Esempio n. 1
 function Run()
     $idir = parent::getParameterValue('indir');
     $odir = parent::getParameterValue('outdir');
     $files = parent::getParameterValue('files');
     if ($files == 'all') {
         $list = explode('|', parent::getParameterList('files'));
     } else {
         $list = explode(',', parent::getParameterValue('files'));
     $dataset_description = '';
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $lfile = $idir . $item . '.rpt';
         $rfile = parent::getParameterValue('download_url') . $item . '.rpt';
         if (!file_exists($lfile) || parent::getParameterValue('download') == 'true') {
             echo "downloading {$item}...";
             $ret = Utils::DownloadSingle($rfile, $lfile);
             if ($ret != true) {
         parent::setReadFile($lfile, true);
         echo "Processing {$item}...";
         $ofile = $odir . $item . '.' . parent::getParameterValue('output_format');
         $gz = strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "gz") ? true : false;
         parent::setWriteFile($ofile, $gz);
         echo "Done" . PHP_EOL;
         $source_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI($rfile)->setTitle("MGI {$item}")->setRetrievedDate(date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", filemtime($lfile)))->setFormat("text")->setPublisher("")->setHomepage("")->setRights("use")->setLicense("")->setDataset("");
         $prefix = parent::getPrefix();
         $bVersion = parent::getParameterValue('bio2rdf_release');
         $date = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s");
         $output_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$ofile}")->setTitle("Bio2RDF v{$bVersion} RDF version of {$item} in {$prefix}")->setSource($source_file->getURI())->setCreator("")->setCreateDate($date)->setHomepage("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$prefix}.html")->setPublisher("")->setRights("use-share-modify")->setRights("by-attribution")->setRights("restricted-by-source-license")->setLicense("")->setDataset(parent::getDatasetURI());
         if ($gz) {
         if (strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "nt")) {
         } else {
         $dataset_description .= $source_file->toRDF() . $output_file->toRDF();
     // generate the dataset release file
     $this->setWriteFile($odir . parent::getBio2RDFReleaseFile());
     echo "done!" . PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 2
 function run()
     $ldir = parent::getParameterValue('indir');
     $odir = parent::getParameterValue('outdir');
     $dd = '';
     $files = parent::getParameterValue('files');
     if ($files == 'all') {
         $files = explode('|', parent::getParameterList('files'));
     } else {
         $files = explode(',', parent::getParameterValue('files'));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         echo "processing {$file} ...";
         $lfile = $ldir . $this->filemap[$file];
         $rfile = parent::getParameterValue('download_url') . $this->filemap[$file];
         if (!file_exists($lfile) || parent::getParameterValue('download') == 'true') {
             $ret = utils::downloadSingle($rfile, $lfile);
             if ($ret === false) {
                 echo "unable to download {$file} ... skipping" . PHP_EOL;
         parent::setReadFile($lfile, true);
         $suffix = parent::getParameterValue('output_format');
         $ofile = "orphanet-" . $file . '.' . $suffix;
         $gz = strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "gz") ? $gz = true : ($gz = false);
         /*			parent::setWriteFile($odir.$ofile, $gz);
         echo "done!" . PHP_EOL;
         // dataset description
         $source_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI($rfile)->setTitle("Orphanet: {$file}")->setRetrievedDate(parent::getDate(filemtime($lfile)))->setFormat("application/xml")->setPublisher("")->setHomepage("")->setRights("use")->setRights("sharing-modified-version-needs-permission")->setLicense("")->setDataset("");
         $prefix = parent::getPrefix();
         $bVersion = parent::getParameterValue('bio2rdf_release');
         $date = parent::getDate(filemtime($odir . $ofile));
         $output_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$ofile}")->setTitle("Bio2RDF v{$bVersion} RDF version of {$prefix}")->setSource($source_file->getURI())->setCreator("")->setCreateDate($date)->setHomepage("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$prefix}.html")->setPublisher("")->setRights("use-share-modify")->setRights("by-attribution")->setRights("restricted-by-source-license")->setLicense("")->setDataset(parent::getDatasetURI());
         $gz = strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), ".gz") === FALSE ? false : true;
         if ($gz) {
         if (strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "nt")) {
         } else {
         $dd .= $source_file->toRDF() . $output_file->toRDF();
Esempio n. 3
 function parse()
     // convert into json
     $lfile = parent::getReadFile()->getFileName();
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($lfile);
     $json = json_encode($xml);
     $db = json_decode($json, TRUE);
     // miriam metadata
     // $attributes = $db['@attributes'];
     foreach ($db['datatype'] as $item) {
Esempio n. 4
 function gene_interactions()
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->Read()) {
         if ($l[0] == '#') {
         $data = explode("\t", $l);
         if (count($data) != 11) {
             trigger_error("Found " . count($data) . " columns, expecting 11");
         $interaction = $data[0];
         $interaction_type = str_replace("_", "-", $data[1]);
         $interaction_type_label = str_replace("_", " ", $data[1]);
         $int_additional_info = $data[2];
         $gene1 = $data[5];
         $gene2 = $data[8];
         $interaction_id = parent::getNamespace() . $interaction;
         if ($interaction_type == "Genetic") {
             $int_pred = parent::getVoc() . "genetically-interacts-with";
         } elseif ($interaction_type == "Physical") {
             $int_pred = parent::getVoc() . "physically-interacts-with";
         } elseif ($interaction_type == "Predicted") {
             $int_pred = parent::getVoc() . "predicted-to-interact-with";
         } elseif ($interaction_type == "Regulatory") {
             $int_pred = parent::getVoc() . "regulates";
         if ($int_additional_info == "No_interaction") {
             $interaction_label = "No " . strtolower($interaction_type) . " interaction between " . $gene1 . " and " . $gene2;
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($interaction_id, $interaction_label, parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Non-Interaction") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Non-Interaction", $interaction_type_label . " non-interaction") . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene1) . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene2));
             $npa_id = parent::getRes() . md5($interaction_id . "negative property assertion");
             $npa_label = "Negative property assertion stating that " . $gene1 . " and " . $gene2 . " do not have a " . $interaction_type_label . " interaction";
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($npa_id, $npa_label, "owl:NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion") . parent::triplify($npa_id, "owl:sourceIndividual", parent::getNamespace() . $gene1) . parent::triplify($npa_id, "owl:targetIndividual", parent::getNamespace() . $gene2) . parent::triplify($npa_id, "owl:assertionProperty", $int_pred));
         } elseif ($int_additional_info == "N/A" || $int_additional_info == "Genetic_interaction") {
             $interaction_label = $interaction_type . " interaction between " . $gene1 . " and " . $gene2;
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($interaction_id, $interaction_label, parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Interaction") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Interaction", $interaction_type_label . " Interaction") . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene1) . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene2) . parent::triplify(parent::getNamespace() . $gene1, $int_pred, parent::getNamespace() . $gene2));
         } else {
             $interaction_label = ($int_additional_info != "" ? $int_additional_info . " " : "") . strtolower($interaction_type) . " interaction between " . $gene1 . " and " . $gene2;
             $type = parent::getVoc() . ($int_additional_info != "" ? $int_additional_info . "-" : "") . $interaction_type . "-Interaction";
             $type_label = ($int_additional_info != "" ? $int_additional_info . " " : "") . $interaction_type_label . " Interaction";
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($interaction_id, $interaction_label, $type) . parent::describeClass($type, $type_label, parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Interaction") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . $interaction_type . "-Interaction", $interaction_type . " Interation") . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene1) . parent::triplify($interaction_id, parent::getVoc() . "involves", parent::getNamespace() . $gene2) . parent::triplify(parent::getNamespace() . $gene1, $int_pred, parent::getNamespace() . $gene2));
Esempio n. 5
 function process()
     $ldir = parent::getParameterValue('indir');
     $odir = parent::getParameterValue('outdir');
     $rdir = parent::getParameterValue('download_url');
     //which files are to be converted?
     $files = trim($this->GetParameterValue('files'));
     if ($files == 'all') {
         $files = $this->getPackageMap();
     } else {
         $sel_arr = explode(",", $files);
         $pm = $this->getPackageMap();
         $files = array();
         foreach ($sel_arr as $a) {
             if (array_key_exists($a, $pm)) {
                 $files[$a] = $pm[$a];
     if ($this->getParameterValue('limit_organisms') == true) {
         $this->taxids = array_flip(explode(",", $this->getParameterValue('organisms')));
     //set dataset graph to be dataset URI
     $graph_uri = parent::getGraphURI();
     if (parent::getParameterValue('dataset_graph') == true) {
     $dataset_description = '';
     //now iterate over the files array
     foreach ($files as $module => $rfilename) {
         $file = $module . ".gz";
         $lfile = $ldir . $file;
         $rfile = $rdir . $rfilename;
         // download
         if (!file_exists($lfile) || parent::getParameterValue('download') == true) {
             trigger_error("{$lfile} not found. Will attempt to download.", E_USER_NOTICE);
             $myfile = $lfile;
             if ($module == "gene2sts" || $module == "gene2unigene") {
                 $myfile = "compress.zlib://" . $lfile;
             echo "downloading {$module} ...";
             utils::DownloadSingle($rfile, $myfile);
             echo "done" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($files as $module => $rfilename) {
         $file = $module . ".gz";
         $lfile = $ldir . $file;
         $rfile = $rdir . $rfilename;
         $ofile = $module . "." . parent::getParameterValue('output_format');
         $gz = false;
         if (strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "gz")) {
             $gz = true;
         echo "Processing {$module} ... ";
         parent::setReadFile($lfile, true);
         parent::setWriteFile($odir . $ofile, $gz);
         $fnx = $module;
         if ($module == 'gene2refseq') {
             $fnx = 'gene2accession';
         echo 'done!' . PHP_EOL;
         // generate the dataset release file
         // dataset description
         $source_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI($rfile)->setTitle("NCBI Gene ({$module})")->setRetrievedDate(date("Y-m-d\\TG:i:s\\Z", filemtime($lfile)))->setFormat("text/tab-separated-value")->setFormat("application/gzip")->setPublisher("")->setHomepage("")->setRights("use-share-modify")->setLicense("")->setDataset("");
         $prefix = parent::getPrefix();
         $bVersion = parent::getParameterValue('bio2rdf_release');
         $date = date("Y-m-d\\TG:i:s\\Z");
         $output_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$ofile}")->setTitle("Bio2RDF v{$bVersion} RDF version of {$prefix} (generated at {$date})")->setSource($source_file->getURI())->setCreator("")->setCreateDate($date)->setHomepage("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$prefix}.html")->setPublisher("")->setRights("use-share-modify")->setRights("by-attribution")->setRights("restricted-by-source-license")->setLicense("")->setDataset(parent::getDatasetURI());
         if ($gz) {
         if (strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), "nt")) {
         } else {
         $dataset_description .= $source_file->toRDF() . $output_file->toRDF();
     //set graph URI back to default value
     //write dataset description to file
     echo "Generating dataset description... ";
     parent::setWriteFile($odir . parent::getBio2RDFReleaseFile());
     echo "done!" . PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 6
 function genes()
     $h = explode("\t", parent::getReadFile()->read());
     $expected_columns = 14;
     if (($n = count($h)) != $expected_columns) {
         trigger_error("Found {$n} columns in gene file - expecting {$expected_columns}!", E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(200000)) {
         $a = explode("\t", $l);
         $id = parent::getNamespace() . $a[0];
         $label = $a[3];
         $this->genes[$a[0]] = $a[3];
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($id, $label, parent::getVoc() . "Gene") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Gene", "PharmGKB Gene"));
         // link data
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, "rdfs:seeAlso", "" . $a[0]) . parent::triplify($id, "rdfs:seeAlso", "" . $a[0]) . parent::triplify($id, "rdfs:seeAlso", "" . $a[0]));
         if ($a[1]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "x-ncbigene", "ncbigene:" . $a[1]));
         if ($a[2]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "x-ensembl", "ensembl:" . $a[2]));
         if ($a[3]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "name", $a[3]) . parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "name", "Relationship between a PharmGKB entity and its name"));
         if ($a[4]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "symbol", "symbol:" . $a[4]) . parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "symbol", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and a gene symbol"));
         if ($a[5]) {
             $b = explode('","', substr($a[5], 1, -2));
             foreach ($b as $alt_name) {
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "alternative-name", parent::safeLiteral(trim(stripslashes($alt_name)))));
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "alternative-name", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and an alternative name"));
         if ($a[6]) {
             // these are not hgnc symbols
             $b = explode('","', substr($a[6], 1, -2));
             foreach ($b as $alt_symbol) {
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "alternate-symbol", trim($alt_symbol)));
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeProperty($id, parent::getVoc() . "alternate-symbol", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and an alternate gene symbol"));
         if ($a[7]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "is-vip", $a[7]) . parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "is-vip", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and its vip status"));
         if ($a[8]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "has-variant-annotation", $a[8]) . parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "has-variant-annotation", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and whether it has a variant annotation"));
         if ($a[9]) {
             $b = explode(",", $a[9]);
             foreach ($b as $xref) {
                 $xref = trim($xref);
                 if (!$xref) {
                 $url = false;
                 $x = $this->MapXrefs($xref, $url, $ns, $id2);
                 $ns = str_replace(' ', '', $ns);
                 if ($url == true) {
                     parent::addRDF(parent::QQuadO_URL($id, parent::getVoc() . "x-{$ns}", $x));
                 } else {
                     parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "x-{$ns}", $x));
         if ($a[10]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "cpic-dosing-guideline", $a[10]));
         if ($a[11]) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "chromosome", $a[11]) . parent::describeProperty(parent::getVoc() . "chrosomome", "Relationship between a PharmGKB gene and its chromosomal position") . parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "chromosome-start", $a[12]) . parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "chromosome-end", $a[13]));
Esempio n. 7
 function Parse($file)
     // skip the first comment line
     $line = 1;
     $first = true;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(500000)) {
         if ($l[0] == "#") {
             // dataset attributes
             $a = explode('=', trim($l));
             $r = $this->getVoc() . substr($a[0], 2);
             if (isset($a[1])) {
                 $v = $a[1];
                 if ($r == "affymetrix_vocabulary:genome-version-create_date") {
                     $x = explode("-", $a[1]);
                     if ($x[2] == "00") {
                         $x[2] = "01";
                     $v = implode("-", $x);
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString(parent::getDatasetURI(), $r, $v) . parent::describe($r, "{$r}"));
         if ($first == true) {
             $first = false;
             // header
             $header = explode(",", str_replace('"', '', trim($l)));
             //				print_r($header);exit;
             $n = count($header);
             if ($n != 41) {
                 trigger_error("Expecting 41 columns, found {$n} in header on line {$line}!", E_USER_ERROR);
         $a = explode('","', substr($l, 1, -2));
         $n = count($a);
         if ($n != 41) {
             trigger_error("Expecting 41 columns, found {$n} on line {$line}!", E_USER_ERROR);
         $id = $a[0];
         $qname = "affymetrix:{$id}";
         $label = "probeset {$a['0']} on GeneChip {$a['1']} ({$a['2']})";
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($qname, $label, $this->getVoc() . "Probeset") . parent::describeClass($this->getVoc() . "Probeset", "Affymetrix probeset"));
         trigger_error($id, E_USER_NOTICE);
         // now process the entries
         foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
             if (trim($v) == '---') {
             // multi-valued entries are separated by ////
             $b = explode(" /// ", $v);
             $r = $this->Map($k);
             if (isset($r)) {
                 foreach ($b as $c) {
                     $d = explode(" // ", $c);
                     if ($r == 'symbol') {
                         $d[0] = str_replace(" ", "-", $d[0]);
                     $s = $this->getRegistry()->getPreferredPrefix($r);
                     if ($s == "ec") {
                         $e = explode(":", $d[0]);
                         $d[0] = $e[1];
                     $this->addRDF(parent::triplify($qname, $this->getVoc() . "x-{$s}", "{$s}:" . $d[0]) . parent::describeProperty($this->getVoc() . "x-{$s}", "a relation to {$s}"));
             } else {
                 // we handle manually
                 $label = $header[$k];
                 switch ($label) {
                     case 'GeneChip Array':
                         $array_id = parent::getRes() . str_replace(" ", "-", $v);
                         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($qname, $this->getVoc() . "genechip-array", $array_id) . parent::describeIndividual($array_id, "Affymetrix {$v} GeneChip array", $this->getVoc() . "Genechip-Array") . parent::describeClass($this->getVoc() . "Genechip-Array", "Affymetrix GeneChip array"));
                     case 'Gene Ontology Biological Process':
                         if (!isset($rel)) {
                             $rel = 'go-process';
                             $prefix = "go";
                     case 'Gene Ontology Cellular Component':
                         if (!isset($rel)) {
                             $rel = 'go-location';
                             $prefix = "go";
                     case 'Gene Ontology Molecular Function':
                         if (!isset($rel)) {
                             $rel = 'go-function';
                             $prefix = "go";
                         $b = explode(" /// ", $v);
                         foreach ($b as $c) {
                             $d = explode(" // ", $c);
                             parent::addRDF($this->triplify($qname, $this->getVoc() . $rel, "{$prefix}:" . $d[0]) . $this->describeProperty($this->getVoc() . $rel, "{$rel}"));
                     case 'Transcript Assignments':
                         $b = explode(" /// ", $v);
                         foreach ($b as $c) {
                             $d = explode(" // ", $c);
                             $id = $d[0];
                             $prefix = $d[2];
                             if ($prefix == '---' || $id == '---') {
                             } else {
                                 if ($prefix == 'gb' || $prefix == 'gb_htc') {
                                     $prefix = 'genbank';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($prefix == 'ncbibacterial') {
                                         $prefix = 'gi';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($prefix == 'ncbi_bacterial') {
                                             $prefix = 'gi';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($prefix == 'ens') {
                                                 $prefix = 'ensembl';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($prefix == 'ncbi_mito' || $prefix == 'ncbi_organelle' || $prefix == 'organelle') {
                                                     $prefix = 'refseq';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($prefix == 'affx' || $prefix == 'unknown' || $prefix == "prop") {
                                                         $prefix = 'affymetrix';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($prefix == 'tigr_2004_08') {
                                                             $prefix = 'tigr';
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($prefix == 'tigr-plantta') {
                                                                 $prefix = 'genbank';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($prefix == '') {
                                                                     $prefix = 'gi';
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($prefix == '') {
                                                                         $prefix = 'gi';
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ($prefix == 'primate_viral') {
                                                                             $prefix = 'genbank';
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if ($prefix == 'jgi-bacterial') {
                                                                                 $prefix = 'ncbigene';
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 if ($prefix == 'tb') {
                                                                                     $prefix = 'tuberculist';
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     if ($prefix == 'pa') {
                                                                                         $prefix = 'pseudomonas';
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         if ($prefix == 'gi|53267') {
                                                                                             $prefix = 'gi';
                                                                                             $id = '53267';
                                                                                         } else {
                                                                                             if ($prefix == 'broad-tcup') {
                                                                                                 $e = explode("-", $id);
                                                                                                 $id = $e[0];
                                                                                             } else {
                                                                                                 if ($prefix == 'organelle') {
                                                                                                     $e = explode("-", $id);
                                                                                                     $prefix = 'genbank';
                                                                                                     $id = $e[0];
                             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($qname, $this->getVoc() . "transcript-assignment", "{$prefix}:{$id}") . parent::describeProperty($this->getVoc() . "transcript-assignment", "transcript assignment"));
                     case 'Annotation Transcript Cluster':
                         							$id = substr($v,0,strpos($v,"("));
                         							$rel = str_replace(" ","-",strtolower($label));
                         							$this->AddRDF($this->triplify($qname,parent::getVoc()."$rel", "refseq:$id"));
                     case 'Annotation Date':
                         // Jun 9, 2011
                         $rel = "annotation-date";
                         preg_match("/^([A-Za-z]+) ([0-9]+), ([0-9]{4})\$/", $v, $m);
                         if (count($m) == 4) {
                             list($m, $day, $year) = $m;
                             $month = $this->getMonth($m);
                             if (!$day || $day == "0") {
                                 $day = "01";
                             $date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . str_pad($day, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "T00:00:00Z";
                             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($qname, $this->getVoc() . $rel, $date, "xsd:dateTime") . parent::describeProperty($this->getVoc() . $rel, "{$rel}"));
                         } else {
                             trigger_error("could not match date from {$v}", E_USER_ERROR);
                     case 'Species Scientific Name':
                     case 'Transcript ID(Array Design)':
                         if (!isset($rel)) {
                             $rel = 'transcript';
                     case 'Sequence type':
                         if (!isset($rel)) {
                             $rel = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($label));
                         $b = explode(" /// ", $v);
                         foreach ($b as $c) {
                             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($qname, $this->getVoc() . $rel, stripslashes($c)) . parent::describeProperty($this->getVoc() . $rel, "{$rel}"));
                 //  switch
             // else
Esempio n. 8
 function models()
     $tax_ids = array("Caenorhabditis elegans" => "6239", "Mus musculus" => "10090", "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" => "4932", "Drosophila melanogaster" => "7227", "Podospora anserina" => "5145", "Mesocricetus auratus" => "10036", "Schizosaccharomyces pombe" => "4896", "Danio rerio" => "7955");
     $h = explode(",", parent::getReadFile()->read());
     $expected_columns = 8;
     if (($n = count($h)) != $expected_columns) {
         trigger_error("Found {$n} columns in gene file - expecting {$expected_columns}!", E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     [0] GenAge ID
     [1] symbol	
     [2] name	
     [3] organism	
     [4] entrez gene id	
     [5] avg lifespan change (max obsv)	
     [6] lifespan effect	
     [7] longevity influence
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(200000)) {
         $data = str_getcsv($l);
         $genage = str_pad($data[0], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $gene_symbol = $data[1];
         $name = $data[2];
         $organism = $data[3];
         $ncbi_gene_id = $data[4];
         $max_percent_obsv_avg_lifespan_change = $data[5];
         $lifespan_effect = $data[6];
         $longevity_influence = $data[7];
         $genage_id = parent::getNamespace() . $genage;
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($genage_id, $name, parent::getVoc() . "Aging-Related-Gene") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Aging-Related-Gene", "Aging Related Gene"));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "gene-symbol", parent::safeLiteral($gene_symbol)));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "taxon", "ncbitaxon:" . $tax_ids[$organism]));
         if ($ncbi_gene_id !== "") {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "x-ncbigene", "ncbigene:" . $ncbi_gene_id));
         if ($max_percent_obsv_avg_lifespan_change !== "") {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "maximum-percent-observed-average-lifespan-change", parent::safeLiteral($max_percent_obsv_avg_lifespan_change)));
         if ($lifespan_effect == "Increase and Decrease") {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "lifespan-effect", "increase") . parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "lifespan-effect", "decrease"));
         } else {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "lifespan-effect", strtolower($lifespan_effect)));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($genage_id, parent::getVoc() . "longevity-influence", strtolower($longevity_influence)));
Esempio n. 9
 function process($file)
     $z = 1;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(100000)) {
         if ($z % 100000 == 0) {
         if ($l[0] == "!") {
         $fields = explode("\t", $l);
         if (count($fields) != 17) {
             trigger_error("Expected 17 columns, but found " . count($fields), E_USER_ERROR);
             return false;
         //get the Go id
         $db = $fields[0];
         $id = $fields[1];
         $symbol = $fields[2];
         $qualifier = $fields[3];
         $goid = substr($fields[4], 3);
         $refs = $this->getDbReferences($fields[5]);
         $eco = $this->getEvidenceCodeLabelArr($fields[6]);
         $aspect = $this->getAspect($fields[8]);
         $label = $fields[9];
         $synonyms = explode("|", $fields[10]);
         $taxid = $fields[12];
         $date = $this->parseDate($fields[13]);
         $assignedBy = $fields[14];
         //entity id
         $eid = $this->getdbURI($db, $id);
         if (!$eid) {
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($eid, $label, parent::getVoc() . "GO-Annotation") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "GO-Annotation", "GO Annotation") . parent::triplifyString($eid, parent::getVoc() . "symbol", $symbol));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($eid, parent::getVoc() . "x-taxonomy", $taxid));
         foreach ($synonyms as $s) {
             if (!empty($s)) {
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($eid, parent::getVoc() . "synonym", $s));
         $rel = $aspect;
         if ($qualifier == 'NOT') {
             if ($aspect == 'process') {
                 $rel = 'not-in-process';
             if ($aspect == 'function') {
                 $rel = 'not-has-function';
             if ($aspect == 'component') {
                 $rel = 'not-in-component';
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeObjectProperty(parent::getVoc() . $rel, str_replace("-", " ", $rel)) . parent::triplify($eid, parent::getVoc() . $rel, "go:" . $goid));
         $type = key($eco);
         $aid = parent::getRes() . $file . "_" . $z++;
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeObjectProperty(parent::getVoc() . "go-annotation", "GO annotation") . parent::triplify($eid, parent::getVoc() . "go-annotation", $aid));
         $cat = parent::getRes() . md5($aspect);
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($aid, "{$id}-go:{$goid} association", parent::getVoc() . "GO-Annotation") . parent::triplify($aid, parent::getVoc() . "target", $eid) . parent::triplify($aid, parent::getVoc() . "go-term", "go:" . $goid) . parent::triplify($aid, parent::getVoc() . "evidence", "eco:" . $eco[$type][1]) . parent::triplify($aid, parent::getVoc() . "go-category", $cat) . parent::describeClass($cat, $aspect) . parent::triplifyString($aid, parent::getVoc() . "assigned-by", $assignedBy));
         if ($date != '') {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($aid, parent::getVoc() . "entry-date", $date . "T00:00:00Z", "xsd:dateTime"));
         foreach ($refs as $ref) {
             $b = explode(":", $ref);
             if ($b[0] == 'PMID') {
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($aid, parent::getVoc() . "article", "pubmed:" . $b[1]));
         //write RDF to file
Esempio n. 10
 function gene_expression()
     $h = explode(",", parent::getReadFile()->read());
     $expected_columns = 8;
     if (($n = count($h)) != $expected_columns) {
         trigger_error("Found {$n} columns in gene file - expecting {$expected_columns}!", E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(200000)) {
         $data = str_getcsv($l);
         $mgi_symbol = $data[0];
         $mgi_description = $data[1];
         $geneid = $data[2];
         $total_datasets = $data[3];
         $total_ovexp = $data[4];
         $total_underexp = $data[5];
         $p_value = $data[6];
         $expression = $data[7];
         $id = parent::getRes() . md5($geneid . $total_datasets . $total_ovexp . $total_underexp . $p_value . $expression);
         $evidence_id = parent::getRes() . md5($geneid . $total_datasets . $total_ovexp . $total_underexp . $p_value . $expression . "_evidence");
         $label = "Dietary restriction induced " . $expression . "-expression of " . $mgi_symbol . " based on microarray results from " . $total_datasets . " datasets, with p-value " . $p_value;
         $type_label = "Gene " . ucfirst($expression) . " Expression";
         $type = parent::getVoc() . str_replace(" ", "-", $type_label);
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($id, $label, $type) . parent::describeClass($type, $type_label) . parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "gene", "ncbigene:" . $geneid) . parent::triplifyString("ncbigene:" . $geneid, parent::getVoc() . "mgi-gene-symbol", $mgi_symbol) . parent::triplifyString("ncbigene:" . $geneid, parent::getVoc() . "mgi-gene-description", $mgi_description) . parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "evidence", $evidence_id) . parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "perturbation-context", "dietary restriction") . parent::triplifyString($evidence_id, parent::getVoc() . "total-number-datasets", $total_datasets) . parent::triplifyString($evidence_id, parent::getVoc() . "total-number-datasets-overexpressed", $total_ovexp) . parent::triplifyString($evidence_id, parent::getVoc() . "total-number-datasets-underexpressed", $total_underexp) . parent::triplifyString($evidence_id, parent::getVoc() . "p-value", $p_value));
Esempio n. 11
 function process($db)
     $ldir = parent::getParameterValue('indir');
     $odir = parent::getParameterValue('outdir');
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read()) {
         list($nsid, $name) = explode("\t", $l);
         list($ns, $id) = explode(":", $nsid);
         if (isset($this->idlist) and !in_array($id, $this->idlist)) {
         if (isset($this->org)) {
             $id = $ns . "_" . $id;
         $uri = $this->getNamespace() . $id;
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($uri, $name, parent::getVoc() . ucfirst($db)) . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . ucfirst($db), "KEGG {$db}") . parent::triplifyString($uri, parent::getVoc() . "internal-id", $nsid));
         // now get the entries for each
         $lfile = $ldir . $id . ".txt";
         $rfile = parent::getParameterValue("download_url") . "get/{$nsid}";
         if (!file_exists($lfile) || parent::getParameterValue('download') == 'true') {
             echo "downloading {$nsid} ";
             $ret = utils::downloadSingle($rfile, $lfile);
             if ($ret === false) {
                 echo "unable to download " . $nsid . " ... skipping" . PHP_EOL;
             echo "done. ";
         echo "parsing {$nsid} ... ";
         if ($db === "pathway") {
             $ko = str_replace("map", "ko", $id);
             $lfile = $ldir . $id . ".kgml";
             $rfile = "" . $ko . "&format=kgml";
             if (!file_exists($lfile) || parent::getParameterValue('download') == 'true') {
                 echo "downloading KGML for {$nsid} ";
                 $ret = utils::downloadSingle($rfile, $lfile);
                 if ($ret === false) {
                     echo "unable to download " . $nsid . " ... skipping" . PHP_EOL;
                 echo "done. ";
         echo "done!" . PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 12
 function Parse()
     $l = parent::getReadFile()->read(100000);
     $header = explode("\t", trim(substr($l, 1)));
     if (($c = count($header)) != 54) {
         trigger_erorr("Expecting 54 columns, found {$c}!");
         return FALSE;
     // check # of columns
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read(500000)) {
         $a = explode("\t", trim($l));
         // irefindex identifiers
         $rigid = "irefindex." . $a[34];
         # checksum for interaction
         $rogida = "irefindex." . $a[32];
         # checksum for A
         $rogidb = "irefindex." . $a[33];
         # checksum for B
         $irigid = "irefindex.irigid:" . $a[44];
         # integer id for interaction
         $irogida = "irefindex.irogid:" . $a[42];
         # integer id for A
         $irogidb = "irefindex.irogid:" . $a[43];
         # integer id for B
         $crigid = "irefindex.crigid:" . $a[47];
         # checksum for canonical interaction
         $icrigid = "irefindex.icrigid:" . $a[50];
         # integer id for canonical interaction
         $crogida = "irefindex.crogid:" . $a[45];
         # checksum for A's canonical group
         $crogidb = "irefindex.crogid:" . $a[46];
         # checksum for B's canonical group
         $icrogida = "irefindex.icrogid:" . $a[48];
         # integer for A's canonical group
         $icrogidb = "irefindex.icrogid:" . $a[49];
         # integer for B's canonical group
         // 13 contains the original identifier, the rigid, and the edgetype
         $ids = explode("|", $a[13]);
         if (count($ids) != 3) {
             trigger_error("Expecting 3 entries in column 14");
         parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($ids[0], $ns, $id);
         if ($id == '-') {
             // this happens with hprd
             $iid = "hprd:" . substr($ids[1], 6);
         } else {
             $iid = $ns . ":" . $id;
         // get the type
         if ($a[52] == "X") {
             $label = "{$a['0']} - {$a['1']} Interaction";
             $type = "Pairwise-Interaction";
         } else {
             if ($a[52] == "C") {
                 $label = $a[53] . " component complex";
                 #num of participants
                 $type = "Multimeric-Complex";
             } else {
                 if ($a[52] == "Y") {
                     $label = "{$a['0']} homomeric complex";
                     $type = "Homopolymeric-Complex";
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($iid, $label, parent::getVoc() . $type) . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . $type, str_replace("-", " ", $type)));
         // interaction type[52] by method[6]
         if ($a[6] != '-') {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($a[6]);
             $method = trim($data["label"]);
             $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             if ($qname) {
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "method", $qname) . parent::describeClass($qname, $data['label']));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, "rdfs:seeAlso", "" . $a[50]));
         // set the interactors
         for ($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++) {
             $p = 'a';
             if ($i == 1) {
                 $p = 'b';
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($a[$i]);
             $interactor = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor_{$p}", $interactor));
             // biological role
             $role = $a[16 + $i];
             if ($role != '-') {
                 $data = $this->ParseStringArray($role);
                 $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
                 if ($qname != "mi:0000") {
                     parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor_{$p}" . "_biological_role", $qname) . parent::describeClass($qname, $data['label']));
             // experimental role
             $role = $a[18 + $i];
             if ($role != '-') {
                 $data = $this->ParseStringArray($role);
                 $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
                 if ($qname != "mi:0000") {
                     parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor_{$p}" . "_experimental_role", $qname) . parent::describeClass($qname, $data['label']));
             // interactor type
             $type = $a[20 + $i];
             if ($type != '-') {
                 $data = $this->ParseStringArray($type);
                 $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($interactor, "rdf:type", $qname) . parent::describeClass($qname, $data['label']));
         // add the alternatives through the taxon + seq redundant group
         for ($i = 2; $i <= 3; $i++) {
             $taxid = '';
             $rogid = "irefindex." . $a[32 + ($i - 2)];
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($rogid, "", parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Identical-Group") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Identical-Group", "Taxon + Sequence Identical Group"));
             $tax = $a[9 + ($i - 2)];
             if ($tax && $tax != '-' && $tax != '-1') {
                 $data = $this->ParseStringArray($tax);
                 $taxid = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($rogid, parent::getVoc() . "x-taxonomy", $taxid));
             $list = explode("|", $a[3 + ($i - 2)]);
             foreach ($list as $item) {
                 $data = $this->ParseStringArray($item);
                 $ns = trim($data["ns"]);
                 $id = trim($data["id"]);
                 $qname = $ns . ":" . $id;
                 if ($ns && $ns != 'rogid' && $ns != 'irogid' and $id != '-') {
                     parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($rogid, parent::getVoc() . "has-member", $qname));
                     if ($taxid && $taxid != '-' && $taxid != '-1') {
                         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($qname, parent::getVoc() . "x-taxonomy", $taxid));
         // publications
         $list = explode("|", $a[8]);
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             if ($item == '-' && $item != 'pubmed:0') {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($item);
             $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "article", $qname));
         // MI interaction type
         if ($a[11] != '-' && $a[11] != 'NA') {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($a[11]);
             $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, "rdf:type", $qname));
             if (!isset($defined[$qname])) {
                 $defined[$qname] = '';
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($qname, "rdfs:label", $data['label']));
         // source
         if ($a[12] != '-') {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($a[12]);
             $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "source", $qname));
         // confidence
         $list = explode("|", $a[14]);
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($item);
             $ns = trim($data["ns"]);
             $id = trim($data["id"]);
             if ($ns == 'lpr') {
                 //  lowest number of distinct interactions that any one article reported
                 parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($iid, parent::getVoc() . "minimum-number-interactions-reported", $id));
             } else {
                 if ($ns == "hpr") {
                     //  higher number of distinct interactions that any one article reports
                     parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($iid, parent::getVoc() . "maximum-number-interactions-reported", $id));
                 } else {
                     if ($ns = 'hp') {
                         //  total number of unique PMIDs used to support the interaction
                         parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($iid, parent::getVoc() . "number-supporting-articles", $id));
         // expansion method
         if ($a[15]) {
             $id = parent::getRes() . md5($a[15]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($id, $a[15], parent::getVoc() . "Expansion-Method") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Expansion-Method", "Expansion Method") . parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "expansion-method", $id));
         // host organism
         if ($a[28] != '-') {
             $data = $this->ParseStringArray($a[28]);
             $qname = trim($data["ns"]) . ":" . trim($data["id"]);
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "host-organism", $qname));
         // @todo add to record
         // created 2010/05/18
         $date = str_replace("/", "-", $a[30]) . "T00:00:00Z";
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($iid, "dc:created", $date, "xsd:dateTime"));
         // taxon-sequence identical interaction group
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($iid, parent::getVoc() . "taxon-sequence-identical-interaction", $rigid) . parent::triplify($rigid, "rdf:type", parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Identical-Interaction") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Identical-Interaction", "Taxon + Sequence Identical Interaction") . parent::triplify($rigid, parent::getVoc() . "irigid", $irigid) . parent::triplify($rigid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor-a", $rogida) . parent::triplify($rogida, parent::getVoc() . "irogid", $irogida) . parent::triplify($rigid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor-b", $rogidb) . parent::triplify($rogidb, parent::getVoc() . "irogid", $irogidb) . parent::triplify($rogida, parent::getVoc() . "canonical-group", $crogida) . parent::triplify($rogidb, parent::getVoc() . "canonical-group", $crogidb) . parent::triplify($rigid, parent::getVoc() . "taxon-sequence-similar-interaction", $crigid) . parent::triplify($crigid, "rdf:type", parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Canonical-Interaction") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Canonical-Interaction", "Taxon + Sequence Canonical Interaction") . parent::triplify($crigid, parent::getVoc() . "icrigid", $icrigid) . parent::triplify($crigid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor-a-canonical-group", $crogida) . parent::triplify($crogida, "rdf:type", parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Similar-Group") . parent::triplify($crogida, parent::getVoc() . "icrogid", $icrogida) . parent::triplify($crigid, parent::getVoc() . "interactor-b-canonical-group", $crogidb) . parent::triplify($crogidb, "rdf:type", parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Similar-Group") . parent::triplify($crogidb, parent::getVoc() . "icrogid", $icrogidb) . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Taxon-Sequence-Similar-Group", "Taxon + Sequence Similar Group"));
Esempio n. 13
 public function Run()
     $ldir = parent::getParameterValue('indir');
     $odir = parent::getParameterValue('outdir');
     // make sure we have the zip archive
     //which files are to be converted?
     $selectedPackage = trim(parent::getParameterValue('files'));
     if ($selectedPackage == 'all') {
         $files = $this->getPackageMap();
     } else {
         $sel_arr = explode(",", $selectedPackage);
         $pm = $this->getPackageMap();
         $files = array();
         foreach ($sel_arr as $a) {
             if (array_key_exists($a, $pm)) {
                 $files[$a] = $pm[$a];
     $dataset_description = '';
     foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
         $lfile = $ldir . $value['filename'];
         if (!file_exists($lfile) && parent::getParameterValue('download') == false) {
             trigger_error($lfile . " not found. Will attempt to download.", E_USER_NOTICE);
             $this->SetParameterValue('download', true);
         //download all files [except mapping file]
         if ($this->GetParameterValue('download') == true) {
             $rfile = $value["file_url"];
             echo "downloading " . var_dump($value["file_url"]) . " ... ";
             utils::downloadSingle($rfile, $lfile);
         if ($key == "taxdmp" || $key == "gi2taxid_protein" || $key == "gi2taxid_nucleotide") {
             //get the name of the zip archive
             $lfile = $value["filename"];
             // make sure we have the zip archive
             $zinfile = $ldir . $lfile;
             $zin = new ZipArchive();
             if ($zin->open($zinfile) === FALSE) {
                 trigger_error("Unable to open {$zinfile}");
             //now iterate over the files in the ziparchive
             $source_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI($value['file_url'])->setTitle('NCBI Taxonomy - ' . $key)->setRetrievedDate(date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP", filemtime($ldir . $lfile)))->setFormat('text/tab-separated-value')->setFormat('application/zip')->setPublisher('')->setHomepage('')->setRights('use')->setRights('attribution')->setLicense('')->setDataset(parent::getDatasetURI());
             $prefix = parent::getPrefix();
             $bVersion = parent::getParameterValue('bio2rdf_release');
             $date = date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP");
             $output_file = (new DataResource($this))->setURI("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}")->setTitle("Bio2RDF v{$bVersion} RDF version of {$prefix} - {$key}")->setSource($source_file->getURI())->setCreator("")->setCreateDate($date)->setHomepage("{$bVersion}/{$prefix}/{$prefix}.html")->setPublisher("")->setRights("use-share-modify")->setRights("restricted-by-source-license")->setLicense("http://creativecommons/licenses/by/3.0/")->setDataset(parent::getDatasetURI());
             $dataset_description .= $output_file->toRDF() . $source_file->toRDF();
             foreach ($value["contents"] as $k => $fn) {
                 if ($k == "names" || $k == "nodes" || $k == "citations" || $k == "gencode" || $k == "division" || $k == "gi_taxid_prot" || $k == "gi_taxid_nucl") {
                     //if($k !== 'citations') continue;
                     $fpin = $zin->getStream($fn);
                     if (!$fpin) {
                         trigger_error("Unable to get pointer to {$fn} in {$zinfile}");
                     $gzoutfile = $odir . "taxonomy-{$k}" . "." . parent::getParameterValue('output_format');
                     //set the write file
                     $gz = strstr(parent::getParameterValue('output_format'), 'gz') ? true : false;
                     parent::setReadFile($ldir . $lfile);
                     parent::setWriteFile($gzoutfile, $gz);
                     echo "processing {$fn}...\n";
                     echo "done!" . PHP_EOL;
                 //if $k
         //if key taxdmp
         $this->setWriteFile($odir . $this->getBio2RDFReleaseFile());
Esempio n. 14
 function freq()
     $cols = 10;
     $i = 1;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read()) {
         $a = explode("\t", str_replace("%", "", $l));
         if (count($a) != $cols) {
             trigger_error("Expecting {$cols}, but found " . count($a) . " instead... skipping file!", E_USER_ERROR);
             return false;
         list($stitch_flat, $stitch_stereo, $cui, $placebo, $freq, $freq_lower, $freq_upper, $concept_type, $meddra_concept_id, $meddra_concept_label) = $a;
         if ($concept_type == "LLT") {
         $meddra_concept_label = trim($meddra_concept_label);
         $id = "stitch_resource:" . md5("se_freq" . $l);
         $stitch_flat = "stitch:{$stitch_flat}";
         $label = "{$meddra_concept_label} frequency for {$stitch_flat}";
         parent::addRDF(parent::describeIndividual($id, $label, parent::getVoc() . "Drug-Effect-Frequency") . parent::describeClass(parent::getVoc() . "Drug-Effect-Frequency", "SIDER Drug-Effect and Frequency") . parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "drug", $stitch_flat) . parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "effect", "umls:" . $meddra_concept_id));
         if ($placebo) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($id, parent::getVoc() . "placebo", "true", "xsd:boolean"));
         $number = false;
         if (is_numeric($freq)) {
             $flabel = $freq . "%";
             $ftype_label = "Exact-Frequency";
             $ftype = parent::getVoc() . $ftype_label;
             $number = true;
         } else {
             $flabel = $freq;
             $ftype_label = "Qualitative-Frequency";
             $ftype = parent::getVoc() . "{$ftype_label}";
         if ($freq_lower != $freq_upper) {
             $flabel .= "({$freq_lower}-{$freq_upper})";
             $ftype_label = "Range-Frequency";
             $ftype = parent::getVoc() . $ftype_label;
         $fid = $id . md5($a[5] . $a[6] . $a[8]);
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplify($id, parent::getVoc() . "frequency", $fid) . parent::describeIndividual($fid, $flabel, $ftype) . parent::describeClass($ftype, $ftype_label));
         if ($number == true) {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($fid, parent::getVoc() . "frequency-value", $freq / 100));
         } else {
             parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($fid, parent::getVoc() . "frequency-value", $freq));
         parent::addRDF(parent::triplifyString($fid, parent::getVoc() . "lower-frequency", sprintf("%.3f", $freq_lower)) . parent::triplifyString($fid, parent::getVoc() . "upper-frequency", sprintf("%.3f", $freq_upper)));
Esempio n. 15
 function OBO2RDF($abbv)
     $abbv = strtolower($abbv);
     if ($abbv == "doid") {
         $abbv = "do";
     $minimal = parent::getParameterValue('detail') == 'min' ? true : false;
     $minimalp = parent::getParameterValue('detail') == 'min+' ? true : false;
     $version = parent::getParameterValue("bio2rdf_release");
     $tid = '';
     $first = true;
     $is_a = false;
     $is_deprecated = false;
     $min = $buf = '';
     $ouri = "" . $abbv;
     $dataset_uri = $abbv . "_resource:bio2rdf.dataset.{$abbv}.R" . $version;
     $buf = parent::triplify($ouri, "rdf:type", "owl:Ontology");
     $graph_uri = '<' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI(parent::getGraphURI()) . '>';
     $bid = 1;
     while ($l = parent::getReadFile()->read()) {
         $lt = trim($l);
         if (strlen($lt) == 0) {
         if ($lt[0] == '!') {
         if (strstr($l, "[Term]")) {
             // first node?
             if ($first == true) {
                 // ignore the first case
                 $first = false;
             } else {
                 if ($tid != '' && $is_a == false && $is_deprecated == false) {
                     $t = parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subClassOf", "obo_vocabulary:Entity");
                     $buf .= $t;
                     $min .= $t;
             $is_a = false;
             $is_deprecated = false;
             $term = '';
             $tid = '';
         } else {
             if (strstr($l, "[Typedef]")) {
                 $is_a = false;
                 $is_deprecated = false;
                 $tid = '';
                 $typedef = '';
         //echo "LINE: $l".PHP_EOL;
         // to fix error in obo generator
         $lt = str_replace("synonym ", "synonym: ", $lt);
         $lt = preg_replace("/\\{.*\\} !/", " !", $lt);
         $a = explode(" !", $lt);
         if (isset($a[1])) {
             $exc = trim($a[1]);
         $a = explode(": ", trim($a[0]), 2);
         // let's go
         if (isset($intersection_of)) {
             if ($a[0] != "intersection_of") {
                 //		$intersection_of .= ")].".PHP_EOL;
                 //$buf .= $intersection_of;
                 if ($minimalp) {
                     $min .= $intersection_of;
         if (isset($relationship)) {
             if ($a[0] != "relationship") {
                 //	$relationship .= ")].".PHP_EOL;
                 //$buf .= $relationship;
                 if ($minimalp) {
                     $min .= $relationship;
         if (isset($typedef)) {
             if ($a[0] == "id") {
                 $c = explode(":", $a[1]);
                 if (count($c) == 1) {
                     $ns = "obo";
                     $id = $c[0];
                 } else {
                     $ns = strtolower($c[0]);
                     $id = $c[1];
                 $id = str_replace(array("(", ")"), array("_", ""), $id);
                 $tid = $ns . ":" . $id;
             } else {
                 if ($a[0] == "name") {
                     $buf .= parent::describeClass($tid, addslashes(stripslashes($a[1])));
                 } else {
                     if ($a[0] == "is_a") {
                         if (FALSE !== ($pos = strpos($a[1], "!"))) {
                             $a[1] = substr($a[1], 0, $pos - 1);
                         $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subPropertyOf", "obo_vocabulary:" . strtolower($a[1]));
                     } else {
                         if ($a[0] == "is_obsolete") {
                             $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdf:type", "owl:DeprecatedClass");
                             $is_deprecated = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($a[0][0] == "!") {
                                 $a[0] = substr($a[0], 1);
                             $buf .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "obo_vocabulary:{$a['0']}", str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($a[1])));
         } else {
             if (isset($term)) {
                 if ($a[0] == "is_obsolete" && $a[1] == "true") {
                     $t = parent::triplify($tid, "rdf:type", "owl:DeprecatedClass");
                     $t .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subClassOf", "owl:DeprecatedClass");
                     $min .= $t;
                     $buf .= $t;
                     $is_deprecated = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($a[0] == "id") {
                         parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($a[1], $ns, $id);
                         $tid = "{$ns}:{$id}";
                         //					$buf .= parent::describeClass($tid,null,"owl:Class");
                         //					$buf .= parent::triplify($tid,"rdfs:isDefinedBy",$ouri);
                     } else {
                         if ($a[0] == "name") {
                             //					$t = parent::triplifyString($tid,"rdfs:label",str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("","\\\'"), stripslashes($a[1]))." [$tid]");
                             $label = str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", "\\\\'"), stripslashes($a[1]));
                             $t = parent::describeIndividual($tid, $label, "owl:Class");
                             $t .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:isDefinedBy", $ouri);
                             $min .= $t;
                             $buf .= $t;
                         } else {
                             if ($a[0] == "def") {
                                 $t = str_replace(array("'", "\"", "\\", "\\\\'"), array("\\\\'", "", "", ""), $a[1]);
                                 $min .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "dc:description", $t);
                                 $buf .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "dc:description", $t);
                             } else {
                                 if ($a[0] == "property_value") {
                                     $b = explode(" ", $a[1]);
                                     $buf .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "obo_vocabulary:" . strtolower($b[0]), str_replace("\"", "", strtolower($b[1])));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($a[0] == "xref") {
                                         // Medical Dictionary:http\://
                                         // KEGG COMPOUND:C02788 "KEGG COMPOUND"
                                         // id-validation-regexp:\"REACT_[0-9\]\{1\,4}\\.[0-9\]\{1\,3}|[0-9\]+\"
                                         //$a[1] = 'id-validation-regexp:\"REACT_[0-9\]\{1\,4}\\.[0-9\]\{1\,3}|[0-9\]+\"';
                                         if (substr($a[1], 0, 4) == "http") {
                                             $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:seeAlso", str_replace(array(" ", '"wiki"', "\\"), array("+", "", ""), $a[1]));
                                         } else {
                                             $b = explode(":", $a[1], 2);
                                             if (substr($b[1], 0, 4) == "http") {
                                                 $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:seeAlso", stripslashes($b[1]));
                                             } else {
                                                 $ns = str_replace(array(" ", "\\"), "", strtolower($b[0]));
                                                 $id = trim($b[1]);
                                                 // there may be a comment to remove
                                                 if (FALSE !== ($pos = strrpos($id, ' "'))) {
                                                     $comment = substr($id, $pos + 1, -1);
                                                     $id = substr($id, 0, $pos);
                                                 $id = stripslashes($id);
                                                 // there may be a source statement to remove
                                                 $id = preg_replace("/{.*\\}/", "", $id);
                                                 if ($ns == "pmid") {
                                                     $ns = "pubmed";
                                                     $y = explode(" ", $id);
                                                     $id = $y[0];
                                                 if ($ns == "xx") {
                                                 if ($ns == "icd9cm") {
                                                     $y = explode(" ", $id);
                                                     $id = $y[0];
                                                 if ($ns == "xref; umls_cui") {
                                                 if ($ns == "submitter") {
                                                     $ns = "chebi.submitter";
                                                 if ($ns == "wikipedia" || $ns == "mesh") {
                                                     $id = str_replace(" ", "+", $id);
                                                 if ($ns == "id-validation-regexp") {
                                                     $buf .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "obo_vocabulary:{$ns}", addslashes($id));
                                                 } else {
                                                     $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "obo_vocabulary:x-{$ns}", "{$ns}:" . str_replace(" ", "-", $id));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($a[0] == "synonym") {
                                             // synonym: "entidades moleculares" RELATED [IUPAC:]
                                             // synonym: "molecular entity" EXACT IUPAC_NAME [IUPAC:]
                                             // synonym: "Chondrococcus macrosporus" RELATED synonym [NCBITaxonRef:Krzemieniewska_and_Krzemieniewski_1926]
                                             //grab string inside double quotes
                                             preg_match('/"(.*)"(.*)/', $a[1], $matches);
                                             if (!empty($matches)) {
                                                 $a[1] = str_replace(array("\\", "\"", "'"), array("", "", "\\\\'"), $matches[1] . $matches[2]);
                                             } else {
                                                 $a[1] = str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", "\\\\'"), $a[1]);
                                             $rel = "SYNONYM";
                                             $list = array("EXACT", "BROAD", "RELATED", "NARROW");
                                             $found = false;
                                             foreach ($list as $keyword) {
                                                 // get everything after the keyword up until the bracket [
                                                 if (FALSE !== ($k_pos = strpos($a[1], $keyword))) {
                                                     $str_len = strlen($a[1]);
                                                     $keyword_len = strlen($keyword);
                                                     $keyword_end_pos = $k_pos + $keyword_len;
                                                     $b1_pos = strrpos($a[1], "[");
                                                     $b2_pos = strrpos($a[1], "]");
                                                     $b_text = substr($a[1], $b1_pos + 1, $b2_pos - $b1_pos - 1);
                                                     $diff = $b1_pos - $keyword_end_pos - 1;
                                                     if ($diff != 0) {
                                                         // then there is more stuff here
                                                         $k = substr($a[1], $keyword_end_pos + 1, $diff);
                                                         $rel = trim($k);
                                                     } else {
                                                         // create the long predicate
                                                         $rel = $keyword . "_SYNONYM";
                                                     $found = true;
                                                     $str = substr($a[1], 0, $k_pos - 1);
                                             // check to see if we still haven't found anything
                                             if ($found === false) {
                                                 // we didn't find one of the keywords
                                                 // so take from the start to the bracket
                                                 $b1_pos = strrpos($a[1], "[");
                                                 $str = substr($a[1], 0, $b1_pos - 1);
                                             $rel = str_replace(" ", "_", $rel);
                                             // $lit = addslashes($str.($b_text?" [".$b_text."]":""));
                                             $l = parent::triplifyString($tid, "obo_vocabulary:" . strtolower($rel), $str);
                                             $buf .= $l;
                                         } else {
                                             if ($a[0] == "alt_id") {
                                                 parent::getRegistry()->parseQname($a[1], $ns, $id);
                                                 if ($id != 'curators') {
                                                     $buf .= parent::triplify("{$ns}:{$id}", "rdfs:seeAlso", stripslashes($tid));
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($a[0] == "is_a") {
                                                     // do subclassing
                                                     parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($a[1], $ns, $id);
                                                     $t = parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subClassOf", "{$ns}:{$id}");
                                                     $buf .= $t;
                                                     $min .= $t;
                                                     $is_a = true;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($a[0] == "intersection_of") {
                                                         if (!isset($intersection_of)) {
                                                             // $intersection_of = '<'.parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI($tid).'> <'.parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:equivalentClass').'> [<'.parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('rdf:type').'> <'.parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:Class').'>; <'.parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:intersectionOf').'> (';
                                                             $intersection_of = '<' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI($tid) . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:equivalentClass') . '> _:b' . ++$bid . " {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                             $intersection_of .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('rdf:type') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:Class') . "> {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                             $intersection_of .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:intersectionOf') . '> _:b' . ++$bid . " {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                         intersection_of: ECO:0000206 ! BLAST evidence
                                                         intersection_of: develops_from VAO:0000092 ! chondrogenic condensation
                                                         intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_part VAO:0000040 ! cartilage tissue
                                                         $c = explode(" ", $a[1]);
                                                         if (count($c) == 1) {
                                                             // just a class
                                                             parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[0], $ns, $id);
                                                             $intersection_of .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('rdfs:subClassOf') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("{$ns}:{$id}") . "> {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                             $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subClassOf", "{$ns}:{$id}");
                                                         } else {
                                                             if (count($c) == 2) {
                                                                 // an expression
                                                                 parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[0], $pred_ns, $pred_id);
                                                                 parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[1], $obj_ns, $obj_id);
                                                                 $intersection_of .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:onProperty') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("obo_vocabulary:" . $pred_id) . "> {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                 $intersection_of .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:someValuesFrom') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("{$obj_ns}:{$obj_id}") . ">  {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                 $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "obo_vocabulary:{$pred_id}", "{$obj_ns}:{$obj_id}");
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($a[0] == "relationship") {
                                                             if (!isset($relationship)) {
                                                                 $relationship = '<' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI($tid) . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('rdfs:subClassOf') . '> _:b' . ++$bid . " {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                 $relationship .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('rdf:type') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:Class') . "> {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                 $relationship .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:intersectionOf') . '> _:b' . ++$bid . " {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                             relationship: develops_from VAO:0000092 ! chondrogenic condensation
                                                             relationship: OBO_REL:has_part VAO:0000040 ! cartilage tissue
                                                             $c = explode(" ", $a[1]);
                                                             if (count($c) == 1) {
                                                                 // just a class
                                                                 parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[0], $ns, $id);
                                                                 $relationship .= parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("{$ns}:{$id}");
                                                                 $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "rdfs:subClassOf", "{$ns}:{$id}");
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if (count($c) == 2) {
                                                                     // an expression
                                                                     parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[0], $pred_ns, $pred_id);
                                                                     parent::getRegistry()->parseQName($c[1], $obj_ns, $obj_id);
                                                                     $relationship .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:onProperty') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("obo_vocabulary:" . $pred_id) . ">  {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                     $relationship .= '_:b' . $bid . ' <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI('owl:someValuesFrom') . '> <' . parent::getRegistry()->getFQURI("{$obj_ns}:{$obj_id}") . "> {$graph_uri} ." . PHP_EOL;
                                                                     $buf .= parent::triplify($tid, "obo_vocabulary:{$pred_id}", "{$obj_ns}:{$obj_id}");
                                                         } else {
                                                             // default handler
                                                             if (isset($a[1])) {
                                                                 $buf .= parent::triplifyString($tid, "obo_vocabulary:{$a['0']}", str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", "\\\\'"), stripslashes($a[1])));
             } else {
                 //format-version: 1.0
                 $buf .= parent::triplifyString($ouri, "obo_vocabulary:{$a['0']}", str_replace(array('"', '\\:'), array('\\"', ':'), isset($a[1]) ? $a[1] : ""));
         if ($minimal || $minimalp) {
         } else {
         $min = '';
         $buf = '';
         $header = '';
     //if(isset($intersection_of))  $buf .= $intersection_of.")].".PHP_EOL;
     //if(isset($relationship))  $buf .= $relationship.")].".PHP_EOL;
     if ($minimal || $minimalp) {
     } else {