/** * Grab a delegate object for auth stuff */ public function request_user_authorise($token, $remotewwwroot) { global $USER, $SESSION; $this->must_be_ready(); $peer = get_peer($remotewwwroot); if ($peer->deleted != 0 || $this->config['theyssoin'] != 1) { throw new XmlrpcClientException('We don\'t accept SSO connections from ' . institution_display_name($peer->institution)); } $client = new Client(); $client->set_method('auth/mnet/auth.php/user_authorise')->add_param($token)->add_param(sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))->send($remotewwwroot); $remoteuser = (object) $client->response; if (empty($remoteuser) or !property_exists($remoteuser, 'username')) { // Caught by land.php throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $create = false; $update = false; if ('1' == $this->config['updateuserinfoonlogin']) { $update = true; } // Retrieve a $user object. If that fails, create a blank one. try { $user = new User(); if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) { // When turned on, this setting means that it doesn't matter // which other application the user SSOs from, they will be // given the same account in Mahara. // // This setting is one that has security implications unless // only turned on by people who know what they're doing. In // particular, every system linked to Mahara should be making // sure that same username == same person. This happens for // example if two Moodles are using the same LDAP server for // authentication. // // If this setting is on, it must NOT be possible to self // register on the site for ANY institution - otherwise users // could simply pick usernames of people's accounts they wished // to steal. if ($institutions = get_column('institution', 'name', 'registerallowed', '1')) { log_warn("usersuniquebyusername is turned on but registration is allowed for an institution. " . "No institution can have registration allowed for it, for security reasons.\n" . "The following institutions have registration enabled:\n " . join("\n ", $institutions)); throw new AccessDeniedException(); } if (!get_config('usersallowedmultipleinstitutions')) { log_warn("usersuniquebyusername is turned on but usersallowedmultipleinstitutions is off. " . "This makes no sense, as users will then change institution every time they log in from " . "somewhere else. Please turn this setting on in Site Options"); throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $user->find_by_username($remoteuser->username); } else { $user->find_by_instanceid_username($this->instanceid, $remoteuser->username, true); } if ($user->get('suspendedcusr')) { die_info(get_string('accountsuspended', 'mahara', strftime(get_string('strftimedaydate'), $user->get('suspendedctime')), $user->get('suspendedreason'))); } } catch (AuthUnknownUserException $e) { if (!empty($this->config['weautocreateusers'])) { $institution = new Institution($this->institution); if ($institution->isFull()) { $institution->send_admin_institution_is_full_message(); throw new XmlrpcClientException('SSO attempt from ' . $institution->displayname . ' failed - institution is full'); } $user = new User(); $create = true; } else { log_debug("User authorisation request from {$remotewwwroot} failed - " . "remote user '{$remoteuser->username}' is unknown to us and auto creation of users is turned off"); return false; } } /*******************************************/ if ($create) { $user->passwordchange = 1; $user->active = 1; $user->deleted = 0; //TODO: import institution's expiry?: //$institution = new Institution($peer->institution); $user->expiry = null; $user->expirymailsent = 0; $user->lastlogin = time(); $user->firstname = $remoteuser->firstname; $user->lastname = $remoteuser->lastname; $user->email = $remoteuser->email; $imported = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email'); //TODO: import institution's per-user-quota?: //$user->quota = $userrecord->quota; $user->authinstance = empty($this->config['parent']) ? $this->instanceid : $this->parent; db_begin(); $user->username = get_new_username($remoteuser->username); $user->id = create_user($user, array(), $this->institution, $this, $remoteuser->username); $locked = $this->import_user_settings($user, $remoteuser); $locked = array_merge($imported, $locked); /* * We need to convert the object to a stdclass with its own * custom method because it uses overloaders in its implementation * and its properties wouldn't be visible to a simple cast operation * like (array)$user */ $userobj = $user->to_stdclass(); $userarray = (array) $userobj; db_commit(); // Now we have fired the create event, we need to re-get the data // for this user $user = new User(); $user->find_by_id($userobj->id); } elseif ($update) { $imported = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email'); foreach ($imported as $field) { if ($user->{$field} != $remoteuser->{$field}) { $user->{$field} = $remoteuser->{$field}; set_profile_field($user->id, $field, $user->{$field}); } } if (isset($remoteuser->idnumber)) { if ($user->studentid != $remoteuser->idnumber) { $user->studentid = $remoteuser->idnumber; set_profile_field($user->id, 'studentid', $user->studentid); } $imported[] = 'studentid'; } $locked = $this->import_user_settings($user, $remoteuser); $locked = array_merge($imported, $locked); $user->lastlastlogin = $user->lastlogin; $user->lastlogin = time(); //TODO: import institution's per-user-quota?: //$user->quota = $userrecord->quota; $user->commit(); } if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) { // Add them to the institution they have SSOed in by $user->join_institution($peer->institution); } // See if we need to create/update a profile Icon image if ($create || $update) { $client->set_method('auth/mnet/auth.php/fetch_user_image')->add_param($remoteuser->username)->send($remotewwwroot); $imageobject = (object) $client->response; $u = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', $user->username); $filename = get_config('dataroot') . 'temp/mpi_' . intval($this->instanceid) . '_' . $u; if (array_key_exists('f1', $client->response)) { $imagecontents = base64_decode($client->response['f1']); if (file_put_contents($filename, $imagecontents)) { $imageexists = false; $icons = false; if ($update) { $newchecksum = sha1_file($filename); $icons = get_records_select_array('artefact', 'artefacttype = \'profileicon\' AND owner = ? ', array($user->id), '', 'id'); if (false != $icons) { foreach ($icons as $icon) { $iconfile = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $icon->id % 256 . '/' . $icon->id; $checksum = sha1_file($iconfile); if ($newchecksum == $checksum) { $imageexists = true; unlink($filename); break; } } } } if (false == $imageexists) { $filesize = filesize($filename); if (!$user->quota_allowed($filesize)) { $error = get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot')); } require_once 'file.php'; $imagesize = getimagesize($filename); if (!$imagesize || !is_image_type($imagesize[2])) { $error = get_string('filenotimage'); } $mime = $imagesize['mime']; $width = $imagesize[0]; $height = $imagesize[1]; $imagemaxwidth = get_config('imagemaxwidth'); $imagemaxheight = get_config('imagemaxheight'); if ($width > $imagemaxwidth || $height > $imagemaxheight) { $error = get_string('profileiconimagetoobig', 'artefact.file', $width, $height, $imagemaxwidth, $imagemaxheight); } try { $user->quota_add($filesize); } catch (QuotaException $qe) { $error = get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot')); } require_once get_config('docroot') . '/artefact/lib.php'; require_once get_config('docroot') . '/artefact/file/lib.php'; // Entry in artefact table $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(); $artefact->set('owner', $user->id); $artefact->set('parent', ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'), get_string('imagesdirdesc', 'artefact.file'), null, true, $user->id)); $artefact->set('title', ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title(get_string('profileicon', 'artefact.file'), (int) $artefact->get('parent'), $user->id)); // unique title $artefact->set('description', get_string('uploadedprofileicon', 'artefact.file')); $artefact->set('note', get_string('profileicon', 'artefact.file')); $artefact->set('size', $filesize); $artefact->set('filetype', $mime); $artefact->set('width', $width); $artefact->set('height', $height); $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); rename($filename, $directory . $id); if ($create || empty($icons)) { $user->profileicon = $id; } } $user->commit(); } else { log_warn(get_string('cantcreatetempprofileiconfile', 'artefact.file', $filename)); } } if ($update) { $locked[] = 'profileicon'; } } /*******************************************/ // We know who our user is now. Bring her back to life. $USER->reanimate($user->id, $this->instanceid); // Set session variables to let the application know this session was // initiated by MNET. Don't forget that users could initiate their // sessions without MNET sometimes, which is why this data is stored in // the session object. $SESSION->set('mnetuser', $user->id); $SESSION->set('authinstance', $this->instanceid); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $SESSION->set('mnetuserfrom', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if ($update && isset($locked)) { $SESSION->set('lockedfields', $locked); } return true; }
/** * Displaying of the header logo * If $name is specified the site-logo-[$name].png will be returned */ public function header_logo($name = false) { // OVERWRITE 3: INSERTION // This overwrite is designed to try and use the header logo // from the home MhrInstitution. If there isn't one, we default to // our old printBanner.php code to display the banner. global $CFG; $mhr_institution = $CFG->current_app->getMhrInstitution(); $this->headerlogo = $mhr_institution->logo; if (empty($this->headerlogo)) { $banner_file = $CFG->dataroot . 'gc_images/' . $CFG->current_app->getLogo(); if (is_file($banner_file)) { db_begin(); safe_require('artefact', 'file'); // Entry in artefact table $data = (object) array('institution' => $mhr_institution->name, 'title' => 'logo', 'description' => 'Institution logo', 'note' => $CFG->current_app->getLogo(), 'size' => 0); $imageinfo = getimagesize($banner_file); $data->width = $imageinfo[0]; $data->height = $imageinfo[1]; $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime']; $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data); if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $banner_file, $saved)) { $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]); } $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); copy($banner_file, $directory . $id); set_field('institution', 'logo', $id, 'name', $mhr_institution->name); $this->headerlogo = $id; db_commit(); } } // END OVERWRITE 3 if (!empty($this->headerlogo)) { return get_config('wwwroot') . 'thumb.php?type=logobyid&id=' . $this->headerlogo; } else { if ($name) { return $this->get_url('images/site-logo-' . $name . '.png'); } } return $this->get_url('images/site-logo.png'); }
function institution_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $institution, $add, $instancearray, $USER, $authinstances, $customthemedefaults; db_begin(); // Update the basic institution record... if ($add) { $newinstitution = new Institution(); $newinstitution->initialise($values['name'], $values['displayname']); $institution = $newinstitution->name; } else { $newinstitution = new Institution($institution); $newinstitution->displayname = $values['displayname']; $oldinstitution = get_record('institution', 'name', $institution); // Clear out any cached menus for this institution clear_menu_cache($institution); } $newinstitution->showonlineusers = !isset($values['showonlineusers']) ? 2 : $values['showonlineusers']; if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) { // Registering absolutely not allowed when this setting is on, it's a // security risk. See the documentation for the usersuniquebyusername // setting for more information $newinstitution->registerallowed = 0; } else { $newinstitution->registerallowed = $values['registerallowed'] ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->registerconfirm = $values['registerconfirm'] ? 1 : 0; } if (!empty($values['lang'])) { if ($values['lang'] == 'sitedefault') { $newinstitution->lang = null; } else { $newinstitution->lang = $values['lang']; } } $newinstitution->theme = empty($values['theme']) || $values['theme'] == 'sitedefault' ? null : $values['theme']; $newinstitution->dropdownmenu = !empty($values['dropdownmenu']) ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->skins = !empty($values['skins']) ? 1 : 0; require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/comment/lib.php'; $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $newinstitution->commentsortorder = empty($values['commentsortorder']) ? $commentoptions->sort : $values['commentsortorder']; $newinstitution->commentthreaded = !empty($values['commentthreaded']) ? 1 : 0; if ($newinstitution->theme == 'custom') { if (!empty($oldinstitution->style)) { $styleid = $oldinstitution->style; delete_records('style_property', 'style', $styleid); } else { $record = (object) array('title' => get_string('customstylesforinstitution', 'admin', $newinstitution->displayname)); $styleid = insert_record('style', $record, 'id', true); } $properties = array(); $record = (object) array('style' => $styleid); foreach (array_keys($customthemedefaults) as $name) { $record->field = $name; $record->value = $values[$name]; insert_record('style_property', $record); $properties[$name] = $values[$name]; } // Cache the css $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('data', $properties); set_field('style', 'css', $smarty->fetch('customcss.tpl'), 'id', $styleid); $newinstitution->style = $styleid; } else { $newinstitution->style = null; } if (get_config('licensemetadata')) { $newinstitution->licensemandatory = !empty($values['licensemandatory']) ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->licensedefault = isset($values['licensedefault']) ? $values['licensedefault'] : ''; } if (!empty($values['resetcustom']) && !empty($oldinstitution->style)) { $newinstitution->style = null; } if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) { if (!empty($values['updateuserquotas']) && !empty($values['defaultquota'])) { execute_sql("UPDATE {usr} SET quota = ? WHERE id IN (SELECT usr FROM {usr_institution} WHERE institution = ?)", array($values['defaultquota'], $institution)); // get all the users from the institution and make sure that they are still below // their quota threshold if ($users = get_records_sql_array('SELECT * FROM {usr} u LEFT JOIN {usr_institution} ui ON u.id = ui.usr AND ui.institution = ?', array($institution))) { $quotanotifylimit = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit'); if ($quotanotifylimit <= 0 || $quotanotifylimit >= 100) { $quotanotifylimit = 100; } foreach ($users as $user) { $user->quota = $values['defaultquota']; // check if the user has gone over the quota notify limit $user->quotausedpercent = $user->quotaused / $user->quota * 100; $overlimit = false; if ($quotanotifylimit <= $user->quotausedpercent) { $overlimit = true; } $notified = get_field('usr_account_preference', 'value', 'field', 'quota_exceeded_notified', 'usr', $user->id); if ($overlimit && '1' !== $notified) { require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/file/lib.php'; ArtefactTypeFile::notify_users_threshold_exceeded(array($user), false); // no need to email admin as we can alert them right now $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('useroverquotathreshold', 'artefact.file', display_name($user))); } else { if ($notified && !$overlimit) { set_account_preference($user->id, 'quota_exceeded_notified', false); } } } } } $newinstitution->defaultquota = empty($values['defaultquota']) ? get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'defaultquota') : $values['defaultquota']; } if ($institution != 'mahara') { $newinstitution->defaultmembershipperiod = $values['defaultmembershipperiod'] ? intval($values['defaultmembershipperiod']) : null; if ($USER->get('admin')) { $newinstitution->maxuseraccounts = $values['maxuseraccounts'] ? intval($values['maxuseraccounts']) : null; $newinstitution->expiry = db_format_timestamp($values['expiry']); } } $newinstitution->allowinstitutionpublicviews = isset($values['allowinstitutionpublicviews']) && $values['allowinstitutionpublicviews'] ? 1 : 0; // TODO: Move handling of authentication instances within the Institution class as well? if (!empty($values['authplugin'])) { $allinstances = array_merge($values['authplugin']['instancearray'], $values['authplugin']['deletearray']); if (array_diff($allinstances, $instancearray)) { throw new ConfigException('Attempt to delete or update another institution\'s auth instance'); } if (array_diff($instancearray, $allinstances)) { throw new ConfigException('One of your instances is unaccounted for in this transaction'); } foreach ($values['authplugin']['instancearray'] as $priority => $instanceid) { if (in_array($instanceid, $values['authplugin']['deletearray'])) { // Should never happen: throw new SystemException('Attempt to update AND delete an auth instance'); } $record = new StdClass(); $record->priority = $priority; $record->id = $instanceid; update_record('auth_instance', $record, array('id' => $instanceid)); } foreach ($values['authplugin']['deletearray'] as $instanceid) { // If this authinstance is the only xmlrpc authinstance that references a host, delete the host record. $hostwwwroot = null; foreach ($authinstances as $ai) { if ($ai->id == $instanceid && $ai->authname == 'xmlrpc') { $hostwwwroot = get_field_sql("SELECT \"value\" FROM {auth_instance_config} WHERE \"instance\" = ? AND field = 'wwwroot'", array($instanceid)); if ($hostwwwroot && count_records_select('auth_instance_config', "field = 'wwwroot' AND \"value\" = ?", array($hostwwwroot)) == 1) { // Unfortunately, it's possible that this host record could belong to a different institution, // so specify the institution here. delete_records('host', 'wwwroot', $hostwwwroot, 'institution', $institution); // We really need to fix this, either by removing the institution from the host table, or refusing to allow the // institution to be changed in the host record when another institution's authinstance is still pointing at it. } break; } } delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $instanceid); delete_records('auth_instance_config', 'instance', $instanceid); delete_records('auth_instance', 'id', $instanceid); // Make it no longer be the parent authority to any auth instances delete_records('auth_instance_config', 'field', 'parent', 'value', $instanceid); } } // Store plugin settings. plugin_institution_prefs_submit($form, $values, $newinstitution); // Save the changes to the DB $newinstitution->commit(); if ($add) { // Automatically create an internal authentication authinstance $authinstance = (object) array('instancename' => 'internal', 'priority' => 0, 'institution' => $newinstitution->name, 'authname' => 'internal'); insert_record('auth_instance', $authinstance); // We need to add the default lines to the site_content table for this institution // We also need to set the institution to be using default static pages to begin with // so that using custom institution pages is an opt-in situation $pages = site_content_pages(); $now = db_format_timestamp(time()); foreach ($pages as $name) { $page = new stdClass(); $page->name = $name; $page->ctime = $now; $page->mtime = $now; $page->content = get_string($page->name . 'defaultcontent', 'install', get_string('staticpageconfiginstitution', 'install')); $page->institution = $newinstitution->name; insert_record('site_content', $page); $institutionconfig = new stdClass(); $institutionconfig->institution = $newinstitution->name; $institutionconfig->field = 'sitepages_' . $name; $institutionconfig->value = 'mahara'; insert_record('institution_config', $institutionconfig); } } if (is_null($newinstitution->style) && !empty($oldinstitution->style)) { delete_records('style_property', 'style', $oldinstitution->style); delete_records('style', 'id', $oldinstitution->style); } // Set the logo after updating the institution, because the institution // needs to exist before it can own the logo artefact. if (!empty($values['logo'])) { safe_require('artefact', 'file'); // Entry in artefact table $data = (object) array('institution' => $institution, 'title' => 'logo', 'description' => 'Institution logo', 'note' => $values['logo']['name'], 'size' => $values['logo']['size']); $imageinfo = getimagesize($values['logo']['tmp_name']); $data->width = $imageinfo[0]; $data->height = $imageinfo[1]; $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime']; $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data); if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $values['logo']['name'], $saved)) { $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]); } $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); move_uploaded_file($values['logo']['tmp_name'], $directory . $id); // Delete the old logo if (!empty($oldinstitution->logo)) { $oldlogo = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon($oldinstitution->logo); $oldlogo->delete(); } set_field('institution', 'logo', $id, 'name', $institution); } if (!empty($values['deletelogo'])) { execute_sql("UPDATE {institution} SET logo = NULL WHERE name = ?", array($institution)); } delete_records('institution_locked_profile_field', 'name', $institution); foreach (ArtefactTypeProfile::get_all_fields() as $field => $type) { if ($values[$field]) { $profilefield = new StdClass(); $profilefield->name = $institution; $profilefield->profilefield = $field; insert_record('institution_locked_profile_field', $profilefield); } } db_commit(); if ($add) { if (!$newinstitution->registerallowed) { // If registration is not allowed, then an authinstance will not // have been created, and thus cause the institution page to add // its own error message on the next page load $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('institutionaddedsuccessfully2', 'admin')); } $nexturl = '/admin/users/institutions.php?i=' . urlencode($institution); } else { $message = get_string('institutionupdatedsuccessfully', 'admin'); if (isset($values['theme'])) { $changedtheme = $oldinstitution->theme != $values['theme'] && (!empty($oldinstitution->theme) || $values['theme'] != 'sitedefault'); if ($changedtheme || $values['theme'] == 'custom') { $message .= ' ' . get_string('usersseenewthemeonlogin', 'admin'); } $USER->reset_institutions(); } $SESSION->add_ok_msg($message); $nexturl = '/admin/users/institutions.php'; } redirect($nexturl); }
function upload_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $filesize; safe_require('artefact', 'file'); try { $USER->quota_add($filesize); } catch (QuotaException $qe) { $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot')))); } // Entry in artefact table $data = new stdClass(); $data->owner = $USER->id; $data->parent = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'), get_string('imagesdirdesc', 'artefact.file'), null, true, $USER->id); $data->title = $values['title'] ? $values['title'] : $values['file']['name']; $data->title = ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($data->title, (int) $data->parent, $USER->id); // unique title $data->note = $values['file']['name']; $data->size = $filesize; $imageinfo = getimagesize($values['file']['tmp_name']); $data->width = $imageinfo[0]; $data->height = $imageinfo[1]; $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime']; $data->description = get_string('uploadedprofileicon', 'artefact.file'); $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data); if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $values['file']['name'], $saved)) { $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]); } $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); move_uploaded_file($values['file']['tmp_name'], $directory . $id); $USER->commit(); $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, get_string('profileiconaddedtoimagesfolder', 'artefact.file', get_string('imagesdir', 'artefact.file'))); }
function upload_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $filesize; // If there are no icons, we can set this one that is being uploaded to be // the default for the user $setasdefault = false; if (0 == get_field('artefact', 'COUNT(*)', 'artefacttype', 'profileicon', 'owner', $USER->id)) { $setasdefault = true; } try { $USER->quota_add($filesize); } catch (QuotaException $qe) { $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => get_string('profileiconuploadexceedsquota', 'artefact.file', get_config('wwwroot')))); } // Entry in artefact table $data = (object) array('owner' => $USER->id, 'title' => $values['title'] ? $values['title'] : $values['file']['name'], 'note' => $values['file']['name'], 'size' => $filesize); $imageinfo = getimagesize($values['file']['tmp_name']); $data->width = $imageinfo[0]; $data->height = $imageinfo[1]; $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime']; $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data); if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $values['file']['name'], $saved)) { $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]); } $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); move_uploaded_file($values['file']['tmp_name'], $directory . $id); if ($setasdefault) { $USER->profileicon = $id; } $USER->commit(); $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, get_string('uploadedprofileiconsuccessfully', 'artefact.file')); }
function institution_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $institution, $add, $instancearray, $USER, $authinstances, $customthemedefaults; db_begin(); // Update the basic institution record... $newinstitution = new StdClass(); if ($add) { $institution = $newinstitution->name = strtolower($values['name']); } else { $oldinstitution = get_record('institution', 'name', $institution); } $newinstitution->displayname = $values['displayname']; $newinstitution->authplugin = empty($values['authplugin']) ? null : $values['authplugin']; $newinstitution->showonlineusers = !isset($values['showonlineusers']) ? 2 : $values['showonlineusers']; if (get_config('usersuniquebyusername')) { // Registering absolutely not allowed when this setting is on, it's a // security risk. See the documentation for the usersuniquebyusername // setting for more information $newinstitution->registerallowed = 0; } else { $newinstitution->registerallowed = $values['registerallowed'] ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->registerconfirm = $values['registerconfirm'] ? 1 : 0; } $newinstitution->theme = empty($values['theme']) || $values['theme'] == 'sitedefault' ? null : $values['theme']; $newinstitution->dropdownmenu = !empty($values['dropdownmenu']) ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->skins = !empty($values['skins']) ? 1 : 0; if ($newinstitution->theme == 'custom') { if (!empty($oldinstitution->style)) { $styleid = $oldinstitution->style; delete_records('style_property', 'style', $styleid); } else { $record = (object) array('title' => get_string('customstylesforinstitution', 'admin', $newinstitution->displayname)); $styleid = insert_record('style', $record, 'id', true); } $properties = array(); $record = (object) array('style' => $styleid); foreach (array_keys($customthemedefaults) as $name) { $record->field = $name; $record->value = $values[$name]; insert_record('style_property', $record); $properties[$name] = $values[$name]; } // Cache the css $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('data', $properties); set_field('style', 'css', $smarty->fetch('customcss.tpl'), 'id', $styleid); $newinstitution->style = $styleid; } else { $newinstitution->style = null; } if (get_config('licensemetadata')) { $newinstitution->licensemandatory = !empty($values['licensemandatory']) ? 1 : 0; $newinstitution->licensedefault = isset($values['licensedefault']) ? $values['licensedefault'] : ''; } if (!empty($values['resetcustom']) && !empty($oldinstitution->style)) { $newinstitution->style = null; } if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) { if (!empty($values['updateuserquotas']) && !empty($values['defaultquota'])) { execute_sql("UPDATE {usr} SET quota = ? WHERE id IN (SELECT usr FROM {usr_institution} WHERE institution = ?)", array($values['defaultquota'], $institution)); } $newinstitution->defaultquota = empty($values['defaultquota']) ? get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'defaultquota') : $values['defaultquota']; } if ($institution != 'mahara') { $newinstitution->defaultmembershipperiod = $values['defaultmembershipperiod'] ? intval($values['defaultmembershipperiod']) : null; if ($USER->get('admin')) { $newinstitution->maxuseraccounts = $values['maxuseraccounts'] ? intval($values['maxuseraccounts']) : null; $newinstitution->expiry = db_format_timestamp($values['expiry']); } } $newinstitution->allowinstitutionpublicviews = isset($values['allowinstitutionpublicviews']) && $values['allowinstitutionpublicviews'] ? 1 : 0; if (!empty($values['authplugin'])) { $allinstances = array_merge($values['authplugin']['instancearray'], $values['authplugin']['deletearray']); if (array_diff($allinstances, $instancearray)) { throw new ConfigException('Attempt to delete or update another institution\'s auth instance'); } if (array_diff($instancearray, $allinstances)) { throw new ConfigException('One of your instances is unaccounted for in this transaction'); } foreach ($values['authplugin']['instancearray'] as $priority => $instanceid) { if (in_array($instanceid, $values['authplugin']['deletearray'])) { // Should never happen: throw new SystemException('Attempt to update AND delete an auth instance'); } $record = new StdClass(); $record->priority = $priority; $record->id = $instanceid; update_record('auth_instance', $record, array('id' => $instanceid)); } foreach ($values['authplugin']['deletearray'] as $instanceid) { // If this authinstance is the only xmlrpc authinstance that references a host, delete the host record. $hostwwwroot = null; foreach ($authinstances as $ai) { if ($ai->id == $instanceid && $ai->authname == 'xmlrpc') { $hostwwwroot = get_field_sql("SELECT \"value\" FROM {auth_instance_config} WHERE \"instance\" = ? AND field = 'wwwroot'", array($instanceid)); if ($hostwwwroot && count_records_select('auth_instance_config', "field = 'wwwroot' AND \"value\" = ?", array($hostwwwroot)) == 1) { // Unfortunately, it's possible that this host record could belong to a different institution, // so specify the institution here. delete_records('host', 'wwwroot', $hostwwwroot, 'institution', $institution); // We really need to fix this, either by removing the institution from the host table, or refusing to allow the // institution to be changed in the host record when another institution's authinstance is still pointing at it. } break; } } delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $instanceid); delete_records('auth_instance_config', 'instance', $instanceid); delete_records('auth_instance', 'id', $instanceid); // Make it no longer be the parent authority to any auth instances delete_records('auth_instance_config', 'field', 'parent', 'value', $instanceid); } } if ($add) { insert_record('institution', $newinstitution); // If registration has been turned on, then we automatically insert an // internal authentication authinstance // OVERWRITE 4: deletion //if ($newinstitution->registerallowed) { // END OVERWRITE 4 $authinstance = (object) array('instancename' => 'internal', 'priority' => 0, 'institution' => $newinstitution->name, 'authname' => 'internal'); insert_record('auth_instance', $authinstance); // OVERWRITE 5: deletion //} // END OVERWRITE 5 } else { $where = new StdClass(); $where->name = $institution; update_record('institution', $newinstitution, $where); } if (is_null($newinstitution->style) && !empty($oldinstitution->style)) { delete_records('style_property', 'style', $oldinstitution->style); delete_records('style', 'id', $oldinstitution->style); } // Set the logo after updating the institution, because the institution // needs to exist before it can own the logo artefact. if (!empty($values['logo'])) { safe_require('artefact', 'file'); // Entry in artefact table $data = (object) array('institution' => $institution, 'title' => 'logo', 'description' => 'Institution logo', 'note' => $values['logo']['name'], 'size' => $values['logo']['size']); $imageinfo = getimagesize($values['logo']['tmp_name']); $data->width = $imageinfo[0]; $data->height = $imageinfo[1]; $data->filetype = $imageinfo['mime']; $artefact = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon(0, $data); if (preg_match("/\\.([^\\.]+)\$/", $values['logo']['name'], $saved)) { $artefact->set('oldextension', $saved[1]); } $artefact->commit(); $id = $artefact->get('id'); // Move the file into the correct place. $directory = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file/profileicons/originals/' . $id % 256 . '/'; check_dir_exists($directory); move_uploaded_file($values['logo']['tmp_name'], $directory . $id); // Delete the old logo if (!empty($oldinstitution->logo)) { $oldlogo = new ArtefactTypeProfileIcon($oldinstitution->logo); $oldlogo->delete(); } set_field('institution', 'logo', $id, 'name', $institution); } if (!empty($values['deletelogo'])) { execute_sql("UPDATE {institution} SET logo = NULL WHERE name = ?", array($institution)); } delete_records('institution_locked_profile_field', 'name', $institution); foreach (ArtefactTypeProfile::get_all_fields() as $field => $type) { if ($values[$field]) { $profilefield = new StdClass(); $profilefield->name = $institution; $profilefield->profilefield = $field; insert_record('institution_locked_profile_field', $profilefield); } } db_commit(); if ($add) { // OVERWRITE 7: insert global $CFG; $current_user = $CFG->current_app->getCurrentUser(); $mhr_usr_institution = $current_user->addMhrInstitutionMembership($newinstitution); $CFG->current_app->updateMhrTable('usr_institution', array('admin' => 1), array('usr' => $current_user->getObject()->id)); // END OVERWRITE 7 if ($newinstitution->registerallowed) { // If registration is not allowed, then an authinstance will not // have been created, and thus cause the institution page to add // its own error message on the next page load $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('institutionaddedsuccessfully2', 'admin')); } $nexturl = '/admin/users/institutions.php?i=' . urlencode($institution); } else { $message = get_string('institutionupdatedsuccessfully', 'admin'); if (isset($values['theme'])) { $changedtheme = $oldinstitution->theme != $values['theme'] && (!empty($oldinstitution->theme) || $values['theme'] != 'sitedefault'); if ($changedtheme || $values['theme'] == 'custom') { $message .= ' ' . get_string('usersseenewthemeonlogin', 'admin'); } $USER->reset_institutions(); } $SESSION->add_ok_msg($message); $nexturl = '/admin/users/institutions.php'; } redirect($nexturl); }