public function loadTableData($netId, $yearTerm = null) { require_once "BYU/Common/Registration/Enrollment.php"; require_once "BYU/Common/RestClient/RestClient.php"; $connection = $this->getDataSource()->config; //get the information from the database config $api_key = $connection['apiKey']; $shared_secret = $connection['sharedSecret']; $rest = new BYU\Common\RestClient('json', null, null, false); //rest client for control dates $user = new BYU\Common\Enrollment($api_key, $shared_secret, $rest); //This if statement determines if a yearTerm has been specified. If not, it gets the current yearTerm from a method if ($yearTerm == null) { $yearTerm = $this->ControlDate->currentYearTerm(); } $schedule = $user->getInstructorScheduleByNetID($netId, $yearTerm, true); //this is formatted according to the specifications for DataTables $table_data = array("sEcho" => 0, "iTotalRecords" => count($schedule['class_list']), "iTotalDisplayRecords" => count($schedule['class_list']), "aaData" => array()); //get data out from instructor data //$reportUrl = $this->Html->url(array('action' => 'stats_page')); //update with real URL info foreach ($schedule['class_list'] as $course) { $courseName = $course['subject_area'] + (string) $course['catalog_number']; $row = array($course['subject_area'] . " " . strval($course['catalog_number']), $course['section_number'], $schedule["sort_name"], array(24, 111), 1, true, rand()); $table_data['aaData'][] = $row; } return json_encode($table_data); }
public function loadTableData($netId, $yearTerm = null, $dataSet) { require_once "BYU/Common/Registration/Enrollment.php"; require_once "BYU/Common/RestClient/RestClient.php"; $connection = $this->getDataSource()->config; //get the information from the database config $api_key = $connection['apiKey']; $shared_secret = $connection['sharedSecret']; $rest = new BYU\Common\RestClient('json', null, null, false); //rest client for control dates $user = new BYU\Common\Enrollment($api_key, $shared_secret, $rest); //This if statement determines if a yearTerm has been specified. If not, it gets the current yearTerm from a method if ($yearTerm == null) { $currentDate = date('Ymd'); $url = "" . $currentDate . "/current_yyt"; $dateInfo = $rest->makeRequest('GET', $url); $yearTerm = $dateInfo['ControldateswsService']['response']['date_list'][0]['year_term']; } $schedule = $user->getInstructorScheduleByNetID($netId, $yearTerm, true); //Everything below formats the data according to the specifications for DataTables. It must go in this way. $table_data = array("sEcho" => 0, "iTotalRecords" => count($schedule['class_list']), "iTotalDisplayRecords" => count($schedule['class_list']), "aaData" => array()); //get data out from instructor data $testData = array("Iglesias, Enrique", "Montoya, Inigo", "Quixote, Don"); $administrators = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($testData); $i++) { if ($i < count($testData) - 1) { $administrators = $administrators . $testData[$i] . "; "; } elseif ($i == count($testData) - 1) { $administrators = $administrators . $testData[$i]; } } foreach ($schedule['class_list'] as $course) { $courseName = $course['subject_area'] + (string) $course['catalog_number']; $row = array("", "Spanish", $administrators, array("tthomas8", "gds2", "devingd"), array("tthomas8", "gds2", "devingd"), array("Alvarez Zavala, Maria de las Fuentes ", "Potter, Harry", "Bourne, Jason"), array("Norris, Chuck", "Solo, Han", "Parker, Peter"), rand()); $table_data['aaData'][] = $row; } return json_encode($table_data); }