<div class="swiper-button-next"></div> <?php } ?> </div> <a href="#project-inside" class="discover-more">Discover</a> <?php $gallery = array(); $attachments = new Attachments('attachments', get_the_ID()); if ($attachments->exist()) { while ($attachments->get()) { array_push($gallery, $attachments->src('full')); } } //ottengo il contenuto $content = ""; if (have_posts()) { // Start the loop. while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $content = get_the_content(); // End the loop. } } //ottengo gli artisti $pages = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'page', 'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template', 'meta_value' => 'page-artist.php')); $artists = array();
<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <?php while ($index = $attachments->get()) { ?> <div class="item<?php if ($index->id == $attachments->id(0)) { ?> active<?php } ?> " data-title="<?php echo sanitize_title($attachments->field('title')); ?> " style="background-image:url(<?php echo $attachments->src('full'); ?> );"></div> <?php } ?> </div> <h1 id="keywords"> <span id="ignite">Ignite.</span> <span id="align">Align.</span> <span id="mobilize">Mobilize.</span> </h1> </div> <?php
function rcl_gallery_product($content) { global $post; if (get_post_type($post->ID) == 'products') { if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'recall_slider', 1) != 1 || !is_single()) { return $content; } if (!class_exists('Attachments')) { $postmeta = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'children_prodimage', 1); if ($postmeta) { rcl_bxslider_scripts(); $values = explode(',', $postmeta); $gallery = '<div id="product-gallery">' . '<ul class="rcl-gallery">'; foreach ((array) $values as $children) { $large = wp_get_attachment_image_src($children, 'large'); $gallery .= '<li><a class="fancybox" href="' . $large[0] . '"><img src="' . $large[0] . '"></a></li>'; $thumbs[] = $large[0]; } $gallery .= '</ul>'; if (count($thumbs) > 1) { $gallery .= '<div id="bx-pager">'; foreach ($thumbs as $k => $src) { $gallery .= '<a data-slide-index="' . $k . '" href=""><img src="' . $src . '" /></a>'; } $gallery .= '</div>'; } $gallery .= '</div>'; } return $gallery . $content; } else { $attachments = new Attachments('attachments_products'); if ($attachments->exist()) { rcl_bxslider_scripts(); $num = 0; $gallery = '<div id="product-gallery">' . '<ul class="rcl-gallery">'; while ($attachments->get()) { $num++; $large = wp_get_attachment_image_src($children, 'large'); $gallery .= '<li><a class="fancybox" href="' . $attachments->src('full') . '"><img src="' . $attachments->src('thumbnail') . '"></a></li>'; $thumbs[] = $large[0]; } $gallery .= '</ul>'; $gallery .= '<div id="bx-pager">'; foreach ($thumbs as $k => $src) { $gallery .= '<a data-slide-index="' . $k . '" href=""><img src="' . $src . '" /></a>'; } $gallery .= '</div>'; } $gallery .= '</div>'; return $gallery . $content; } } else { return $content; } }
?> <div class="col-md-6<?php if ($index->id == $attachments->id(0)) { ?> active<?php } ?> "> <div class="thumbnail<?php if ($index->id == $attachments->id(0)) { ?> active<?php } ?> " style="background-image:url(<?php echo $attachments->src('medium'); ?> )"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- <div class="col-md-12"><hr></div> --> </div> <?php } ?> <?php the_content(); ?>
function get_attachments_array($name, $srcSize = 'full') { $return = array(); $attachments = new Attachments($name); if ($attachments->exist()) { $i = 0; while ($attachments->get()) { $return[$i]['id'] = $attachments->id(); $return[$i]['type'] = $attachments->type(); $return[$i]['subtype'] = $attachments->subtype(); $return[$i]['url'] = $attachments->url(); $return[$i]['thumbnail'] = $attachments->image('thumbnail'); $return[$i]['srcfull'] = $attachments->src('full'); $return[$i]['src'] = $attachments->src($srcSize); $return[$i]['filesize'] = $attachments->filesize(); $return[$i]['title'] = $attachments->field('title'); $return[$i]['caption'] = $attachments->field('caption'); $i++; } } return $return; }