/** * Static method to initialize the test runner, keeps global space clean * * @return void */ public static function run() { // CUSTOMIZE MODIFY 2014/07/02 ryuring // >>> //$dispatcher = new CakeTestSuiteDispatcher(); // --- $dispatcher = new BaserTestSuiteDispatcher(); // <<< $dispatcher->dispatch(); }
} if (!defined('WWW_ROOT')) { define('WWW_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . DS); } if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) { if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('include_path', ROOT . DS . 'lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); } if (!(include 'Cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php')) { $failed = true; } } else { if (!(include CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'Cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php')) { $failed = true; } } if (!empty($failed)) { trigger_error("CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/test.php. It should point to the directory containing your " . DS . "cake core directory and your " . DS . "vendors root directory.", E_USER_ERROR); } if (Configure::read('debug') < 1) { throw new NotFoundException(__d('cake_dev', 'Debug setting does not allow access to this url.')); } // CUSTOMIZE MODIFY 2014/03/23 ryuring // >>> /*require_once CAKE . 'TestSuite' . DS . 'CakeTestSuiteDispatcher.php'; CakeTestSuiteDispatcher::run();*/ // --- require_once BASER_LIBS . 'TestSuite' . DS . 'BaserTestSuiteDispatcher.php'; BaserTestSuiteDispatcher::run(); // <<<