM); } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'modules', 'active' => 1)); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { $aResult[$aModule['name']] = $aModule['title']; } return $aResult; }
/** * Check whether code is associated with active template. * * @param string $sCode template's unique URI. * @param boolean $bSetCookie save code in COOKIE or not. */ protected function _checkCode($sCode, $bSetCookie) { if (empty($sCode) || !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/', $sCode)) { return; } bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByUri($sCode); if (empty($aModule) || !is_array($aModule) || (int) $aModule['enabled'] != 1 || !file_exists($this->_sRootPath . 'modules/' . $aModule['path'] . 'data/template/')) { return; } bx_import('BxDolModuleConfig'); $oConfig = new BxDolModuleConfig($aModule); $this->_sCode = $oConfig->getUri(); $this->_sSubPath = $oConfig->getDirectory(); if (!$bSetCookie || bx_get('preview')) { return; } $aUrl = parse_url(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT); $sPath = isset($aUrl['path']) && !empty($aUrl['path']) ? $aUrl['path'] : '/'; setcookie($this->_sCodeKey, $this->_sCode, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, $sPath); }
protected static function _methodExists($mixedModule, $sMethodType, $sMethodName, $sClass = "Module") { $aModule = $mixedModule; if (is_string($mixedModule)) { bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModule = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($mixedModule); } if (!$aModule) { return false; } $sClass = $aModule['class_prefix'] . $sClass; if (($oModule = BxDolRequest::_require($aModule, $sClass)) === false) { return false; } $sMethod = $sMethodType . bx_gen_method_name($sMethodName); return method_exists($oModule, $sMethod); }
private function getInstalledInfo() { bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModules(); $aInstalledInfo = array(); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { $aInstalledInfo[$aModule['path']] = $aModule; } return $aInstalledInfo; }
protected function _getManageAccountUrl($sFilter = '') { $sModuleAccounts = 'bx_accounts'; if (!BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->isEnabledByName($sModuleAccounts)) { return ''; } $sTypeUpc = strtoupper($this->_sManageType); $oModuleAccounts = BxDolModule::getInstance($sModuleAccounts); if (!$oModuleAccounts || empty($oModuleAccounts->_oConfig->CNF['URL_MANAGE_' . $sTypeUpc])) { return ''; } $sLink = $oModuleAccounts->_oConfig->CNF['URL_MANAGE_' . $sTypeUpc]; $sLink = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . BxDolPermalinks::getInstance()->permalink($sLink); if (!empty($sFilter)) { $sLink = bx_append_url_params($sLink, array('filter' => $sFilter)); } return $sLink; }
protected function actionBlockCreate() { $sJsObject = $this->getPageJsObject(); $oTemplate = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance(); $sSelected = BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_SKELETONS; $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => 'adm-bp-block-create', 'action' => sprintf($this->sPageUrl, $this->sType, $this->sPage) . '&bp_action=' . $this->sActionBlockCreate, 'method' => 'post'), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => 'sys_pages_blocks', 'key' => 'id', 'uri' => '', 'uri_title' => '', 'submit_name' => 'do_submit')), 'inputs' => array('blocks' => array('type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'blocks', 'content' => '', 'db' => array('pass' => 'Int')))); $aMenu = array(BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_SKELETONS => array('name' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_SKELETONS, 'icon' => 'qrcode', 'title' => '_sys_block_types_skeletons', 'selected' => $sSelected == BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_SKELETONS), BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM => array('name' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM, 'icon' => 'cog', 'title' => '_sys_block_types_system', 'selected' => $sSelected == BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM), BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM => array('name' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM, 'icon' => 'wrench', 'title' => '_sys_block_types_custom', 'selected' => $sSelected == BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM)); bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'modules')); $aModulesWithBlocks = $this->oDb->getModulesWithCopyableBlocks(); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { $sName = $aModule['name']; if (!in_array($sName, $aModulesWithBlocks)) { continue; } if (!empty($aMenu[$sName])) { $aMenu[$sName] = array_merge($aMenu[$sName], $aModule); } else { $aMenu[$sName] = $aModule; } if (empty($aMenu[$sName]['icon'])) { $aMenu[$sName]['icon'] = BxDolStudioUtils::getModuleIcon($aModule, 'menu', false); } } foreach ($aMenu as $sKey => $aItem) { $aMenu[$sKey]['onclick'] = $sJsObject . '.onChangeModule(\'' . $aItem['name'] . '\', this);'; } bx_import('BxTemplStudioMenu'); $oMenu = new BxTemplStudioMenu(array('template' => 'menu_side.html', 'menu_items' => $aMenu)); $aTmplParams = array('menu' => $oMenu->getCode(), 'html_block_lists_id' => $this->aHtmlIds['block_lists_id'], 'blocks' => $this->getBlockList($sSelected)); $aForm['inputs']['blocks']['content'] = $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('bp_add_block_form.html', $aTmplParams); $oForm = new BxTemplStudioFormView($aForm); $oForm->initChecker(); if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) { $aIds = $oForm->getCleanValue('blocks'); $aBlocks = array(); $this->oDb->getBlocks(array('type' => 'by_ids', 'value' => $aIds), $aBlocks, false); bx_import('BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils'); $oLanguage = BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils::getInstance(); bx_import('BxDolStorage'); $oStorege = BxDolStorage::getObjectInstance(BX_DOL_STORAGE_OBJ_IMAGES); $bResult = true; foreach ($aBlocks as $aBlock) { $sTitleKey = $this->getSystemName($aBlock['title'] . '_' . time()); $sTitleValue = _t($aBlock['title']); unset($aBlock['id']); $aBlock['object'] = $this->sPage; $aBlock['cell_id'] = 1; $aBlock['module'] = $this->getBlockModule($aBlock); $aBlock['title'] = $sTitleKey; $aBlock['copyable'] = 0; $aBlock['deletable'] = 1; //--- Process Lang copy $sContentKey = $sContentValue = ""; if ($aBlock['type'] == BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_BLOCK_LANG && $aBlock['content'] != '') { $sContentKey = $this->getSystemName($aBlock['content'] . '_' . time()); $sContentValue = _t($aBlock['content']); $aBlock['content'] = $sContentKey; $oLanguage->addLanguageString($sContentKey, $sContentValue); } //--- Process Image copy $iImageId = $sImageAlign = ""; if ($aBlock['type'] == BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_BLOCK_IMAGE && $aBlock['content'] != '') { list($iImageId, $sImageAlign) = explode($this->sParamsDivider, $aBlock['content']); $aBlock['content'] = ""; if (is_numeric($iImageId) && (int) $iImageId != 0 && ($iImageId = $oStorege->storeFileFromStorage(array('id' => $iImageId))) !== false) { $aBlock['content'] = implode($this->sParamsDivider, array($iImageId, $sImageAlign)); } } if (!$this->oDb->insertBlock($aBlock)) { if ($sContentKey != "") { $oLanguage->deleteLanguageString($sContentKey); } if ($iImageId != "") { $oStorege->deleteFile((int) $iImageId, 0); } $bResult = false; break; } $oLanguage->addLanguageString($sTitleKey, $sTitleValue); } if ($bResult) { return array('eval' => $sJsObject . '.onCreateBlock(oData)'); } else { return array('msg' => _t('_adm_bp_err_block_added')); } } bx_import('BxTemplStudioFunctions'); $sContent = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->popupBox($this->aHtmlIds['create_block_popup_id'], _t('_adm_bp_txt_new_block_popup'), $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('bp_add_block.html', array('action' => 'create', 'form_id' => $aForm['form_attrs']['id'], 'form' => $oForm->getCode(true)))); return array('popup' => $sContent); }
protected function _getProfilesModules() { $aRet = array(); bx_import('BxDolModuleQuery'); $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'modules', 'active' => 1)); foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { $oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance($aModule['name']); if ($oModule instanceof iBxDolProfileService) { $aRet[] = $aModule; } } return $aRet; }
private function emailNotifyModulesUpgrade($sResult, $aData) { $oModuleQuery = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance(); $sConclusion = ''; if (!empty($aData)) { foreach ($aData as $sModule => $sMessage) { $aModule = $oModuleQuery->getModuleByName($sModule); $sConclusion .= _t('_sys_et_txt_body_modules_upgrade_' . $sResult, $aModule['title'], $sMessage); } } sendMailTemplateSystem('t_UpgradeModules' . ucfirst($sResult), array('conclusion' => $sConclusion)); }
function checkTemplate($sVal) { return strlen($sVal) > 0 && BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->isEnabled($sVal); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
/** * Process page triggers. * Page triggers allow to automatically add page blocks to modules with no different if dependant module was install before or after the module page block belongs to. * For example module "Notes" adds page blocks to all profiles modules (Persons, Organizations, etc) * with no difference if persons module was installed before or after "Notes" module was installed. * @param $sPageTriggerName trigger name to process, usually specified in module installer class - @see BxBaseModGeneralInstaller * @return always true, always success */ public static function processPageTrigger($sPageTriggerName) { // get list of active modules $aModules = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModulesBy(array('type' => 'modules', 'active' => 1)); // get list of page block triggers $aPageBlocks = BxDolPageQuery::getPageTriggers($sPageTriggerName); // check each page block trigger for all modules foreach ($aPageBlocks as $aPageBlock) { foreach ($aModules as $aModule) { if (!BxDolRequest::serviceExists($aModule['name'], 'get_page_object_for_page_trigger')) { continue; } $sPageObject = BxDolService::call($aModule['name'], 'get_page_object_for_page_trigger', array($sPageTriggerName)); if (!$sPageObject) { continue; } $aPageBlock['object'] = $sPageObject; BxDolPageQuery::addPageBlockToPage($aPageBlock); } } return true; }