function command_parse() { global $DB, $Core, $Parse, $Security, $Base, $Style; if (!$Security->allowed()) { return; } $include = implode("/", module()); if (file_exists("module/{$include}/main.php")) { $dir = ""; foreach (module() as $module) { $dir .= "{$module}/"; $shared = "module/{$dir}shared.php"; if (file_exists($shared)) { include $shared; } } require_once "module/{$include}/main.php"; if (function_exists(command())) { eval(command() . "();"); } if (file_exists("module/{$include}/.content/" . func() . ".php")) { if (!get('ajax') && !get('xml')) { require_once "module/{$include}/.content/" . func() . ".php"; } } } else { $Base = new Base(); $Base->title("Invalid Module"); $Base->Header(); $Base->Footer(); } }
function allowed() { global $_allowed_; if (!session('id')) { if (!in_array(implode("-", module()) . func(), $_allowed_)) { $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(ERROR); $Base->title(ERROR_MUST_LOGIN); $Base->header(); $Base->footer(); return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } }
function login_post() { global $DB, $Security; if (!$Security->login(post('name'), post('pass'))) { $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(ERROR); $Base->title(ERROR_AUTH); $Base->header(); $Base->footer(); return; } else { $to = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $to = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } if (substr($to, -12) == "/main/login/") { $to = "/"; } return to_index($to); } }
} if (!is_numeric($prefs['mincollapse'])) { $prefs['mincollapse'] = COLLAPSE_DEFAULT; } if (!isset($prefs['collapseopen'])) { $prefs['collapseopen'] = COLLAPSE_DEFAULT; } if (!is_numeric($prefs['collapseopen'])) { $prefs['collapseopen'] = COLLAPSE_OPEN_DEFAULT; } if ($prefs['collapseopen'] < 1) { $prefs['collapseopen'] = 1; } $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(EDIT); $Base->title("Account Management: {$member['name']}"); $Base->header(); print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n"; $Form = new Form(); $Form->values(array_merge($member, $prefs)); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Account Management"); $Form->add_text("name", "Name:"); $Form->add_text("postalcode", "Postal Code:"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->fieldset_open("Password Management"); print "<div id=\"password\" style=\"display:none\">\n"; $Form->add_password("_current", "Current:"); $Form->add_password("_pass", "New:"); $Form->add_password("_pass_confirm", "Confirm:"); print "</div>\n";
<?php if (!isset($res)) { $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(SEARCH); $Base->title("Search"); $Base->header(); } $Form = new Form(); $Form->ajax(false); if (isset($_SESSION['search'])) { $Form->values($_SESSION['search']); } $Form->header("/search/", "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Search Information"); $Form->add_text("search", "Search For:", 300); $Form->add_select("_type", "Within:", "Choose", array("thread" => "Threads", "thread_post" => "Thread Posts", "message" => "Messages", "message_post" => "Message Posts")); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->fieldset_open("Optional Fields"); print "<li>will return in a bit</li>\n"; /* $Form->add_text("member","By Member:"); $Form->labels(false); print "<li>\n"; print " <label>Date Range:</label>\n"; $Form->add_date("start",false); $Form->add_date("end",false); print "</li>\n"; $Form->labels(true); $Form->add_select("quickdate","Quick Ranges:","Choose",array("thisweek"=>"This Week","thismonth"=>"This Month","lastweek"=>"Last Week","lastmonth"=>"Last Month"),"onchange=\"quickrange($(this).val())\">"); */
<?php if (session('id') || !REGISTRATION_OPEN) { return to_index(); } $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(CREATE); $Base->title("Create Account"); $Base->header(); print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n"; print LEGAL; if (!REGISTRATION_PASSWORD && !session('authorized')) { $_SESSION['authorized'] = true; } if (REGISTRATION_PASSWORD && !session('authorized')) { $Form = new Form(); $Form->header(url(0, -2) . "authorize/", "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Registration Authorization"); $Form->add_password("password", "Password:"******"Authorize Me"); $Form->footer(); } if (session('authorized')) { $Form = new Form(); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Create Account"); $Form->add_text("account", "Name:", 150); $Form->add_text("secret", "Secret Word:", 150, false, "/><span class=\"small\">(to recover forgotten password)</span>"); $Form->add_text("email_signup", "Email:", 200); $Form->add_text("email_confirm", "Email (confirm):", 200);
} .picker ul li { list-style: none; margin-top: 8px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/colorpicker/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/colorpicker/colormethods.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/colorpicker/colorvaluepicker.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/colorpicker/slider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/colorpicker/colorpicker.js"></script> <?php $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(EDIT); $Base->title("Color Theme Styler"); $Base->header(); ?> <div style="padding-top:25px;width:50%;float:left"> <div class="picker"><div id="cp1_ColorMap"></div></div> <div class="picker"><div id="cp1_ColorBar"></div></div> <div class="picker"> <div id="cp1_Preview" style="background-color:#fff;width:60px;height:60px;padding:0;margin:0;border:solid 1px #000;"><br/></div> <ul> <li> <input type="radio" id="cp1_HueRadio" name="cp1_Mode" value="0" /> <label for="cp1_HueRadio">H:</label> <input type="text" id="cp1_Hue" value="0" style="width: 40px;" /> ° </li> <li> <input type="radio" id="cp1_SaturationRadio" name="cp1_Mode" value="1" />
<?php $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(CREATE); $Base->title("Create New Thread"); $Base->header(); $Form = new Form(); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->account_login(); $Form->fieldset_open("Thread Details"); $Form->add_text("subject", "Subject:", 400, 200); $Form->add_textarea("body", "Body:"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->add_submit(SAY_BUTTON, "class=\"nodisable\"/>"); $Form->add_button("preview", PREVIEW_BUTTON, "preview_post('{$Form->name}','thread',99999999);"); print " <sup><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"\$('#bbcode').slideToggle()\">[help]</a></sup>\n"; $Form->footer(); $Form->header_validate(); $Form->add_notnull("subject", "Please enter a subject."); $Form->add_notnull("body", "Please enter a post body."); $Form->footer_validate(); $Base->footer(); print BBCODE_GUIDE; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function completed(data) { if(jQuery.trim(data) == "") window.location = '/'; $('.submit').attr('disabled',false); } </script>
<?php $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(MISC); $Base->title(TITLE_CHAT); $Base->header(); ?> <div id="data" class="box clear" style="overflow:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;height:375px;"> Loading chat history... </div> <?php $Form = new Form(); $Form->labels(false); $Form->header("/chat/speak/", "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Chat Panel"); $Form->add_text("chat", false, 400, false, "onkeydown=\"return catch_enter(event)\"/>"); $Form->add_button("add", "say that shit", "speak();"); print "<br/>\n"; $Form->add_checkbox("stop", "pause scroll", "onclick=\"pause=pause?false:true\"/> pause scrolling"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->footer(); $Base->footer(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var lasthash; var pause = false; function speak() { var text = $('#chat').val(); $('#add')[0].disabled = true; $.post("/chat/speak/",{msg:text},function(data)
function status_get() { global $DB, $Core, $Parse; if (!session('id')) { return; } $active = $Core->active_members(); $posting = array_keys($Core->posting_members()); $lurking = array_keys($Core->lurking_members()); $chatting = array_keys($Core->chatting_members()); $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(MISC); $Base->title("Board Status"); $Base->header(); $output = ""; $output .= "key:<br/>\n"; $output .= " normal - viewing<br />"; $output .= " <strong>bold</strong> - posting<br/>"; $output .= " <u>underline</u> - lurking<br/>"; $output .= " <strike>strikethrough</strike> - chatting<br/><br/>"; print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n"; $name_output = ""; foreach ($active as $id => $name) { $name = $Core->member_link($name); if (in_array($id, $posting)) { $name = "<strong>{$name}</strong>"; } if (in_array($id, $lurking)) { $name = "<span class=\"lurker\">{$name}</span>"; } if (in_array($id, $chatting)) { $name = "<strike>{$name}</strike>"; } $name_output .= "{$name}, "; } print $output; print substr($name_output, 0, -2); if (IGNORE_ENABLED && IGNORE_PUBLIC) { $DB->query("SELECT\r\n count(*) as num,\r\n\r\n FROM\r\n member_ignore mi\r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n member m\r\n ON\r\n = mi.ignore_member_id\r\n GROUP BY\r\n\r\n ORDER BY num DESC\r\n LIMIT 25"); print "<br/><br/><strong>top 25 ignored posters:</strong><br/><br/>"; print "<ol style=\"padding-left:30px\">\n"; while ($row = $DB->load_array()) { print " <li>" . $Core->member_link($row['name']) . " ({$row['num']})</li>\n"; } print "</ol>\n"; $DB->query("SELECT\r\n count(*) as num,\r\n\r\n FROM\r\n member_ignore mi\r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n member m\r\n ON\r\n = mi.member_id\r\n GROUP BY\r\n\r\n ORDER BY num DESC\r\n LIMIT 25"); print "<br/><br/><strong>top 25 posters using ignore:</strong><br/><br/>"; print "<ol style=\"padding-left:30px\">\n"; while ($row = $DB->load_array()) { print " <li>" . $Core->member_link($row['name']) . " ({$row['num']})</li>\n"; } print "</ol>\n"; } $DB->query("SELECT\r\n count(*) as num,\r\n (SELECT subject FROM thread WHERE id=f.thread_id) as subject,\r\n f.thread_id as id\r\n FROM\r\n favorite f\r\n GROUP BY\r\n f.thread_id\r\n ORDER BY num DESC\r\n LIMIT 25"); print "<br/><br/><strong>top 25 favorited threads:</strong><br/><br/>"; print "<ol style=\"padding-left:30px\">\n"; while ($row = $DB->load_array()) { print " <li><a href=\"/thread/view/{$row['id']}/\">" . strip_tags($row['subject']) . "</a> ({$row['num']})</li>\n"; } print "</ol>\n"; print "</div>"; $Base->footer(); }
<?php if (!id() || !session('admin')) { return to_index(); } $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(EDIT); $Base->title("Edit Post"); $Base->header(); $DB->query("SELECT thread_id,body FROM thread_post WHERE id=\$1", array(id())); $data = $DB->load_array(); $Form = new Form(); $Form->values($data); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Edit"); $Form->add_textarea("body", "Body:"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->add_submit(SAY_BUTTON, "id=\"submit\"/>"); $Form->footer(); $Form->header_validate(); $Form->add_notnull("body", "Please enter a post body."); $Form->footer_validate(); $Base->footer(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function completed(data) { if(jQuery.trim(data) == "") location.href='/thread/view/<?php print $data['thread_id']; ?> /';
<?php if (session('id')) { return to_index(); } $Base = new Base(); $Base->title("Forgotten Password"); $Base->type(CREATE); $Base->header(); print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n"; print FORGOT_PASSWORD; $Form = new Form(); $Form->ajax(false); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->fieldset_open("Reset Password"); $Form->add_text("email_signup", "Email Signup:"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->add_submit("Send Reset Email"); $Form->footer(); $Form->header_validate(); $Form->add_notnull("email_signup", "Please enter an email address."); $Form->footer_validate(); print "</div>"; $Base->footer();
<?php $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(CREATE); $Base->title("Create New Message"); $Base->header(); $Form = new Form(); $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT); $Form->account_login(); $Form->fieldset_open("Message Details"); $Form->labels(false); print "<li>\n"; print " <label>Recipients:</label>\n"; print " <div id=\"m\" style=\"width:500px;float:left;line-height:1.8em;\"><span id=\"notice\" class=\"small\">(invalid names will be discarded)</span></div>\n"; print "</li>\n"; print "<li>\n"; print " <label for=\"recipients\">Add Members:</label>\n"; $Form->add_hidden("message_members"); $Form->add_text("_recipients", false, 200, false, "onkeydown=\"return catch_enter(event)\"/>"); $Form->add_button("add", "Add", "check_member();", "tabindex=\"10\"/>"); print " <sup id=\"names\">add multiples with: name, name, name</sup>"; print "</li>\n"; $Form->labels(true); $Form->add_text("subject", "Subject:", 400, 200); $Form->add_textarea("body", "Body:"); $Form->fieldset_close(); $Form->add_submit(SAY_BUTTON, "class=\"nodisable\"/>"); $Form->add_button("preview", PREVIEW_BUTTON, "preview_post('{$Form->name}','message',99999999);"); print " <sup><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"\$('#bbcode').slideToggle()\">[help]</a></sup>\n"; $Form->footer(); $Form->header_validate();
<?php function number($str) { return str_replace(array("\$", ","), "", $str); } $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(MISC); $Base->title("Donate"); $Base->header(); print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n"; if (FUNDRAISER_ID != -1) { $goal = $Core->fundraiser_goal(); $total = $Core->fundraiser_total(); if ($total != "\$0.00") { $percent = round(number($total) * 100 / number($goal), 2); } else { $percent = "0"; } print "<h4>" . $Core->fundraiser_name() . " Status:</h4><br/>\n"; print "<h4>{$total} <span class=\"smaller\">({$percent}%) of {$goal} raised.</span></h4><br/>\n"; } print DONATION_TEXT; print DONATION_BUTTON; print "</div>\n"; $Base->footer();
function listen_get() { global $Security, $Core, $DB; if (cmd(3) != MD5(session_id())) { return to_index(); } if (!($listen = $Core->idfromname(id()))) { $Base = new Base(); $Base->type(ERROR); $Base->title(ERROR_MEMBER_NOTFOUND); $Base->header(); $Base->footer(); return; } if ($Security->is_admin($listen) || !session('id')) { return to_index(); } if ($DB->query("DELETE FROM member_ignore WHERE member_id=\$1 AND ignore_member_id=\$2", array(session('id'), $listen))) { return to_index(); } else { print "<h3>Something got f****d.</h3>\n"; } }
require_once "class/Admin.php"; // search management require_once "class/Plugin.php"; // plugins $Security = new BoardSecurity(); $Core = new BoardCore(); $DB = new DB(DB, true); $Parse = new BoardParse($_bbc_, $_rep_); if (!session('id') && cookie('board')) { $Security->login_cookie(); } $Style = new BoardStyle(session('id')); if (!isset($commandline)) { ob_start(); if (!$DB->db) { $Base = new Base(); $Base->title("Dead database!"); $Base->header(); $Base->footer(); } else { $Core->command_parse(); if (get('ajax')) { $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); print $buffer; exit_clean(); } $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } }