function eStore_auth_net_ipn_processor_listener() { if (isset($_REQUEST['x_invoice_num']) && isset($_REQUEST['x_trans_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['x_amount'])) { if (get_option('eStore_use_authorize_gateway')) { // is enabled //Process the IPN } else { eStore_payment_debug(" payment gateway is not enabled in eStore settings. This IPN will not be processed", false); } } else { return; } status_header(200); include_once 'lib/gateway/Authorize.php'; include_once 'eStore_process_payment_data.php'; // Create an instance of the library $myAuthorize = new Authorize(); // Log the IPN results $debug_on = get_option('eStore_cart_enable_debug'); if ($debug_on) { $myAuthorize->ipnLog = TRUE; } // Specify your authorize api and transaction id $authorize_login_id = get_option('eStore_authorize_login'); $authorize_tx_key = get_option('eStore_authorize_tx_key'); $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($authorize_login_id, $authorize_tx_key); // Enable test mode if needed if (get_option('eStore_cart_enable_sandbox')) { $myAuthorize->enableTestMode(); } // Check validity and process if ($myAuthorize->validateIpn()) { handle_payment_data($myAuthorize->ipnData, "authorize"); } else { $_SESSION['eStore_tx_result'] = $myAuthorize->lastError; //Ipn validation failed... redirect to the cancel URL $return = get_option('cart_cancel_from_paypal_url'); if (empty($return)) { $return = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); } $redirection_parameter = 'Location: ' . $return; header($redirection_parameter); exit; } }
function espresso_process_authnet($payment_data) { // Include the library include_once 'Authorize.php'; // Create an instance of the library $myAuthorize = new Authorize(); echo '<!--Event Espresso SIM Gateway Version ' . $myAuthorize->gateway_version . '-->'; // Log the IPN results $myAuthorize->ipnLog = TRUE; $authnet_settings = get_option('event_espresso_authnet_settings'); $authnet_login_id = $authnet_settings['authnet_login_id']; $authnet_transaction_key = $authnet_settings['authnet_transaction_key']; // Enable test mode if needed //4007000000027 <-- test successful visa //4222222222222 <-- test failure card number if ($authnet_settings['use_sandbox']) { $myAuthorize->enableTestMode(); $email_transaction_dump = true; } // Specify your authorize login and secret $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($authnet_login_id, $authnet_transaction_key); $payment_data['txn_type'] = ' SIM'; $payment_data['payment_status'] = "Incomplete"; if (!empty($_REQUEST['x_trans_id'])) { $payment_data['txn_id'] = $_REQUEST['x_trans_id']; } else { $payment_data['txn_id'] = 0; } $payment_data['txn_details'] = serialize($_REQUEST); $curl_session_id = uniqid('', true); global $wpdb; $sql = "UPDATE " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " SET attendee_session = '" . $curl_session_id . "' WHERE attendee_session ='" . $payment_data['attendee_session'] . "' "; $wpdb->query($sql); $payment_data['attendee_session'] = $curl_session_id; // Check validity and write down it if ($myAuthorize->validateIpn()) { $payment_data['txn_id'] = $myAuthorize->ipnData['x_trans_id']; $payment_data['txn_details'] = serialize($myAuthorize->ipnData); //file_put_contents('authorize.txt', 'SUCCESS' . date("m-d-Y")); //Used for debugging purposes //Be sure to echo something to the screen so authent knows that the ipn works //store the results in reusable variables if ($myAuthorize->ipnData['x_response_code'] == 1) { ?> <h2><?php _e('Thank You!', 'event_espresso'); ?> </h2> <p><?php _e('Your transaction has been processed.', 'event_espresso'); ?> </p> <?php $payment_data['payment_status'] = 'Completed'; } else { ?> <h2 style="color:#F00;"><?php _e('There was an error processing your transaction!', 'event_espresso'); ?> </h2> <p><strong>Error:</strong> (Payment was declined)</p> <?php $payment_data['payment_status'] = 'Payment Declined'; } //Debugging option $email_transaction_dump = true; if ($email_transaction_dump == true) { // For this, we'll just email ourselves ALL the data as plain text output. $subject = ' Notification - Gateway Variable Dump'; $body = "An payment notification was successfully recieved\n"; $body .= "from " . $myAuthorize->ipnData['x_email'] . " on " . date('m/d/Y'); $body .= " at " . date('g:i A') . "\n\nDetails:\n"; foreach ($myAuthorize->ipnData as $key => $value) { $body .= "\n{$key}: {$value}\n"; } wp_mail($payment_data['contact'], $subject, $body); } } else { ?> <h2 style="color:#F00;"><?php _e('There was an error processing your transaction!', 'event_espresso'); ?> </h2> <p><strong>Error:</strong> (IPN response did not validate) ?></p> <?php if (is_writable('authorize.txt')) { file_put_contents('authorize.txt', "FAILURE\n\n" . $myAuthorize->ipnData); } //echo something to the screen so authent knows that the ipn works $subject = 'Instant Payment Notification - Gateway Variable Dump'; $body = "An instant payment notification failed\n"; $body .= "from " . $myAuthorize->ipnData['x_email'] . " on " . date('m/d/Y'); $body .= " at " . date('g:i A') . "\n\nDetails:\n"; foreach ($myAuthorize->ipnData as $key => $value) { $body .= "\n{$key}: {$value}\n"; } wp_mail($payment_data['contact'], $subject, $body); } add_action('action_hook_espresso_email_after_payment', 'espresso_email_after_payment'); return $payment_data; }
include_once 'eStore_process_payment_data.php'; status_header(200); // Create an instance of the library $myAuthorize = new Authorize(); // Log the IPN results $debug_on = get_option('eStore_cart_enable_debug'); if ($debug_on) { $myAuthorize->ipnLog = TRUE; } // Specify your authorize api and transaction id $authorize_login_id = get_option('eStore_authorize_login'); $authorize_tx_key = get_option('eStore_authorize_tx_key'); $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($authorize_login_id, $authorize_tx_key); // Enable test mode if needed if (get_option('eStore_cart_enable_sandbox')) { $myAuthorize->enableTestMode(); } // Check validity and process if ($myAuthorize->validateIpn()) { handle_payment_data($myAuthorize->ipnData, "authorize"); } else { $_SESSION['eStore_tx_result'] = $myAuthorize->lastError; //Ipn validation failed... redirect to the cancel URL $return = get_option('cart_cancel_from_paypal_url'); if (empty($return)) { $return = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); } $redirection_parameter = 'Location: ' . $return; header($redirection_parameter); exit; }
function authorize() { // make sure there are no timeouts... echo 'Processing...'; flush(); $gate = $this->db->get_where('gateways', array('name' => 'authorize'))->row(); $gate_conf = unserialize($gate->settings); // Include the paypal library include_once APPPATH . 'libraries/payment/Authorize.php'; $this->gateway = '2'; // Create an instance of the library $myAuthorize = new Authorize(); // Log the IPN results // $myAuthorize->ipnLog = TRUE; // Specify your authorize login and secret $myAuthorize->setUserInfo($gate_conf['login'], $gate_conf['secret']); // Enable test mode if needed $myAuthorize->enableTestMode(); // Check validity and write down it if ($myAuthorize->validateIpn()) { $settings = unserialize(base64_decode($myAuthorize->ipnData['x_Cust_ID'])); if ($settings['type'] == 'reg') { $this->_newUserPayment($settings['user_id'], $myAuthorize->ipnData['x_Amount']); redirect('/user/pay_complete'); } redirect('/user/pay_cancel'); } else { $this->_logError($myAuthorize->ipnData); redirect('/user/pay_cancel'); } }