} if ($query1 != '' && $query2 != '' && $columns != '') { $db = new ossim_db(true); $conn = $db->connect(); $curid = 0; $name = str_replace('"', '', $name); $query = "SELECT id FROM custom_report_types WHERE name=\"{$name}\" and file='SIEM/CustomList.php'"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if (!$rs) { Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg()); } else { if (!$rs->EOF) { $curid = $rs->fields['id']; } } $id = Av_report::get_new_report_module_id($conn); if ($curid > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE custom_report_types SET name=?,type='Custom Security Events',file='SIEM/CustomList.php',inputs='Number of Events:top:text:OSS_DIGIT:25:1000',custom_report_types.sql=? WHERE id=?"; $params = array($name, "{$query1};{$query2};{$columns}", $curid); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO custom_report_types (id,name,type,file,inputs,custom_report_types.sql) VALUES (?,?,'Custom Security Events','SIEM/CustomList.php','Number of Events:top:text:OSS_DIGIT:25:1000',?)"; $params = array($id, $name, "{$query1};{$query2};{$columns}"); } if ($conn->Execute($sql, $params)) { $msg = $curid > 0 ? _("Report Module") . " <b>'Custom Security Events - {$name}'</b> " . _("successfully updated") : _("Report Module successfully created as") . " <b>'Custom Security Events - {$name}'</b>"; $msg_type = 'nf_success'; } else { Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg()); $msg = _("Error creating a new report type."); $msg_type = 'nf_error'; }
if (!Session::is_pro()) { die(_('Report section is only available in professional version')); } $me = Session::get_session_user(); $db = new ossim_db(); $dbconn = $db->connect(); $creports = array(); $result = $dbconn->Execute("SELECT login, name, value FROM user_config where category LIKE 'custom_report%' ORDER BY name ASC"); //Wizard Perms $wizard_perms = Av_report::get_report_permissions($dbconn); while (!$result->EOF) { $available = false; $unserializedata = unserialize($result->fields["value"]); $user_perm = $unserializedata["user"]; $entity_perm = $unserializedata["entity"]; $available = Av_report::check_report_availability($result->fields["login"], $user_perm, $entity_perm, $wizard_perms); if ($available == true) { $creports[] = $result->fields; } $result->MoveNext(); } ?> <table border="0" class="noborder" width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <?php if (count($creports) > 0) { ?> <tr> <td class="nobborder"><br> <div style='width:90%;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;'> <table width="100%" align="center" class='dataTable table_data'>