Esempio n. 1

// get path to current file
$pwd = dirname(__FILE__);
// load zipstream class
require $pwd . '/../zipstream.php';
require $pwd . '/../tarstream.php';
// add some random files
$files = array('../extras/zip-appnote-6.3.1-20070411.txt', '../zipstream.php');
// create new zip stream object
$zip = new ArchiveStream_Zip('', array('comment' => 'this is a zip file comment.  hello?'));
// common file options
$file_opt = array('time' => time() - 2 * 3600, 'comment' => 'this is a file comment. hi!');
// add files under folder 'asdf'
foreach ($files as $file) {
    // build absolute path and get file data
    $path = $file[0] == '/' ? $file : "{$pwd}/{$file}";
    // add file to archive
    $zip->add_file_from_path('asdf/' . basename($file), $path, $file_opt);
// add a long file name
$zip->add_file('/long/' . str_repeat('a', 200) . '.txt', 'test');
// finish archive