// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. require_once 'includes/global.php'; Request::Setup(); $flag_guest_ratings = Config::Get('flag_guest_ratings'); if (AuthenticateUser::Login() || $flag_guest_ratings) { $username = AuthenticateUser::GetUsername(); if ($flag_guest_ratings && empty($username)) { $username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $rating = $_REQUEST['rating']; $video_id = $_REQUEST['video_id']; if ($rating >= 1 && $rating <= 5) { $DB = GetDB(); if ($DB->QuerySingleColumn('SELECT `allow_ratings` FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video_id)) == 1) { if ($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_rating` WHERE `username`=? AND `video_id`=?', array($username, $video_id)) == 0) { StatsRollover(); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tbx_video_rating` VALUES (?,?,?,?)', array($username, $video_id, $rating, Database_MySQL::Now())); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video_stat` SET ' . '`today_num_ratings`=`today_num_ratings`+1,' . '`today_sum_of_ratings`=`today_sum_of_ratings`+?,' . '`today_avg_rating`=`today_sum_of_ratings`/`today_num_ratings`,' . '`week_num_ratings`=`week_num_ratings`+1,' . '`week_sum_of_ratings`=`week_sum_of_ratings`+?,' . '`week_avg_rating`=`week_sum_of_ratings`/`week_num_ratings`,' . '`month_num_ratings`=`month_num_ratings`+1,' . '`month_sum_of_ratings`=`month_sum_of_ratings`+?,' . '`month_avg_rating`=`month_sum_of_ratings`/`month_num_ratings`,' . '`total_num_ratings`=`total_num_ratings`+1,' . '`total_sum_of_ratings`=`total_sum_of_ratings`+?,' . '`total_avg_rating`=`total_sum_of_ratings`/`total_num_ratings` ' . 'WHERE `video_id`=?', array($rating, $rating, $rating, $rating, $video_id)); echo _T('Text:Rating recorded'); } else { echo _T('Validation:You have already rated this video');
/** * Creates en instance of admin user class and * initializes class members necessary for validation. * * @param object $adminId * @return */ public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setCookieParam("ut", UserGroups::$ADMIN); }
/** * Return a thing based on $user, $useDomain parameters * @abstract * @access * @param $user, $useDomain * @return integer|babyclass */ public function removeUser(AuthenticateUser $user) { $sessionTimeout = time() - 42000; $domain = "." . DOMAIN; $cookieParams = $user->getCookieParams(); foreach ($cookieParams as $key => $value) { setcookie($key, '', $sessionTimeout, "/", $domain); } $this->deleteSession(); }
/** * Creates en instance of admin user class and * initializes class members necessary for validation. * * @param object $adminId * @return */ public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setCookieParam("ut", UserGroups::$ADMIN); $this->adminManager = AdminManager::getInstance(null, null); }
function tbxLogout() { AuthenticateUser::Logout(); header('Location: ' . Config::Get('base_url')); exit; }
function tbxUploadStepTwo() { global $t; $upload = $_FILES['video_file']; $v = Validator::Create(); $DB = GetDB(); $v->Register(sha1($_REQUEST['step_one_data'] . Config::Get('random_value')) == $_REQUEST['step_one_sig'], Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, _T('Validation:Video Data Altered')); $v->Register($upload['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, Uploads::CodeToMessage($upload['error'])); if (is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'])) { $max_filesize = Format::StringToBytes(Config::Get('max_upload_size')); $max_duration = Format::DurationToSeconds(Config::Get('max_upload_duration')); $extensions = str_replace(',', '|', Config::Get('upload_extensions')); $v->Register($upload['size'], Validator_Type::IS_BETWEEN, _T('Validation:Video size too large'), '1,' . $max_filesize); $v->Register(File::Extension($upload['name']), Validator_Type::REGEX_MATCH, _T('Validation:Video file extension not allowed'), '~^(' . $extensions . ')$~'); try { $vi = new Video_Info($upload['tmp_name']); $vi->Extract(); $v->Register($vi->length, Validator_Type::LESS_EQ, _T('Validation:Video duration too long'), $max_duration); } catch (Exception $e) { $v->Register(false, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, $e->getMessage()); } $md5 = md5_file($upload['tmp_name']); if (Config::Get('flag_upload_reject_duplicates')) { $v->Register($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_md5sum` WHERE `md5`=?', array($md5)), Validator_Type::IS_ZERO, _T('Validation:Duplicate video')); } } // Validate input if (!$v->Validate()) { $t->Assign('g_errors', $v->GetErrors()); $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST); if (isset($_REQUEST['flash'])) { $t->Display('upload-flash-errors.tpl'); } else { $t->Assign('g_file_types', '*.' . str_replace(',', ';*.', Config::Get('upload_extensions'))); $t->Assign('g_cookie', $_COOKIE[LOGIN_COOKIE]); $t->Display('upload-step-two.tpl'); } return; } $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['step_one_data']))); Form_Prepare::Standard('tbx_video'); Form_Prepare::Standard('tbx_video_stat'); Form_Prepare::Custom('tbx_video_custom_schema', 'on_submit'); $_REQUEST['duration'] = $vi->length; $_REQUEST['date_added'] = Database_MySQL::Now(); $_REQUEST['username'] = AuthenticateUser::GetUsername(); $_REQUEST['is_private'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_allow_private') ? intval($_REQUEST['is_private']) : 0; $_REQUEST['allow_ratings'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_ratings']); $_REQUEST['allow_embedding'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_embedding']); $_REQUEST['allow_comments'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_comments']) ? 'Yes - Add Immediately' : 'No'; $_REQUEST['is_user_submitted'] = 1; if ($_REQUEST['recorded_day'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_year']) { $_REQUEST['date_recorded'] = $_REQUEST['recorded_year'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_day']; } // Strip HTML tags if (Config::Get('flag_video_strip_tags')) { $_REQUEST = String::StripTags($_REQUEST); } // Configure status $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_ACTIVE; if (Config::Get('flag_upload_convert')) { $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_QUEUED; $_REQUEST['next_status'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_review') ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_ACTIVE; } else { if (Config::Get('flag_upload_review')) { $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_PENDING; } } // Add to database $_REQUEST['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $_REQUEST); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $_REQUEST); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$_REQUEST['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($_REQUEST['tags']); } else { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) { DatabaseAdd('tbx_conversion_queue', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'queued' => time())); } } // Mark as private if ($_REQUEST['is_private']) { $_REQUEST['private_id'] = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_private', $_REQUEST); } // Setup video files and generate thumbnails $directory = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($_REQUEST['video_id']); $vd = new Video_Dir($directory); $clip = $vd->AddClipFromFile($upload['tmp_name'], File::Extension($upload['name'])); if (Video_FrameGrabber::CanGrab()) { Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $vd->GetThumbsDir(), Config::Get('thumb_amount'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'), $vi); } foreach ($vd->GetClipURIs() as $clip) { $_REQUEST['clip'] = $clip; $_REQUEST['filesize'] = filesize(Config::Get('document_root') . $clip); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', $_REQUEST); } $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($vd->GetThumbURIs() as $thumb) { $_REQUEST['thumbnail'] = $thumb; $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', $_REQUEST); } // Select the display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($thumb_ids); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail)); // Add MD5 sum for prevention of duplicates $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tbx_video_md5sum` VALUES (?)', array($md5)); // Update user stats StatsRollover(); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_user_stat` SET ' . '`today_videos_uploaded`=`today_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`week_videos_uploaded`=`week_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`month_videos_uploaded`=`month_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`total_videos_uploaded`=`total_videos_uploaded`+1 ' . 'WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['username'])); $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST); $t->AssignByRef('g_video', $_REQUEST); $t->Display(isset($_REQUEST['flash']) ? 'upload-flash-complete.tpl' : 'upload-complete.tpl'); UpdateCategoryStats($_REQUEST['category_id']); if (!Config::Get('flag_using_cron') && $_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) { ConversionQueue::Start(); } }
public static function Logout() { $DB = GetDB(); self::$authenticated = false; if (isset($_COOKIE[LOGIN_COOKIE])) { $cookie = array(); parse_str($_COOKIE[LOGIN_COOKIE], $cookie); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_user_session` WHERE `username`=? AND `session`=?', array($cookie[self::FIELD_USERNAME], $cookie[self::FIELD_SESSION])); } setcookie(LOGIN_COOKIE, false, time() - 604800, Config::Get('cookie_path'), Config::Get('cookie_domain')); }
/** * Creates en instance of admin user class and * initializes class members necessary for validation. * * @param object $adminId * @return */ public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setCookieParam("ut", UserGroups::$COMPANY); $this->companyManager = CompanyManager::getInstance(null, null); }
/** * Creates en instance of free customer user class and * initializes class members necessary for validation. * * @param object $adminId * @return */ public function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setCookieParam("ut", UserGroups::$USER); $this->customerManager = UserManager::getInstance(null, null); }
/** * Return a thingie based on $paramie * @abstract * @access * @param boolean $paramie * @return integer|babyclass */ public function removeUser(AuthenticateUser $user, $useDomain = true) { $sessionTimeout = time() - 42000; $domain = false; if ($useDomain) { if (HTTP_ROOT_HOST === HTTP_HOST) { $domain = "." . HTTP_HOST; } else { $domain = HTTP_ROOT_HOST; } } $cookieParams = $user->getCookieParams(); foreach ($cookieParams as $key => $value) { setcookie($key, '', $sessionTimeout, "/", $domain); } //$this->deleteSession(); }