function cmdRepo() { $file = new File('/home/billy/1.tar.bz2', true); $target = new Dir('/home/billy/temp/1.unpack/includes', true); //Packer::unpack($file, $target); Packer::pack($target, new File(dirname(__FILE__) . '/2.tbz', true)); return; $pm = new PM(); $pm->startup(); $rb = PM::getRollback(); $rb->push('delete', dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/source', dirname(__FILE__) . '/_files/target/includes/Controller.php'); //$rb->push('delete', './_files/source', '_files/target/includes/Controller.php' ); //$r = $rb->pop(); $r = $rb->stepBack(); print_r($r); return; $ps = PM::getPackageSequence(); print_r($ps->get()); print_r($ps->getAfter('news', '2.3')); //print_pre($ps->addPackage('news', '2.8')); print_pre($ps->removePackage('news', '2.8')); return; Autoload::addDir(Dir::get($this->root, true)->getDir('repo')); $rl = new RepositoryList($this->dataDir->getFile('source.list')); $r = $rl->search(explode(' ', 'qt package')); print_pre($r); $pm->shutdown(); }
/** * 自动载入函数 */ private function _setAutoload() { //自动载入函数 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../LaneSmartFW/Autoload.php'; $autoload = new Autoload(); $autoload->register(); }
public function init() { require_once __DIR__ . '/class.autoload.php'; // 1. ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ КЛАССА АВТОЗАГРУЗКИ $loaddata = array('prefix' => 'class.'); $autoload = new Autoload($loaddata); $autoload->add(FRAMEWORK_ROOT_FOLDER); $autoload->add(PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY); $autoload->register(); // 2. ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЕ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЯ К БАЗЕ ДАННЫХ self::$instance->connection = new \framework\database\mySqlConnect('localhost', 'root', '', 'craiglist'); // 3. ЗАГРУЗКА ШАБЛОНА ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ MVC $controller = new \framework\mvc\FrontController(PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY); $controller->run(); }
public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == NULL) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function install() { if (!defined('_IS_AGILE_DEV_') && !empty(self::$_newfiles) && !Tools::getValue("redirected")) { $adminfolder = AgileInstaller::detect_admin_folder($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); AgileInstaller::install_newfiles(self::$_newfiles, $this->name, $adminfolder, 2); $result = AgileInstaller::install_health_check(self::$_newfiles, $this->name, $adminfolder); if (!empty($result)) { $this->_errors[] = '<a target="agile" style="text-decoration:underline;color:blue;" href="">' . $this->getL('Failed to update files due to permission issue, please visit here for more instructions.') . '</a>'; return false; } Tools::redirectAdmin("./index.php?controller=AdminModules&token=" . Tools::getValue("token") . "&install=" . $this->name . "&tab_module=" . $this->tab . " &module_name=" . $this->name . "&anchor=anchor" . $this->name . "&redirected=1"); } $reterrs = AgileInstaller::CanModuleOverride($this->name); if (!empty($reterrs)) { $this->_errors = array_merge($this->_errors, $reterrs); return false; } $reterrs = AgileInstaller::version_depencies($this->version_dependencies); if (!empty($reterrs)) { $this->_errors = array_merge($this->_errors, $reterrs); return false; } if (!AgileInstaller::sql_install(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::INSTALL_SQL_FILE)) { return false; } if (!parent::install() or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_BUSINESS', '*****@*****.**') or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_SANDBOX', 1) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_FORCE_SUMMARY', '1') or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_HIDE_COUNTRY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_HIDE_CARRIER', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_HIDE_TERMS', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_HEADER', '') or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_RECURRING_PAYMENT', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_RECURRING_DAILY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_RECURRING_WEEKLY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_RECURRING_MONTHLY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_RECURRING_YEARLY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_SUPPORT_SELLERS', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_BUSINESS2', '') or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_MICRO_AMOUNT', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_ENABLED', 1) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_AM_INTEGRATED', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_AM_SHOW_CHOICE', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_AM_NO_MIX_PRODUCT', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_SUBSCRIBE_ONLY', 0) or !Configuration::updateValue('AGILE_PAYPAL_CURRENCY', Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')) or !$this->registerHook('agileexpresscheckout') or !$this->registerHook('displayShoppingCartFooter') or !$this->registerHook('displayProductButtons') or !$this->registerHook('displayPayment') or !$this->registerHook('displayPaymentReturn') or !$this->registerHook('displayFooter')) { return false; } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=')) { Autoload::getInstance()->generateIndex(); } return true; }
static function toss($message = null, $type = 'Exception', $code = 0, $previous = null) { if (!Autoload::loaded($type)) { eval('class ' . $type . ' extends Exception{}'); } throw new $type($message, $code, $previous); }
/** * Get an instance of Autoload. * * @return self */ public static final function init() : self { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
private static final function loadController() { $view = \View\ViewBundle::getInstance(); //$view -> setTemplate( KIT_VIEW_TEMPLATE ); ////\View\ViewBundle::getInstance() -> setVar( 'path', self::$_path ); self::prepareController(); $space = 'App\\Controllers\\' . self::$_controller . 'Controller'; $e404 = ['controller' => self::$_controller, 'action' => self::$_action]; if (!\Autoload::nameSpaceExists($space)) { return $view->e404($e404); } $cont = new $space(); $cont->setTpl(self::$_controller . '/' . self::$_action); $act_method = "action" . self::$_action; /** * Проверка существования метода экшена и выполнение его, или стандартного * метода 404 ошибки. */ if (method_exists($cont, $act_method)) { $cont->{$act_method}(self::$_furl); $cont->exir(); } else { $view->e404($e404); } }
/** * Get the instane of Autoload * * @access public * @static * @return Autoload */ public static function instance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new Autoload(); } return self::$instance; }
protected function get_modules(Query $query) { $url = $query->url(); array_shift($url); $url = array_filter($url); if (empty($url)) { return array(); } $last = array_pop($url); $last = preg_replace_callback('/_([a-z])/', function($res){ return strtoupper($res[1]); }, $last); $url[] = $last; $class = implode('', array_map('ucfirst', $url)); $class = \Autoload::getDefaultNamespace() . '\Module\Ajax' . $class; if (!class_exists($class)) { if ($query->get('format') == 'json') { return new AjaxJsonError($query); } else { return new AjaxError($query); } } return new $class($query); }
/** * * @return Autoload */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === false) { self::$instance = new Autoload(); } return self::$instance; }
private function initAutoload() { if ($this->preferencesList->useRapidAuthorizationAutoload) { Autoload::instance()->init(); } return; }
function __autoload($className) { $classes = Autoload::getClasses(); if ($classes[$className] && file_exists($classes[$className])) { require_once $classes[$className]; } }
/** * Метод возвращает экземпляр класса-хранилища маппингов. * Может быть переопределён в config.ini */ private static final function inst() { if (isset(self::$inst)) { return self::$inst; //---- } /* * Получим название класса */ $class = ConfigIni::mappingStorage(); /* * Класс совпадает с базовым? */ if (__CLASS__ == $class) { return self::$inst = new MappingStorage(); } /* * Нам передан класс, который отличается от SDK */ $classPath = Autoload::inst()->getClassPath($class); if (!PsCheck::isNotEmptyString($classPath)) { return PsUtil::raise('Не удалось найти класс хранилища маппингов [{}]', $class); } /* * Указанный класс должен быть наследником данного */ if (!PsUtil::isInstanceOf($class, __CLASS__)) { return PsUtil::raise('Указанное хранилище маппингов [{}] не является наследником класса [{}]', $class, __CLASS__); } return self::$inst = new $class(); }
/** * Returns the instance of this class. If not exists, create it. * @return instance */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$m_Instance === null) { self::$m_Instance = new static(); } return self::$m_Instance; }
/** * Preps the application for running, then runs it. If this function is called more than once, an E_USER_ERROR is triggered. * * @param string $root_dir The path to the root of the installation. * @return void */ function StartCurator() { static $did_start = false; // set up the exit status. $exit_status = 0; // make sure this is only run once. if ($did_start === false) { $autoload = Autoload::singleton(); // configure the autoloader. try { $autoload->setBaseDir(CURATOR_APP_DIR); $autoload->register(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::stderr('** Could not register the autoloader:'); Console::stderr(' ' . $e->getMessage()); die; } // once the autoloader is in place, we are started up. $did_start = true; try { $app = new Application(); $exit_status = $app->run(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Console::stderr('** Could not run the application:'); Console::stderr(' ' . $e->getMessage()); die; } } else { // if we are called again, bail. trigger_error('StartCurator called after already being called.', E_USER_ERROR); } // send the status back. return $exit_status; }
/** * Get instance of autoload (singleton) * * @return Autoload */ public static function getInstance() { if (!Autoload::$instance) { Autoload::$instance = new Autoload(); } return Autoload::$instance; }
function upgrade_module_1_2_0($eu_legal) { $result = true; if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } if (is_file(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/')) { $result &= unlink(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $eu_legal->name . '/modules/'); } Autoload::getInstance()->generateIndex(); $result &= $eu_legal->deleteOverrides('CMSController'); Autoload::getInstance()->generateIndex(); return (bool) $result; }
public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance == null) { $class = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $class(); } return self::$instance; }
public static function suite() { Autoload::registerNamespaced(); $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('aStyler'); $suite->addTest(tests_aStyler_Parser_SGML_AllTests::suite()); $suite->addTest(tests_aStyler_Lexer_SGML_AllTests::suite()); return $suite; }
public function __construct($spaces, $external) { self::$spaces = (array) $spaces; $this->external = (string) $external; spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'find'), false); spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'external'), false); }
static function init() { $processor = Config::getInstance()->language->processor; $classname = nameToClass($processor) . 'LanguageProcessor'; Autoload::addVendor('language', $processor); self::$processor = new $classname(); self::$processor->init(); }
public static function initialize() { if (self::$initialized) { return; } self::$paths = array(); self::$initialized = true; }
public static function shutDown() { if (null !== self::$_instance) { if (!spl_autoload_unregister(array(self::$_instance, '_autoload'))) { throw new RuntimeException('Could not stop the autoload'); } self::$_instance = null; } }
public static function shutDown() { if (null !== self::$m_instance) { if (slp_autoload_unregister(array(self::$m_instance, '_autoload'))) { throw new Exception("Impossible d'arrêter l'autoload : " . __CLASS__); } self::$m_instance = null; } }
public static function init($directories) { self::$directories = (array) $directories; self::init_cache(); spl_autoload_register("Autoload::cache", false); spl_autoload_register("Autoload::normal", false); spl_autoload_register("Autoload::wrapper", false); register_shutdown_function("Autoload::write_cache"); }
public static function shutDown() { if (null !== self::$_instance) { if (!spl_autoload_unregister(array(self::$_instance), '_autoload')) { throw new RuntimeException('autoload can\'t be disabled'); } self::$_instance = null; } }
private static function loadLibs() { if (is_file('config/libs' . PHP)) { self::$libs = unserialize(include $root . '/config/libs' . PHP); } else { self::$libsInfo = self::getlibsInfo(); self::$libs = Ftp::getFilesFromYaml(self::$libsInfo); } }
/** * Load config file, setup autoload paths * * @param string $file * @return void */ public static function init($file) { if (is_readable(DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $file)) { self::$paths = (require $file); spl_autoload_register(array('Autoload', 'load')); } else { exit("fail setup autoloding paths"); } }
/** * @covers AutoloadDir::isRebuilded */ public function testIsRebuilded() { //Запросим путь к тестовому классу, чтобы он уже наверняка был найден на момент запроса. $this->assertNotNull(Autoload::inst()->getClassPath(ClassA::get__CLASS__())); //Мы должны найти нагш класс без перезагрузки, так как уже нашли его ранее $cpDir = new AutoloadDir(DirItem::inst(Autoload::DIR_TESTS)); $this->assertNotNull($cpDir->getClassPath(ClassA::get__CLASS__())); $this->assertFalse($cpDir->isRebuilded()); }