Esempio n. 1

} else {
    echo '<h3>' . __('Google+ setup</h3>
                 You may setup you Google+ intergration over here.<br/>
                 Before you can begin using Google+ with this site you must authorize on Google+ by clicking the link below.', 'buddystream_googleplus') . '<br/><br/>';
    $buddystreamOAuth = new BuddyStreamOAuth();
    $buddystreamOAuth->setCallbackUrl($bp->loggedin_user->domain . BP_SETTINGS_SLUG . '/buddystream-networks/?network=googleplus');
    $buddystreamOAuth->setParameters(array('scope' => ''));
    //get requesttoken and save it for later use.
    $requestToken = $buddystreamOAuth->requestToken();
    update_user_meta($bp->loggedin_user->id, 'buddystream_googleplus_token_temp', '' . urldecode($requestToken['oauth_token'] . ''));
    update_user_meta($bp->loggedin_user->id, 'buddystream_googleplus_tokensecret_temp', '' . $requestToken['oauth_token_secret'] . '');
    //get the redirect url for the user
    $redirectUrl = $buddystreamOAuth->getRedirectUrl();
    if ($redirectUrl) {
        echo '<a href="' . $redirectUrl . '" class="buddystream_authorize_button">' . __('Click here to start authorization', 'buddystream_googleplus') . '</a><br/><br/>';
    } else {
        _e('There is a problem with the authentication service at this moment please come back in a while.', 'buddystream_googleplus');