Esempio n. 1
 public function reward()
     global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="analysis information">
     if ($this->type == 2) {
         $this->chapternumber = "";
     $this->fansubmember = str_replace('false', '', $this->fansubmember);
     $this->fansubmember = str_replace(',,', '', $this->fansubmember);
     if ($this->postid == 0) {
         $this->postid = $this->manga->postid;
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="create new update post, and new read online thread">
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" create new update post ">
     //normal case: there is update post for the chapter, or there is not but no 18+ content.
     //reward and add chapter to the database only, no need to make any new post. Only set the post to yrmspost.
     if ($this->postid != $this->manga->postid) {
         $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post` " . "SET `yrmspost`=1 " . "WHERE `postid` = '{$this->postid}'");
         if ($this->rate == 1 && !empty($this->numberofhost)) {
             $downloadpost = $this->buildpost('download');
     } else {
         if ($this->postid == $this->manga->postid && $this->rate == 1) {
             $downloadpost = $this->buildpost('download');
             $this->postid = newPost($downloadpost, $this->poster);
             $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post` " . "SET `yrmspost`=1 " . "WHERE `postid` = '{$this->postid}'");
     //abnormal case 2: no download link, only readonline link.
     //Skip this step
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" create new read online thread ">
     //normal case: readonline post is a separate topic
     //do nothing but set the post to yrms post, and reformat it if the chapter is 18+ content
     if (!empty($this->onlinelink)) {
         $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post` " . "SET `yrmspost`=1 " . "WHERE `postid` = '{$this->readonlinepostid}'");
         if ($this->rate == 1) {
             $readonlinepost = $this->buildpost('online');
     //abnormal case: readonline post is the same as update post, or manga post
     //turn it into normal case and treat as normal case
     if (!empty($this->onlinelink) && ($this->readonlinepostid == $this->postid || $this->readonlinepostid == $this->manga->postid || $this->readonlinepostid == 0)) {
         $readonlinepost = $this->buildpost('online');
         $idpack = newThread($readonlinepost, $this->readonlineposter);
         $this->readonlinepostid = $idpack['postid'];
         $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post` " . "SET `yrmspost`=1 " . "WHERE `postid` = '{$this->readonlinepostid}'");
     // </editor-fold>
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="add chapter to the database ">
     $vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "yrms_vietsubmanga_chapter`" . "(`mangaid`," . "`postid`, " . "`readonlinepostid`, " . "`active`, " . "`status`, " . "`type`, " . "`chapternumber`, " . "`chaptertitle`, " . "`rate`, " . "`numberofhost`, " . "`downloadlink`, " . "`onlinelink`, " . "`fansubmember`, " . "`fansubnote`) " . "VALUES ('{$this->manga->mangaid}'," . "'{$this->postid}'," . "'{$this->readonlinepostid}'," . "'1'," . "'{$this->status}'," . "'{$this->type}'," . "'{$this->chapternumber}'," . "'{$this->chaptertitle}'," . "'{$this->rate}'," . "'{$this->numberofhost}'," . "'" . serialize($this->downloadlink) . "'," . "'{$this->onlinelink}'," . "'" . serialize($this->fansubmember) . "'," . "'{$this->fansubnote}')");
     $this->chapterid = $vbulletin->db->insert_id();
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="update manga">
     $this->manga->fansubmember = update_array_to_array($this->fansubmember, $this->manga->fansubmember);
     $this->manga->fansubmember = reindex_array($this->manga->fansubmember, array("translator", "proofreader", "editor", "qualitychecker", "uploader"));
     if ($this->type == 1 || $this->type == 2) {
     if (!empty($this->onlinelink)) {
         $this->manga->readonlinestatus = 1;
     $chapterhostname = array();
     if (!empty($this->numberofhost)) {
         foreach ($this->downloadlink as $hostname => $hostlink) {
             $chapterhostname[] = $hostname;
         $this->manga->hostname = update_array_to_array($chapterhostname, $this->manga->hostname);
         $this->manga->numberofhost = count($this->manga->hostname);
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" reward ">
     //For download post
     $award_download = new Award();
     $award_download->postid = $this->postid;
     if (strpos(strtolower($this->manga->fansubsite), 'yurivn')) {
         $award_download->awardcontent = $this->build_awardcontent_fansubmember();
     if (!empty($this->numberofhost)) {
         if (array_key_exists($this->poster, $award_download->awardcontent)) {
             $award_download->awardcontent[$this->poster] += $vbulletin->options['yrms_vietsubmanga_yun_uploader'];
         } else {
             $award_download->awardcontent += array($this->poster => $vbulletin->options['yrms_vietsubmanga_yun_uploader']);
         if ($this->numberofhost >= 2) {
             if (array_key_exists($this->poster, $award_download->awardcontent)) {
                 $award_download->awardcontent[$this->poster] += $vbulletin->options['yrms_vietsubmanga_yun_mirror'];
             } else {
                 $award_download->awardcontent += array($this->poster => $vbulletin->options['yrms_vietsubmanga_yun_mirror']);
     $award_download->resourcetype = 'vietsubmanga';
     $award_download->resourceid = $this->chapterid;
     $award_download->resourceheadid = $this->manga->mangaid;
     //For readonline post
     if (!empty($this->readonlinepostid)) {
         $award_online = new Award();
         $award_online->postid = $this->readonlinepostid;
         $award_online->awardcontent = array($this->readonlineposter => $vbulletin->options['yrms_vietsubmanga_yun_online']);
         $award_online->resourcetype = 'vietsubmanga';
         $award_online->resourceid = $this->chapterid;
         $award_online->resourceheadid = $this->manga->mangaid;
     // </editor-fold>
     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" return the success message ">
     if (isset($award_online)) {
         $awardcontent = $award_download->awardcontent + $award_online->awardcontent;
     } else {
         $awardcontent = $award_download->awardcontent;
     $awardinfo = array();
     foreach ($awardcontent as $userid => $amount) {
         $userinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid);
         $username = $userinfo["username"];
         $awardinfo[] = "{$username}: {$amount} {$vbulletin->options['yrms_main_moneyname']}";
     $awardinfo = implode("\n", $awardinfo);
     $return_message = construct_phrase($vbphrase['yrms_msg_success_rewardchapter'], $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $vbphrase["yrms_chaptertype{$this->type}"] . " " . $this->chapternumber, $this->manga->mangatitle, nl2br($awardinfo));
     return $return_message;
     // </editor-fold>