Esempio n. 1
function modify_scan_networks($conn, $wizard, $data)
    $step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step'));
    if ($step == 1 || $step == 2) {
        $response['error'] = TRUE;
        $response['msg'] = _('There is a Asset scan running, you have to wait until it completes.');
        return $response;
    $ids = array_keys($data['nets']);
    ossim_valid($ids, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _("Network ID"));
    if (ossim_error()) {
        $response['error'] = TRUE;
        $response['msg'] = ossim_get_error();
        return $response;
    $nets = array();
    $ip_count = 0;
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        $cidrs = Asset_net::get_ips_by_id($conn, $id);
        $cidrs = preg_replace('/\\s*,\\s*/', ' ', $cidrs);
        $nets[$id] = trim($cidrs);
        $cidr_list = explode(' ', $cidrs);
        foreach ($cidr_list as $cidr) {
            list($dir, $mask) = explode('/', $cidr);
            if ($mask > 0 && $mask <= 32) {
                $ip_count += 1 << 32 - $mask;
    $wizard->set_step_data('scan_step', 0);
    $wizard->set_step_data('scan_nets', $nets);
    $wizard->set_step_data('scan_ips_count', $ip_count);
    $response['error'] = FALSE;
    $response['data']['total'] = Util::number_format_locale($ip_count);
    return $response;
Esempio n. 2
     $login_text = $cred['login'];
     if ($login_text == '0' || valid_hex32($login_text)) {
         $login_text = $login_text == '0' ? _('All') : Session::get_entity_name($conn, $cred['login']);
     $cred_key = $cred['name'] . '#' . $cred['login'];
     $smb_arr[$cred_key]['selected'] = $cred_key == $smb_credential ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     $smb_arr[$cred_key]['name'] = $cred['name'] . ' (' . $login_text . ')';
 // fill targets
 if (empty($targets) == FALSE) {
     $select_targets = get_targets($conn, $targets);
 } else {
     if (preg_match('/^[a-f\\d]{32}$/i', $net_id) && Asset_net::is_in_db($conn, $net_id)) {
         // Autofill new scan job from deployment
         $targets_list = array();
         $cidrs = explode(',', Asset_net::get_ips_by_id($conn, $net_id));
         foreach ($cidrs as $cidr) {
             $targets_list[] = $net_id . '#' . trim($cidr);
         $select_targets = get_targets($conn, $targets_list);
 // Schedule data
 $daysMap = array('Su' => array('text' => _('Sunday'), 'number' => '0'), 'Mo' => array('text' => _('Monday'), 'number' => '1'), 'Tu' => array('text' => _('Tuesday'), 'number' => '2'), 'We' => array('text' => _('Wednesday'), 'number' => '3'), 'Th' => array('text' => _('Thursday'), 'number' => '4'), 'Fr' => array('text' => _('Friday'), 'number' => '5'), 'Sa' => array('text' => _('Saturday'), 'number' => '6'));
 $nweekday = array('1' => array('text' => _('First'), 'selected' => 'selected="selected"'), '2' => array('text' => _('Second')), '3' => array('text' => _('Third')), '4' => array('text' => _('Fourth')), '5' => array('text' => _('Fifth')), '6' => array('text' => _('Sixth')), '7' => array('text' => _('Seventh')), '8' => array('text' => _('Eighth')), '9' => array('text' => _('Ninth')), '10' => array('text' => _('Tenth')));
 $s_methods = array('N' => array('name' => _('Immediately')), 'O' => array('name' => _('Run Once')), 'D' => array('name' => _('Daily')), 'W' => array('name' => _('Day of the Week')), 'M' => array('name' => _('Day of the Month')), 'NW' => array('name' => _('N<sup>th</sup> week of the month')));
 // date to fill the form
 // default values
 $nextscan = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s w', gmdate('U') + 3600 * $tz);
 preg_match('/(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)\\s(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)\\s(\\d)/', $nextscan, $found);
 $current_year = $found[1];
Esempio n. 3
foreach ($assets_groups as $asset_id => $asset_type) {
    if ($asset_type == 'hostgroup' && Asset_group::is_in_db($conn, $asset_id)) {
        $host_group = Asset_group::get_object($conn, $asset_id);
        list($host_list, $total) = $host_group->get_hosts($conn);
        foreach ($host_list as $host_id => $host_data) {
            $host_ips = explode(',', $host_data['ips']);
            foreach ($host_ips as $host_ip) {
                $targets[$host_id . '#' . $host_ip] = array('hostgroup_id' => $asset_id);
    } else {
        if ($asset_type == 'netgroup' && Net_group::is_in_db($conn, $asset_id)) {
            $net_list = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $asset_id);
            foreach ($net_list as $net) {
                $net_id = $net->get_net_id();
                $net_cidrs = Asset_net::get_ips_by_id($conn, $net_id);
                $cidrs = explode(',', $net_cidrs);
                foreach ($cidrs as $cidr) {
                    $targets[$net_id . '#' . $cidr] = array('netgroup_id' => $asset_id);
$tsensors = explode(',', Session::allowedSensors());
$sensor_ids = array();
foreach ($tsensors as $s_ip) {
    $sensor_ids[$s_ip] = $conn->GetOne("SELECT HEX(id) FROM sensor WHERE INET_NTOA( CONV( HEX( ip ) , 16, 10 ) ) LIKE '{$s_ip}'");
// check permissions for selected server
Esempio n. 4
function tab_discovery()
    global $component, $uroles, $editdata, $scheduler, $username, $useremail, $dbconn, $disp, $enScanRequestImmediate, $enScanRequestRecur, $timeout, $smethod, $SVRid, $sid, $ip_list, $ip_exceptions_list, $schedule_type, $ROYEAR, $ROday, $ROMONTH, $time_hour, $time_min, $dayofweek, $dayofmonth, $sname, $user, $entity, $hosts_alive, $scan_locally, $version, $nthweekday, $semail, $not_resolve, $time_interval, $ssh_credential, $smb_credential, $net_id;
    global $pluginOptions, $enComplianceChecks, $profileid;
    $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
    $users = Session::get_users_to_assign($dbconn);
    $entities_to_assign = Session::get_entities_to_assign($dbconn);
    $pre_scan_locally_status = $conf->get_conf("nessus_pre_scan_locally");
    $user_selected = $user;
    $entity_selected = $entity;
    $SVRid_selected = $SVRid;
    $sid_selected = $sid != "" ? $sid : $editdata['meth_VSET'];
    $timeout_selected = $editdata["meth_TIMEOUT"];
    $ip_list_selected = str_replace("\\r\\n", "\n", str_replace(";;", "\n", $ip_list));
    if (count($ip_exceptions_list) > 0) {
        $ip_list_selected .= "\n" . implode("\n", $ip_exceptions_list);
    $ROYEAR_selected = $ROYEAR;
    $ROday_selected = $ROday;
    $ROMONTH_selected = $ROMONTH;
    $time_hour_selected = $time_hour;
    $time_min_selected = $time_min;
    $dayofweek_selected = $dayofweek;
    $dayofmonth_selected = $dayofmonth;
    $sname_selected = $sname;
    if (preg_match("/^[a-f\\d]{32}\$/i", $net_id)) {
        // Autofill new scan job from deployment
        if (Asset_net::is_in_db($dbconn, $net_id)) {
            $sname_selected = Asset_net::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $net_id);
            $schedule_type = "M";
            $ip_list = array();
            $nips = explode(",", Asset_net::get_ips_by_id($dbconn, $net_id));
            foreach ($nips as $nip) {
                $ip_list[] = $net_id . "#" . trim($nip);
    if ($schedule_type != "") {
        $editdata['schedule_type'] = $schedule_type;
    $cquery_like = "";
    if ($component != "") {
        $cquery_like = " AND component='{$component}'";
    $today = date("Ymd");
    $tyear = substr($today, 0, 4);
    $nyear = $tyear + 1;
    $tmonth = substr($today, 4, 2);
    $tday = substr($today, 6, 2);
    if (isset($editdata['notify'])) {
        $enotify = $editdata['notify'];
    } else {
        $enotify = "{$useremail}";
    if (isset($editdata['time'])) {
        list($time_hour, $time_min, $time_sec) = split(':', $editdata['time']);
        $tz = Util::get_timezone();
        $time_hour = $time_hour + $tz;
    $arrTypes = array("N", "O", "D", "W", "M", "NW");
    foreach ($arrTypes as $type) {
        $sTYPE[$type] = "";
    $arrJobTypes = array("C", "M", "R", "S");
    foreach ($arrJobTypes as $type) {
        $sjTYPE[$type] = "";
    if (isset($editdata['schedule_type'])) {
        $sTYPE[$editdata['schedule_type']] = "selected='selected'";
        if ($editdata['schedule_type'] == 'D') {
            $ni = 2;
        } elseif ($editdata['schedule_type'] == 'O') {
            $ni = 3;
        } elseif ($editdata['schedule_type'] == 'W') {
            $ni = 4;
        } elseif ($editdata['schedule_type'] == 'NW') {
            $ni = 6;
        } else {
            $ni = 5;
        $show = "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', {$ni});</script>";
    } else {
        if ($enScanRequestImmediate) {
            $sTYPE['N'] = "selected='selected'";
            $show = "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 1);</script>";
        } else {
            $sTYPE['O'] = "selected='selected'";
            $show = "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 3);</script>";
    if ($schedule_type != "") {
        if ($schedule_type == "N") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 1);</script>";
        if ($schedule_type == "O") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 3);</script>";
        if ($schedule_type == "D") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 2);</script>";
        if ($schedule_type == "W") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 4);</script>";
        if ($schedule_type == "M") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 5);</script>";
        if ($schedule_type == "NW") {
            $show .= "<br><script language=javascript>showLayer('idSched', 6);</script>";
    if (isset($editdata['job_TYPE'])) {
        $sjTYPE[$editdata['job_TYPE']] = "SELECTED";
    } else {
        $sjTYPE['M'] = "SELECTED";
    if (isset($editdata['day_of_month'])) {
        $dayofmonth = $editdata['day_of_month'];
    if (isset($editdata['day_of_week'])) {
        $day[$editdata['day_of_week']] = "SELECTED";
    if ($dayofweek_selected != "") {
        $day[$dayofweek_selected] = "SELECTED";
    if (!$uroles['nessus']) {
        $name = "sr-" . substr($username, 0, 6) . "-" . time();
        $name = $editdata['name'] == "" ? $name : $editdata['name'];
        $nameout = $name . "<input type=hidden style='width:210px' name='sname' value='{$name}'>";
    } else {
        $nameout = "<input type=text style='width:210px' name='sname' value='" . ($sname_selected != "" ? "{$sname_selected}" : "{$editdata['name']}") . "'>";
    $discovery = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"save_scan\" value=\"1\">";
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cred_type\" value=\"N\">";
    $discovery .= "<table width=\"80%\" cellspacing=\"4\">";
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"smethod\" value=\"{$smethod}\">";
    $discovery .= "<td width=\"25%\" class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Job Name") . ":") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style=\"text-align:left;\">{$nameout}</td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    list($sensor_list, $total) = Av_sensor::get_list($dbconn);
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Select Server") . ":") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style='text-align:left;'><select id='SVRid' style='width:212px' name='SVRid'>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='Null'>" . _("First Available Server-Distributed") . "</option>";
    foreach ($sensor_list as $_sensor_id => $sensor_data) {
        if (intval($sensor_data['properties']['has_vuln_scanner']) == 1) {
            $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$_sensor_id}\" ";
            if ($editdata['email'] == $_sensor_id || $editdata['scan_ASSIGNED'] == $_sensor_id) {
                $discovery .= " SELECTED";
            if ($SVRid_selected == $_sensor_id) {
                $discovery .= " SELECTED";
            $discovery .= ">" . strtoupper($sensor_data['name']) . " [" . $sensor_data['ip'] . "] </option>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
    $discovery .= "<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Profile") . ":") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style='text-align:left;'><select name='sid'>";
    $query = "";
    if ($username == "admin" || Session::am_i_admin()) {
        $query = "SELECT distinct(,, t1.description \n                 FROM vuln_nessus_settings t1 WHERE deleted='0'\n                 ORDER BY";
    } else {
        if (Session::is_pro()) {
            $users_and_entities = Acl::get_entities_to_assign($dbconn);
            if (Acl::am_i_proadmin()) {
                $users = Acl::get_my_users($dbconn, Session::get_session_user());
                foreach ($users as $us) {
                    $users_and_entities[$us->get_login()] = $us->get_login();
                $owner_list['0'] = '0';
                $owner_list = array_keys($users_and_entities);
                $owner_list = implode("','", $owner_list);
                $query = "SELECT distinct(,, t1.description FROM vuln_nessus_settings t1\n                      WHERE deleted = '0' and (name='Default' or owner in ('" . $owner_list . "')) ORDER BY";
            } else {
                $owner_list['0'] = '0';
                $owner_list[$username] = $username;
                $owner_list = array_keys($users_and_entities);
                $owner_list[] = Session::get_session_user();
                $owner_list = implode("','", $owner_list);
                $user_where = "owner in ('" . $owner_list . "')";
                $query = "SELECT distinct(,, t1.description FROM vuln_nessus_settings t1\n                      WHERE deleted = '0' and (name='Default' or {$user_where}) ORDER BY";
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT distinct(,, t1.description FROM vuln_nessus_settings t1\n                     WHERE deleted = '0' and (name='Default' or owner in ('0','{$username}')) ORDER BY";
    $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
    $job_profiles = array();
    $id_found = false;
    $ipr = 0;
    while (!$result->EOF) {
        list($sid, $sname, $sdescription) = $result->fields;
        if ($sid_selected == $sid) {
            $id_found = true;
        $job_profiles[$ipr]["sid"] = $sid;
        $job_profiles[$ipr]["sname"] = $sname;
        $job_profiles[$ipr]["sdescription"] = $sdescription;
    foreach ($job_profiles as $profile_data) {
        $sid = $profile_data["sid"];
        $sname = $profile_data["sname"];
        $sdescription = $profile_data["sdescription"];
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$sid}\" ";
        if ($sid_selected == $sid) {
            if ($sdescription != "") {
                $discovery .= "selected>{$sname} - {$sdescription}</option>";
            } else {
                $discovery .= "selected>{$sname}</option>";
        } else {
            if ($sdescription != "") {
                $discovery .= (preg_match("/default/i", $sname) && !$id_found ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . ">{$sname} - {$sdescription}</option>";
            } else {
                $discovery .= (preg_match("/default/i", $sname) && !$id_found ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . ">{$sname}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<a href=\"" . Menu::get_menu_url('settings.php', 'environment', 'vulnerabilities', 'scan_jobs') . "\">[" . _("EDIT PROFILES") . "]</a></td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "<td class='job_option' style='vertical-align: top;'><div>" . Util::strong(_("Schedule Method") . ":") . "</div></td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style='text-align:left'><div><select name='schedule_type' id='scheduleM'>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='N' {$sTYPE['N']}>" . _("Immediately") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='O' {$sTYPE['O']}>" . _("Run Once") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='D' {$sTYPE['D']}>" . _("Daily") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='W' {$sTYPE['W']}>" . _("Day of the Week") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='M' {$sTYPE['M']}>" . _("Day of the Month") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='NW' {$sTYPE['NW']}>" . _("N<sup>th</sup> weekday of the month") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select></div></tr>";
    $smethods = array("O", "D", "W", "M", "NW");
    $smethodtr_display = in_array($editdata['schedule_type'], $smethods) ? "" : "style='display:none'";
    $discovery .= "<tr {$smethodtr_display} id='smethodtr'><td>&nbsp;</td>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched1" class="forminput">
    // div to select start day
    $discovery .= "<div id=\"idSched8\" class=\"forminput\">";
    $discovery .= "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
    $discovery .= "<tr><th width='35%'>" . _("Begin in") . "</th><td class='noborder' nowrap='nowrap'>" . gettext("Year") . "&nbsp;<select name='biyear'>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$tyear}\" selected>{$tyear}</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$nyear}\" >{$nyear}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . gettext("Month") . "&nbsp;<select name='bimonth'>";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\" ";
        if ($i == $tmonth) {
            $discovery .= "selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . gettext("Day") . "&nbsp;<select name=\"biday\">";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\" ";
        if ($i == $tday) {
            $discovery .= "selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select></td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    $discovery .= "</table>";
    $discovery .= "</div>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched3" class="forminput">
        <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<tr><th width='35%'>" . _("Day") . "</th><td colspan='6' class='noborder' nowrap='nowrap'>" . gettext("Year") . "&nbsp;<select name='ROYEAR'>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$tyear}\" " . ($ROYEAR_selected == "" || $ROYEAR_selected == $tyear ? "selected" : "") . ">{$tyear}</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$nyear}\" " . ($ROYEAR_selected == $nyear ? "selected" : "") . ">{$nyear}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . gettext("Month") . "&nbsp;<select name='ROMONTH'>";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\" ";
        if ($i == $tmonth && $ROMONTH_selected == "" || $ROMONTH_selected == $i) {
            $discovery .= "selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . gettext("Day") . "&nbsp;<select name=\"ROday\">";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\" ";
        if ($i == $tday && $ROday_selected == "" || $ROday_selected == $i) {
            $discovery .= "selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched4" class="forminput" > 
        <table width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<th align=\"right\" width=\"35%\">" . _("Weekly") . "</th><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"noborder\">";
    $discovery .= "<select name=\"dayofweek\">";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Su\" SELECTED >" . gettext("Select week day to run") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Su\" {$day['Su']} >" . gettext("Sunday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Mo\" {$day['Mo']} >" . gettext("Monday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Tu\" {$day['Tu']} >" . gettext("Tuesday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"We\" {$day['We']} >" . gettext("Wednesday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Th\" {$day['Th']} >" . gettext("Thursday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Fr\" {$day['Fr']} >" . gettext("Friday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Sa\" {$day['Sa']} >" . gettext("Saturday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>";
    $discovery .= "</td>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched5" class="forminput">
        <table width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<th width='35%'>" . gettext("Select Day") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
            <td colspan="2" class="noborder"><select name="dayofmonth">"
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\"";
        if ($dayofmonth == $i && $dayofmonth_selected == "" || $dayofmonth_selected == $i) {
            $discovery .= " selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched6" class="forminput">
        <table width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<th width=\"35%\">" . gettext("Day of week") . "</th><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"noborder\">";
    $discovery .= "<select name=\"nthdayofweek\">";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Su\" SELECTED >" . gettext("Select week day to run") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Su\" {$day['Su']} >" . gettext("Sunday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Mo\" {$day['Mo']} >" . gettext("Monday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Tu\" {$day['Tu']} >" . gettext("Tuesday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"We\" {$day['We']} >" . gettext("Wednesday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Th\" {$day['Th']} >" . gettext("Thursday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Fr\" {$day['Fr']} >" . gettext("Friday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value=\"Sa\" {$day['Sa']} >" . gettext("Saturday") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>";
    $discovery .= "</td>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
        <table width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<th align='right'>" . gettext("N<sup>th</sup> weekday") . "</th><td colspan='2' class='noborder'>";
    $discovery .= "<select name='nthweekday'>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='1'>" . gettext("Select nth weekday to run") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='1'" . ($dayofmonth == 1 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("First") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='2'" . ($dayofmonth == 2 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Second") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='3'" . ($dayofmonth == 3 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Third") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='4'" . ($dayofmonth == 4 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Fourth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='5'" . ($dayofmonth == 5 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Fifth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='6'" . ($dayofmonth == 6 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Sixth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='7'" . ($dayofmonth == 7 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Seventh") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='8'" . ($dayofmonth == 8 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Eighth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='9'" . ($dayofmonth == 9 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Ninth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "<option value='10'" . ($dayofmonth == 10 ? " selected" : "") . ">" . gettext("Tenth") . "</option>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
    $discovery .= "<div id='idSched7' class='forminput' style=margin-bottom:3px;>";
    $discovery .= "<table width='100%'>";
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "<th width='35%'>" . _("Frequency") . "</th>";
    $discovery .= "<td width='100%' style='text-align:center;' class='nobborder'>";
    $discovery .= "<span style='margin-right:5px;'>" . _("Every") . "</span>";
    $discovery .= "<select name='time_interval'>";
    for ($itime = 1; $itime <= 30; $itime++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value='" . $itime . "'" . ($editdata['time_interval'] == $itime ? " selected" : "") . ">" . $itime . "</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select>";
    $discovery .= "<span id='days' style='margin-left:5px'>" . _("day(s)") . "</span><span id='weeks' style='margin-left:5px'>" . _("week(s)") . "</span>";
    $discovery .= "</td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    $discovery .= "</table>";
    $discovery .= "</div>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
      <div id="idSched2" class="forminput">
        <table width="100%">
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "<th rowspan='2' align='right' width='35%'>" . gettext("Time") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td align='right'>" . gettext("Hour") . "</td>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
            <td align="left" class="noborder"><select name="time_hour">
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\"";
        if ($time_hour == $i && $time_hour_selected == "" || $time_hour_selected == $i) {
            $discovery .= " selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= "</select></td><td align='right'>" . gettext("Minutes") . "</td>\n            <td class='noborder' align='left'><select name='time_min'>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i = $i + 15) {
        $discovery .= "<option value=\"{$i}\"";
        if ($time_min == $i && $time_min_selected == "" || $time_min_selected == $i) {
            $discovery .= " selected";
        $discovery .= ">{$i}</option>";
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
    $discovery .= "<tr>";
    $discovery .= "\t\t<td class='madvanced'><a class='section'><img id='advanced_arrow' border='0' align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/arrow_green.gif'>" . _("ADVANCED") . "</a></td>";
    $discovery .= "\t\t<td>&nbsp;</td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    if ($_SESSION["scanner"] == "omp") {
        $credentials = Vulnerabilities::get_credentials($dbconn, 'ssh');
        preg_match("/(.*)\\|(.*)/", $editdata["credentials"], $found);
        $discovery .= "<tr class='advanced'>";
        $discovery .= "<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("SSH Credential:")) . "</td>";
        $discovery .= "<td style='text-align:left'><select id='ssh_credential' name='ssh_credential'>";
        $discovery .= "<option value=''>--</option>";
        foreach ($credentials as $cred) {
            $login_text = $cred["login"];
            if ($cred["login"] == '0') {
                $login_text = _("All");
            } elseif (valid_hex32($cred["login"])) {
                $login_text = Session::get_entity_name($dbconn, $cred["login"]);
            $selected = $found[1] == $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] || $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] == $ssh_credential ? " selected='selected'" : "";
            $discovery .= "<option value='" . $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] . "' {$selected}>" . $cred["name"] . " (" . $login_text . ")</option>";
        $discovery .= "</select></td>";
        $discovery .= "</tr>";
        $credentials = Vulnerabilities::get_credentials($dbconn, 'smb');
        $discovery .= "<tr class='advanced'>";
        $discovery .= "<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("SMB Credential:")) . "</td>";
        $discovery .= "<td style='text-align:left'><select id='smb_credential' name='smb_credential'>";
        $discovery .= "<option value=''>--</option>";
        foreach ($credentials as $cred) {
            $login_text = $cred["login"];
            if ($cred["login"] == '0') {
                $login_text = _("All");
            } elseif (valid_hex32($cred["login"])) {
                $login_text = Session::get_entity_name($dbconn, $cred["login"]);
            $selected = $found[2] == $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] || $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] == $smb_credential ? " selected='selected'" : "";
            $discovery .= "<option value='" . $cred["name"] . "#" . $cred["login"] . "' {$selected}>" . $cred["name"] . " (" . $login_text . ")</option>";
        $discovery .= "</select></td>";
        $discovery .= "</tr>";
    $discovery .= "<tr class='job_option advanced'>";
    $discovery .= "<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Timeout:")) . "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style=\"text-align:left;\" nowrap><input type='text' style='width:80px' name='timeout' value='" . ($timeout_selected == "" ? "{$timeout}" : "{$timeout_selected}") . "'>";
    $discovery .= "<font color='black'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . _("Max scan run time in seconds") . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>";
    $discovery .= "</tr>";
    $discovery .= "<tr class='advanced'><td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Send an email notification:"));
    $discovery .= "</td>";
    $discovery .= "<td style=\"text-align:left;\">";
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"semail\" value=\"0\"" . (count($editdata) <= 1 && intval($semail) == 0 || intval($editdata['meth_Wfile']) == 0 ? " checked" : "") . "/>" . _("No");
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"semail\" value=\"1\"" . (count($editdata) <= 1 && intval($semail) == 1 || intval($editdata['meth_Wfile']) == 1 ? " checked" : "") . "/>" . _("Yes");
    $discovery .= "</td></tr>";
    $discovery .= "<tr class='advanced'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='job_option'>" . Util::strong(_("Scan job visible for:")) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='text-align: left'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='transparent' style='margin: 5px 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='nobborder'><span style='margin-right:3px'>" . _('User:'******'nobborder'>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select name='user' id='user' onchange=\"switch_user('user');return false;\">";
    $num_users = 0;
    foreach ($users as $k => $v) {
        $login = $v->get_login();
        $selected = $editdata["username"] == $login || $user_selected == $login ? "selected='selected'" : "";
        $options .= "<option value='" . $login . "' {$selected}>{$login}</option>\n";
    if ($num_users == 0) {
        $discovery .= "<option value='' style='text-align:center !important;'>- " . _("No users found") . " -</option>";
    } else {
        $discovery .= "<option value='' style='text-align:center !important;'>- " . _("Select one user") . " -</option>\n";
        $discovery .= $options;
    $discovery .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>";
    if (!empty($entities_to_assign)) {
        $discovery .= "\t    \t\t\t<td style='text-align:center; border:none; !important'><span style='padding:5px;'>" . _("OR") . "<span></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='nobborder'><span style='margin-right:3px'>" . _("Entity:") . "</span></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='nobborder'>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select name='entity' id='entity' onchange=\"switch_user('entity');return false;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='' style='text-align:center !important;'>-" . _("Select one entity") . "-</option>";
        foreach ($entities_to_assign as $k => $v) {
            $selected = $editdata["username"] == $k || $entity_selected == $k ? "selected='selected'" : "";
            $discovery .= "<option value='{$k}' {$selected}>{$v}</option>";
        $discovery .= "\t\t\t\t\t</select>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>";
    $discovery .= " \t    \t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
    $discovery .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" class=\"job_option noborder\"><br>";
    // conditions to exclude IPs
    $condition1 = count($editdata) <= 1 && intval($hosts_alive) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $condition2 = preg_match('/' . EXCLUDING_IP2 . '/', trim($editdata["meth_TARGET"]));
    $condition3 = intval($editdata['meth_CRED']) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $condition4 = count($ip_exceptions_list) > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $host_alive_check = $condition1 || $condition2 || $condition3 || $condition4 ? ' checked' : '';
    $host_alive_status = $condition2 || $condition4 ? ' disabled=\\"disabled\\"' : '';
    $discovery .= "<input onclick=\"toggle_scan_locally()\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"hosts_alive\" name=\"hosts_alive\" value=\"1\"" . $host_alive_check . $host_alive_status . ">" . Util::strong(_("Only scan hosts that are alive")) . "<br>(" . Util::strong(_("greatly speeds up the scanning process")) . ")<br><br>";
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"scan_locally\" name=\"scan_locally\" value=\"1\"" . ($pre_scan_locally_status == 0 ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") . ($pre_scan_locally_status == 1 && (intval($editdata['authorized']) == 1 || intval($scan_locally) == 1) ? " checked" : "") . ">" . Util::strong(_("Pre-Scan locally")) . "<br>(" . Util::strong(_("do not pre-scan from scanning sensor")) . ")<br><br>";
    $discovery .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"not_resolve\" name=\"not_resolve\" value=\"1\" " . ($editdata['resolve_names'] === "0" || $not_resolve == "1" ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "") . "/>" . Util::strong(_("Do not resolve names"));
    $discovery .= <<<EOT
    $discovery .= '     <td class="noborder" valign="top">';
    $discovery .= '         <table width="100%" class="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
    $discovery .= '              <tr>';
    $discovery .= '                  <td class="nobborder" style="vertical-align: top;text-align:left;padding:10px 0px 0px 0px;">';
    $discovery .= '                     <table class="transparent" cellspacing="4">';
    $discovery .= '                         <tr>';
    $discovery .= '                             <td class="nobborder" style="text-align:left;"><input class="greyfont" type="text" id="searchBox" value="' . _("Type here to search assets (Hosts/Networks)") . '" /></td>';
    $discovery .= '                         </tr>';
    $discovery .= '                         <tr>';
    $discovery .= '                             <td class="nobborder"><select id="targets" name="targets[]" multiple="multiple">';
    if (!empty($editdata["meth_TARGET"])) {
        $ip_list = explode("\n", trim($editdata["meth_TARGET"]));
    if (!empty($ip_list)) {
        foreach ($ip_list as $asset) {
            if (preg_match("/([a-f\\d]+)#(.*)/i", $asset, $found)) {
                if (Asset_host::is_in_db($dbconn, $found[1])) {
                    $_asset_name = Asset_host::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $found[1]) . " (" . $found[2] . ")";
                } else {
                    $_asset_name = Asset_net::get_name_by_id($dbconn, $found[1]) . " (" . $found[2] . ")";
                $discovery .= '<option value="' . $asset . '">' . $_asset_name . '</option>';
            } else {
                $discovery .= '<option value="' . $asset . '">' . $asset . '</option>';
        foreach ($ip_exceptions_list as $asset) {
            $discovery .= '<option value="' . $asset . '">' . $asset . '</option>';
    $discovery .= '                             </select></td>';
    $discovery .= '                         </tr>';
    $discovery .= '                         <tr>';
    $discovery .= '                             <td class="nobborder" style="text-align:right"><input type="button" value=" [X] " id="delete_target" class="av_b_secondary small"/>';
    $discovery .= '                             <input type="button" style="margin-right:0px;"value="Delete all" id="delete_all" class="av_b_secondary small"/></td>';
    $discovery .= '                         </tr>';
    $discovery .= '                         </table>';
    $discovery .= '                  </td>';
    $discovery .= '                  <td class="nobborder" width="450px;" style="vertical-align: top;padding:0px 0px 0px 5px;">';
    $discovery .= '                    <div id="vtree" style="text-align:left;width:100%;"></div>';
    $discovery .= '                  </td>';
    $discovery .= '              </tr>';
    $discovery .= '         </table>';
    $discovery .= '    </td>';
    $discovery .= '</tr>';
    $discovery .= '</table>';
    $discovery .= '</tr></td></table>';
    $discovery .= $show;
    return $discovery;