Esempio n. 1
 function handleAction()
     global $uid, $formhash;
     $status = -1;
     $msg = '未登录!';
     $data = array('time' => time());
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != 'Android Client For Tieba Signer') {
         exit(json_encode(array('status' => -2, 'msg' => '非法操作', 'data' => $data)));
     } else {
         if ($_GET['a'] == 'api_info') {
             $status = 0;
             $data = array('version' => '1.0.0', 'site' => $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
         } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'do_login') {
             if (!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
                 $username = daddslashes($_POST['username']);
                 $un = strtolower($username);
                 if (strlen($username) > 24) {
                     $msg = '用户名过长,请修改';
                     $status = 3;
                 } else {
                     $user = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM member WHERE username='******'");
                     $verified = Widget_Password::verify($user, $_POST['password']);
                     if ($verified) {
                         $login_exp = TIMESTAMP + 3600;
                         $status = 0;
                         $msg = "欢迎回来,{$user['username']}!";
                         $data = array('uid' => $user['uid'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'formhash' => substr(md5(substr(TIMESTAMP, 0, -7) . $user['username'] . $user['uid'] . ENCRYPT_KEY . ROOT), 8, 8));
                     } else {
                         $status = 2;
                         $msg = "对不起,您的用户名或密码错误,无法登录";
             } else {
                 $status = 1;
                 $msg = '用户名或密码不得为空!';
         } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'check_login') {
             if ($uid) {
                 $status = 0;
             if ($uid) {
                 $msg = '您已登录';
         } elseif ($formhash != $_GET['formhash']) {
             $status = -2;
             $msg = '非法操作';
         } elseif ($uid) {
             $status = 0;
             $msg = "";
             require_once ROOT . './plugins/zw_client_api/BaiduUtil.php';
             $binded_baidu = true;
             $cookie = get_cookie($uid);
             if (empty($cookie)) {
                 $binded_baidu = false;
             } else {
                 try {
                     $baiduUtil = new BaiduUtil(get_cookie($uid));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if ($e->getCode() == -99) {
                         $binded_baidu = false;
             switch ($_GET['a']) {
                 case 'baidu_info':
                     if ($binded_baidu) {
                         $msg = '百度账号信息';
                         try {
                             $baidu_account_info = $baiduUtil->fetchClientUserInfo();
                             $baidu_account_tieba_list = $baiduUtil->fetchClientLikedForumList();
                             $baidu_account_follow_list = $baiduUtil->fetchFollowList(4);
                             $baidu_account_fans_list = $baiduUtil->fetchFansList(4);
                             $data = array('id' => $baidu_account_info['data']['id'], 'username' => $baidu_account_info['data']['un'], 'avatar' => $baidu_account_info['data']['head_photo_h'], 'sex' => $baidu_account_info['data']['sex'], 'tb_age' => $baidu_account_info['data']['tb_age'], 'fans_num' => $baidu_account_info['data']['fans_num'], 'follow_num' => $baidu_account_info['data']['concern_num'], 'tb_num' => $baidu_account_info['data']['like_forum_num'], 'intro' => $baidu_account_info['data']['intro'] ? $baidu_account_info['data']['intro'] : '这个家伙很懒,什么也没有留下', 'tiebas' => $baidu_account_tieba_list['data'] ? $baidu_account_tieba_list['data'] : array(), 'follow' => $baidu_account_follow_list['data'], 'fans' => $baidu_account_fans_list['data']);
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $status = "3";
                             $msg = '助手站点错误:' . $e->getMessage();
                     } else {
                         $status = 1;
                         $msg = "未绑定百度账号";
                 case 'unbind_baidu':
                     DB::query("UPDATE member_setting SET cookie='' WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
                     DB::query("DELETE FROM my_tieba WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
                     DB::query("DELETE FROM sign_log WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
                     $msg = "已经解除百度账号绑定,您可以稍后重新进行绑定";
                 case 'sign_log':
                     $msg = '获取成功';
                     $date = intval($_GET['date']);
                     $data['date'] = $date;
                     $data['log'] = array();
                     $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM sign_log l LEFT JOIN my_tieba t ON t.tid=l.tid WHERE l.uid='{$uid}' AND'{$date}'");
                     while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) {
                         $data['log'][] = $result;
                     $data['count'] = count($data['log']);
                     $previous_date = DB::result_first("SELECT date FROM sign_log WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND date<'{$date}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1");
                     $next_date = DB::result_first("SELECT date FROM sign_log WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND date>'{$date}' ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 0,1");
                     $data['previous_date'] = $previous_date ? $previous_date : '0';
                     $data['next_date'] = $next_date ? $next_date : '0';
                 case 'cloud_info':
                     $msg = '获取成功';
                     $data['sid'] = cloud::id();
                 case 'plugin_info':
                     $msg = '获取成功';
                     $plugin_info = CACHE::get('plugins');
                     $data['plugins'] = array();
                     $plugin_supported = array('zw_custom_page' => array('name' => '自定义页面', 'author' => 'JerryLocke'), 'zw_blockid' => array('name' => '循环封禁', 'author' => 'JerryLocke'), 'x_tdou' => array('name' => 'T豆', 'author' => '星弦雪'), 'xxx_post' => array('name' => '客户端回帖', 'author' => '星弦雪'), 'xxx_meizi' => array('name' => '妹纸认证', 'author' => '星弦雪'));
                     foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin) {
                         if (isset($plugin_supported[$plugin['id']])) {
                             $data['plugins'][] = $plugin + $plugin_supported[$plugin['id']];
                     $data['count'] = count($data['plugins']);
         echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'msg' => $msg, 'data' => $data));