public static function initREST($debug = false) { try { include "framework" . DS . "bootstrap.php"; $config = Config::getInstance(); $baseURL = $config->getbaseurl(); if (!defined("BASE_URL")) { define("BASE_URL", $baseURL); } $filter = BaseFilter::getInstance(); $router = Router::getInstance(); $router->_loadRoutes(); } catch (Exception $ex) { trigger_error("CORE | There has been an exception at the core of the Framework {$ex->getMessage()} ", E_USER_ERROR); } }
public function __construct($length) { parent::__construct(); $this->min_length = $length; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
<?php try { chdir("../"); include "framework/bootstrap.php"; $config = Config::getInstance(); $baseURL = $config->getbaseurl(); if (!defined("BASE_URL")) { define("BASE_URL", $baseURL); } $filter = BaseFilter::getInstance(); } catch (Exception $ex) { var_dump($ex); } ?> var req; function navigate(month,year,evt) { setFade(0); if (month == "") { month = "1"; } if (year== "") { year = "1"; } if (evt== "") { evt = "1"; } var url = "<?php print BASE_URL; ?>