Esempio n. 1
 public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin, $instanceId)
     $con = Propel::getConnection();
     if ($deltaDay > 0) {
         return _("Shows can have a max length of 24 hours.");
     $utcTimezone = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
     $nowDateTime = new DateTime("now", $utcTimezone);
     //keep track of cc_show_day entries we need to update
     $showDayIds = array();
      * If the resized show is an edited instance of a repeating show we
      * need to treat it as a separate show and not resize the other instances
      * Also, if the resized show has edited instances, we need to exclude
      * those from the resize
     $ccShow = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($this->_showId);
     if ($ccShow->isRepeating()) {
         //convert instance to local timezone
         $ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId);
         $startsDT = $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
         $timezone = $ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
         $startsDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
         /* Get cc_show_day for the current instance. If we don't find one
          * we know it is a repeat interval of one of cc_show_days first
          * show and we can assume we aren't resizing a modified instance
         $ccShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()->filterByDbFirstShow($startsDT->format("Y-m-d"))->filterByDbStartTime($startsDT->format("H:i:s"))->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->findOne();
         /* Check if this cc_show_day rule is non-repeating. If it is, then
          * we know this instance was edited out of the repeating sequence
         if (!$ccShowDay || $ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() != -1) {
             $ccShowDays = $ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
             foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
                 array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
             $excludeIds = $ccShow->getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds();
             //exlcude edited instances from resize
             $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false)->filterByDbId($excludeIds, criteria::NOT_IN)->find();
         } elseif ($ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() == -1) {
             array_push($showDayIds, $ccShowDay->getDbId());
             //treat edited instance as separate show for resize
             $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbId($instanceId)->find();
     } else {
         $ccShowDays = $ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
         foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
             array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
         $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->find($con);
     /* Check two things:
        1. If the show being resized and any of its repeats end in the past
        2. If the show being resized and any of its repeats overlap
           with other scheduled shows */
     //keep track of instance ids for update show instances start/end times
     $instanceIds = array();
     $displayTimezone = new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone());
     //check if new show time overlaps with any other shows
     foreach ($showInstances as $si) {
         array_push($instanceIds, $si->getDbId());
         $startsDateTime = $si->getDbStarts(null);
         $endsDateTime = $si->getDbEnds(null);
         /* The user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective
            of local time.  * incase a show is moved across a time change
            border offsets should be added to the local * timestamp and
            then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes */
         //$newStartsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
         $newEndsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
         if ($newEndsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
             return _("End date/time cannot be in the past");
         //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
         $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($startsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $si->getDbId());
         if ($overlapping) {
             return _("Cannot schedule overlapping shows.\nNote: Resizing a repeating show " . "affects all of its repeats.");
     $hours = $deltaMin / 60;
     $hours = $hours > 0 ? floor($hours) : ceil($hours);
     $mins = abs($deltaMin % 60);
     $sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_instances " . "SET ends = (ends + :deltaDay1::INTERVAL + :interval1::INTERVAL) " . "WHERE (id IN (" . implode($instanceIds, ",") . ") " . "AND ends > :current_timestamp1) " . "AND ((ends + :deltaDay2::INTERVAL + :interval2::INTERVAL - starts) <= interval '24:00')";
     Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay1' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval1' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':current_timestamp1' => $nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ':deltaDay2' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval2' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
     $sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_days " . "SET duration = (CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay3::INTERVAL + :interval3::INTERVAL) " . "WHERE id IN (" . implode($showDayIds, ",") . ") " . "AND ((CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay4::INTERVAL + :interval4::INTERVAL) <= interval '24:00')";
     Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay3' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval3' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':deltaDay4' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval4' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
     $con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         //update the status flag in cc_schedule.
         /* Since we didn't use a propel object when updating
          * cc_show_instances table we need to clear the instances
          * so the correct information is retrieved from the db
         $instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbEnds($nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::GREATER_THAN)->filterByDbId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)->find($con);
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Logging::info("Couldn't update schedule status.");
Esempio n. 2
    public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
        $con = Propel::getConnection();
        if ($deltaDay > 0) {
            return "Shows can have a max length of 24 hours.";
        $utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
        $nowDateTime = new DateTime("now", $utc);
        $showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->find($con);
        /* Check two things:
           1. If the show being resized and any of its repeats end in the past 
           2. If the show being resized and any of its repeats overlap
              with other scheduled shows */
        foreach ($showInstances as $si) {
            $startsDateTime = new DateTime($si->getDbStarts(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
            $endsDateTime = new DateTime($si->getDbEnds(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
            /* The user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective
               of local time.  * incase a show is moved across a time change
               border offsets should be added to the local * timestamp and
               then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes */
            $startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
            $endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
            $newStartsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
            $newEndsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
            if ($newEndsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
                return "End date/time cannot be in the past";
            //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
            $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $si->getDbId());
            if ($overlapping) {
                return "Cannot schedule overlapping shows.\nNote: Resizing a repeating show " . "affects all of its repeats.";
        $hours = $deltaMin / 60;
        $hours = $hours > 0 ? floor($hours) : ceil($hours);
        $mins = abs($deltaMin % 60);
        //current timesamp in UTC.
        $current_timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sql_gen = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_instances
SET ends = (ends + :deltaDay1::INTERVAL + :interval1::INTERVAL)
WHERE (show_id = :show_id1
       AND ends > :current_timestamp1)
  AND ((ends + :deltaDay2::INTERVAL + :interval2::INTERVAL - starts) <= interval '24:00')
        Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay1' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval1' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':show_id1' => $this->_showId, ':current_timestamp1' => $current_timestamp, ':deltaDay2' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval2' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
        $sql_gen = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_days
SET duration = (CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay3::INTERVAL + :interval3::INTERVAL)
WHERE show_id = :show_id2
  AND ((CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay4::INTERVAL + :interval4::INTERVAL) <= interval '24:00')
        Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql_gen, array(':deltaDay3' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval3' => "{$hours}:{$mins}", ':show_id2' => $this->_showId, ':deltaDay4' => "{$deltaDay} days", ':interval4' => "{$hours}:{$mins}"), "execute");
        $con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
        try {
            //update the status flag in cc_schedule.
            $instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbEnds($current_timestamp, Criteria::GREATER_THAN)->filterByDbShowId($this->_showId)->find($con);
            foreach ($instances as $instance) {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            Logging::info("Couldn't update schedule status.");