Esempio n. 1
 public function findUsers($groupId, $count, $withPhoto = true)
     $userTable = BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getTableName();
     $avatarJoin = !$withPhoto ? '' : "INNER JOIN `" . BOL_AvatarDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `a`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `a`.`userId` )";
     $query = "\n            SELECT `u`.* FROM `{$userTable}` AS `u`\n\n            INNER JOIN `" . GROUPS_BOL_GroupUserDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` AS `g`\n                    ON( `u`.`id` = `g`.`userId` )\n\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n                    ON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d`\n                    ON( `u`.`id` = `d`.`userId` )\n\n            {$avatarJoin}\n\n            WHERE g.groupId=:g AND `s`.`id` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` IS NULL\n            ORDER BY `u`.`activityStamp` DESC\n            LIMIT :ls, :le";
     return OW::getDbo()->queryForObjectList($query, BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getDtoClassName(), array('ls' => 0, 'le' => $count, 'g' => $groupId));
Esempio n. 2
 public function findUsers($kw, $limit = null)
     $questionName = OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'display_name_question');
     $questionDataTable = BOL_QuestionDataDao::getInstance()->getTableName();
     $limitStr = $limit === null ? '' : 'LIMIT 0, ' . intval($limit);
     $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT qd.userId FROM ' . $questionDataTable . ' qd
         LEFT JOIN `' . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . '` AS `us` ON ( `qd`.`userId` = `us`.`userId` )
         WHERE `us`.`userId` IS NULL AND questionName=:name AND textValue LIKE :kw ' . $limitStr;
     return OW::getDbo()->queryForColumnList($query, array('kw' => '%' . $kw . '%', 'name' => $questionName));
Esempio n. 3
 public function findUsers($kw, $userId, $limit = null)
     if (!OW::getPluginManager()->isPluginActive('friends')) {
         return array();
     $friendsTable = FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::getInstance()->getTableName();
     $questionName = OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'display_name_question');
     $questionDataTable = BOL_QuestionDataDao::getInstance()->getTableName();
     $limitStr = $limit === null ? '' : 'LIMIT 0, ' . intval($limit);
     $query = "SELECT `fr`.`userId` FROM `" . $friendsTable . "` AS `fr`\n            INNER JOIN " . $questionDataTable . " qd ON fr.userId = qd.userId\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` AS `us` ON ( `fr`.`friendId` = `us`.`userId` )\n            WHERE `fr`.`status` = :status AND `us`.`userId` IS NULL AND `fr`.`friendId` = :userId\n                AND qd.questionName=:name AND qd.textValue LIKE :kw\n            UNION\n            SELECT `fr`.`friendId` AS `userId` FROM `" . $friendsTable . "` AS `fr`\n            INNER JOIN " . $questionDataTable . " qd ON fr.friendId = qd.userId\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` AS `us` ON ( `fr`.`friendId` = `us`.`userId` )\n            WHERE `fr`.`status` = :status AND `us`.`userId` IS NULL AND `fr`.`userId` = :userId\n                AND qd.questionName=:name AND qd.textValue LIKE :kw\n            {$limitStr}\n            ";
     return OW::getDbo()->queryForColumnList($query, array('userId' => $userId, 'status' => FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::VAL_STATUS_ACTIVE, 'kw' => '%' . $kw . '%', 'name' => $questionName));
Esempio n. 4
  * Constructor.
 private function __construct()
     $this->userDao = BOL_UserDao::getInstance();
     $this->loginCookieDao = BOL_LoginCookieDao::getInstance();
     $this->userFeaturedDao = BOL_UserFeaturedDao::getInstance();
     $this->userOnlineDao = BOL_UserOnlineDao::getInstance();
     $this->userSuspendDao = BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance();
     $this->userApproveDao = BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance();
     $this->restrictedUsernamesDao = BOL_RestrictedUsernamesDao::getInstance();
     $this->inviteCodeDao = BOL_InviteCodeDao::getInstance();
     $this->approveDao = BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance();
     $this->resetPasswordDao = BOL_UserResetPasswordDao::getInstance();
     $this->userBlockDao = BOL_UserBlockDao::getInstance();
     $this->tokenDao = BOL_AuthTokenDao::getInstance();
Esempio n. 5
 public function countSuspended()
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n            FROM `{$this->getTableName()}` as `u`\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n                ON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n            WHERE `s`.`id` IS NOT NULL\n        ";
     return $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query);
Esempio n. 6
 public function getNewUsersThisMonth($first, $count)
     $query = "SELECT `u`.* FROM `" . BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `u`\n\t    \tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n\t    \t\tON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d`\n                ON( `u`.`id` = `d`.`userId` )\n\t    \tWHERE `s`.`id` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` IS NULL\n\t    \tAND `u`.`joinStamp` >= :ts\n\t    \tORDER BY `u`.`joinStamp` DESC\n\t    \tLIMIT :first, :count";
     return OW::getDbo()->queryForObjectList($query, BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getDtoClassName(), array('ts' => time() - 30 * 24 * 3600, 'first' => $first, 'count' => $count));
Esempio n. 7
 public function findFriendshipListByUserId($userId, $userIdList = array())
     $query = "( SELECT `fr`.`id`, `fr`.`userId`, `fr`.`friendId`, `fr`.`status` FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` AS `fr`\r\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` AS `us` ON ( `fr`.`" . self::USER_ID . "` = `us`.`userId` )\r\n            WHERE `fr`.`" . self::STATUS . "` = :status1 AND `us`.`userId` IS NULL AND `fr`.`" . self::FRIEND_ID . "` = :userId1\r\n            " . (empty($userIdList) ? '' : " AND `fr`.`" . self::USER_ID . "` IN ( " . $this->dbo->mergeInClause($userIdList) . " )") . " )\r\n            UNION\r\n            ( SELECT `fr`.`id`, `fr`.`userId`, `fr`.`friendId`, `fr`.`status` FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` AS `fr`\r\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` AS `us` ON ( `fr`.`" . self::FRIEND_ID . "` = `us`.`userId` )\r\n            WHERE `fr`.`" . self::STATUS . "` = :status2 AND `us`.`userId` IS NULL AND `fr`.`" . self::USER_ID . "` = :userId2\r\n            " . (empty($userIdList) ? '' : " AND `fr`.`" . self::FRIEND_ID . "` IN ( " . $this->dbo->mergeInClause($userIdList) . " )") . " ) ";
     return $this->dbo->queryForObjectList($query, $this->getDtoClassName(), array('userId1' => $userId, 'userId2' => $userId, 'status1' => self::VAL_STATUS_ACTIVE, 'status2' => self::VAL_STATUS_ACTIVE));
Esempio n. 8
 public function findUserListForInvite($eventId, $first, $count, $friendList = null)
     $userDao = BOL_UserDao::getInstance();
     $eventDao = EVENTX_BOL_EventDao::getInstance();
     $eventUserDao = EVENTX_BOL_EventUserDao::getInstance();
     $where = "";
     if (isset($friendList) && empty($friendList)) {
         return array();
     } else {
         if (!empty($friendList)) {
             $where = " AND `u`.id IN ( " . $this->dbo->mergeInClause($friendList) . " ) ";
     $query = "SELECT `u`.`id`\n    \t\tFROM `{$userDao->getTableName()}` as `u`\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $eventDao->getTableName() . "` as `e`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `e`.`userId` AND = :event )\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `ei`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `ei`.`userId` AND `ei`.eventId = :event )\n\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $eventUserDao->getTableName() . "` as `eu`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `eu`.`userId` AND `eu`.eventId = :event )\n\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `d`.`userId` )\n\n    \t\tWHERE `e`.`id` IS NULL AND `ei`.`id` IS NULL AND `s`.`id` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` IS NULL AND `eu`.`id` IS NULL " . $where . "\n    \t\tORDER BY `u`.`activityStamp` DESC\n    \t\tLIMIT :first, :count ";
     return $this->dbo->queryForColumnList($query, array('event' => $eventId, 'first' => $first, 'count' => $count));
Esempio n. 9
 public function get_startpage($type = "full", $curent_member_profile = 0, $page = 1)
     //echo "dfdf";exit;
     $per_page = OW::getConfig()->getValue('startpage', 'show_startpage_maxitems');
     if (!$per_page) {
         $per_page = 0;
     $page = $page - 1;
     if ($page < 0) {
         $page = 0;
     $start_page = $page * $per_page;
     $id_user = OW::getUser()->getId();
     //citent login user (uwner)
     $is_admin = OW::getUser()->isAdmin();
     $curent_url = OW_URL_HOME;
     $content = "";
     if (!$curent_member_profile or $curent_member_profile == "") {
         $curent_member_profile = $id_user;
     //echo "--".$curent_member_profile."======".BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getDisplayName(1);exit;$curent_member_profile
     //    if ($id_user>0){
     if ($curent_member_profile > 0 and OW::getConfig()->getValue('startpage', 'show_profile_inwidget_startpage') == 1) {
         $dname = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getDisplayName($curent_member_profile);
         $uurl = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getUserUrl($curent_member_profile);
         $uimg = BOL_AvatarService::getInstance()->getAvatarUrl($curent_member_profile);
         $contentt = "";
         if ($uimg) {
             $contentt .= "<a href=\"" . $uurl . "\">";
             $contentt .= "<img src=\"" . $uimg . "\" alt=\"" . $dname . "\" title=\"" . $dname . "\" width=\"45px\" style=\"max-width: 100%;\" align=\"left\" >";
             $contentt .= "</a>";
         } else {
             //                        $tabt .="<i>".OW::getLanguage()->text('search', 'index_hasnotimage')."</i>";
             $contentt .= "<a href=\"" . $uurl . "\"  >";
             $contentt .= "<img src=\"" . $curent_url . "ow_static/themes/" . OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'selectedTheme') . "/images/no-avatar.png\" title=\"" . $dname . "\" width=\"45px\" style=\"max-width: 100%;\" align=\"left\" >";
             $contentt .= "</a>";
         $mystatus = $this->get_status($curent_member_profile);
         $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box ow_stdmargin clearfix index-BASE_CMP_MyAvatarWidget ow_break_word\" style=\"margin-top:-10px;\">\n                <div class=\"ow_my_avatar_widget clearfix\" id=\"aron_my_avatar_widget\">\n                    <div class=\"ow_left ow_my_avatar_img\">\n                        <div class=\"ow_avatar\">\n                        " . $contentt . "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"ow_my_avatar_cont\" style=\"height:22px;text-align:left;\">\n                        <a href=\"" . $uurl . "\" class=\"ow_my_avatar_username\"><span style=\"\">" . $dname . "</span></a>\n\n                    </div>\n    <div class=\"ow_small ow_remark ow_ipc_dateX ow_left\" style=\"margin-left:5px;max-height: 14px;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;\">" . $this->get_decoded_status($mystatus) . "</div>\n                </div>";
         //----stat start
         //$mystatus=$this->get_status();//move up
         if ($curent_member_profile > 0 and $id_user > 0 and $curent_member_profile == $id_user) {
             $content .= "<div class=\"ow_center ow_remark clearfix\">";
             $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box_toolbar_cont clearfix ow_left\">";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_left\">".$this->get_decoded_status($mystatus)."</div>";
             $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box_toolbar ow_remark\">\n        <span style=\"\" class=\"ow_nowrap\">\n        <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"startpage_pop\" >" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'change_self_status') . "</a>\n        </span>\n        </div>\n        </div>\n    </div>";
             $burl = $this->get_curent_url();
             $burl = base64_encode($burl);
             $content .= "<form id=\"startpage_overlay_form\" style=\"display:none\" method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $curent_url . "startpage/savestatus\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ss\" value=\"" . substr(session_id(), 2, 3) . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"burl\" value=\"" . $burl . "\">\n<h2>" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'change_self_status') . "</h2>\n<br/> \n<select name=\"fstatus\">";
             //echo "---".$mystatus;
             if (!$mystatus or $mystatus == "startpage") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"startpage\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'default_status_startpage') . "</option>";
             if ($mystatus == "absent") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"absent\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'status_startpage_absent') . "</option>";
             if ($mystatus == "rightback") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"rightback\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'status_startpage_rightback') . "</option>";
             if ($mystatus == "notime") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"notime\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'status_startpage_notime') . "</option>";
             if ($mystatus == "notdisturb") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"notdisturb\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'status_startpage_notdisturb') . "</option>";
             if ($mystatus == "chat") {
                 $sel = " SELECTED ";
             } else {
                 $sel = "";
             $content .= "<option " . $sel . " value=\"chat\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'status_startpage_chat') . "</option>";
             $content .= "</select>";
             $content .= "<br/>&nbsp;<br/>\n                    <span class=\"ow_button\">\n                        <span class=\" ow_positive\">\n                            <input type=\"submit\" id=\"save_status\" name=\"Save_status\" value=\"" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'save_status') . "\" title=\"" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'save_status') . "\" class=\"ow_ic_save ow_positive\" style=\"\">\n                        </span>\n                    </span>\n\n                    <span class=\"ow_button\">\n                        <span class=\" ow_positive\">\n                            <input type=\"button\" id=\"startpage_close\" name=\"Close_status\" value=\"&nbsp;\" title=\"" . OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'close') . "\" class=\"ow_ic_restrict ow_positive\" style=\"padding-left: 0;padding-right: 27px; background-position: 50% 50%;\">\n                        </span>\n                    </span>\n\n\n\n\n</form>";
         //if ($curent_member_profile>0 AND $id_user>0 AND $curent_member_profile==$id_user){
         //----stat end
         $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box_bottom_left\"></div>\n    <div class=\"ow_box_bottom_right\"></div>\n    <div class=\"ow_box_bottom_body\"></div>\n    <div class=\"ow_box_bottom_shadow\"></div>\n</div>";
     //if user:$curent_member_profile
     if ($type == "full") {
         //$content .="<div class=\"clearfix ow_box ow_stdmargin clearfix ow_break_word\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;   background: transparent;\">";
         if (OW::getConfig()->getValue('startpage', 'show_startpage_only_friends') == 1 and OW::getPluginManager()->isPluginActive('friends')) {
             //-----------------------------------for friends only
             $content .= "<div class=\"clearfix\">";
             $content .= "<div class=\"ow_small ow_remark ow_ipc_dateX ow_left\">";
             $content .= OW::getLanguage()->text('startpage', 'friends_startpage');
             $content .= "</div>";
             $content .= "</div>";
         $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box ow_stdmargin clearfix index-BASE_CMP_AddNewContent ow_break_word\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;   background: transparent; padding: 0;margin: 2px;\">";
         $add = "";
         if ($id_user) {
             $add = " WHERE buo.userId<>'" . addslashes($id_user) . "' ";
         $show_type = "all";
         if (OW::getConfig()->getValue('startpage', 'show_startpage_only_friends') == 1 and OW::getPluginManager()->isPluginActive('friends')) {
             //-----------------------------------for friends only
             $show_type = "friends";
                     $sql = "SELECT buo.*,bus.status FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX. "base_user_startpage buo 
                 LEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX. "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=buo.userId) 
                         ORDER BY buo.activityStamp DESC 
                         LIMIT ".$start_page.",".$per_page;
             //        $sql="SELECT * FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX. "friends_friendship ff
             //    LEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX. "base_user_startpage buo ON (buo. =ff.userId AND ff.status='active')
             //        LIMIT ".$start_page.",".$per_page;
             $status = "status";
             $user_id = "userId";
             $friend_id = "friendId";
             $startus1 = " fr." . $status . " = 'active' AND ";
             $startus2 = " fr." . $status . " = 'active' AND ";
             $sql = "(SELECT, fr.userId, fr.friendId, fr.status as fr_status, buo.userId as startpage_userId, bus.status,buo.activityStamp \n                    FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "friends_friendship fr\n                LEFT JOIN " . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " ussx ON ( fr." . $user_id . " = ussx.userId ) \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_startpage buo ON (buo.userId =fr." . $user_id . ") \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=fr." . $user_id . ") \n                WHERE " . $startus1 . " ussx.userId IS NULL AND fr." . $friend_id . " = '" . $id_user . "' AND buo.userId>'0' \n                 )\n                UNION\n                ( SELECT, fr.userId, fr.friendId, fr.status as fr_status, buo.userId as startpage_userId, bus.status,buo.activityStamp \n                    FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "friends_friendship fr\n                LEFT JOIN " . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " ussx ON ( fr." . $friend_id . " = ussx.userId )\nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_startpage buo ON (buo.userId =fr." . $friend_id . ") \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=fr." . $friend_id . ") \n                WHERE " . $startus2 . " ussx.userId IS NULL AND fr." . $user_id . " = '" . $id_user . "' AND buo.userId>'0'\n            ) LIMIT " . $start_page . "," . $per_page;
             //echo $sql;exit;
         } else {
             if (OW::getPluginManager()->isPluginActive('friends')) {
                 //-----------------------------------for friends offline
                 $show_type = "friends";
                 $status = "status";
                 $user_id = "userId";
                 $friend_id = "friendId";
                 $startus1 = " fr." . $status . " = 'active' AND ";
                 $startus2 = " fr." . $status . " = 'active' AND ";
                 $sql = "(SELECT, fr.userId, fr.friendId, fr.status as fr_status, buo.userId as startpage_userId, bus.status,buo.activityStamp \n                    FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "friends_friendship fr \n                LEFT JOIN " . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " ussx ON ( fr." . $user_id . " = ussx.userId ) \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_startpage buo ON (buo.userId =fr." . $user_id . ") \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=fr." . $user_id . ") \n                WHERE " . $startus1 . " ussx.userId IS NULL AND fr." . $friend_id . " = '" . $id_user . "' AND !buo.userId \n                 )\n                UNION\n                ( SELECT, fr.userId, fr.friendId, fr.status as fr_status, buo.userId as startpage_userId, bus.status,buo.activityStamp \n                    FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "friends_friendship fr \n                LEFT JOIN " . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " ussx ON ( fr." . $friend_id . " = ussx.userId )\nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_startpage buo ON (buo.userId =fr." . $friend_id . ") \nLEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=fr." . $friend_id . ") \n                WHERE " . $startus2 . " ussx.userId IS NULL AND fr." . $user_id . " = '" . $id_user . "' AND !buo.userId\n            ) LIMIT " . $start_page . "," . $per_page;
                 //echo $sql;exit;
             } else {
                 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for all members start
                 $sql = "SELECT buo.*,bus.status FROM " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_startpage buo \n    LEFT JOIN " . OW_DB_PREFIX . "base_user_status bus ON (bus.userId=buo.userId) \n        " . $add . " \n            ORDER BY buo.activityStamp DESC \n            LIMIT " . $start_page . "," . $per_page;
         //echo $sql;
         if (OW::getConfig()->getValue('startpage', 'show_small_startpage_list') == "1") {
             $is_small_list = true;
             $img_w = 20;
             $img_h = 20;
         } else {
             $is_small_list = false;
             $img_w = 40;
             $img_h = 40;
         $arr = OW::getDbo()->queryForList($sql);
         foreach ($arr as $value) {
             if ($show_type == "all") {
                 $value_userId = $value['userId'];
             } else {
                 $value_userId = $value['startpage_userId'];
             $dname = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getDisplayName($value_userId);
             $uurl = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getUserUrl($value_userId);
             $uimg = BOL_AvatarService::getInstance()->getAvatarUrl($value_userId);
             $fromdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value['activityStamp']);
             if (!$value['status']) {
                 $status = "startpage";
             } else {
                 $status = stripslashes($value['status']);
             //echo "---".$status."<hr>";
             $contentt = "";
             if ($uimg) {
                 //                        $contentt .="<a href=\"".$uurl."\">";
                 //                        $contentt .="<img src=\"".$uimg."\" alt=\"".$dname."\" title=\"".$dname."\" width=\"45px\" style=\"border:0;margin:10px;\" >";
                 //                        $contentt .="</a>";
             } else {
                 $uimg = $curent_url . "ow_static/themes/" . OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'selectedTheme') . "/images/no-avatar.png";
                 //                        $tabt .="<i>".OW::getLanguage()->text('search', 'index_hasnotimage')."</i>";
                 //                        $contentt .="<a href=\"".$uurl."\"  >";
                 //                        $contentt .="<img src=\"".$curent_url."ow_static/themes/".OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'selectedTheme')."/images/no-avatar.png\" title=\"".$dname."\" style=\"border:0;margin:10px;\">";
                 //                        $contentt .="</a>";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_box clearfix ow_left\" style=\"margin: 5px;".$border_im.$background_im."\">";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_box clearfix ow_left\" style=\"margin: 3px;\">";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_box clearfix ow_left\" style=\"margin: 1px;\">";
             if ($is_small_list == false) {
                 $content .= "<div class=\"ow_add_content ow_box clearfix ow_left\" style=\"margin: 1px;    background-image:none;padding: 5px 0 5px; min-width: 160px;width:100%\">";
             } else {
                 $content .= "<div class=\"ow_add_content ow_box clearfix ow_left\" style=\"margin: 1px;    background-image:none;padding: 3px 0 1px; min-width: 160px;width:100%\">";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_box clearfix\" style=\"margin: 5px;\">";
             //                            $content .="<li >".stripslashes($row2['title'])."</li>";
             //$content .="<li >";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_my_avatar_widget clearfix\" style=\"margin:2px;margin-bottom:10px;text-align:left;\">";
             //$content .="<div class=\"ow_my_avatar_widget clearfix\" style=\"margin:1px;margin-bottom:10px;text-align:left;\">";
             $content .= "<div class=\" ow_my_avatar_widget clearfix\" style=\"margin:1px;text-align:left;\">";
             $content .= "<div class=\" ow_left ow_my_avatar_img\" style=\"max-height:" . $img_h . "px;max-width:" . $img_w . "px;margin-left: 4px;margin-top: -1px;margin-bottom:3px;\">\n                    <div class=\"ow_avatar\" style=\"max-width:" . $img_w . "px;max-height:" . $img_h . "px;\">\n                        <a href=\"" . $uurl . "\"><img alt=\"\" title=\"" . $dname . "\" src=\"" . $uimg . "\" style=\"max-height:" . $img_h . "px;max-width:" . $img_w . "px;\"></a>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n\n    <div class=\"ow_my_avatar_cont\" style=\"margin-left:10px;max-height:" . $img_h . "px;height:auto;\">";
             if ($is_small_list == false) {
                 $content .= "<a href=\"" . $uurl . "\" class=\"ow_my_avatar_username\" style=\"margin-left:1px;display: inline;\">\n        <span class=\"ow_small ow_remark ow_ipc_dateX ow_left\" style=\"font-size:11px;\noverflow: hidden;\nheight: 18px;\nmax-height: 18px;\nmax-width: 100px;\nwhite-space: nowrap;\nwidth: 100px;\ntop: 5px;\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 5;\nmargin-left:10px;\n\">@" . $dname . "</span></a>";
                 $content .="<br/>";
                         $content .="<span class=\"ow_comments_date ow_nowrap ow_tiny ow_remark\" style=\"overflow: hidden;
                 height: 18px;
                 max-height: 18px;
                 max-width: 140px;
                 white-space: nowrap;\">".$fromdate."</span>";
                 //$content .="<br/>";
                 $content .= "<span class=\"ow_remark ow_right\" style=\"overflow: hidden;\nheight: 18px;\nmax-height: 18px;\nmax-width: 120px;\nwidth: auto;\ntext-align:right;\nmargin-right:5px;\nwhite-space: nowrap;\ntop: 5px;\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 5;\nfont-weight:bold;\nmargin-left:10px;\n\">" . $this->get_decoded_status($status) . "</span>";
             } else {
                 $content .= "<span class=\"ow_remark ow_right\" style=\"overflow: hidden;\nheight: 20px;\nmax-height: 20px;\nmax-width: 160px;\nwidth: auto;\ntext-align:right;\nmargin-right:5px;\nwhite-space: nowrap;\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 5;\nfont-weight:bold;\nmargin-left:3px;\n\">" . $dname . ": " . $this->get_decoded_status($status) . "</span>";
             //$content .="<br/>";
             $content .= "</div>";
             $content .= "</div>";
             $content .= "</div>";
         $content .= "</div>";
         $content .= "<div class=\"ow_box_toolbar_cont clearfix\">\n<div class=\"ow_box_toolbar ow_remark\">\n        <span style=\"\" class=\"ow_nowrap\">\n        <a href=\"" . $curent_url . "users/startpage\">" . OW::getLanguage()->text('base', 'more') . "</a>\n        </span>\n</div>\n    </div>";
     //if $type=="full"
     return $content;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param $userId
  * @param $page
  * @param $limit
  * @return array|mixed
 public function findGuestUsers($userId, $page, $limit)
     $first = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $query = "SELECT `u`.*\n            FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` AS `g`\n            INNER JOIN `" . BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `u`\n                ON (`g`.`guestId` = `u`.`id`)\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n                ON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n            LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d`\n                ON( `u`.`id` = `d`.`userId` )\n            WHERE `s`.`id` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` IS NULL\n            AND `g`.`userId` = ?\n            ORDER BY `g`.`visitTimestamp` DESC\n            LIMIT ?, ?";
     return $this->dbo->queryForObjectList($query, BOL_UserDao::getInstance()->getDtoClassName(), array($userId, $first, $limit));
Esempio n. 11
 public function findCountByEventIdAndStatus($eventId, $status)
     $query = " SELECT count( FROM  " . $this->getTableName() . " e\n            \t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s` ON( `e`.`userId` = `s`.`userId` )\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d` ON( `e`.`userId` = `d`.`userId` )\n                    WHERE s.Id IS NULL AND IS NULL AND e.`" . self::EVENTX_ID . "` = :eventId AND e.`" . self::STATUS . "` = :status ";
     return $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query, array('eventId' => (int) $eventId, 'status' => (int) $status), self::CACHE_LIFE_TIME, array(self::CACHE_TAG_EVENTX_USER_LIST . $eventId));
Esempio n. 12
 public function findByAccountTypes($count, $accountTypes, $withPhoto = true)
     if (empty($accountTypes)) {
         return array();
     $avatarJoin = !$withPhoto ? '' : "INNER JOIN `" . BOL_AvatarDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `a`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `a`.`userId` )";
     $query = "\n            SELECT DISTINCT `u`.*\n            FROM `{$this->getTableName()}` AS `u`\n\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserSuspendDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `s`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `s`.`userId` )\n\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BOL_UserApproveDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `d`\n    \t\t\tON( `u`.`id` = `d`.`userId` )\n\n                {$avatarJoin}\n                    \n    \t\tWHERE `s`.`id` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` IS NULL AND `u`.`accountType` IN ( '" . implode("', '", $accountTypes) . "' )\n\n            ORDER BY `u`.`activityStamp` DESC\n            LIMIT ?, ?\n            ";
     return $this->dbo->queryForObjectList($query, $this->getDtoClassName(), array(0, $count));