$options_panel = new BF_Admin_Page_Class($config);
 * define your admin page tabs listing
$options_panel->TabsListing(array('links' => array('options_1' => __('Settings', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'options_2' => __('Test', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'options_3' => __('Help', 'flexible-frontend-login'))));
$options_panel->Title(__('General Options', 'flexible-frontend-login'));
// Subtitle
$options_panel->addParagraph('<h3>' . __('Edit plugin output to your liking.', 'flexible-frontend-login') . '</h3>');
$options_panel->addText('popup_link_text', array('name' => __('Popup Link Text', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'std' => ''));
$options_panel->addRadio('vertical_position', array('top' => __('top', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'bottom' => __('bottom', 'flexible-frontend-login')), array('name' => __('Vertical Position', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'std' => array('top'), 'desc' => '<small>' . __("Default is 'bottom' for a popup link in the top right corner of your site.", 'flexible-frontend-login') . '</small>'));
$options_panel->addRadio('horizontal_position', array('left' => __('left', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'right' => __('right', 'flexible-frontend-login')), array('name' => __('Horizontal Position', 'flexible-frontend-login'), 'std' => array('left'), 'desc' => '<small>' . __("Default is 'left' for a popup link in the top right corner of your site.", 'flexible-frontend-login') . '</small>'));
// arrange_logged_in_links
/* @TODO
 * implement method to arrange the links in output.php
 * 	$options_panel->addSortable(
			'1' 	=> 'Admin Link',
			'2'	=> 'Username', 
			'3' 	=> 'Logout Link'
			'name'=> __( 'Arrange list order for logged in user links', 'flexible-frontend-login' ), 
			'desc' => '<small>' . __('Only those you have chosen to display below will be included.', 'flexible-frontend-login' ) . '</small>',
 * textarea
$options_panel->Title(__("Simple Options", "apc"));
//An optionl descrption paragraph
$options_panel->addParagraph(__("This is a simple paragraph", "apc"));
//text field
$options_panel->addText('text_field_id', array('name' => __('My Text ', 'apc'), 'std' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Simple text field description', 'apc')));
//textarea field
$options_panel->addTextarea('textarea_field_id', array('name' => __('My Textarea ', 'apc'), 'std' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('Simple textarea field description', 'apc')));
//checkbox field
$options_panel->addCheckbox('checkbox_field_id', array('name' => __('My Checkbox ', 'apc'), 'std' => true, 'desc' => __('Simple checkbox field description', 'apc')));
//select field
$options_panel->addSelect('select_field_id', array('selectkey1' => 'Select Value1', 'selectkey2' => 'Select Value2'), array('name' => __('My select ', 'apc'), 'std' => array('selectkey2'), 'desc' => __('Simple select field description', 'apc')));
//radio field
$options_panel->addRadio('radio_field_id', array('radiokey1' => 'Radio Value1', 'radiokey2' => 'Radio Value2'), array('name' => __('My Radio Filed', 'apc'), 'std' => array('radiokey2'), 'desc' => __('Simple radio field description', 'apc')));
 * Close first tab
 * Open admin page Second tab
 * Add fields to your admin page 2nd tab
 * Fancy options:
 *  typography field
 *  image uploader
 *  Pluploader