function buffer_send(&$a, &$b) { if ($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || $b['created'] !== $b['edited']) { return; } if (!strstr($b['postopts'], 'buffer')) { return; } if ($b['parent'] != $b['id']) { return; } // if post comes from buffer don't send it back //if($b['app'] == "Buffer") // return; $client_id = get_config("buffer", "client_id"); $client_secret = get_config("buffer", "client_secret"); $access_token = get_pconfig($b['uid'], "buffer", "access_token"); if ($access_token) { $buffer = new BufferApp($client_id, $client_secret, $callback_url, $access_token); require_once "include/plaintext.php"; require_once "include/network.php"; $profiles = $buffer->go('/profiles'); if (is_array($profiles)) { logger("Will send these parameter " . print_r($b, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if (!$profile->default) { continue; } $send = false; switch ($profile->service) { case 'appdotnet': $send = $b["extid"] != NETWORK_APPNET; $limit = 256; $markup = false; $includedlinks = true; $htmlmode = 6; break; case 'facebook': $send = $b["extid"] != NETWORK_FACEBOOK; $limit = 0; $markup = false; $includedlinks = false; $htmlmode = 9; break; case 'google': $send = $b["extid"] != NETWORK_GPLUS; $limit = 0; $markup = true; $includedlinks = false; $htmlmode = 9; break; case 'twitter': $send = $b["extid"] != NETWORK_TWITTER; $limit = 140; $markup = false; $includedlinks = true; $htmlmode = 8; break; case 'linkedin': $send = $b["extid"] != NETWORK_LINKEDIN; $limit = 700; $markup = false; $includedlinks = true; $htmlmode = 2; break; } if (!$send) { continue; } $item = $b; // Markup for Google+ if ($markup) { if ($item["title"] != "") { $item["title"] = "*" . $item["title"] . "*"; } $item["body"] = preg_replace("(\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\])ism", '*$1*', $item["body"]); $item["body"] = preg_replace("(\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\])ism", '_$1_', $item["body"]); $item["body"] = preg_replace("(\\[s\\](.*?)\\[\\/s\\])ism", '-$1-', $item["body"]); } $post = plaintext($a, $item, $limit, $includedlinks, $htmlmode); logger("buffer_send: converted message " . $b["id"] . " result: " . print_r($post, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); // The image proxy is used as a sanitizer. Buffer seems to be really picky about pictures require_once "mod/proxy.php"; if (isset($post["image"])) { $post["image"] = proxy_url($post["image"]); } if (isset($post["preview"])) { $post["preview"] = proxy_url($post["preview"]); } //if ($profile->service == "twitter") { if ($includedlinks) { if (isset($post["url"])) { $post["url"] = short_link($post["url"]); } if (isset($post["image"])) { $post["image"] = short_link($post["image"]); } if (isset($post["preview"])) { $post["preview"] = short_link($post["preview"]); } } // Seems like a bug to me // Buffer doesn't add links to Twitter and (but pictures) //if ($includedlinks AND isset($post["url"])) if ($profile->service == "twitter" and isset($post["url"]) and $post["type"] != "photo") { $post["text"] .= " " . $post["url"]; } elseif ($profile->service == "appdotnet" and isset($post["url"]) and isset($post["title"]) and $post["type"] != "photo") { $post["title"] = shortenmsg($post["title"], 90); $post["text"] = shortenmsg($post["text"], $limit - (24 + strlen($post["title"]))); $post["text"] .= "\n[" . $post["title"] . "](" . $post["url"] . ")"; } elseif ($profile->service == "appdotnet" and isset($post["url"]) and $post["type"] != "photo") { $post["text"] .= " " . $post["url"]; } elseif ($profile->service == "google") { $post["text"] .= html_entity_decode(" ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } // Send a special blank to identify the post through the "fromgplus" addon $message = array(); $message["text"] = $post["text"]; $message["profile_ids[]"] = $profile->id; $message["shorten"] = false; $message["now"] = true; if (isset($post["title"])) { $message["media[title]"] = $post["title"]; } if (isset($post["description"])) { $message["media[description]"] = $post["description"]; } if (isset($post["url"]) and $post["type"] != "photo") { $message["media[link]"] = $post["url"]; } if (isset($post["image"])) { $message["media[picture]"] = $post["image"]; if ($post["type"] == "photo") { $message["media[thumbnail]"] = $post["image"]; } } if (isset($post["preview"])) { $message["media[thumbnail]"] = $post["preview"]; } //print_r($message); logger("buffer_send: data for message " . $b["id"] . ": " . print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); $ret = $buffer->go('/updates/create', $message); logger("buffer_send: send message " . $b["id"] . " result: " . print_r($ret, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); } } } }
public function postShareAd() { if (!Auth::check()) { return Response::json(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => trans(CLF_LANG_MESSAGE . 'require_signin')), 500); } $data = post(); $default = array('type' => '', 'page_id' => '', 'message' => ''); $merge = array_merge($default, $data); $merge = \DLNLab\Classified\Classes\HelperClassified::trim_value($merge); extract($merge); require 'libraries/BufferApp/buffer.php'; require 'libraries/SocialAutoPoster/SocialAutoPoster.php'; $autoposter = new \SocialAutoPoster(); try { switch ($type) { case 'facebook': $facebook = $autoposter->getApi('facebook', array('page_id' => '408730579166315', 'appid' => '225132297553705', 'appsecret' => '8f00d29717ee8c6a49cd25da80c5aad8', 'access_token' => 'CAADMwbKfhykBAKj0OCExhhWBIRFJw5K1jRjijq3W4v7vkKgWHk3du1PfRXUtvKpVIcfJrFP32wuzFVpFW7DWlWhbZAz7sMyxhFcGUbJrMDR46tyiOcZAsvbKBoSEO7iymHuCzKgxfmtk0p3MuyRnZAKKCFapZBNGmRzF803pZBUVcZCLCghizLIgTO0mlH65Pk9WbtzXHKZC0uwwZAjMtkCq')); $facebook->postToWall('Hello FB'); var_dump($facebook->getErrors()); break; case 'googleplus': $client_id = '54c5d3d2a4a87d060fb822b5'; $client_secret = 'fa161986339e85b17d71f8d70b25efa9'; $callback_url = 'http://localhost/october/api/v1/callback_buffer'; $buffer = new \BufferApp($client_id, $client_secret, $callback_url); $profiles = $buffer->go('/profiles'); if (is_array($profiles)) { foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $buffer->go('/updates/create', array('text' => 'My first status update from bufferapp-php worked!', 'profile_ids[]' => $profile->id)); } } //$gplus = AdSharePage::connect_gplus($autoposter); //AdSharePage::post_gplus_wall($gplus, $page_id, $message); break; } } catch (Exception $ex) { return Response::json(array('status' => $ex->getMessage()), 500); } }
<?php session_start(); require 'buffer.php'; $client_id = ''; $client_secret = ''; $callback_url = ''; $buffer = new BufferApp($client_id, $client_secret, $callback_url); if (!$buffer->ok) { echo '<a href="' . $buffer->get_login_url() . '">Connect to Buffer!</a>'; } else { $profiles = $buffer->go('/profiles'); if (is_array($profiles)) { foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $buffer->go('/updates/create', array('text' => 'My first status update from bufferapp-php worked!', 'profile_ids[]' => $profile->id)); } } }