function &getContainer() { static $container; if (!isset($container)) { include 'auth_container_db_options.php'; $container = new Auth_Container_DB($options); // Catch if DB connection cannot be made $res = $container->_prepare(); } if (!DB::isConnection($container->db)) { $this->markTestSkipped("DB is not a connection object, check dsn"); } return $container; }
function &getContainer() { static $container; #print "In DBContainer::getContainer {$this->skip_tests}\n"; if (!isset($container)) { include './auth_container_db_options.php'; $container = new Auth_Container_DB($options); // Catch if DB connection cannot be made $res = $container->_prepare(); } if (!DB::isConnection($container->db)) { #print "In DBContainer::getContainer container->db is error \n"; $this->skip_tests = true; $this->skip_tests_message = "SKIP TEST:DB is not a connection object, check dsn !!!"; } return $container; }