Esempio n. 1
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
// Setup routing of model autoloaders
$loader = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array('basePath' => $apppath . '/application/', 'namespace' => 'Application'));
// Name, path, namepsace
$loader->addResourceType('model', 'models', 'Model');
// Get our config file
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini($apppath . '/application/configs/application.ini');
Zend_Registry::set('config', $config->production);
// Because our models need it this way
// Get the Delivery Report model
$nvobj = new Application_Model_Nevdata();
$msg = "Your time cart is out of pay";
$phones = array(10000000001, 10000000002, 10000000003, 10000000004);
$send = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$nvobj->sendCampaignSNFC($msg, $phones, $send, "US/Pacific", 9131);
echo "Data: " . date("Y-m-d");
//  $res1 = $nvobj ->getClubstatusNFC();
//   $blngArr = array(6, 13, 22, 37);
//   $blngArr = array(1,15,31,61);
//  $blng_one = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[0]);
//  $blng_sec = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[1]);
//  $blng_third = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[2]);
//  $blng_fourth = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[3]);
////  echo '<pre>';print_r($res1);
////  exit;
//  foreach($res1 as $arr=>$res){
//       echo "Clubid: ".$res->getClubid().'<br>';
//       if($res->getBodconf()){
//           echo 'Clubid: BODHERE<br>';
Esempio n. 2
//   $blngArr = array(6, 13, 22, 37);
$blngArr = array(1, 15, 31, 61);
$blng_one = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[0]);
$blng_sec = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[1]);
$blng_third = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[2]);
$blng_fourth = $nvobj->selectingBlngSNFC($blngArr[3]);
foreach ($res1 as $arr => $res) {
    if ($res->getBodconf()) {
        //           $phones = $nvobj->getClubBdPhones($res->getNevid());
        //           $nvobj->sendCampaign($res->getBodmsg(), $phones, $res->getBodsend(), $res->getTimezone(), $res->getClubid());
    if ($res->getBlngfirstconf()) {
        $phones = $nvobj->getphonelistSNFCloc($res->getNevid(), $blng_one);
        if ($phones) {
            $bd = 'bng1';
            $nvobj->sendCampaignSNFC($res->getBlngfirstmsg(), $phones, $res->getBlngfirstsend(), $res->getTimezone(), $res->getClubid());
            $nvobj->nevusageBlng($res->getClubid(), $phones, $res->getNevid(), $bd);
    if ($res->getBlngsecondconf()) {
        $phones = $nvobj->getphonelistSNFCloc($res->getNevid(), $blng_sec);
        if ($phones) {
            $bd = 'bng2';
            $nvobj->sendCampaignSNFC($res->getBlngsecondmsg(), $phones, $res->getBlngsecondsend(), $res->getTimezone(), $res->getClubid());
            $nvobj->nevusageBlng($res->getClubid(), $phones, $res->getNevid(), $bd);
    if ($res->getBlngthirdconf()) {
        $phones = $nvobj->getphonelistSNFCloc($res->getNevid(), $blng_third);
        if ($phones) {
            $bd = 'bng3';