public function actionLogincheck() { Yii::import('application.modules.user.UserModule'); Yii::import(''); $time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; //$organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); 获取不到 $organID = isset($_GET['OrganID']) ? $_GET['OrganID'] : '0'; $UserID = isset($_GET['UserID']) ? $_GET['UserID'] : '0'; //$username = Yii::app()->user->getState('userName'); $username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : '******'; $ip = isset($_GET['ip']) ? $_GET['ip'] : ''; $ipnum = sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip)); //登陆地 $loginaddrsql = ' select Province,City from jpd_ip where ' . $ipnum . ' between inet_aton(beginip) and inet_aton(endip)'; $loginaddrres = Yii::app()->jpdb->createCommand($loginaddrsql)->queryRow(); if (!$loginaddrres) { //系统未录入ip对应的地址 $remind = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 异常登陆'; $warn = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 异常登陆,登录IP为: ' . $ip . ',此ip在嘉配ip库中无记录。'; } else { //判断用户是否在允许地登陆 $allowloginsql = ' select ID from jpd_login_address where OrganID=' . $organID . ' and Province=' . $loginaddrres['Province'] . ' and (City=' . $loginaddrres['City'] . ' or City=0 or ' . $loginaddrres['City'] . '=0)'; $allowloginres = Yii::app()->jpdb->createCommand($allowloginsql)->queryRow(); if ($allowloginres) { //用户在允许登陆地登陆 return; } else { //用户不在允许登陆地登陆,判断是否位于危险省份 //用户当前登陆地址 $loginaddr = Area::getCity($loginaddrres['Province']) . Area::getCity($loginaddrres['City']); $risksql = 'select ID from jpd_risk_area where Province=' . $loginaddrres['Province'] . ' and (City=' . $loginaddrres['City'] . ' or City=0)'; $riskres = Yii::app()->jpdb->createCommand($risksql)->queryRow(); //获取机构信息 $organsql = 'select Province,City,Area,Address from jpd_organ where ID=' . $organID; $organres = Yii::app()->jpdb->createCommand($organsql)->queryRow(); $organaddr = Area::getCity($organres['Province']) . Area::getCity($organres['City']) . Area::getCity($organres['Area']) . $organres['Address']; if ($riskres) { //用户在危险地区登陆 $remind = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 异常登陆'; $warn = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 在 ' . $loginaddr . ' 登陆(该地址属于警告地址),该账号所属机构地址为: ' . $organaddr; } else { //用户不在危险地区登陆 $remind = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 异常登陆'; $warn = '用户 ' . $username . ' 于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ' 在 ' . $loginaddr . ' 登陆,该账号所属机构地址为: ' . $organaddr; } } } $params['organID'] = $organID; $params['UserID'] = $UserID; $params['subject'] = '由你配用户异常登陆提醒'; $params['remind'] = $remind; $params['warn'] = $warn; DefaultService::sendwarnemail($params); }
public static function returnidgetaddress($ReturnID) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition(" t.ReturnID = " . $ReturnID, "AND"); $model = PapReturnAddress::model()->find($criteria); return Area::getCity($model->Province) . Area::getCity($model->City) . Area::getCity($model->Area) . $model->Address; }
?> </td> <td name='companyname'><?php echo $dealer['organName']; ?> </td> <td name='phone'><?php echo $dealer['Phone']; ?> </td> <td name='email'><?php echo $dealer['Email']; ?> </td> <td><?php $address = Area::getCity($dealer->province) . Area::getCity($dealer->city) . Area::getCity($dealer->area) . $dealer->address; echo F::msubstr($address); ?> </td> <td><?php echo CHtml::button('选择', array('class' => 'btn-small', 'id' => 'opt')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> <?php } else {
</td> <td><?php echo F::msubstr($model['phone']); ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['jiapart_ID']) { echo F::msubstr($model['jiapart_ID']); } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['province']) { $address = Area::getCity($model['province']) . Area::getCity($model['city']) . Area::getCity($model['area']) . $model['address']; echo F::msubstr($address); } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['email']) { echo F::msubstr($model['email']); } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php
public function actionList() { $province = Yii::app()->request->getParam('province'); $city = Yii::app()->request->getParam('city'); $brand = Yii::app()->request->getParam('brand'); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('Identity=2 and IsBlack="0" and IsFreeze="0" and Status="1"'); if ($province) { $criteria->addCondition('Province=' . $province, 'AND'); } if ($city) { $criteria->addCondition('City=' . $city, 'AND'); } if (!empty($brand)) { $ids = $this->getdealerbybrand($brand); $criteria->addInCondition('ID', $ids); } $criteria->order = 'Sort ASC'; $organ = Organ::model()->findAll($criteria); $organ = array(); if (isset($organ)) { foreach ($organ as $key => $val) { $organ[$key] = $val->attributes; $organ[$key]['address'] = Area::getCity($val['Province']) . Area::getCity($val['City']) . Area::getCity($val['Area']); $brand = PapBrand::model()->find('OrganID=:organ', array(':organ' => $val['ID'])); $organ[$key]['brandname'] = $brand['BrandName']; } } echo json_encode($organ); }
public function actionSharecontact() { $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $dealer = Dealer::model()->find('userID=:userid', array(':userid' => $organID)); $share = BusinessShare::model()->findAll('InitiatorID=:intorID and Status=2', array(':intorID' => $organID)); foreach ($share as $key => $value) { $shareID .= ',' . $value['ShareID']; } $shareID = ltrim($shareID, ","); //查出shareID $sql = "select,a.contact_user_id,a.customertype,\n\t\t a.cooperationtype,,,\n\t\t a.companyname,,a.province,,a.area,,\n\t\t a.weixin,a.QQ,a.create_time,a.Status,a.jiapart_ID,a.update_time,\n\t\t (select b.category from tbl_customer_category b where and a.user_id={$organID}) as customercategory\n\t\t from tbl_business_contacts a where \n\t\t user_id='{$organID}' and Status=0 and a.contact_user_id in({$shareID})"; if ($_POST) { $search['name'] = $_POST['name']; $search['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; $search['keyword'] = $_POST['keyword']; if ($search) { if ($search['name']) { $sql .= " and name like'%{$search['name']}%'"; } if ($search['phone']) { $sql .= " and phone like '%{$search['phone']}%'"; } if ($search['keyword']) { $sql .= " and (companyname like '%{$search['keyword']}%') "; } } } $sql .= "order by create_time desc"; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $models = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); $count = count($models); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = intval($_GET['rows']); $pages->applylimit($criteria); $models = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql . " LIMIT :offset,:limit"); $models->bindValue(':offset', $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize); $models->bindValue(':limit', $pages->pageSize); $models = $models->queryAll(); foreach ($models as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['id'] = $value['id']; $data[$key]['Initiator'] = F::msubstr($dealer['organName']); $data[$key]['companyID'] = $value['contact_user_id']; //$data[$key]['customertype'] = $value['customertype']; $data[$key]['cooperationtype'] = $value['cooperationtype']; $data[$key]['customercategory'] = $value['customercategory']; $data[$key]['name'] = $value['name']; $data[$key]['sex'] = $value['sex']; $data[$key]['companyname2'] = F::msubstr($value['companyname']); $data[$key]['companyname'] = $value['companyname']; $data[$key]['phone'] = $value['phone']; $data[$key]['province'] = $value['province']; $data[$key]['city'] = $value['city']; $data[$key]['area'] = $value['area']; $data[$key]['address'] = F::msubstr(Area::getCity($value['province']) . Area::getCity($value['city']) . Area::getCity($value['area'])); $data[$key]['email'] = $value['email']; $data[$key]['weixin'] = $value['weixin']; $data[$key]['QQ'] = $value['QQ']; $data[$key]['create_time'] = $value['create_time']; $data[$key]['Status'] = $value['Status']; $data[$key]['jiapart_ID'] = $value['jiapart_ID']; $data[$key]['update_time'] = $value['update_time']; //$data[$key]['checked']=true; } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => !empty($data) ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
<div style="clear:both"></div> <?php if ($data->Status > 1 && $data->Status != 5 && $data->Status != 6) { ?> <p class=" m-top20"><b>收货地址:</b> <span class="m-left"> <?php echo isset($returnaddress['ShippingName']) ? $returnaddress['ShippingName'] : ''; ?> , <?php echo isset($returnaddress['Mobile']) ? $returnaddress['Mobile'] : ''; ?> , <?php echo Area::getCity($returnaddress['Province']) . Area::getCity($returnaddress['City']) . Area::getCity($returnaddress['Area']) . $returnaddress['Address']; ?> , <?php echo $returnaddress['ZipCode']; ?> </span> </p> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both"></div> <p class="m-top20"><b>订单信息</b></p> <ul class="mjxx m-top last"> <li>订单类型:<span>已收货退货订单</span></li> <li>退货单编号:<span><?php
<?php foreach ($address as $key => $value) { ?> <tr class="" > <td class="width50"> <input type="radio" name="addr" value="<?php echo $address[$key]['ID']; ?> "> </td> <td><?php echo $address[$key]['ZipCode']; ?> </td> <td style="width:170px;color:#666"> <?php $add = Area::getCity($address[$key]['State']) . Area::getCity($address[$key]['City']) . Area::getCity($address[$key]['District']) . $address[$key]['Address'] . " (" . $address[$key]['ContactName'] . ")收"; echo $add; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $value['Phone']; ?> </td> <td><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="updateaddress(<?php echo $value['ID']; ?> )">修改本地址</a></td></tr> <?php } ?> </tbody>
public static function paypal($orderid) { //获取订单信息 $order = PapOrder::model()->findByPk($orderid)->attributes; //获取卖家支付宝帐号 $paypal = JpdFinancialPaypal::model()->find('OrganID=:ID', array(':ID' => $order['SellerID'])); //获取订单收货地址 $ship = self::getship($orderid); $payArr = array(); $payArr['order_id'] = $order['ID']; //订单ID $payArr['out_trade_no'] = $order['OrderSN']; //订单编号 $payArr['subject'] = $order["OrderName"]; //订单名称 $payArr['seller_email'] = $paypal['PaypalAccount']; //卖家的支付宝账号 $payArr['body'] = ''; //订单描述 // $payArr['price'] = $order['GoodsAmount']/$order['TotalAmount']; //商品总价 $payArr['price'] = $order['RealPrice']; //商品总价 // $payArr['price'] = $order['TotalAmount']; //商品总价 $payArr['logistics_fee'] = $order['ShipCost']; //物流费 $payArr['receive_name'] = $ship['ShippingName']; //收货人信息 $payArr['receive_address'] = Area::getCity($ship['Province']) . Area::getCity($ship['City']) . Area::getCity($ship['Area']) . $ship['Address']; $payArr['receive_zip'] = $ship['ZipCode']; // $payArr['receive_phone'] = $ship['Mobile']; $payArr['receive_mobile'] = $ship['Mobile']; return $payArr; }
public function actionDetail() { $serviceID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $goodsid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('goods'); $result = MallService::getredis($goodsid); //$payment = 1; //$result = MallService::getGoodByID($goodsid, $payment, 'mall'); if ($result == 'null') { echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />'; echo "<script>alert('该商品不存在!');window.location.href='" . Yii::app()->createUrl('pap/mall/index') . "'</script>"; exit; } else { if ($result == 'nosale') { echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />'; echo "<script>alert('该商品已下架!');window.location.href='" . Yii::app()->createUrl('pap/mall/index') . "'</script>"; exit; } } $result['GoodsID'] = $result['ID']; $result['CommentNo'] = PapGoods::model()->findByPk($result['ID'])->attributes['CommentNo']; //商品折扣价 if ($result['IsPro'] != 1) { $PriceRatio = MallService::getDisprice($result['OrganID'], $serviceID); if ($PriceRatio > 0 && $PriceRatio < 100) { $result['DisPrice'] = sprintf('%.2f', $result['Price'] * $PriceRatio / 100); } } $cookie = Yii::app()->request->getCookies(); $car = array('make' => $cookie['mallmake']->value, 'series' => $cookie['mallseries']->value, 'year' => $cookie['mallyear']->value, 'model' => $cookie['mallmodel']->value); $carmodeltext = MallService::getCarmodeltxt($car); $res = array(); if ($car['make'] && $car['series'] && $car['year'] && $car['model']) { $params = $car; $params['goodsid'] = $goodsid; $res = MallService::checkCarfit($params); } //店内分类 $rows = $this->Getmaincate($result['OrganID']); $cate = $this->findsub($rows); //获取经销商客服列表 $csparams['organID'] = $result['OrganID']; $csparams['type'] = 1; $csinfo = CsService::getcslists($csparams); //大类、子类、标准名称 if (is_array($result['gcategory']) && !$result['gcategory']['BigName']) { $result['BigName'] = $result['gcategory']['BigName']; $result['SubName'] = $result['gcategory']['SubName']; $result['sub'] = $result['gcategory']['SubParts']; } else { $cpArr = MallService::getCategory($result['StandCode']); $result['BigName'] = $cpArr['BigParts']; $result['SubName'] = $cpArr['SubParts']; $result['sub'] = $cpArr['sub']; } //公告信息 $model = new PapGoodsSendnotice(); $sellerID = $result['OrganID']; $notice = $model->find("OrganID = {$sellerID}"); //var_dump($data);die; //店家积分 $result['TotalScore'] = DefaultService::getrecord($result['OrganID']); //店家信息 $organInfo = Organ::model()->findByPk($result['OrganID'])->attributes; $result['Address'] = array(Area::getCity($organInfo['Province']), Area::getCity($organInfo['City']), Area::getCity($organInfo['Area'])); $result['spec']['UnitName'] = GoodsUnit::model()->findByPk($result['spec']['Unit'])->attributes['UnitName']; //单位 //最小交易金额 $result['MinTurnover'] = PapOrderMinTurnover::model()->find("OrganID=:ID", array(":ID" => $result['OrganID']))->attributes['MinTurnover']; $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "商品详情"; $this->render('detail', array('r' => $result, 'cate' => $cate, 'carmodeltext' => $carmodeltext, 'res' => $res, 'csinfo' => $csinfo, 'car' => $car, 'data' => $notice)); }
public function actionOrderGoods() { $this->layout = '//layouts/base'; $goodsid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('goods'); $version = Yii::app()->request->getParam('Version'); $order = Yii::app()->request->getParam('Order'); $return = Yii::app()->request->getParam('return'); $quo = Yii::app()->request->getParam('quo'); //版本信息 $good = DealergoodsService::getmongoversion($goodsid, $version); $result = $good['GoodsInfo']; $result['SellerID'] = $result['OrganID']; if ($order) { $model = PapOrderGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'ProPrice as Price,Quantity,MakeID,CarID,Year,ModelID', 'condition' => "OrderID={$order} and GoodsID={$goodsid}"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Quantity']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; $car = array('make' => $model['MakeID'], 'series' => $model['CarID'], 'year' => $model['Year'], 'model' => $model['ModelID']); } else { if ($return) { $model = PapReturnGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'Price,OrderID', 'condition' => "ReturnID='{$return}' and GoodsID='{$goodsid}'"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Quantity']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; $ordermodel = PapOrderGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'MakeID,CarID,Year,ModelID', 'condition' => "OrderID={$model['OrderID']} and GoodsID={$goodsid}"))->attributes; $car = array('make' => $ordermodel['MakeID'], 'series' => $ordermodel['CarID'], 'year' => $ordermodel['Year'], 'model' => $ordermodel['ModelID']); } else { if ($quo) { $model = PapQuotationGoods::model()->findByPk($quo, array('select' => 'Price,Num', 'condition' => "GoodsID='{$goodsid}'"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Num']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; } else { $this->redirect(array('index')); } } } //发货公告 $model = new PapGoodsSendnotice(); $notice = $model->find("OrganID = {$result['SellerID']}"); //商品基本信息 $result['GoodsID'] = $goodsid; $result['BrandName'] = $result['Brand']; $goods = PapGoods::model()->findByPk($goodsid, array('select' => 'IsSale,CommentNo')); $result['IsSale'] = $goods->attributes['IsSale']; $result['CommentNo'] = $goods->attributes['CommentNo']; if ($result['oeno']) { $oe = ''; foreach ($result['oeno'] as $v) { $oe .= $v . ','; } $result['OENO'] = substr($oe, 0, -1); } else { $result['OENO'] = ''; } //最小交易金额 $result['MinTurnover'] = PapOrderMinTurnover::model()->find("OrganID=:ID", array(":ID" => $result['SellerID']))->attributes['MinTurnover']; //店家积分 $result['TotalScore'] = DefaultService::getrecord($result['SellerID']); //店家信息 $organInfo = Organ::model()->findByPk($result['SellerID'])->attributes; $result['OrganName'] = $organInfo['OrganName']; $result['QQ'] = $organInfo['QQ']; $result['Phone'] = $organInfo['Phone']; $result['Address'] = array(Area::getCity($organInfo['Province']), Area::getCity($organInfo['City']), Area::getCity($organInfo['Area'])); //大类子类标准名称 $result['StandCodeName'] = Gcategory::model()->find(array('select' => 'Name', 'condition' => "Code='{$result['StandCode']}'"))->attributes['Name']; $cpArr = MallService::getCategory($result['StandCode']); $result['BigName'] = $cpArr['BigParts']; $result['SubName'] = $cpArr['SubParts']; $result['sub'] = $cpArr['sub']; $result['ValidityType'] = $result['spec']['ValidityType']; $result['ValidityDate'] = $result['spec']['ValidityDate']; $result['BganCompany'] = $result['spec']['BganCompany'] ? $result['spec']['BganCompany'] : ''; //标品 $result['BganGoodsNO'] = $result['spec']['BganGoodsNO'] ? $result['spec']['BganGoodsNO'] : ''; //标商 $result['Unit'] = $result['spec']['Unit'] ? $result['spec']['Unit'] : ''; //单位ID $result['UnitName'] = GoodsUnit::model()->findByPk($result['Unit'])->attributes['UnitName']; //单位 $result['MinQuantity'] = $result['pack']['MinQuantity'] ? $result['pack']['MinQuantity'] : ''; //最小包装 // 图片 if (!$result['img']) { $result['Images'][0]['ImageUrl'] = 'dealer/goods-img-big.jpg'; $result['Images'][0]['BigImage'] = 'dealer/goods-img-big.jpg'; } else { foreach ($result['img'] as $k => $v) { $result['Images'][$k]['MallImage'] = $v['MallImage']; $result['Images'][$k]['ImageUrl'] = $v['ImageUrl']; if (!$v['BigImage']) { $result['Images'][$k]['BigImage'] = $v['ImageUrl']; } else { $result['Images'][$k]['BigImage'] = $v['BigImage']; } } } if (!$result) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } $carmodeltext = MallService::getCarmodeltxt($car); $carfit = $car; $carfit['goodsid'] = $goodsid; $fitres = MallService::checkCarfit($carfit); $rows = $this->Getmaincate($result['SellerID']); $cate = $this->findsub($rows); $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "订单商品详情"; //获取经销商客服列表 $csparams['organID'] = $result['SellerID']; $csparams['type'] = 1; $csinfo = CsService::getcslists($csparams); $this->render('ordergoods', array('r' => $result, 'cate' => $cate, 'carmodeltext' => $carmodeltext, 'fitres' => $fitres['success'] == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'csinfo' => $csinfo, 'car' => $car, 'data' => $notice, 'goodsid' => $goodsid)); }
} ?> <br> <span>年销售额:</span> <?php echo $model['year_sales_volume']; ?> <br> <span>公司规模:</span> <?php echo $model['company_scale']; ?> <br> <span>经营地域:</span> <?php echo Area::getCity($model['operate_region']); // $txtprovince['operate_region']; ?> <br> <span style="display:block;float:left;width:70px;">机构简介:</span> <span style=" word-break: break-all;display: block;float: left;width: 470px;overflow:auto;"><?php echo $model['synopsis']; ?> </span> </div> </div> <div class='right-side h400 float-m bg-white' style="width:386px;height:390px; margin-bottom: 15px"> <div class="title title-dashed"> 联系方式 <i class='icon-arr2r-white display-ib'></i> </div>
public static function gettab($id) { $model = self::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => $id)); return 'JH' . sprintf("%04d", $model->id) . ' ' . Area::getCity($model->province) . Area::getCity($model->city) . Area::getCity($model->area) . $model->address; }
public static function getOrganinfo($ID, $Name = '') { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("ID = {$ID}"); $model = Organ::model()->find($criteria); if ($Name == 'Address') { return Area::getCity($model->Province) . Area::getCity($model->City) . Area::getCity($model->Area) . $model->Address; } else { if ($Name == 'all') { $model->Area = Area::getCity($model->Province) . Area::getCity($model->City) . Area::getCity($model->Area); return $model; } else { return $model->{$Name}; } } }
public static function getGoodByID($id, $payment, $m = '') { Yii::app()->cache->flush(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = "t.ISdelete = 1 and t.OrganID!=''"; // 上架的和没有删除的商品 $criteria->with = array("img", 'spec', 'pack'); $model = PapGoods::model()->findByPk($id, $criteria); if (!$model) { return false; } else { if ($model->IsSale == 0) { if ($m == 'mall') { return 'nosale'; } else { return false; } } } $data = array(); $sellerID = $model->OrganID; $discount = PapOrderDiscount::model()->find(array("condition" => " OrderType = 1")); if ($discount) { if ($payment == 1) { $dis = $discount['OrderAlipay']; } else { if ($payment == 2) { $dis = $discount['OrderLogis']; } } if (isset($dis) && !empty($dis)) { $dis = $dis; } else { $dis = 100; } } else { $dis = 100; } //获取该经销商最小交易额 $turnover = PapOrderMinTurnover::model()->find("OrganID=:ID", array(":ID" => $model['OrganID'])); if ($turnover) { $data["MinTurnover"] = $turnover['MinTurnover']; } $data['Version'] = $model->Version; $data['discount'] = $dis; //商品基本信息 $data['GoodsID'] = $id; $data['Name'] = $model['Name']; $data['GoodsNO'] = $model['GoodsNO']; $data['CommentNo'] = $model['CommentNo']; $data['Info'] = $model['Info']; $data['Memo'] = $model['Memo']; $data['IsSale'] = $model['IsSale']; $data['PartsLevel'] = $model['PartsLevel']; $data['code'] = $model['StandCode']; if ($model['BrandID']) { $sql = "select BrandName from pap_brand where ID={$model['BrandID']}"; $res = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($sql)->queryRow(); } $data['BrandName'] = $res['BrandName']; $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); //商品价格 $priceRatio = self::getContactprice($model['OrganID'], $organID); $data['Price'] = $model['Price']; $data['LogisticsPrice'] = 0; $data['PriceRatio'] = $priceRatio['PriceRatio'] > 0 && $priceRatio['PriceRatio'] <= 100 ? $priceRatio['PriceRatio'] : 100; $data['DisPrice'] = sprintf("%.2f", $model['Price'] * $data['PriceRatio'] / 100); // 折扣价,小数点后面保留两位 if ($model['IsPro'] == 1) { if (!is_null($model['ProPrice']) && $model['ProPrice']) { $data['ProPrice'] = $model['ProPrice']; } } //店家信息 $organInfo = Organ::model()->findByPk($model['OrganID'])->attributes; $data['OrganName'] = $organInfo['OrganName']; $data['SellerID'] = $model['OrganID']; $data['QQ'] = $organInfo['QQ']; $data['Phone'] = $organInfo['Phone']; //$address = self::getOrganAddress($organInfo['Province'], $organInfo['City'], $organInfo['Area']); $data['Address'] = array(Area::getCity($organInfo['Province']), Area::getCity($organInfo['City']), Area::getCity($organInfo['Area'])); //商品OE号 $data['OENO'] = PapGoods::model()->getOENOSByGoodsID($id); //$data['LogisticsPrice'] = $goods['LogisticsPrice']; //商品大类、子类、标准名称 $cpArr = self::getCategory($model['StandCode']); $data['BigParts'] = $cpArr['BigParts']; $data['SubParts'] = $cpArr['SubParts']; $data['CpName'] = $cpArr['CpName']; $data['sub'] = $cpArr['sub']; $data['BganCompany'] = $model->spec->BganCompany ? $model->spec->BganCompany : ''; //标品 $data['BganGoodsNO'] = $model->spec->BganGoodsNO ? $model->spec->BganGoodsNO : ''; //标商 $data['Unit'] = $model->spec->Unit ? $model->spec->Unit : ''; //单位ID $data['UnitName'] = GoodsUnit::model()->findByPk($data['Unit'])->attributes['UnitName']; //单位 $data['MinQuantity'] = $model->pack->MinQuantity ? $model->pack->MinQuantity : ''; //最小包装 // $data['pLength'] = $model->pack->Volume ? $model->pack->Volume : ''; //体积 // $data['Weight'] = $model->pack->Weight ? $model->pack->Weight : ''; //重量 $data['ValidityType'] = $model->spec->ValidityType; $data['ValidityDate'] = $model->spec->ValidityDate; // 图片 if (!$model->img) { $data['Images'][0]['ImageUrl'] = 'dealer/goods-img-big.jpg'; } else { foreach ($model->img as $v) { $data['Images'][] = $v->attributes; } } return $data; }
public function actionOrderexport() { $model = PapOrder::model()->findByPk($_GET['ID']); //订单信息 $data['SellerID'] = $model->SellerID; $data['BuyerID'] = $model->BuyerID; $data['CreateTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->CreateTime); $data['OrderSN'] = $model->OrderSN; $data['SellerName'] = $model->SellerName; $data['BuyerName'] = $model->BuyerName; $data['GoodsList'] = "商品清单"; $data['TotalAmount'] = "¥" . $model->TotalAmount; $data['ShipSn'] = $model->ShipSn; $data['ShipLogis'] = $model->ShipLogis; $data['ReShipSn'] = $model->ReShipSn; $data['ReShipLogis'] = $model->ReShipLogis; $data['ListShip'] = $model->ShipCost; $data['PayTime'] = $model->PayTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->PayTime) : ''; $data['DeliveryTime'] = $model->DeliveryTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->DeliveryTime) : ''; $data['ReceiptTime'] = $model->ReceiptTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->ReceiptTime) : ''; if ($model->Payment == '1') { $data['Payment'] = "支付宝担保交易"; } elseif ($model->Payment == '2') { $data['Payment'] = "物流代收款"; } $data['Status'] = $model->Status; $data['IsUnusual'] = $model->IsUnusual; //获取收货地址 // $ship = JporderService::getShip($model->ID); $ship = PapOrderAddress::model()->find("OrderID=:ID", array(":ID" => $model->ID))->attributes; $data['Consignee'] = $ship['ShippingName'] ? $ship['ShippingName'] : ''; $data['Mobile'] = $ship['Mobile'] ? $ship['Mobile'] : ''; $data['Phone'] = $ship['TelePhone'] ? $ship['TelePhone'] : ''; $data['Delivery'] = Area::getCity($ship['Province']) . Area::getCity($ship['City']) . Area::getCity($ship['Area']) . $ship['Address']; $data['ZipCode'] = $ship['ZipCode'] ? $ship['ZipCode'] : ''; //获取卖方基本信息 $seller = $this->getSeller($model->SellerID); $data['OrganName'] = $seller['organName']; $data['ContactPhone'] = $seller['Phone']; $data['QQ'] = $seller['QQ']; $data['Address'] = Area::getCity($seller['province']) . Area::getCity($seller['city']) . Area::getCity($seller['area']); $model1 = PapOrderGoods::model()->findAll("OrderID=:ID", array(":ID" => $model->ID)); foreach ($model1 as $key => $value) { $data['goods'][$key]['ID'] = $value['ID']; $data['goods'][$key]['CreateTime'] = F::msubstr(date("Y-m-d", $value['CreateTime'])); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsNum'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsNum']); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsOE'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsOE']); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsName'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsName']); $data['goods'][$key]['Brand'] = F::msubstr($value['Brand']); $data['goods'][$key]['Price'] = $value['Price']; $data['goods'][$key]['editPrice'] = $value['ProPrice'] ? $value['ProPrice'] : $value['Price']; $data['goods'][$key]['ShipCost'] = $value['ShipCost']; $data['goods'][$key]['Quantity'] = $value['Quantity']; $data['goods'][$key]['PN'] = $value['PN']; $data['goods'][$key]['ReQuantity'] = $value['ReQuantity']; $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsAmount'] = "¥" . $value['GoodsAmount']; } $this->renderPartial('orderexport', array('row' => $data)); }
echo Yii::app()->createUrl('servicer/servicedetail/detail', array('dealer' => $v['ID'])); ?> ">公司黄页</a> <span style="padding:0px 3px">|</span><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->baseUrl; ?> /pap/inquiryorder/index">询报价</a> </span> </div> <p class="jxs_tel m-top5">手机:<?php echo $v['Phone']; ?> </p> <div style="height:auto" class="jxs_addr m-top5"> <div style="width:145px;margin-left:40px; text-indent:0px;color:#888">地址:<?php echo Area::getCity($v['Province']) . Area::getCity($v['City']) . Area::getCity($v['Area']); ?> <br> <span style=""><?php echo $v['Address']; ?> </span> </div> </div> </div> </li> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both"></div> </ul>
</ul> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- <a target="_blank" href="<?php //echo $seller['QQ'] ?> &site=qq&menu=yes;"><img border="0" SRC= alt="点击这里给我发消息" align="absmiddle"></a>--> <div class="shop_name" style="line-height:16px;"> <div style="float:left;width:70px;text-align: right;margin:5px 0px">公司名称:</div> <div class="lanse float_l" style="width:140px;margin:5px 0px"><?php echo $seller['OrganName']; ?> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div class="shop_addr" style="line-height:16px;"> <div style="float:left;width:70px;text-align: right;margin:5px 0px">所 在 地:</div> <div class="lanse float_l" style="width:140px;margin:5px 0px"><?php echo Area::getCity($seller['Province']) . Area::getCity($seller['City']) . Area::getCity($seller['Area']); ?> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </div>
public static function getSendAddress($id) { //河北省石家庄市长安区小河西村 张(收) 13147218913 $model = PapOrderAddress::model()->find("OrderID={$id}")->attributes; $str = ''; if ($model) { $address = array(Area::getCity($model['Province']), Area::getCity($model['City']), Area::getCity($model['Area'])); $str .= $address[2] ? $address[0] . '' . $address[1] . '' . $address[2] : $address[0] . '' . $address[1]; $str .= $model['Address'] . ' (' . $model['ShippingName'] . ') '; if ($model['Mobile'] && $model['TelePhone']) { $str .= $model['Mobile'] . ' ' . $model['TelePhone']; } else { if ($model['Mobile']) { $str .= $model['Mobile']; } else { if ($model['TelePhone']) { $str .= $model['TelePhone']; } } } } return $str; }
?> </td> <td name='companyname'><?php echo $service['serviceName']; ?> </td> <td name='phone'><?php echo $service['serviceCellPhone']; ?> </td> <td name='email'><?php echo $service['serviceEmail']; ?> </td> <td><?php $address = Area::getCity($service['serviceProvince']) . Area::getCity($service['serviceCity']) . Area::getCity($service['serviceArea']) . $service['serviceAddress']; echo F::msubstr($address); ?> </td> <td><?php echo CHtml::button('选择', array('class' => 'btn-small', 'id' => 'opt')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> <?php } else {
public function actionGetaddlogs() { // $address = Yii::app()->request->getParams('ID'); $address = $_GET['ID']; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("LogisticsID={$address}"); $model = LogisticsAddress::model()->findAll($criteria); if (!empty($model)) { foreach ($model as $key => $showAddress) { $add[$key]['ID'] = $showAddress['ID']; //传入要删除的弹框地址 ID $add[$key]['add'] = Area::getCity($showAddress['Province']) . Area::getCity($showAddress['City']) . Area::getCity($showAddress['Area']); } } echo json_encode($add); }
?> </td> <td ><?php echo $ser['serviceParkingDigits']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $ser['serviceTechnicianCount']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo F::msubstr($insurance[$i]['insuranceService']); ?> </td> <td ><?php echo F::msubstr(Area::getCity($ser['serviceProvince']) . Area::getCity($ser['serviceCity']) . Area::getCity($ser['serviceArea']) . $ser['serviceAddress'], 0, 0); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; $j++; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="ctable3">3</div> <div id="ctable4"></div> </div> </div>
?> <?php // echo $model['organName'] ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $model['FoudingDate'] != '' ? $model['FoudingDate'] . "年成立" : '未登记'; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $model['Phone']; ?> </td> <td><?php $add = Area::getCity($model['province']) . Area::getCity($model['city']) . Area::getCity($model['area']); echo F::msubstr($add); ?> </td> <td><?php // echo !empty($model['BusinessCate']) ? F::msubstr($model['BusinessCate'],0,0) : "暂无" ?> <?php $cpnames = MakeOrganGroupRelation::model()->findAll("userID=" . $model['userID']); //echo $model['userID']; foreach ($cpnames as $cpname) { // $cpname['father_code'].' '. $cp .= $cpname['children_code'] . ','; } echo F::msubstr($cp); $cp = '';
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('会员列表' => array('admin'), $model->UserName); $this->menu = array(array('label' => '创建会员', 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => '修改会员', 'icon' => 'pencil', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $user->ID)), array('label' => '删除会员', 'icon' => 'trash', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->ID), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure to delete this item?')), array('label' => '管理会员', 'icon' => 'cog', 'url' => array('admin')), array('label' => '会员列表', 'icon' => 'list', 'url' => array('/admin/admin'))); ?> <h1><?php echo '查看会员' . ' "' . $user->UserName . '"'; ?> </h1> <?php $attributes = array('ID', 'OrganName', 'Email'); array_push($attributes, array('name' => 'Phone', 'value' => $model->Phone), array('name' => 'Type', 'value' => Organ::itemAlias("usertype", $model->Type)), array('name' => 'IsFreeze', 'value' => Organ::itemAlias('freeze', $model->IsFreeze)), array('name' => 'IsBlack', 'value' => Organ::itemAlias('IsBlack', $model->IsBlack))); array_push($attributes, array('name' => 'Status', 'value' => Organ::itemAlias("UserStatus", $model->Status)), array('name' => 'Identity', 'value' => Organ::itemAlias("Identity", $model->Identity)), array('name' => 'AllAddress', 'value' => Area::getCity($model->Province) . Area::getCity($model->City) . Area::getCity($model->Area) . $model->Address), array('name' => 'Recommend')); $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => $attributes));
public function actionContact() { $OrganID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); //获取共享关系表中机构ID $ids = $this->getShareids(); //获取用户表中所有经销商ID $users = User::getDealerID(); foreach ($users as $user) { $identity[] = $user['id']; } //获取不在共享关系表中的机构信息 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addInCondition('t.contact_user_id', $identity); //业务联系人属于经销商 $criteria->addCondition("t.user_id = {$OrganID}", "AND"); //当前机构下 $criteria->addCondition("t.Status = 0", "AND"); //未删除 $criteria->addNotInCondition('t.contact_user_id', $ids); //业务联系人不在确定共享关系中 $criteria->order = "t.create_time desc"; //以添加时间倒序 //通过机构名称模糊检索 if ($_GET['name']) { $criteria->addSearchCondition('t.companyname', $_GET['name'], "AND"); } //分页 $count = BusinessContacts::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $model = BusinessContacts::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($model as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['id'] = $value['id']; $data[$key]['name'] = F::msubstr($value['name']); $data[$key]['sex'] = $value['sex']; $data[$key]['jiapart_ID'] = $value['jiapart_ID']; $data[$key]['companyname'] = F::msubstr($value['companyname']); $data[$key]['phone'] = F::msubstr($value['phone']); $data[$key]['address'] = F::msubstr(Area::getCity($value['province']) . Area::getCity($value['city']) . Area::getCity($value['area'])); } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
?> <div class="eav-jg-img float_l"><img src="<?php echo F::uploadUrl() . $OrganPhoto['Path']; ?> "></div> <div class="eav-jg-info float_l"> <p><b><?php echo $OrganInfo['OrganName']; ?> </b></p> <div class="xy-jg"><?php echo $xylvstr; ?> </div> <p><?php echo Area::getCity($OrganInfo['Province']) . Area::getCity($OrganInfo['City']) . Area::getCity($OrganInfo['Area']) . $OrganInfo['Address']; ?> </p> <p><?php echo $OrganInfo['TelPhone']; ?> </p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="jg-eav float_l"> <div style="width:300px; margin-left:60px; margin-top:40px "> <?php //foreach ($evarr as $ekey => $evalue): ?>