/** * Load ACLs for module * @param string $module * @param array $context * @return array ACLs list */ public static function loadACLs($module, $context = array()) { if (!isset(self::$acls[$module])) { self::$acls[$module] = array(); $name = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); if (!isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$name])) { if (empty($name) || empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$module]) || empty($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$GLOBALS['beanList'][$module]]) || in_array($module, array('Empty'))) { // try to weed out non-bean modules - these can't have ACLs as they don't have vardefs to keep them $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Non-bean {$module} - no ACL for you!"); return array(); } VardefManager::loadVardef($module, $name); } $acl_list = isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$name]['acls']) ? $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$name]['acls'] : array(); $acl_list = array_merge($acl_list, SugarBean::getDefaultACL()); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ACLS for {$module}: " . var_export($acl_list, true)); foreach ($acl_list as $klass => $args) { if ($args === false) { continue; } self::$acls[$module][] = new $klass($args); } } return self::$acls[$module]; }
private function createRelationship($lhs_module, $rhs_module = null, $relationship_type = 'one-to-many') { $rhs_module = $rhs_module == null ? $lhs_module : $rhs_module; // Adding relation between products and users $this->relationships = new DeployedRelationships($lhs_module); $definition = array('lhs_module' => $lhs_module, 'relationship_type' => $relationship_type, 'rhs_module' => $rhs_module, 'lhs_label' => $lhs_module, 'rhs_label' => $rhs_module, 'rhs_subpanel' => 'default'); $this->relationship = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship($definition); $this->relationships->add($this->relationship); $this->relationships->save(); $this->relationships->build(); LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($lhs_module); // Updating $dictionary by created relation global $dictionary; $moduleInstaller = new ModuleInstaller(); $moduleInstaller->silent = true; $moduleInstaller->rebuild_tabledictionary(); require 'modules/TableDictionary.php'; // Updating vardefs VardefManager::$linkFields = array(); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($lhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($lhs_module)); if ($lhs_module != $rhs_module) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($rhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($rhs_module)); } SugarRelationshipFactory::rebuildCache(); }
/** * Find the link entry for a particular relationship and module. * * @param $module * @return array|bool */ public function getLinkedDefForModuleByRelationship($module) { $results = VardefManager::getLinkFieldForRelationship($module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($module), $this->name); //Only a single link was found if (isset($results['name'])) { return $results; } else { if (is_array($results)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Warning: Multiple links found for relationship {$this->name} within module {$module}"); return $this->getMostAppropriateLinkedDefinition($results); } else { return FALSE; } } }
public function __construct($def) { global $dictionary; $this->def = $def; $this->name = $def['name']; $this->selfReferencing = $def['lhs_module'] == $def['rhs_module']; $lhsModule = $def['lhs_module']; $rhsModule = $def['rhs_module']; if ($this->selfReferencing) { $links = VardefManager::getLinkFieldForRelationship($lhsModule, BeanFactory::getObjectName($lhsModule), $this->name); if (empty($links)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("No Links found for relationship {$this->name}"); } else { if (!isset($links[0]) && !isset($links['name'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Bad link found for relationship {$this->name}"); } else { if (!isset($links[1]) && isset($links['name'])) { $this->lhsLinkDef = $this->rhsLinkDef = $links; } else { if (!empty($links[0]) && !empty($links[1])) { if (!empty($links[0]['side']) && $links[0]['side'] == "right" || !empty($links[0]['link_type']) && $links[0]['link_type'] == "one") { //$links[0] is the RHS $this->lhsLinkDef = $links[1]; $this->rhsLinkDef = $links[0]; } else { //$links[0] is the LHS $this->lhsLinkDef = $links[0]; $this->rhsLinkDef = $links[1]; } } } } } } else { $this->lhsLinkDef = VardefManager::getLinkFieldForRelationship($lhsModule, BeanFactory::getObjectName($lhsModule), $this->name); $this->rhsLinkDef = VardefManager::getLinkFieldForRelationship($rhsModule, BeanFactory::getObjectName($rhsModule), $this->name); if (!isset($this->lhsLinkDef['name']) && isset($this->lhsLinkDef[0])) { $this->lhsLinkDef = $this->lhsLinkDef[0]; } if (!isset($this->rhsLinkDef['name']) && isset($this->rhsLinkDef[0])) { $this->rhsLinkDef = $this->rhsLinkDef[0]; } } $this->lhsLink = $this->lhsLinkDef['name']; $this->rhsLink = $this->rhsLinkDef['name']; }
/** * Generates field equality comparison PHP code * * @param WorkFlowTriggerShell $shell_object * @param bool $is_equal * @return string */ private function getCompareText($shell_object, $is_equal) { global $dictionary; $parentWorkflow = $shell_object->get_workflow_type(); if (empty($parentWorkflow->base_module)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error("WorkFlowTriggerShell ({$shell_object->id}) " . "parent WorkFlow ({$parentWorkflow->id}) has no base module set."); } $useStrict = true; $moduleName = $parentWorkflow->base_module; $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); $field = $shell_object->field; VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, $objectName); if (!empty($dictionary[$objectName]) && !empty($dictionary[$objectName]['fields'][$field])) { $vardef = $dictionary[$objectName]['fields'][$field]; // Don't use strict for numerical types if (!empty($vardef['type']) && in_array($vardef['type'], array('currency', 'double', 'int'))) { $useStrict = false; } // Use to_display_date for Date fields if (!empty($vardef['type']) && in_array($vardef['type'], array('date'))) { $dateTimeFunction = 'to_display_date'; } // Use to_display_date_time for DateTime fields if (!empty($vardef['type']) && in_array($vardef['type'], array('datetime', 'datetimecombo'))) { $dateTimeFunction = 'to_display_date_time'; } } $sep = $is_equal ? '==' : '!='; if ($useStrict) { $sep .= '='; } $equalityCheck = "\$focus->fetched_row['" . $field . "'] " . $sep . " \$focus->" . $field; if (!empty($dateTimeFunction)) { $equalityCheck = "\$GLOBALS['timedate']->{$dateTimeFunction}(\$focus->fetched_row['" . $field . "'])" . " {$sep} " . "\$GLOBALS['timedate']->{$dateTimeFunction}(\$focus->" . $field . ")"; } // Due to sidecar pushing unchanged fields, we need a check when that happens if (!$is_equal) { $equalityCheck .= " && !(\$focus->fetched_row['" . $field . "'] === null && strlen(\$focus->" . $field . ") === 0)"; } return " (isset(\$focus->" . $field . ") && " . "(empty(\$focus->fetched_row) || array_key_exists('" . $field . "', \$focus->fetched_row)) " . "&& {$equalityCheck}) "; }
protected function buildRelationshipCache() { global $beanList, $dictionary, $buildingRelCache; if ($buildingRelCache) { return; } $buildingRelCache = true; include_once "modules/TableDictionary.php"; if (empty($beanList)) { include "include/modules.php"; } //Reload ALL the module vardefs.... foreach ($beanList as $moduleName => $beanName) { VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName)); } $relationships = array(); //Grab all the relationships from the dictionary. foreach ($dictionary as $key => $def) { if (!empty($def['relationships'])) { foreach ($def['relationships'] as $relKey => $relDef) { if ($key == $relKey) { //Relationship only entry, we need to capture everything $relationships[$key] = array_merge(array('name' => $key), $def, $relDef); } else { $relationships[$relKey] = array_merge(array('name' => $relKey), $relDef); if (!empty($relationships[$relKey]['join_table']) && empty($relationships[$relKey]['fields']) && isset($dictionary[$relationships[$relKey]['join_table']]['fields'])) { $relationships[$relKey]['fields'] = $dictionary[$relationships[$relKey]['join_table']]['fields']; } } } } } //Save it out sugar_mkdir(dirname($this->getCacheFile()), null, true); $out = "<?php \n \$relationships=" . var_export($relationships, true) . ";"; sugar_file_put_contents($this->getCacheFile(), $out); $this->relationships = $relationships; $buildingRelCache = false; }
/** * Gets vardef info for a given module. * * @param string $moduleName The name of the module to collect vardef information about. * @return array The vardef's $dictonary array. */ public function getVarDef($moduleName) { require_once 'data/BeanFactory.php'; $obj = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); if ($obj) { require_once 'include/SugarObjects/VardefManager.php'; global $dictionary; VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, $obj); if (isset($dictionary[$obj])) { $data = $dictionary[$obj]; } // vardefs are missing something, for consistency let's populate some arrays if (!isset($data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['relationships'])) { $data['relationships'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = array(); } } // Bug 56505 - multiselect fields default value wrapped in '^' character if (!empty($data['fields'])) { $data['fields'] = $this->getMetaDataHacks()->normalizeFieldDefs($data); } if (!isset($data['relationships'])) { $data['relationships'] = array(); } return $data; }
/** * Returns array of linked bean's calculated fields which use relation to * the current bean in their formulas * * @param string $linkName Name of current bean's link * @return array */ protected function get_fields_influencing_linked_bean_calc_fields($linkName) { global $dictionary; $result = array(); if (!$this->load_relationship($linkName)) { return $result; } /** @var Link2 $link */ $link = $this->{$linkName}; $relatedModuleName = $link->getRelatedModuleName(); $relatedBeanName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($relatedModuleName); $relatedLinkName = $link->getRelatedModuleLinkName(); if (empty($relatedBeanName) || empty($dictionary[$relatedBeanName])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot load field defs for {$relatedBeanName}"); return $result; } // iterate over related bean fields foreach ($dictionary[$relatedBeanName]['fields'] as $def) { if (!empty($def['formula'])) { $expr = Parser::evaluate($def['formula'], $this); $fields = $this->get_formula_related_fields($expr, $relatedLinkName); $result = array_merge($result, $fields); } } return array_unique($result); }
function fetch($ac = false) { $fv = new FieldViewer(); if (empty($_REQUEST['field']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name'])) { $_REQUEST['field'] = $_REQUEST['name']; } $field_name = ''; if (!empty($this->view_object_map['field_name'])) { $field_name = $this->view_object_map['field_name']; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['field'])) { $field_name = $_REQUEST['field']; } else { $field_name = ''; } $action = 'saveField'; // tyoung bug 17606: default action is to save as a dynamic field; but for standard OOB // fields we override this so don't create a new dynamic field instead of updating the existing field $isClone = false; if (!empty($this->view_object_map['is_clone']) && $this->view_object_map['is_clone'] && strcmp($field_name, "name") != 0) { $isClone = true; } /* $field_types = array('varchar'=>'YourField', 'int'=>'Integer', 'float'=>'Decimal','bool'=>'Checkbox','enum'=>'DropDown', 'date'=>'Date', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'html' => 'HTML', 'radioenum' => 'Radio', 'relate' => 'Relate', 'address' => 'Address', 'text' => 'TextArea', 'url' => 'Link'); */ $field_types = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['fieldTypes']; if (isset($field_types['encrypt'])) { unset($field_types['encrypt']); } $field_name_exceptions = array('ADD', 'EXCEPT', 'PERCENT', 'ALL', 'EXEC', 'PLAN', 'ALTER', 'EXECUTE', 'PRECISION', 'AND', 'EXISTS', 'PRIMARY', 'ANY', 'EXIT', 'PRINT', 'AS', 'FETCH', 'PROC', 'ASC', 'FILE', 'PROCEDURE', 'AUTHORIZATION', 'FILLFACTOR', 'PUBLIC', 'BACKUP', 'FOR', 'RAISERROR', 'BEGIN', 'FOREIGN', 'READ', 'BETWEEN', 'FREETEXT', 'READTEXT', 'BREAK', 'FREETEXTTABLE', 'RECONFIGURE', 'BROWSE', 'FROM', 'REFERENCES', 'BULK', 'FULL', 'REPLICATION', 'BY', 'FUNCTION', 'RESTORE', 'CASCADE', 'GOTO', 'RESTRICT', 'CASE', 'GRANT', 'RETURN', 'CHECK', 'GROUP', 'REVOKE', 'CHECKPOINT', 'HAVING', 'RIGHT', 'CLOSE', 'HOLDLOCK', 'ROLLBACK', 'CLUSTERED', 'IDENTITY', 'ROWCOUNT', 'COALESCE', 'IDENTITY_INSERT', 'ROWGUIDCOL', 'COLLATE', 'IDENTITYCOL', 'RULE', 'COLUMN', 'IF', 'SAVE', 'COMMIT', 'IN', 'SCHEMA', 'COMPUTE', 'INDEX', 'SELECT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'INNER', 'SESSION_USER', 'CONTAINS', 'INSERT', 'SET', 'CONTAINSTABLE', 'INTERSECT', 'SETUSER', 'CONTINUE', 'INTO', 'SHUTDOWN', 'CONVERT', 'IS', 'SOME', 'CREATE', 'JOIN', 'STATISTICS', 'CROSS', 'KEY', 'SYSTEM_USER', 'CURRENT', 'KILL', 'TABLE', 'CURRENT_DATE', 'LEFT', 'TEXTSIZE', 'CURRENT_TIME', 'LIKE', 'THEN', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'LINENO', 'TO', 'CURRENT_USER', 'LOAD', 'TOP', 'CURSOR', 'NATIONAL', 'TRAN', 'DATABASE', 'NOCHECK', 'TRANSACTION', 'DBCC', 'NONCLUSTERED', 'TRIGGER', 'DEALLOCATE', 'NOT', 'TRUNCATE', 'DECLARE', 'NULL', 'TSEQUAL', 'DEFAULT', 'NULLIF', 'UNION', 'DELETE', 'OF', 'UNIQUE', 'DENY', 'OFF', 'UPDATE', 'DESC', 'OFFSETS', 'UPDATETEXT', 'DISK', 'ON', 'USE', 'DISTINCT', 'OPEN', 'USER', 'DISTRIBUTED', 'OPENCONNECTOR', 'VALUES', 'DOUBLE', 'OPENQUERY', 'VARYING', 'DROP', 'OPENROWSET', 'VIEW', 'DUMMY', 'OPENXML', 'WAITFOR', 'DUMP', 'OPTION', 'WHEN', 'ELSE', 'OR', 'WHERE', 'END', 'ORDER', 'WHILE', 'ERRLVL', 'OUTER', 'WITH', 'ESCAPE', 'OVER', 'WRITETEXT', 'ANALYZE', 'ASENSITIVE', 'BEFORE', 'BIGINT', 'BINARY', 'BOTH', 'CALL', 'CHANGE', 'CHARACTER', 'CONDITION', 'DATABASES', 'DAY_HOUR', 'DAY_MICROSECOND', 'DAY_MINUTE', 'DAY_SECOND', 'DEC', 'DECIMAL', 'DELAYED', 'DESCRIBE', 'DETERMINISTIC', 'DISTINCTROW', 'DIV', 'DUAL', 'EACH', 'ELSEIF', 'ENCLOSED', 'ESCAPED', 'EXPLAIN', 'FALSE', 'FLOAT', 'FLOAT4', 'FLOAT8', 'FORCE', 'FULLTEXT', 'HIGH_PRIORITY', 'HOUR_MICROSECOND', 'HOUR_MINUTE', 'HOUR_SECOND', 'IGNORE', 'INFILE', 'INOUT', 'INSENSITIVE', 'INT', 'INT1', 'INT2', 'INT3', 'INT4', 'INT8', 'INTEGER', 'ITERATE', 'KEYS', 'LEADING', 'LEAVE', 'LIMIT', 'LINES', 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 'LOCK', 'LONGBLOB', 'LONGTEXT', 'LOOP', 'LOW_PRIORITY', 'MATCH', 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'MEDIUMINT', 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'MIDDLEINT', 'MINUTE_MICROSECOND', 'MINUTE_SECOND', 'MOD', 'MODIFIES', 'NATURAL', 'NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG', 'NUMERIC', 'OPTIMIZE', 'OPTIONALLY', 'OUT', 'OUTFILE', 'PURGE', 'READS', 'REAL', 'REGEXP', 'RELEASE', 'RENAME', 'REPEAT', 'REPLACE', 'REQUIRE', 'RLIKE', 'SCHEMAS', 'SECOND_MICROSECOND', 'SENSITIVE', 'SEPARATOR', 'SHOW', 'SMALLINT', 'SONAME', 'SPATIAL', 'SPECIFIC', 'SQL', 'SQLEXCEPTION', 'SQLSTATE', 'SQLWARNING', 'SQL_BIG_RESULT', 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT', 'SSL', 'STARTING', 'STRAIGHT_JOIN', 'TERMINATED', 'TINYBLOB', 'TINYINT', 'TINYTEXT', 'TRAILING', 'TRUE', 'UNDO', 'UNLOCK', 'UNSIGNED', 'USAGE', 'USING', 'UTC_DATE', 'UTC_TIME', 'UTC_TIMESTAMP', 'VARBINARY', 'VARCHARACTER', 'WRITE', 'XOR', 'YEAR_MONTH', 'ZEROFILL', 'CONNECTION', 'LABEL', 'UPGRADE', 'DATE', 'VARCHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'NVARCHAR2', 'CHAR', 'NCHAR', 'NUMBER', 'PLS_INTEGER', 'BINARY_INTEGER', 'LONG', 'TIMESTAMP', 'INTERVAL', 'RAW', 'ROWID', 'UROWID', 'MLSLABEL', 'CLOB', 'NCLOB', 'BLOB', 'BFILE', 'XMLTYPE', 'ID', 'ID_C', 'PARENT_NAME', 'PARENT_ID'); //C.L. - Add support to mark related module id columns as reserved keywords require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php'; $relatedModules = array_keys(DeployedRelationships::findRelatableModules()); global $beanList, $current_language; foreach ($relatedModules as $relModule) { if (isset($beanList[$relModule])) { $field_name_exceptions[] = strtoupper($beanList[$relModule]) . '_ID'; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['view_package']) || $_REQUEST['view_package'] == 'studio') { $moduleName = $_REQUEST['view_module']; $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); $module = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName); VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, $objectName, true); global $dictionary; // Fix for issue #1177 - when trying to add or edit fields in a module an error message is shown: // "Warning: Creating default object from empty value" if (!isset($module->mbvardefs) || is_null($module->mbvardefs)) { $module->mbvardefs = new stdClass(); } $module->mbvardefs->vardefs = $dictionary[$objectName]; $module->name = $moduleName; if (!$ac) { $ac = new AjaxCompose(); } $vardef = !empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name]) ? $module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name] : array(); if ($isClone) { unset($vardef['name']); } if (empty($vardef['name'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; } $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 0); } elseif (isset($vardef['custom_module'])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 2); } else { $action = 'saveSugarField'; // tyoung - for OOB fields we currently only support modifying the label $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 3); } if ($isClone && isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'datetime') { $vardef['type'] = 'datetimecombo'; } require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $tf = get_widget(empty($vardef['type']) ? "" : $vardef['type']); $tf->module = $module; $tf->populateFromRow($vardef); $vardef = array_merge($vardef, $tf->get_field_def()); // $GLOBALS['log']->debug('vardefs after loading = '.print_r($vardef,true)); //Check if autoincrement fields are allowed $allowAutoInc = true; $enumFields = array(); foreach ($module->field_defs as $field => $def) { if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "int" && !empty($def['auto_increment'])) { $allowAutoInc = false; continue; } if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "enum" && $field != $vardef['name']) { if (!empty($def['studio']) && $def['studio'] == "false") { continue; } //bug51866 $enumFields[$field] = translate($def['vname'], $moduleName); if (substr($enumFields[$field], -1) == ":") { $enumFields[$field] = substr($enumFields[$field], 0, strlen($enumFields[$field]) - 1); } } } $fv->ss->assign('allowAutoInc', $allowAutoInc); $GLOBALS['log']->warn('view.modulefield: hidelevel ' . $fv->ss->get_template_vars('hideLevel') . " " . print_r($vardef, true)); if (!empty($vardef['vname'])) { $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities(translate($vardef['vname'], $moduleName), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } $fv->ss->assign('module', $module); if (empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields']['parent_name']) || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'parent') { $field_types['parent'] = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['parent']; } $edit_or_add = 'editField'; } else { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php'; $mb = new ModuleBuilder(); $moduleName = $_REQUEST['view_module']; $module =& $mb->getPackageModule($_REQUEST['view_package'], $moduleName); $package =& $mb->packages[$_REQUEST['view_package']]; $module->getVardefs(); if (!$ac) { $ac = new AjaxCompose(); } $vardef = !empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name]) ? $module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name] : array(); if ($isClone) { unset($vardef['name']); } if (empty($vardef['name'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; } $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 0); } else { if (!empty($module->mbvardefs->vardef['fields'][$vardef['name']])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 1); } elseif (isset($vardef['custom_module'])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 2); } else { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 3); // tyoung bug 17350 - effectively mark template derived fields as readonly } } require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $tf = get_widget(empty($vardef['type']) ? "" : $vardef['type']); $tf->module = $module; $tf->populateFromRow($vardef); $vardef = array_merge($vardef, $tf->get_field_def()); $fv->ss->assign('module', $module); $fv->ss->assign('package', $package); $fv->ss->assign('MB', '1'); if (isset($vardef['vname'])) { $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities($module->getLabel('en_us', $vardef['vname']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } if (empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields']['parent_name']) || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'parent') { $field_types['parent'] = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['parent']; } $enumFields = array(); if (!empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'])) { foreach ($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $field => $def) { if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "enum" && $field != $vardef['name']) { $enumFields[$field] = isset($module->mblanguage->strings[$current_language][$def['vname']]) ? $this->mbModule->mblanguage->strings[$current_language][$def['vname']] : translate($field); if (substr($enumFields[$field], -1) == ":") { $enumFields[$field] = substr($enumFields[$field], 0, strlen($enumFields[$field]) - 1); } } } } $edit_or_add = 'mbeditField'; } if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'RefreshField') { require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $field = get_widget($_POST['type']); $field->populateFromPost(); $vardef = $field->get_field_def(); $vardef['options'] = $_REQUEST['new_dropdown']; $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities($_REQUEST['labelValue'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } foreach (array("formula", "default", "comments", "help", "visiblityGrid") as $toEscape) { if (!empty($vardef[$toEscape]) && is_string($vardef[$toEscape])) { $vardef[$toEscape] = htmlentities($vardef[$toEscape], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } } if (!empty($vardef['studio']) && is_array($vardef['studio']) && !empty($vardef['studio']['no_duplicate']) && $vardef['studio']['no_duplicate'] == true || strcmp($field_name, "name") == 0 || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'name') { $fv->ss->assign('no_duplicate', true); } $fv->ss->assign('action', $action); $fv->ss->assign('isClone', $isClone ? 1 : 0); $fv->ss->assign("module_dd_fields", $enumFields); $json = getJSONobj(); $fv->ss->assign('field_name_exceptions', $json->encode($field_name_exceptions)); ksort($field_types); $fv->ss->assign('field_types', $field_types); $fv->ss->assign('importable_options', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['custom_fields_importable_dom']); $fv->ss->assign('duplicate_merge_options', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['custom_fields_merge_dup_dom']); $triggers = array(); $existing_field_names = array(); foreach ($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'enum' || $field['type'] == 'multienum') { $triggers[] = $field['name']; } if (!isset($field['source']) || $field['source'] != 'non-db') { if (preg_match('/^(.*?)(_c)?$/', $field['name'], $matches)) { $existing_field_names[] = strtoupper($matches[1]); } } } $fv->ss->assign('triggers', $triggers); $fv->ss->assign('existing_field_names', $json->encode($existing_field_names)); $fv->ss->assign('mod_strings', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']); // jchi #24880 // end $layout = $fv->getLayout($vardef); $fv->ss->assign('fieldLayout', $layout); if (empty($vardef['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = 'varchar'; } $fv->ss->assign('vardef', $vardef); if (empty($_REQUEST['field'])) { $edit_or_add = 'addField'; } $fv->ss->assign('help_group', $edit_or_add); $body = $this->fetchTemplate($fv, 'modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/MBModule/field.tpl'); $ac->addSection('east', translate('LBL_SECTION_FIELDEDITOR', 'ModuleBuilder'), $body); return $ac; }
/** * Process all after create operations: * copy_rel_from - Copies relationships from a specified record. The relationship that should be copied is specified * in the vardef. * * @param $args * @param SugarBean $bean */ protected function processAfterCreateOperations($args, SugarBean $bean) { $this->requireArgs($args, array('module')); global $dictionary; $afterCreateKey = 'after_create'; $copyRelationshipsFromKey = 'copy_rel_from'; $module = $args['module']; $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); if (array_key_exists($afterCreateKey, $args) && array_key_exists($copyRelationshipsFromKey, $args[$afterCreateKey]) && array_key_exists($afterCreateKey, $dictionary[$objectName]) && array_key_exists($copyRelationshipsFromKey, $dictionary[$objectName][$afterCreateKey])) { $relationshipsToCopy = $dictionary[$objectName][$afterCreateKey][$copyRelationshipsFromKey]; $beanCopiedFrom = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $args[$afterCreateKey][$copyRelationshipsFromKey]); foreach ($relationshipsToCopy as $linkName) { $bean->load_relationship($linkName); $beanCopiedFrom->load_relationship($linkName); $beanCopiedFrom->{$linkName}->getBeans(); $bean->{$linkName}->add($beanCopiedFrom->{$linkName}->beans); } } }
function process_editview() { if (isset($this->bean->{$this->value_name}['secondaries'])) { $this->numFields = count($this->bean->{$this->value_name}['secondaries']) + 1; } if (!isset($this->displayParams['readOnly'])) { $this->displayParams['readOnly'] = ''; } else { $this->displayParams['readOnly'] = $this->displayParams['readOnly'] == false ? '' : 'READONLY'; } // If there is extra field to show. if (isset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'])) { $relatedObject = BeanFactory::getObjectName($this->related_module); vardefmanager::loadVardef($this->related_module, $relatedObject); foreach ($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'] as $k => $v) { $javascript = ''; $collection_field_vardef = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$relatedObject]['fields'][$v['name']]; // For each extra field the params which are not displayParams will be consider as params to override the vardefs values. foreach ($v as $k_override => $v_override) { if ($k_override != 'displayParams') { $collection_field_vardef[$k_override] = $v_override; } } // If relate field : enable quick search by creating the sqs_object array. if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') { require_once 'include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php'; $tph = new TemplateHandler(); $javascript = $tph->createQuickSearchCode(array($collection_field_vardef['name'] => $collection_field_vardef), array($v), $this->form_name); $javascript = str_replace('<script language="javascript">' . "if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}']=", "", $javascript); $javascript = substr($javascript, 0, -10); //remove ";</script>" $javascriptPHP = $this->json->decode($javascript); foreach ($javascriptPHP['populate_list'] as $kk => $vv) { $javascriptPHP['populate_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0"; } foreach ($javascriptPHP['required_list'] as $kk => $vv) { $javascriptPHP['required_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0"; } foreach ($javascriptPHP['field_list'] as $kk => $vv) { if ($vv == 'id') { $javascriptPHP['populate_list'][$kk]; } } $javascript = $this->json->encode($javascriptPHP); $javascript = "<script language='javascript'>if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0']=" . $javascript . ';</script>'; } $collection_field_vardef['name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0"; if (isset($collection_field_vardef['id_name'])) { $collection_field_vardef['id_name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0"; } if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_update']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_update'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_update'] === 'false')) { $this->displayParams['allow_update'] = 'false'; $v['displayParams']['field']['disabled'] = ''; } else { $this->displayParams['allow_update'] = 'true'; if (!isset($v['displayParams'])) { $v['displayParams'] = array(); } } // Wireless view for Enum type because the wireless view retrieve and translate the list on real time. if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'enum') { //TODO Change to an other view $viewtype = 'WirelessEditView'; } else { $viewtype = 'EditView'; } $name = $collection_field_vardef['name']; // Rearranging the array with name as key instaead of number. This is required for displaySmarty() to assign the good variable. $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['vardefName'] = $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$k]['name']; $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['name'] = $name; if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') { $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['id_name'] = $collection_field_vardef['id_name']; $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['module'] = $collection_field_vardef['module']; } $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['label'] = "{sugar_translate label='{$collection_field_vardef['vname']}' module='{$this->related_module}'}"; //translate($collection_field_vardef['vname'], $this->related_module); $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] = $sfh->displaySmarty('displayParams.collection_field_list', $collection_field_vardef, $viewtype, $v['displayParams'], 1); $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= '{literal}' . $javascript; // Handle update_field array ONCHANGE $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= <<<FRA <script language='javascript'> var oldonchange = ''; if(typeof(document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').attributes.onchange) != 'undefined') { oldonchange=document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').attributes.onchange.value; } FRA; $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "eval(\"document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').onchange = function onchange(event){collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['name']}=true;"; if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') { // If relate add the ID field to the array $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['id_name']}=true;"; } $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "document.getElementById('update_fields_{$this->vardef['name']}_collection').value = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields);\" + oldonchange + \"};\");</script>{/literal}"; //we need to get rid of the old value; unset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$k]); } } if (!isset($this->displayParams['class'])) { $this->displayParams['class'] = ''; } if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_new']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_new'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_new'] === 'false')) { $this->displayParams['allow_new'] = 'false'; $this->displayParams['class'] = str_replace('sqsNoAutofill', '', $this->displayParams['class']); } else { $this->displayParams['allow_new'] = 'true'; $this->displayParams['class'] .= ' sqsNoAutofill'; } if (isset($this->displayParams['new_on_update']) && ($this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== false || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'false' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'FALSE' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== '0')) { $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] = 'true'; } else { $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] = 'false'; } }
static function getModules() { $modules = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['beanList'] as $module => $object) { $object = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); VardefManager::loadVardef($module, $object); if (empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'])) { continue; } $modules[] = $module; } sort($modules); return $modules; }
/** * @static * @param $module * @param $object * @return array|bool returns a list of all fields in the module of type 'link'. */ protected static function getLinkFieldsForModule($module, $object) { global $dictionary; //Some modules like cases have a bean name that doesn't match the object name if (empty($dictionary[$object])) { $newName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); $object = $newName != false ? $newName : $object; } if (empty($dictionary[$object])) { self::loadVardef($module, $object, false, array('ignore_rel_calc_fields' => true)); } if (empty($dictionary[$object])) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Failed to load vardefs for {$module}:{$object} in linkFieldsForModule<br/>"); return false; } //Cache link fields for this call in a static variable if (!isset(self::$linkFields)) { self::$linkFields = array(); } if (isset(self::$linkFields[$object])) { return self::$linkFields[$object]; } $vardef = $dictionary[$object]; $links = array(); foreach ($vardef['fields'] as $name => $def) { //Look through all link fields for related modules that have calculated fields that use that relationship if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == 'link' && !empty($def['relationship'])) { $links[$name] = $def; } } self::$linkFields[$object] = $links; return $links; }
function fetch($ac = false) { $fv = new FieldViewer(); if (empty($_REQUEST['field']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name'])) { $_REQUEST['field'] = $_REQUEST['name']; } $field_name = ''; if (!empty($this->view_object_map['field_name'])) { $field_name = $this->view_object_map['field_name']; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['field'])) { $field_name = $_REQUEST['field']; } // If this is a new field mark it as such $isNew = empty($field_name) || !empty($_REQUEST['is_new']); $action = 'saveField'; // tyoung bug 17606: default action is to save as a dynamic field; but for standard OOB // fields we override this so don't create a new dynamic field instead of updating the existing field $isClone = false; if (!empty($this->view_object_map['is_clone']) && $this->view_object_map['is_clone'] && strcmp($field_name, "name") != 0) { $isClone = true; } /* $field_types = array('varchar'=>'YourField', 'int'=>'Integer', 'float'=>'Decimal','bool'=>'Checkbox','enum'=>'DropDown', 'date'=>'Date', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'html' => 'HTML', 'radioenum' => 'Radio', 'relate' => 'Relate', 'address' => 'Address', 'text' => 'TextArea', 'url' => 'Link'); */ $field_types = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['fieldTypes']; //bug 22264: Field name must not be an SQL keyword. $field_name_exceptions = array_merge(array_keys($GLOBALS['db']->getReservedWords()), array('ID', 'ID_C', 'PARENT_NAME', 'PARENT_ID')); //C.L. - Add support to mark related module id columns as reserved keywords require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php'; $relatedModules = array_keys(DeployedRelationships::findRelatableModules()); global $beanList, $current_language; foreach ($relatedModules as $relModule) { if (isset($beanList[$relModule])) { $field_name_exceptions[] = strtoupper($beanList[$relModule]) . '_ID'; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['view_package']) || $_REQUEST['view_package'] == 'studio') { $moduleName = $_REQUEST['view_module']; $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); $module = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName); VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, $objectName, true); global $dictionary; if (empty($module->mbvardefs)) { $module->mbvardefs = new stdClass(); } $module->mbvardefs->vardefs = $dictionary[$objectName]; $module->name = $moduleName; if (!$ac) { $ac = new AjaxCompose(); } $vardef = !empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name]) ? $module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name] : array(); if ($isClone) { unset($vardef['name']); } // If this is a new field but we are loading this form a second time, // like from coming back from a dropdown create on a new field, then // keep the 'name' field open to allow the create field process to // continue like normal if (empty($vardef['name']) || $isNew) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; } $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 0); } elseif (isset($vardef['custom_module'])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 2); } else { $action = 'saveSugarField'; // tyoung - for OOB fields we currently only support modifying the label $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 3); } if ($isClone && isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'datetime') { $vardef['type'] = 'datetimecombo'; } require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $tf = get_widget(empty($vardef['type']) ? "" : $vardef['type']); $tf->module = $module; $tf->populateFromRow($vardef); $vardef = array_merge($vardef, $tf->get_field_def()); // $GLOBALS['log']->debug('vardefs after loading = '.print_r($vardef,true)); //Check if autoincrement fields are allowed $allowAutoInc = true; $enumFields = array(); foreach ($module->field_defs as $field => $def) { if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "int" && !empty($def['auto_increment'])) { $allowAutoInc = false; continue; } if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "enum" && $field != $vardef['name']) { if (!empty($def['studio']) && $def['studio'] == "false") { continue; } //bug51866 $enumFields[$field] = translate($def['vname'], $moduleName); if (substr($enumFields[$field], -1) == ":") { $enumFields[$field] = substr($enumFields[$field], 0, strlen($enumFields[$field]) - 1); } } } $fv->ss->assign('allowAutoInc', $allowAutoInc); $GLOBALS['log']->warn('view.modulefield: hidelevel ' . $fv->ss->get_template_vars('hideLevel') . " " . print_r($vardef, true)); if (!empty($vardef['vname'])) { $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities(translate($vardef['vname'], $moduleName), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } $fv->ss->assign('module', $module); if (empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields']['parent_name']) || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'parent') { $field_types['parent'] = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['parent']; } $edit_or_add = 'editField'; } else { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php'; $mb = new ModuleBuilder(); $moduleName = $_REQUEST['view_module']; $module =& $mb->getPackageModule($_REQUEST['view_package'], $moduleName); $package =& $mb->packages[$_REQUEST['view_package']]; $module->getVardefs(); if (!$ac) { $ac = new AjaxCompose(); } $vardef = !empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name]) ? $module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$field_name] : array(); if ($isClone) { unset($vardef['name']); } if (empty($vardef['name'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; } $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 0); } else { if (!empty($module->mbvardefs->vardef['fields'][$vardef['name']])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 1); } elseif (isset($vardef['custom_module'])) { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 2); } else { $fv->ss->assign('hideLevel', 3); // tyoung bug 17350 - effectively mark template derived fields as readonly } } require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $tf = get_widget(empty($vardef['type']) ? "" : $vardef['type']); $tf->module = $module; $tf->populateFromRow($vardef); $vardef = array_merge($vardef, $tf->get_field_def()); $fv->ss->assign('module', $module); $fv->ss->assign('package', $package); $fv->ss->assign('MB', '1'); if (isset($vardef['vname'])) { $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities($module->getLabel('en_us', $vardef['vname']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } if (empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields']['parent_name']) || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] == 'parent') { $field_types['parent'] = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['parent']; } $enumFields = array(); if (!empty($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'])) { foreach ($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $field => $def) { if (!empty($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "enum" && $field != $vardef['name']) { $enumFields[$field] = isset($module->mblanguage->strings[$current_language][$def['vname']]) ? $this->mbModule->mblanguage->strings[$current_language][$def['vname']] : translate($field); if (substr($enumFields[$field], -1) == ":") { $enumFields[$field] = substr($enumFields[$field], 0, strlen($enumFields[$field]) - 1); } } } } $edit_or_add = 'mbeditField'; } if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'RefreshField') { require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'; $field = get_widget($_POST['type']); $field->populateFromPost(); $vardef = $field->get_field_def(); $vardef['options'] = $_REQUEST['new_dropdown']; $fv->ss->assign('lbl_value', htmlentities($_REQUEST['labelValue'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } foreach (array("formula", "default", "comments", "help", "visiblityGrid") as $toEscape) { if (!empty($vardef[$toEscape]) && is_string($vardef[$toEscape])) { $vardef[$toEscape] = htmlentities($vardef[$toEscape], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } } if (!empty($vardef['studio']['no_duplicate']) || $field_name === 'name' || $field_name === 'parent_type' || $field_name === 'parent_id' || $field_name === 'parent_name' || isset($vardef['type']) && $vardef['type'] === 'name') { $fv->ss->assign('no_duplicate', true); } $fv->ss->assign('action', $action); $fv->ss->assign('isClone', $isClone ? 1 : 0); $fv->ss->assign('isNew', $isNew); $fv->ss->assign("module_dd_fields", $enumFields); $json = getJSONobj(); $fv->ss->assign('field_name_exceptions', $json->encode($field_name_exceptions)); ksort($field_types); $fv->ss->assign('field_types', $field_types); $ftsEngineType = getFTSEngineType(); $usa = new UnifiedSearchAdvanced(); if (SugarSearchEngineFactory::getInstance()->isTypeFtsEnabled($vardef['type']) && (!empty($_REQUEST['view_package']) && $_REQUEST['view_package'] != 'studio' || $usa->shouldShowModule($moduleName))) { $ftsBoostOptions = getFTSBoostOptions($ftsEngineType . '_boost_options'); $fv->ss->assign('fts_options', $ftsBoostOptions); $fv->ss->assign('show_fts', true); } else { $fv->ss->assign('show_fts', false); } //Ensure certain field types always have correct formula return types for validation. if (!empty($vardef['type'])) { switch ($vardef['type']) { case 'date': case 'datetime': $fv->ss->assign('calcFieldType', 'date'); break; case 'bool': $fv->ss->assign('calcFieldType', 'boolean'); break; default: $fv->ss->assign('calcFieldType', ''); break; } } $fv->ss->assign('importable_options', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['custom_fields_importable_dom']); $fv->ss->assign('duplicate_merge_options', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['custom_fields_merge_dup_dom']); $triggers = array(); $existing_field_names = array(); foreach ($module->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'enum' || $field['type'] == 'multienum') { $triggers[] = $field['name']; } if (!isset($field['source']) || $field['source'] != 'non-db') { if (preg_match('/^(.*?)(_c)?$/', $field['name'], $matches)) { $existing_field_names[] = strtoupper($matches[1]); } } } $fv->ss->assign('triggers', $triggers); $fv->ss->assign('existing_field_names', $json->encode($existing_field_names)); $fv->ss->assign('mod_strings', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']); // jchi #24880 if (!isset($vardef['reportable'])) { $vardef['reportable'] = 1; } // end $layout = $fv->getLayout($vardef); $fv->ss->assign('fieldLayout', $layout); if (empty($vardef['type'])) { $vardef['type'] = 'varchar'; } $fv->ss->assign('vardef', $vardef); if (empty($_REQUEST['field'])) { $edit_or_add = 'addField'; } $fv->ss->assign('help_group', $edit_or_add); $body = $this->fetchTemplate($fv, 'modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/MBModule/field.tpl'); $ac->addSection('east', translate('LBL_SECTION_FIELDEDITOR', 'ModuleBuilder'), $body); return $ac; }
/** * Cleaning caches and refreshing vardefs * * @static * @param string $lhs_module left module from relation * @param string $rhs_module right module from relation * @return bool are caches refreshed or not */ protected static function setUp_relation(array $params) { if (empty($params[0]) || empty($params[1])) { throw new SugarTestHelperException('setUp("relation") requires two parameters'); } list($lhs_module, $rhs_module) = $params; self::$registeredVars['relation'] = true; self::$cleanModules[] = $lhs_module; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($lhs_module); if ($lhs_module != $rhs_module) { self::$cleanModules[] = $rhs_module; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($rhs_module); } self::setUp('dictionary'); VardefManager::$linkFields = array(); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($lhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($lhs_module)); if ($lhs_module != $rhs_module) { VardefManager::refreshVardefs($rhs_module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($rhs_module)); } SugarRelationshipFactory::rebuildCache(); return true; }
/** * Refreshes vardefs for modules that are affected by a change during installation. * * @param array $modules List of modules to refresh vardefs for */ protected function clearAffectedVardefsCache($modules = array()) { foreach ($modules as $module) { $obj = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module, $obj); } }
public static function manageExternalDatabaseQueries($alternativeDb, $reportModule, $simpleName = false) { require_once "modules/asol_Reports/include_basic/generateQuery.php"; if ($alternativeDb !== false) { $domainField = null; $useAlternativeDbConnection = true; if ($simpleName) { $report_module = $reportModule; } else { $alternativeModuleAux = explode(" ", $reportModule); $alternativeModule = explode(".", $alternativeModuleAux[0]); $report_module = $alternativeModule[1]; } $report_table = $report_module; $report_table_primary_key = asol_ReportsGenerateQuery::getExternalTablePrimaryKey($alternativeDb, $report_table); //***********************// //***AlineaSol Premium***// //***********************// $extraParams = array('alternativeDb' => $alternativeDb, 'report_table' => $report_table); $domainField = asol_ReportsUtils::managePremiumFeature("externalDatabasesReports", "reportFunctions.php", "getExternalDatabaseDomainField", $extraParams); $extraParams = array('alternativeDb' => $alternativeDb); $gmtDates = asol_ReportsUtils::managePremiumFeature("externalDatabasesReports", "reportFunctions.php", "getExternalDatabaseGmtDates", $extraParams); //***********************// //***AlineaSol Premium***// //***********************// } else { $useAlternativeDbConnection = false; $gmtDates = true; $report_module = $reportModule; $report_table = BeanFactory::newBean(BeanFactory::getObjectName($reportModule))->table_name; $report_table = $report_table == '' ? strtolower($report_module) : $report_table; $report_table_primary_key = "id"; } return array("useAlternativeDbConnection" => $useAlternativeDbConnection, "domainField" => $domainField, "gmtDates" => $gmtDates, "report_module" => $report_module, "report_table" => $report_table, "report_table_primary_key" => $report_table_primary_key); }
public function action_searchViewSave() { $packageName = isset($_REQUEST['view_package']) ? $_REQUEST['view_package'] : null; // Bug 56789 - Set the client from the view to ensure the proper viewdef file $client = MetaDataFiles::getClientByView($_REQUEST['view']); if (isModuleBWC($_REQUEST['view_module'])) { $parser = new SearchViewMetaDataParser($_REQUEST['view'], $_REQUEST['view_module'], $packageName, $client); } else { $client = empty($client) ? 'base' : $client; $parser = new SidecarFilterLayoutMetaDataParser($_REQUEST['view_module'], $packageName, $client); } $parser->handleSave(); //Repair or create a custom SearchFields.php file as needed $module_name = $_REQUEST['view_module']; global $beanList; if (isset($beanList[$module_name]) && $beanList[$module_name] != "") { $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module_name); //Load the vardefs for the module to pass to TemplateRange VardefManager::loadVardef($module_name, $objectName, true); global $dictionary; $vardefs = $dictionary[$objectName]['fields']; TemplateRange::repairCustomSearchFields($vardefs, $module_name, $packageName); } $this->view = 'searchView'; }
/** * Deletes the field from fields_meta_data and drops the database column then it rebuilds the cache * Use the widgets get_db_modify_alter_table() method to get the table sql - some widgets do not need any custom table modifications * @param STRING $name - field name */ function deleteField($widget) { require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateField.php'; global $beanList; if (!$widget instanceof TemplateField) { $field_name = $widget; $widget = new TemplateField(); $widget->name = $field_name; } $object_name = $beanList[$this->module]; //Some modules like cases have a bean name that doesn't match the object name if (empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object_name])) { $newName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($this->module); $object_name = $newName != false ? $newName : $object_name; } $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM fields_meta_data WHERE id='" . $this->module . $widget->name . "'"); $sql = $widget->get_db_delete_alter_table($this->bean->table_name . "_cstm"); if (!empty($sql)) { $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } $this->removeVardefExtension($widget); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($this->module, $object_name); }
function display() { global $locale; $editModule = $_REQUEST['view_module']; $allLabels = !empty($_REQUEST['labels']) && $_REQUEST['labels'] == 'all'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['MB'])) { global $app_list_strings; $moduleNames = array_change_key_case($app_list_strings['moduleList']); $translatedEditModule = $moduleNames[strtolower($editModule)]; } $selected_lang = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST['selected_lang'])) { $selected_lang = $_REQUEST['selected_lang']; } else { $selected_lang = $locale->getAuthenticatedUserLanguage(); } $smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); global $mod_strings; $smarty->assign('mod_strings', $mod_strings); $smarty->assign('available_languages', get_languages()); $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($editModule); VardefManager::loadVardef($editModule, $objectName); global $dictionary; $vnames = array(); //jchi 24557 . We should list all the lables in viewdefs(list,detail,edit,quickcreate) that the user can edit them. $parser = ParserFactory::getParser(MB_LISTVIEW, $editModule); foreach ($parser->getLayout() as $key => $def) { if (isset($def['label'])) { $vnames[$def['label']] = $def['label']; } } require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php'; $variableMap = $this->getVariableMap($editModule); foreach ($variableMap as $key => $value) { $gridLayoutMetaDataParserTemp = ParserFactory::getParser($key, $editModule); foreach ($gridLayoutMetaDataParserTemp->getLayout() as $panel) { foreach ($panel as $row) { foreach ($row as $fieldArray) { // fieldArray is an array('name'=>name,'label'=>label) if (isset($fieldArray['label'])) { $vnames[$fieldArray['label']] = $fieldArray['label']; } } } } } //end //Get Subpanel Labels: require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php'; $subList = SubPanel::getModuleSubpanels($editModule); foreach ($subList as $subpanel => $titleLabel) { $vnames[$titleLabel] = $titleLabel; } foreach ($dictionary[$objectName]['fields'] as $name => $def) { if (isset($def['vname'])) { $vnames[$def['vname']] = $def['vname']; } } $formatted_mod_strings = array(); // we shouldn't set the $refresh=true here, or will lost template language // mod_strings. // return_module_language($selected_lang, $editModule,false) : // the mod_strings will be included from cache files here. foreach (return_module_language($selected_lang, $editModule, false) as $name => $label) { //#25294 if ($allLabels || isset($vnames[$name]) || preg_match('/lbl_city|lbl_country|lbl_billing_address|lbl_alt_address|lbl_shipping_address|lbl_postal_code|lbl_state$/si', $name)) { // Bug 58174 - Escaped labels are sent to the client escaped // even in the label editor in studio $formatted_mod_strings[$name] = html_entity_decode($label, null, 'UTF-8'); } } //Grab everything from the custom files $mod_bak = $mod_strings; $files = array("custom/modules/{$editModule}/language/{$selected_lang}.lang.php", "custom/modules/{$editModule}/Ext/Language/{$selected_lang}.lang.ext.php"); foreach ($files as $langfile) { $mod_strings = array(); if (is_file($langfile)) { include $langfile; foreach ($mod_strings as $key => $label) { // Bug 58174 - Escaped labels are sent to the client escaped // even in the label editor in studio $formatted_mod_strings[$key] = html_entity_decode($label, null, 'UTF-8'); } } } $mod_strings = $mod_bak; ksort($formatted_mod_strings); $smarty->assign('MOD', $formatted_mod_strings); $smarty->assign('view_module', $editModule); $smarty->assign('APP', $GLOBALS['app_strings']); $smarty->assign('selected_lang', $selected_lang); $smarty->assign('defaultHelp', 'labelsBtn'); $smarty->assign('assistant', array('key' => 'labels', 'group' => 'module')); $smarty->assign('labels_choice', $mod_strings['labelTypes']); $smarty->assign('labels_current', $allLabels ? "all" : ""); $ajax = new AjaxCompose(); $ajax->addCrumb($mod_strings['LBL_STUDIO'], 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard")'); $ajax->addCrumb($translatedEditModule, 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view_module=' . $editModule . '")'); $ajax->addCrumb($mod_strings['LBL_LABELS'], ''); $html = $smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/labels.tpl'); $ajax->addSection('center', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_SECTION_EDLABELS'], $html); echo $ajax->getJavascript(); }
function getRelatedFields($module, $id, $fields, $return_array = false) { if (empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$module])) { return ''; } $object = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); VardefManager::loadVardef($module, $object); if (empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table'])) { return ''; } $table = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['table']; $query = 'SELECT id'; foreach ($fields as $field => $alias) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'][$field]['db_concat_fields'])) { $query .= ' ,' . $this->db->concat($table, $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'][$field]['db_concat_fields']) . ' as ' . $alias; } else { if (!empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'][$field]) && (empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'][$field]['source']) || $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'][$field]['source'] != "non-db")) { $query .= ' ,' . $table . '.' . $field . ' as ' . $alias; } } if (!$return_array) { $this->{$alias} = ''; } } if ($query == 'SELECT id' || empty($id)) { return ''; } if (isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields']['assigned_user_id'])) { $query .= " , " . $table . ".assigned_user_id owner"; } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields']['created_by'])) { $query .= " , " . $table . ".created_by owner"; } } $query .= ' FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted=0 AND id='; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query . "'{$id}'"); $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result); if ($return_array) { return $row; } $owner = empty($row['owner']) ? '' : $row['owner']; foreach ($fields as $alias) { $this->{$alias} = !empty($row[$alias]) ? $row[$alias] : ''; $alias = $alias . '_owner'; $this->{$alias} = $owner; $a_mod = $alias . '_mod'; $this->{$a_mod} = $module; } }
function buildCache() { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary; $supported_modules = array(); foreach ($beanList as $moduleName => $beanName) { if (!isset($beanFiles[$beanName])) { continue; } $beanName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); $manager = new VardefManager(); $manager->loadVardef($moduleName, $beanName); // obtain the field definitions used by generateSearchWhere (duplicate code in view.list.php) if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) { require 'custom/modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php'; } elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) { require 'modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php'; } if (!empty($metafiles[$moduleName]['searchfields'])) { require $metafiles[$moduleName]['searchfields']; } else { if (file_exists("modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php")) { require "modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; } } //Load custom SearchFields.php if it exists if (file_exists("custom/modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php")) { require "custom/modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; } //If there are $searchFields are empty, just continue, there are no search fields defined for the module if (empty($searchFields[$moduleName])) { continue; } $isCustomModule = preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]{1,5})_([a-z0-9_]+)$/i', $moduleName); //If the bean supports unified search or if it's a custom module bean and unified search is not defined if (!empty($dictionary[$beanName]['unified_search']) || $isCustomModule) { $fields = array(); foreach ($dictionary[$beanName]['fields'] as $field => $def) { // We cannot enable or disable unified_search for email in the vardefs as we don't actually have a vardef entry for 'email' // the searchFields entry for 'email' doesn't correspond to any vardef entry. Instead it contains SQL to directly perform the search. // So as a proxy we allow any field in the vardefs that has a name starting with 'email...' to be tagged with the 'unified_search' parameter if (strpos($field, 'email') !== false) { $field = 'email'; } //bug: 38139 - allow phone to be searched through Global Search if (strpos($field, 'phone') !== false) { $field = 'phone'; } if (!empty($def['unified_search']) && isset($searchFields[$moduleName][$field])) { $fields[$field] = $searchFields[$moduleName][$field]; } } foreach ($searchFields[$moduleName] as $field => $def) { if (isset($def['force_unifiedsearch']) and $def['force_unifiedsearch']) { $fields[$field] = $def; } } if (count($fields) > 0) { $supported_modules[$moduleName]['fields'] = $fields; if (isset($dictionary[$beanName]['unified_search_default_enabled']) && $dictionary[$beanName]['unified_search_default_enabled'] === TRUE) { $supported_modules[$moduleName]['default'] = true; } else { $supported_modules[$moduleName]['default'] = false; } } } } ksort($supported_modules); write_array_to_file('unified_search_modules', $supported_modules, $this->cache_search); }
function action_searchViewSave() { $packageName = isset($_REQUEST['view_package']) ? $_REQUEST['view_package'] : null; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/SearchViewMetaDataParser.php'; $parser = new SearchViewMetaDataParser($_REQUEST['view'], $_REQUEST['view_module'], $packageName); $parser->handleSave(); //Repair or create a custom SearchFields.php file as needed $module_name = $_REQUEST['view_module']; global $beanList; if (isset($beanList[$module_name]) && $beanList[$module_name] != "") { $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module_name); //Load the vardefs for the module to pass to TemplateRange VardefManager::loadVardef($module_name, $objectName, true); global $dictionary; $vardefs = $dictionary[$objectName]['fields']; require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateRange.php'; TemplateRange::repairCustomSearchFields($vardefs, $module_name, $packageName); } $this->view = 'searchView'; }
/** * Builds a template * This is a private function that should be called only from checkTemplate method * * @param module string module name * @param view string view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc) * @param tpl string generic tpl to use * @param ajaxSave boolean parameter indicating whether or not this is coming from an Ajax call * @param metaDataDefs metadata definition as Array **/ function buildTemplate($module, $view, $tpl, $ajaxSave, $metaDataDefs) { $this->loadSmarty(); $cacheDir = create_cache_directory($this->templateDir . $module . '/'); $file = $cacheDir . $view . '.tpl'; $this->ss->left_delimiter = '{{'; $this->ss->right_delimiter = '}}'; $this->ss->assign('module', $module); $this->ss->assign('built_in_buttons', array('CANCEL', 'DELETE', 'DUPLICATE', 'EDIT', 'SHARE', 'FIND_DUPLICATES', 'SAVE', 'CONNECTOR')); $contents = $this->ss->fetch($tpl); //Insert validation and quicksearch stuff here if ($view == 'EditView' || strpos($view, 'QuickCreate') || $ajaxSave || $view == "ConvertLead") { global $dictionary, $app_strings, $mod_strings; $mod = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); $defs = $dictionary[$mod]['fields']; $defs2 = array(); //Retrieve all panel field definitions with displayParams Array field set $panelFields = array(); foreach ($metaDataDefs['panels'] as $panel) { foreach ($panel as $row) { foreach ($row as $entry) { if (empty($entry)) { continue; } if (is_array($entry) && isset($entry['name']) && isset($entry['displayParams']) && isset($entry['displayParams']['required']) && $entry['displayParams']['required']) { $panelFields[$entry['name']] = $entry; } if (is_array($entry)) { $defs2[$entry['name']] = $entry; } else { $defs2[$entry] = array('name' => $entry); } } //foreach } //foreach } //foreach foreach ($panelFields as $field => $value) { $nameList = array(); if (!is_array($value['displayParams']['required'])) { $nameList[] = $field; } else { foreach ($value['displayParams']['required'] as $groupedField) { $nameList[] = $groupedField; } } foreach ($nameList as $x) { if (isset($defs[$x]) && isset($defs[$x]['type']) && !isset($defs[$x]['required'])) { $defs[$x]['required'] = true; } } } //foreach //Create a base class with field_name_map property $sugarbean = new stdClass(); $sugarbean->field_name_map = $defs; $sugarbean->module_dir = $module; $javascript = new javascript(); $view = $view == 'QuickCreate' ? "QuickCreate_{$module}" : $view; $javascript->setFormName($view); $javascript->setSugarBean($sugarbean); if ($view != "ConvertLead") { $javascript->addAllFields('', null, true); } $validatedFields = array(); $validatedFields[] = 'team_name'; $javascript->addToValidateBinaryDependency('assigned_user_name', 'alpha', $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH_FIELD') . ': ' . $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'), 'false', '', 'assigned_user_id'); $validatedFields[] = 'assigned_user_name'; //Add remaining validation dependency for related fields //1) a relate type as defined in vardefs //2) set in metadata layout //3) not have validateDepedency set to false in metadata //4) have id_name in vardef entry //5) not already been added to Array foreach ($sugarbean->field_name_map as $name => $def) { if ($def['type'] == 'relate' && isset($defs2[$name]) && (!isset($defs2[$name]['validateDependency']) || $defs2[$name]['validateDependency'] === true) && isset($def['id_name']) && !in_array($name, $validatedFields)) { if (isset($mod_strings[$def['vname']]) || isset($app_strings[$def['vname']]) || translate($def['vname'], $sugarbean->module_dir) != $def['vname']) { $vname = $def['vname']; } else { $vname = "undefined"; } $javascript->addToValidateBinaryDependency($name, 'alpha', $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH_FIELD') . ': ' . $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty($vname), !empty($def['required']) ? 'true' : 'false', '', $def['id_name']); $validatedFields[] = $name; } } //foreach $contents .= "{literal}\n"; $contents .= $javascript->getScript(); $contents .= $this->createQuickSearchCode($defs, $defs2, $view, $module); $contents .= $this->createDependencyJavascript($defs, $metaDataDefs, $view, $module); $contents .= "{/literal}\n"; } else { if (preg_match('/^SearchForm_.+/', $view)) { global $dictionary, $app_strings, $mod_strings; $mod = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); $defs = $dictionary[$mod]['fields']; $contents .= '{literal}'; $contents .= $this->createQuickSearchCode($defs, array(), $view); $contents .= '{/literal}'; } else { if ($view == 'DetailView') { global $dictionary, $app_strings, $mod_strings; $mod = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); $defs = $dictionary[$mod]['fields']; $contents .= "{literal}\n"; $contents .= $this->createDependencyJavascript($defs, $metaDataDefs, $view, $module); $contents .= "{/literal}\n"; } } } //if //Remove all the copyright comments $contents = preg_replace('/\\{\\*[^\\}]*?\\*\\}/', '', $contents); if ($fh = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w')) { fputs($fh, $contents); fclose($fh); } $this->ss->left_delimiter = '{'; $this->ss->right_delimiter = '}'; }
/** * This function retrieves a module's language file and returns the array of strings included. * * @param string $language specific language to load * @param string $module module name to load strings for * @param bool $refresh optional, true if you want to rebuild the language strings * @return array lang strings */ function return_module_language($language, $module, $refresh = false) { global $mod_strings; global $sugar_config; global $currentModule; // Jenny - Bug 8119: Need to check if $module is not empty if (empty($module)) { $stack = debug_backtrace(); $GLOBALS['log']->warn("Variable module is not in return_module_language " . var_export($stack, true)); return array(); } if (!$refresh) { $cache_key = LanguageManager::getLanguageCacheKey($module, $language); // Check for cached value $cache_entry = sugar_cache_retrieve($cache_key); if (!empty($cache_entry) && is_array($cache_entry)) { return $cache_entry; } } // Store the current mod strings for later $temp_mod_strings = $mod_strings; $loaded_mod_strings = array(); $language_used = $language; $default_language = $sugar_config['default_language']; if (empty($language)) { $language = $default_language; } // Bug 21559 - So we can get all the strings defined in the template, refresh // the vardefs file if the cached language file doesn't exist. if (!file_exists(sugar_cached('modules/') . $module . '/language/' . $language . '.lang.php') && !empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$module])) { $object = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module, $object); } $loaded_mod_strings = LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, $language, $refresh); // cn: bug 6048 - merge en_us with requested language if ($language != $sugar_config['default_language']) { $loaded_mod_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge(LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, $sugar_config['default_language'], $refresh), $loaded_mod_strings); } // Load in en_us strings by default if ($language != 'en_us' && $sugar_config['default_language'] != 'en_us') { $loaded_mod_strings = sugarLangArrayMerge(LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage($module, 'en_us', $refresh), $loaded_mod_strings); } // If we are in debug mode for translating, turn on the prefix now! if ($sugar_config['translation_string_prefix']) { foreach ($loaded_mod_strings as $entry_key => $entry_value) { $loaded_mod_strings[$entry_key] = $language_used . ' ' . $entry_value; } } $return_value = $loaded_mod_strings; if (!isset($mod_strings)) { $mod_strings = $return_value; } else { $mod_strings = $temp_mod_strings; } $cache_key = LanguageManager::getLanguageCacheKey($module, $language); sugar_cache_put($cache_key, $return_value); return $return_value; }
function display() { $smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); global $mod_strings; $bak_mod_strings = $mod_strings; $smarty->assign('mod_strings', $mod_strings); $module_name = $_REQUEST['view_module']; global $current_language; $module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module_name); $fieldsData = array(); $customFieldsData = array(); //use fieldTypes variable to map field type to displayed field type $fieldTypes = $mod_strings['fieldTypes']; //add datetimecombo type field from the vardef overrides to point to Datetime type $fieldTypes['datetime'] = $fieldTypes['datetimecombo']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['view_package']) || $_REQUEST['view_package'] == 'studio') { //$this->loadPackageHelp($module_name); $studioClass = new stdClass(); $studioClass->name = $module_name; $objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module_name); VardefManager::loadVardef($module_name, $objectName, true); global $dictionary; $f = array($mod_strings['LBL_HCUSTOM'] => array(), $mod_strings['LBL_HDEFAULT'] => array()); foreach ($dictionary[$objectName]['fields'] as $def) { if (!$this->isValidStudioField($def)) { continue; } if (!empty($def['vname'])) { $def['label'] = translate($def['vname'], $module_name); } elseif (!empty($def['label'])) { $def['label'] = translate($def['label'], $module_name); } else { $def['label'] = $def['name']; } //Custom relate fields will have a non-db source, but custom_module set if (isset($def['source']) && $def['source'] == 'custom_fields' || isset($def['custom_module'])) { $f[$mod_strings['LBL_HCUSTOM']][$def['name']] = $def; $def['custom'] = true; } else { $f[$mod_strings['LBL_HDEFAULT']][$def['name']] = $def; $def['custom'] = false; } $def['type'] = isset($fieldTypes[$def['type']]) ? $fieldTypes[$def['type']] : ucfirst($def['type']); $fieldsData[] = $def; $customFieldsData[$def['name']] = $def['custom']; } $studioClass->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] = $f; $smarty->assign('module', $studioClass); $package = new stdClass(); $package->name = ''; $smarty->assign('package', $package); global $current_user; $sortPreferences = $current_user->getPreference('fieldsTableColumn', 'ModuleBuilder'); $smarty->assign('sortPreferences', $sortPreferences); $smarty->assign('fieldsData', getJSONobj()->encode($fieldsData)); $smarty->assign('customFieldsData', getJSONobj()->encode($customFieldsData)); $smarty->assign('studio', true); $ajax = new AjaxCompose(); $ajax->addCrumb($mod_strings['LBL_STUDIO'], 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard")'); $ajax->addCrumb(translate($module_name), 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view_module=' . $module_name . '")'); $ajax->addCrumb($mod_strings['LBL_FIELDS'], ''); $ajax->addSection('center', $mod_strings['LBL_EDIT_FIELDS'], $smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/MBModule/fields.tpl')); $_REQUEST['field'] = ''; echo $ajax->getJavascript(); } else { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php'; $mb = new ModuleBuilder(); $mb->getPackage($_REQUEST['view_package']); $package = $mb->packages[$_REQUEST['view_package']]; $package->getModule($module_name); $this->mbModule = $package->modules[$module_name]; // We need the type to determine true custom fields $moduleType = $this->mbModule->getModuleType(); $this->loadPackageHelp($module_name); $this->mbModule->getVardefs(true); $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] = array_reverse($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'], true); $loadedFields = array(); if (file_exists($this->mbModule->path . '/language/' . $current_language . '.lang.php')) { include $this->mbModule->path . '/language/' . $current_language . '.lang.php'; $this->mbModule->setModStrings($current_language, $mod_strings); } elseif (file_exists($this->mbModule->path . '/language/en_us.lang.php')) { include $this->mbModule->path . '/language/en_us.lang.php'; $this->mbModule->setModStrings('en_us', $mod_strings); } foreach ($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $k => $v) { if ($k != $this->mbModule->name) { foreach ($v as $field => $def) { if (in_array($field, array_keys($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$this->mbModule->name]))) { $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field] = $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$this->mbModule->name][$field]; unset($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$this->mbModule->name][$field]); } } } } foreach ($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'] as $k => $v) { if ($k != $module_name) { $titleLBL[$k] = translate("LBL_" . strtoupper($k), 'ModuleBuilder'); } else { $titleLBL[$k] = $k; } foreach ($v as $field => $def) { if (isset($loadedFields[$field])) { unset($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field]); } else { $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field]['label'] = isset($def['vname']) && isset($this->mbModule->mblanguage->strings[$current_language . '.lang.php'][$def['vname']]) ? $this->mbModule->mblanguage->strings[$current_language . '.lang.php'][$def['vname']] : $field; // It's only custom if the module name is the same as the key AND not the same as the module type $custom = $k == $this->mbModule->name && $this->mbModule->name != $moduleType; $customFieldsData[$field] = $custom ? true : false; $loadedFields[$field] = true; $type = $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field]['type']; $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field]['type'] = isset($fieldTypes[$type]) ? $fieldTypes[$type] : ucfirst($type); if ($this->isValidStudioField($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field])) { $fieldsData[] = $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$k][$field]; } } } } $this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$module_name] = $this->cullFields($this->mbModule->mbvardefs->vardefs['fields'][$module_name]); $smarty->assign('fieldsData', getJSONobj()->encode($fieldsData)); $smarty->assign('customFieldsData', getJSONobj()->encode($customFieldsData)); global $current_user; $sortPreferences = $current_user->getPreference('fieldsTableColumn', 'ModuleBuilder'); $smarty->assign('sortPreferences', $sortPreferences); $smarty->assign('title', $titleLBL); $smarty->assign('package', $package); $smarty->assign('module', $this->mbModule); $smarty->assign('editLabelsMb', '1'); $smarty->assign('studio', false); $ajax = new AjaxCompose(); $ajax->addCrumb($bak_mod_strings['LBL_MODULEBUILDER'], 'ModuleBuilder.main("mb")'); $ajax->addCrumb($package->name, 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=package&package=' . $package->name . '")'); $ajax->addCrumb($module_name, 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=module&view_package=' . $package->name . '&view_module=' . $module_name . '")'); $ajax->addCrumb($bak_mod_strings['LBL_FIELDS'], ''); $ajax->addSection('center', $bak_mod_strings["LBL_FIELDS"], $smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/MBModule/fields.tpl')); $_REQUEST['field'] = ''; echo $ajax->getJavascript(); } }
function uninstall_relationships($include_studio_relationships = false) { $relationships = array(); //Find and remove studio created relationships. global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary; //Load up the custom relationship definitions. if (file_exists('custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php')) { include 'custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php'; } //Find all the relatioships/relate fields involving this module. $rels_to_remove = array(); foreach ($beanList as $mod => $bean) { //Some modules like cases have a bean name that doesn't match the object name $bean = BeanFactory::getObjectName($mod); VardefManager::loadVardef($mod, $bean); //We can skip modules that are in this package as they will be removed anyhow if (!in_array($mod, $this->modulesInPackage) && !empty($dictionary[$bean]) && !empty($dictionary[$bean]['fields'])) { $field_defs = $dictionary[$bean]['fields']; foreach ($field_defs as $field => $def) { //Weed out most fields first if (isset($def['type'])) { //Custom relationships created in the relationship editor if ($def['type'] == "link" && !empty($def['relationship']) && !empty($dictionary[$def['relationship']])) { $rel_name = $def['relationship']; $rel_def = $dictionary[$rel_name]['relationships'][$rel_name]; //Check against mods to be removed. foreach ($this->modulesInPackage as $removed_mod) { if ($rel_def['lhs_module'] == $removed_mod || $rel_def['rhs_module'] == $removed_mod) { $dictionary[$rel_name]['from_studio'] = true; $relationships[$rel_name] = $dictionary[$rel_name]; } } } //Custom "relate" fields created in studio also need to be removed if ($def['type'] == 'relate' && isset($def['module'])) { foreach ($this->modulesInPackage as $removed_mod) { if ($def['module'] == $removed_mod) { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/Module/StudioModule.php'; $studioMod = new StudioModule($mod); $studioMod->removeFieldFromLayouts($field); if (isset($def['custom_module'])) { require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/DynamicField.php'; require_once $beanFiles[$bean]; $seed = new $bean(); $df = new DynamicField($mod); $df->setup($seed); //Need to load the entire field_meta_data for some field types $field_obj = $df->getFieldWidget($mod, $field); $field_obj->delete($df); } } } } } } } } $this->uninstall_relationship(null, $relationships); if (isset($this->installdefs['relationships'])) { $relationships = $this->installdefs['relationships']; $this->log(translate('LBL_MI_UN_RELATIONSHIPS')); foreach ($relationships as $relationship) { // remove the metadata entry $filename = basename($relationship['meta_data']); $pathname = file_exists("custom/metadata/{$filename}") ? "custom/metadata/{$filename}" : "metadata/{$filename}"; if (isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) && $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) { $this->uninstall_relationship($pathname); } if (file_exists($pathname)) { unlink($pathname); } } } if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/{$this->id_name}.php")) { unlink("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/{$this->id_name}.php"); } Relationship::delete_cache(); $this->rebuild_tabledictionary(); }
public function index($module, $beanId) { try { if (!$this->isEnabled()) { return; } if (empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$module])) { return false; } $bean_name = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$module]; $bean = new $bean_name(); if (!$bean || !$bean instanceof SugarBean) { return false; } if (!self::isModuleSearchable($module, BeanFactory::getObjectName($module))) { return false; } $bean->retrieve($beanId); if (!$bean) { return false; } $indexEvent = $this->getIndexEvent($module, $beanId); $indexEvent->name = $bean->get_summary_text(); $document = $this->getDocumentForBean($bean); //Index name, id, date, filename if (!$document['error']) { $this->remove($module, $beanId); $this->getLuceneIndex()->addDocument($document['document']); $indexEvent->success = true; } else { $indexEvent->success = false; $indexEvent->error = $document['error']; } $indexEvent->save(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $GLOBALS['log']->error($ex->getMessage()); return false; } }
/** * Generate unifed search fields for a particular module even if the module does not participate in the unified search. * * @param string $moduleName * @return array An array of fields to be searched against. */ function generateUnifiedSearchFields($moduleName) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary; if (!isset($beanList[$moduleName])) { return array(); } $beanName = $beanList[$moduleName]; if (!isset($beanFiles[$beanName])) { return array(); } $beanName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName); $manager = new VardefManager(); $manager->loadVardef($moduleName, $beanName); // obtain the field definitions used by generateSearchWhere (duplicate code in view.list.php) if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) { require 'custom/modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php'; } elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) { require 'modules/' . $moduleName . '/metadata/metafiles.php'; } if (!empty($metafiles[$moduleName]['searchfields'])) { require $metafiles[$moduleName]['searchfields']; } elseif (file_exists("modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php")) { require "modules/{$moduleName}/metadata/SearchFields.php"; } $fields = array(); foreach ($dictionary[$beanName]['fields'] as $field => $def) { if (strpos($field, 'email') !== false) { $field = 'email'; } //bug: 38139 - allow phone to be searched through Global Search if (strpos($field, 'phone') !== false) { $field = 'phone'; } if (isset($def['unified_search']) && $def['unified_search'] && isset($searchFields[$moduleName][$field])) { $fields[$field] = $searchFields[$moduleName][$field]; } } //If no fields with the unified flag have been set then lets add a default field. if (empty($fields)) { if (isset($dictionary[$beanName]['fields']['name']) && isset($searchFields[$moduleName]['name'])) { $fields['name'] = $searchFields[$moduleName]['name']; } else { if (isset($dictionary[$beanName]['fields']['first_name']) && isset($searchFields[$moduleName]['first_name'])) { $fields['first_name'] = $searchFields[$moduleName]['first_name']; } if (isset($dictionary[$beanName]['fields']['last_name']) && isset($searchFields[$moduleName]['last_name'])) { $fields['last_name'] = $searchFields[$moduleName]['last_name']; } } } return $fields; }
protected function getLinkFieldDefinition($sourceModule, $relationshipName, $right_side = false, $vname = "", $id_name = false) { $vardef = array(); $vardef['name'] = $this->getValidDBName($relationshipName); $vardef['type'] = 'link'; $vardef['relationship'] = $relationshipName; $vardef['source'] = 'non-db'; $vardef['module'] = $sourceModule; $vardef['bean_name'] = BeanFactory::getObjectName($sourceModule); if ($right_side) { $vardef['side'] = 'right'; } if (!empty($vname)) { $vardef['vname'] = $vname; } if (!empty($id_name)) { $vardef['id_name'] = $id_name; } else { $vardef['id_name'] = $this->getIDName($sourceModule); } return $vardef; }