Esempio n. 1
 function setRef(BfoxRef $ref)
     if ($ref->is_valid()) {
         $this->ref = $ref;
 * Returns a BfoxRef for the total of all Bible references in the reading plan
 * @param integer $post_id
 * @return BfoxRef $total_ref
function bfox_plan_total_ref($post_id = 0)
    $total_ref = new BfoxRef();
    $reading_data = bfox_plan_reading_data($post_id);
    foreach ($reading_data->refs as $ref) {
    return $total_ref;
Esempio n. 3
  * Create an array of values to use in place of variables in template strings
  * @param BfoxRef $ref
  * @return array
 private static function template_vars(BfoxRef $ref)
     $book_name = '';
     $ch1 = $vs1 = 0;
     if ($ref->is_valid()) {
         $bcvs = BfoxRef::get_bcvs($ref->get_seqs());
         $books = array_keys($bcvs);
         $book_name = BibleMeta::get_book_name($books[0]);
         $cvs = array_shift($bcvs);
         $cv = array_shift($cvs);
         list($ch1, $vs1) = $cv->start;
     return array('%ref%' => urlencode($ref->get_string()), '%book%' => urlencode($book_name), '%chapter%' => $ch1, '%verse%' => $vs1);
 function rowsForRef(BfoxRef $ref)
     global $wpdb;
     $tableName = $wpdb->escape($this->tableName);
     $indexCol = $wpdb->escape($this->indexCol);
     $indexCol2 = $wpdb->escape($this->indexCol2);
     if (empty($indexCol2)) {
         $refWhere = $ref->sql_where($indexCol);
     } else {
         $refWhere = $ref->sql_where2($indexCol, $indexCol2);
     $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$tableName} WHERE {$refWhere}");
     $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     return $rows;
 function parsePassagesIntoReadings($passages, $readingSize, $allowPassageGroups = true)
     $readingSize = max(1, $readingSize);
     if ($allowPassageGroups) {
         $ref = BfoxRefParser::with_groups($passages);
     } else {
         $ref = new BfoxRef($passages);
     if ($ref->is_valid()) {
         $readingRefs = $ref->get_sections($readingSize);
         foreach ($readingRefs as $readingRef) {
             if ($readingRef->is_valid()) {
     return $readings;
 function pushRef(BfoxRef $ref)
     $ranges = $ref->refRanges();
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($ranges as $range) {
         $elements = array_merge($elements, $this->pushRefRange($range));
     return $elements;
Esempio n. 7
function bfox_tool_shortcode($atts)
    // [bible-tool tool="esv" ref="Matthew 1"]
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('tool' => '', 'ref' => ''), $atts));
    $bfoxTools = BfoxBibleToolController::sharedInstance();
    $tool = $bfoxTools->toolForShortName($tool);
    if (is_null($tool)) {
    $ref = new BfoxRef($ref);
    if (!$ref->is_valid()) {
    $content = ob_get_clean();
    return $content;
function bfox_bp_bible_directory_before_activity_loop()
    $ref = bfox_ref();
    // Try to get a ref from the REQUEST params if there isn't already an active ref
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['bfox_ref']) && !$ref->is_valid()) {
        $ref = new BfoxRef(urldecode($_REQUEST['bfox_ref']));
        if ($ref->is_valid()) {
    if ($ref->is_valid()) {
        // Make sure our bible references get added to the search terms
        add_filter('bp_ajax_querystring', 'bfox_bp_bible_directory_querystring', 20, 2);
        // Enable search term refs
        // Disable the search term refs after the activity loop
        add_action('bp_after_activity_loop', 'bfox_bp_activity_disable_search_term_refs');
function list_bfox_ref_chapters(BfoxRef $ref = null, $options = array())
    $defaults = array('format' => BibleMeta::name_none, 'first_format' => false, 'before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'between' => '', 'link_cb' => 'bfox_ref_link', 'link_cb_options' => array());
    extract(wp_parse_args($options, $defaults));
    $chapters = $ref->get_sections(1);
    $strs = array();
    foreach ($chapters as $chapter) {
        if ($first_format !== false) {
            $ref_str = $chapter->get_string($first_format);
            $first_format = false;
        } else {
            $ref_str = $chapter->get_string($format);
        $link_cb_options['text'] = $ref_str;
        if ($link_cb && is_callable($link_cb)) {
            $ref_str = call_user_func($link_cb, $chapter->get_string(), $link_cb_options);
        $strs[] = $before . $ref_str . $after;
    return implode($between, $strs);
 function setRef(BfoxRef $ref)
     $this->_ref = $ref;
     $this->_bookName = '';
     $this->_chapterNum = $this->_verseNum = 0;
     if ($this->_ref->is_valid()) {
         $bcvs = BfoxRef::get_bcvs($this->_ref->get_seqs());
         $books = array_keys($bcvs);
         $this->_bookName = BibleMeta::get_book_name($books[0]);
         $cvs = array_shift($bcvs);
         $cv = array_shift($cvs);
         list($this->_chapterNum, $this->_verseNum) = $cv->start;
     foreach ($this->varCallbacks as $var => $callback) {
         $params = array();
         if (isset($this->varCallbackParams[$var])) {
             $params = (array) $this->varCallbackParams[$var];
         $this->varValues[$var] = call_user_func_array($callback, $params);
 function linkForTextAndRef($text, BfoxRef $ref)
     return $this->linkForRefStr($ref->get_string(), array('text' => $text));
Esempio n. 12
  * Add the number part of a bible reference (ie, the 3:16 in John 3:16)
  * @param BfoxRef $ref
  * @param integer $book_id
  * @param string $str
 private static function parse_book_str(BfoxRef &$ref, $book_id, $str)
     // Spaces between numbers count as semicolons
     preg_replace('/(\\d)\\s+(\\d)/', '$1;$2', $str);
     // Periods between numbers count as colons
     $str = str_replace('.', ':', $str);
     $semis = explode(';', $str);
     foreach ($semis as $semi) {
         $commas = explode(',', $semi);
         $verse_chapter = 0;
         foreach ($commas as $comma) {
             $dash = explode('-', $comma, 2);
             $left = explode(':', $dash[0], 2);
             $ch1 = intval($left[0]);
             $vs1 = isset($left[1]) ? intval($left[1]) : 0;
             $ch2 = $vs2 = 0;
             if (isset($dash[1])) {
                 $right = explode(':', $dash[1], 2);
                 $ch2 = intval($right[0]);
                 $vs2 = isset($right[1]) ? intval($right[1]) : 0;
             // We must have a chapter1
             if (0 != $ch1) {
                 // If verse0 is not 0, but verse1 is 0, we should use chapter1 as verse1, and chapter1 should be 0
                 // This fixes the following type of case: 1:2-3 (1:2-3:0 becomes 1:2-0:3)
                 if (0 != $vs1 && 0 == $vs2) {
                     $vs2 = $ch2;
                     $ch2 = 0;
                 // Whole Chapters (or whole verses)
                 if (0 == $vs1 && 0 == $vs2) {
                     $ref->add_whole($book_id, $ch1, $ch2, $verse_chapter);
                 } elseif (0 == $ch2 || $ch1 == $ch2) {
                     $verse_chapter = $ch1;
                     $ref->add_inner($book_id, $verse_chapter, $vs1, $vs2);
                 } else {
                     $ref->add_mixed($book_id, $ch1, $vs1, $ch2, $vs2, $verse_chapter);
                     $verse_chapter = $ch2;
Esempio n. 13
 * Returns a WP_Query object with the posts that contain the given BfoxRef
 * @param BfoxRef $ref
 * @return WP_Query
function bfox_blog_query_for_ref(BfoxRef $ref)
    return new WP_Query('s=' . urlencode($ref->get_string()));
Esempio n. 14
  * Subtract bible references
  * @param BfoxRef $ref
 public function sub_ref(BfoxRef $ref)
     return $this->sub_seqs($ref->get_seqs());
Esempio n. 15
 public static function intersecting_readings($readings, BfoxRef $ref)
     $intersecting = array();
     foreach ($readings as $reading_id => $reading) {
         if ($ref->intersects($reading)) {
             $intersecting[] = $reading_id;
     return $intersecting;
Esempio n. 16
 public function book_ref()
     $bcvs = BfoxRef::get_bcvs($this->get_seqs());
     $book_ref = new BfoxRef();
     foreach ($bcvs as $book => $cvs) {
     return $book_ref;
Esempio n. 17
 function linkForTextAndRef($text, BfoxRef $ref, $attributes = array())
     $attributes['text'] = $text;
     return $this->linkForRefStr($ref->get_string(), $attributes);
Esempio n. 18
 public function possible_ref()
     $ref = new BfoxRef($this->text);
     if (!$this->is_group) {
     return $ref;
Esempio n. 19
 function bfox_wp_get_object_terms($terms)
     $hidden_ref = new BfoxRef($_REQUEST['bfox_ref']);
     if ($hidden_ref->is_valid()) {
         $term = new stdClass();
         $term->name = $hidden_ref->get_string();
         $terms = array($term);
     return $terms;
  * Return the bible references for a given blog post
  * @param $post
  * @return BfoxRef
 function refsForTaxonomiesOfPost($post)
     if (!is_object($post)) {
         $post = get_post($post);
     $refs_for_taxonomies = array();
     if (!$post) {
         return $refs_for_taxonomies;
     $taxonomies = $this->indexedTaxonomiesForPostType($post->post_type);
     foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
         if ('post_content' == $taxonomy) {
             $ref = $this->core->refs->refFromPostContent($post->post_content);
         } else {
             $ref = new BfoxRef();
             $terms = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'names'));
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
         if ($ref && $ref->is_valid()) {
             $refs_for_taxonomies[$taxonomy] = $ref;
     return $refs_for_taxonomies;
Esempio n. 21

// Limit the ref to 10 chapters
$input_ref = new BfoxRef($_REQUEST['bfoxp']);
list($ref) = $input_ref->get_sections(10, 1);
$trans_ids = BfoxTrans::get_ids_by_short_name();
$trans = new BfoxTrans($trans_ids[$_REQUEST['trans']]);
// Get the show options param (default is to show options)
$show_options = !(isset($_REQUEST['opts']) && !$_REQUEST['opts']);
$allow_tooltips = !!$_REQUEST['allow_tooltips'];
// TODO: We shouldn't really use tooltips on the print screen, but use inline scriptures
if (!$allow_tooltips) {
// All we need are the scripture styles and script
// TODO: Buddypress is adding a few other syles which we don't need to load here
wp_enqueue_script('bfox-theme-print', BFOX_TRANS_URL . '/theme/print.js', array('jquery'));

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" <?php 

	<head profile="">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php 
; charset=<?php 
Esempio n. 22
function bfox_plan_reading_shortcode($atts)
    // [bible-reading plan="cbr" intersects="old"]
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('post_id' => 0, 'reading' => 'latest', 'intersects' => '', 'tool' => ''), $atts));
    if (empty($post_id)) {
    if ($reading == 'latest') {
        $reading = bfox_plan_latest_reading($post_id);
    $reading_id = intval($reading);
    if ($reading_id >= bfox_plan_reading_count($post_id)) {
    $ref_str = bfox_plan_reading_ref_str($reading_id, $post_id);
    if (!empty($intersects)) {
        $ref = new BfoxRef($ref_str);
        $sub = new BibleGroupPassage('bible');
        $sub->sub_ref(new BibleGroupPassage($intersects));
        $ref_str = $ref->get_string();
    $link = bfox_ref_link($ref_str);
    $content = $link;
    if (!empty($tool)) {
        $passage = bfox_tool_shortcode(array('tool' => $tool, 'ref' => $ref_str));
        $content = "{$link} {$passage}";
    return $content;
Esempio n. 23
 public function test_add_ref()
     $start = 'eze 14:10';
     $adds = array('eze 14:8-9', 'eze 14:6-7', 'eze 14:5-8', 'eze 14:4', 'eze 14:4-11', 'eze 14:5', 'eze 14:4-11', 'eze 14:4-5', 'eze 14:10-11', 'eze 14:1-2', 'eze 14:3-12', 'eze 13', 'eze 14:13-22', 'eze 15:1-100', 'eze 14:23');
     //$adds = array('eze 14:10');
     $ref = new BfoxRef($start);
     pre("start:" . $ref->get_string());
     foreach ($adds as $add) {
         $add_ref = new BfoxRef($add);
         $is_modified = $ref->add_ref($add_ref);
         pre(" + " . $add_ref->get_string() . " = " . $ref->get_string() . ' modified? ' . ($is_modified ? 'yes' : 'no'));
Esempio n. 24
 * Calculates the bible references for an activity before it is saved
 * @param $activity
function bfox_bp_activity_before_save($activity)
    global $bp;
    // For blog posts, index the full post content and tags
    if ($activity->component == $bp->blogs->id && $activity->type == 'new_blog_post') {
        $ref = bfox_blog_post_get_ref($activity->secondary_item_id);
    } elseif ($activity->component == $bp->groups->id && ($activity->type == 'new_forum_post' || $activity->type == 'new_forum_topic')) {
        // Get the forum post
        if ($activity->type == 'new_forum_topic') {
            list($post) = bp_forums_get_topic_posts(array('topic_id' => $activity->secondary_item_id, 'per_page' => 1));
        } else {
            $post = bp_forums_get_post($activity->secondary_item_id);
        // Index the post text
        $ref = bfox_ref_from_content($post->post_text);
        // Only index the tags for the first post in a topic
        if ($activity->type == 'new_forum_topic') {
            $tags = bb_get_topic_tags($post->topic_id, array('fields' => 'names'));
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
    } else {
        $ref = bfox_ref_from_content($activity->content);
    // Add any 'Bible Tag' read passage strings
    if ('activity_update' == $activity->type && isset($_REQUEST['bfox_read_ref_str'])) {
        $tag_ref = new BfoxRef($_REQUEST['bfox_read_ref_str']);
        if ($tag_ref->is_valid()) {
            $activity->bfox_read_ref_str = $tag_ref->get_string();
            $activity->action = str_replace('posted an update', __('posted an update about ', 'bfox') . $activity->bfox_read_ref_str, $activity->action);
    if ($ref->is_valid()) {
        $activity->bfox_ref = $ref;
Esempio n. 25
  * Return verse content for the given bible ref with minimum formatting
  * @param BfoxRef $ref
  * @return string
 public function get_verse_content(BfoxRef $ref)
     // Get the verse data from the bible translation
     $formatter = new BfoxVerseFormatter();
     return $this->get_verses($ref->sql_where(), $formatter);