Esempio n. 1
  * Validate the duration of the audio file, in seconds.
  * @param  string $attribute
  * @param  array $value
  * @param  array $parameters
  * @return bool
 public function validateMinDuration($attribute, $value, $parameters)
     // attribute is the file field
     // value is the file array itself
     // parameters is an array containing one value: the minimum duration
     $file = AudioCache::get($value->getPathname());
     return $file->getDuration() >= (double) $parameters[0];
Esempio n. 2
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return CommandResponse
 public function execute()
     $user = \Auth::user();
     $trackFile = \Input::file('track', null);
     if (null === $trackFile) {
         return CommandResponse::fail(['track' => ['You must upload an audio file!']]);
     $audio = \AudioCache::get($trackFile->getPathname());
     list($parsedTags, $rawTags) = $this->parseOriginalTags($trackFile, $user, $audio->getAudioCodec());
     $track = new Track();
     $track->user_id = $user->id;
     $track->title = Input::get('title', $parsedTags['title']);
     $track->duration = $audio->getDuration();
     if (!is_dir(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/queued-tracks')) {
         mkdir(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/queued-tracks', 0755, true);
     $trackFile = $trackFile->move(Config::get('ponyfm.files_directory') . '/queued-tracks', $track->id);
     $input = Input::all();
     $input['track'] = $trackFile;
     $validator = \Validator::make($input, ['track' => 'required|' . ($this->_allowLossy ? '' : 'audio_format:' . implode(',', $this->_losslessFormats) . '|') . ($this->_allowShortTrack ? '' : 'min_duration:30|') . 'audio_channels:1,2', 'auto_publish' => 'boolean', 'title' => 'string', 'track_type_id' => 'exists:track_types,id', 'genre' => 'string', 'album' => 'string', 'track_number' => 'integer', 'released_at' => 'date_format:' . Carbon::ISO8601, 'description' => 'string', 'lyrics' => 'string', 'is_vocal' => 'boolean', 'is_explicit' => 'boolean', 'is_downloadable' => 'boolean', 'is_listed' => 'boolean', 'cover' => 'image|mimes:png,jpeg|min_width:350|min_height:350', 'metadata' => 'json']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return CommandResponse::fail($validator);
     // Process optional track fields
     $autoPublish = (bool) ($input['auto_publish'] ?? $this->_autoPublishByDefault);
     if (Input::hasFile('cover')) {
         $track->cover_id = Image::upload(Input::file('cover'), $track->user_id)->id;
     } else {
         $track->cover_id = $parsedTags['cover_id'];
     $track->title = $input['title'] ?? $parsedTags['title'] ?? $track->title;
     $track->track_type_id = $input['track_type_id'] ?? TrackType::UNCLASSIFIED_TRACK;
     $track->genre_id = isset($input['genre']) ? $this->getGenreId($input['genre']) : $parsedTags['genre_id'];
     $track->album_id = isset($input['album']) ? $this->getAlbumId($user->id, $input['album']) : $parsedTags['album_id'];
     if ($track->album_id === null) {
         $track->track_number = null;
     } else {
         $track->track_number = $input['track_number'] ?? $parsedTags['track_number'];
     $track->released_at = isset($input['released_at']) ? Carbon::createFromFormat(Carbon::ISO8601, $input['released_at']) : $parsedTags['release_date'];
     $track->description = $input['description'] ?? $parsedTags['comments'];
     $track->lyrics = $input['lyrics'] ?? $parsedTags['lyrics'];
     $track->is_vocal = $input['is_vocal'] ?? $parsedTags['is_vocal'];
     $track->is_explicit = $input['is_explicit'] ?? false;
     $track->is_downloadable = $input['is_downloadable'] ?? true;
     $track->is_listed = $input['is_listed'] ?? true;
     $track->source = $this->_customTrackSource ?? 'direct_upload';
     // If json_decode() isn't called here, Laravel will surround the JSON
     // string with quotes when storing it in the database, which breaks things.
     $track->metadata = json_decode(Input::get('metadata', null));
     $track->original_tags = ['parsed_tags' => $parsedTags, 'raw_tags' => $rawTags];
     try {
         $source = $trackFile->getPathname();
         // Lossy uploads need to be identified and set as the master file
         // without being re-encoded.
         $audioObject = AudioCache::get($source);
         $isLossyUpload = !in_array($audioObject->getAudioCodec(), $this->_losslessFormats);
         if ($isLossyUpload) {
             if ($audioObject->getAudioCodec() === 'mp3') {
                 $masterFormat = 'MP3';
             } else {
                 if (Str::startsWith($audioObject->getAudioCodec(), 'aac')) {
                     $masterFormat = 'AAC';
                 } else {
                     if ($audioObject->getAudioCodec() === 'vorbis') {
                         $masterFormat = 'OGG Vorbis';
                     } else {
                         $validator->messages()->add('track', 'The track does not contain audio in a known lossy format.');
                         return CommandResponse::fail($validator);
             $trackFile = new TrackFile();
             $trackFile->is_master = true;
             $trackFile->format = $masterFormat;
             $trackFile->track_id = $track->id;
             // Lossy masters are copied into the datastore - no re-encoding involved.
             File::copy($source, $trackFile->getFile());
         $trackFiles = [];
         foreach (Track::$Formats as $name => $format) {
             // Don't bother with lossless transcodes of lossy uploads, and
             // don't re-encode the lossy master.
             if ($isLossyUpload && ($format['is_lossless'] || $name === $masterFormat)) {
             $trackFile = new TrackFile();
             $trackFile->is_master = $name === 'FLAC' ? true : false;
             $trackFile->format = $name;
             $trackFile->status = TrackFile::STATUS_PROCESSING_PENDING;
             if (in_array($name, Track::$CacheableFormats) && $trackFile->is_master == false) {
                 $trackFile->is_cacheable = true;
             } else {
                 $trackFile->is_cacheable = false;
             // All TrackFile records we need are synchronously created
             // before kicking off the encode jobs in order to avoid a race
             // condition with the "temporary" source file getting deleted.
             $trackFiles[] = $trackFile;
         try {
             foreach ($trackFiles as $trackFile) {
                 $this->dispatch(new EncodeTrackFile($trackFile, false, true, $autoPublish));
         } catch (InvalidEncodeOptionsException $e) {
             return CommandResponse::fail(['track' => [$e->getMessage()]]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return CommandResponse::succeed(['id' => $track->id, 'name' => $track->name, 'title' => $track->title, 'slug' => $track->slug, 'autoPublish' => $autoPublish]);