Esempio n. 1

// Autoload the library using Composer, if you're using a framework you shouldn't need to do this!!
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ballen\Dodns\CredentialManager;
use Ballen\Dodns\Dodns;
 * Example of deleting a domain
// We now create an instance of the DigitalOcean DNS client passing in our API credentials.
$dns = new Dodns(new CredentialManager(file_get_contents('token.txt')));
// Set the domain entity that we wish to delete from our account...
$domain = new \Ballen\Dodns\Entities\Domain();
// Now we carry out the deletion and check if it was successful...
if (!$dns->deleteDomain($domain)) {
    echo "An error occured and the domain could not be deleted!";
} else {
    echo sprintf("Congratulations, the domain <strong>%s</strong> has been deleted successfully!", $domain->getName());
Esempio n. 2

// Autoload the library using Composer, if you're using a framework you shouldn't need to do this!!
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ballen\Dodns\CredentialManager;
use Ballen\Dodns\Dodns;
 * Example of getting details of a single record.
// We now create an instance of the DigitalOcean DNS client passing in our API credentials.
$dns = new Dodns(new CredentialManager(file_get_contents('token.txt')));
// Set the domain entity that the record exists against...
$domain = new \Ballen\Dodns\Entities\Domain();
// Provide the record ID that you wish to get the details of (if you don't know this, call the records() method first, see the 'get_all_records_for_a_domain.php' example file!)
$record_id = 9013589;
// You can now access the record details...
$record = $dns->record($domain, $record_id);
// Want to inspect the data?
// Access the entity properties using the 'getX' methods...
echo "Record type: " . $record->getType() . "<br>";
echo "Record name: " . $record->getName() . "<br>";
echo "Record data (eg. Server IP for a 'A' record): " . $record->getData() . "<br>";
Esempio n. 3

// Autoload the library using Composer, if you're using a framework you shouldn't need to do this!!
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ballen\Dodns\CredentialManager;
use Ballen\Dodns\Dodns;
 * Example of deleting a domain record.
// We now create an instance of the DigitalOcean DNS client passing in our API credentials.
$dns = new Dodns(new CredentialManager(file_get_contents('token.txt')));
// Set the domain entity that the record exists against...
$domain = new \Ballen\Dodns\Entities\Domain();
// Provide the record ID that you wish to delete (if you don't know this, call the records() method first, see the 'get_all_records_for_a_domain.php' example file!)
$record_id = 9012666;
// Now we carry out the deletion and check if it was successful...
if (!$dns->deleteRecord($domain, $record_id)) {
    echo "An error occured and the domain record could not be deleted!";
} else {
    echo sprintf("Congratulations, the domain record has been deleted successfully!");
Esempio n. 4

// Autoload the library using Composer, if you're using a framework you shouldn't need to do this!!
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ballen\Dodns\CredentialManager;
use Ballen\Dodns\Dodns;
 * Example of creating a new record.
// We now create an instance of the DigitalOcean DNS client passing in our API credentials.
$dns = new Dodns(new CredentialManager(file_get_contents('token.txt')));
// Set the domain of which we are saving the new record against....
$domain = new Ballen\Dodns\Entities\Domain();
// Using the RecordBuilder class we create our record before saving it to the domain via. the API...
$new_record = new Ballen\Dodns\Support\RecordBuilder('A', 'server2', '');
// Now we carry out the creation and check if it was successful...
$record = $dns->createRecord($domain, $new_record);
if ($record) {
    echo "Congratulations, the record <strong>{$record->getName()}.{$domain->getName()}</strong> has been created successfully!";