public function indexAction()
     $form = new Admin_Form_Configuration();
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
         $result = $form->processPost($data, $data);
         switch ($result) {
             case Admin_Form_Configuration::RESULT_SAVE:
                 if ($form->isValid($data)) {
                     $config = new Zend_Config(array(), true);
                 } else {
             case Admin_Form_Configuration::RESULT_CANCEL:
                 $this->_redirectTo('setup', null, 'index', 'admin');
     } else {
     echo $form;
Esempio n. 2
  * Returns instance of class.
  * @return Application_Configuration
 public static function getInstance()
     if (is_null(self::$_instance)) {
         self::$_instance = new Application_Configuration();
     return self::$_instance;
  * Get an instance of the view helper.
  * @return Application_View_Helper_LanguageSelector
 public function languageSelector()
     if (isset($this->view->languageSelectorDisabled) && $this->view->languageSelectorDisabled === true) {
         return null;
     $returnParams = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('ReturnParams');
     $currentLocale = new Zend_Locale(Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->getLocale());
     $configHelper = new Application_Configuration();
     // only show languages that are present in resources and activated in configuration
     $translations = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->getList();
     $supportedLang = $configHelper->getSupportedLanguages();
     $translations = array_intersect($translations, $supportedLang);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($translations as $translation) {
         if ($currentLocale->getLanguage() !== $translation) {
             $languageName = $currentLocale->getTranslation($translation, 'language', $translation);
             $languageUrl = $this->view->url(array_merge(array('action' => 'language', 'controller' => 'index', 'module' => 'home', 'language' => $translation), $returnParams->getReturnParameters()), null, true);
             array_push($result, array('name' => htmlspecialchars($languageName), 'url' => $languageUrl));
     return $result;
Esempio n. 4
  * Returns all associated Opus_File objects that are visible in OAI and accessible by user
  * @return array Accessible Opus_File objects
  * TODO check embargo date
  * TODO merge access checks with code for deliver controller
 public function getAccessibleFiles()
     $realm = Opus_Security_Realm::getInstance();
     // admins sollen immer durchgelassen werden, nutzer nur wenn das doc im publizierten Zustand ist
     if (!$realm->skipSecurityChecks()) {
         // kein administrator
         // PUBLISHED Dokumente sind immer verfügbar (Zugriff auf Modul kann eingeschränkt sein)
         if ($this->_doc->getServerState() !== 'published') {
             // Dokument nicht published
             if (!$realm->checkDocument($this->_docId)) {
                 // Dokument ist nicht verfügbar für aktuellen Nutzer
                 $this->logErrorMessage('document id =' . $this->_docId . ' is not published and access is not allowed for current user');
                 throw new Oai_Model_Exception('access to requested document is forbidden');
         if ($this->_doc->hasEmbargoPassed() === false) {
             if (!$realm->checkDocument($this->_docId)) {
                 // Dokument ist nicht verfügbar für aktuellen Nutzer
                 $this->logErrorMessage('document id =' . $this->_docId . ' is not embargoed and access is not allowed for current user');
                 throw new Oai_Model_Exception('access to requested document files is embargoed');
     $files = array();
     $filesToCheck = $this->_doc->getFile();
     /* @var $file Opus_File */
     foreach ($filesToCheck as $file) {
         $filename = $this->_appConfig->getFilesPath() . $this->_docId . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->getPathName();
         if (is_readable($filename)) {
             array_push($files, $file);
         } else {
             $this->logErrorMessage("skip non-readable file {$filename}");
     if (empty($files)) {
         $this->logErrorMessage('document with id ' . $this->_docId . ' does not have any associated files');
         throw new Oai_Model_Exception('requested document does not have any associated readable files');
     $containerFiles = array();
     /* @var $file Opus_File */
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file->getVisibleInOai() && $realm->checkFile($file->getId())) {
             array_push($containerFiles, $file);
     if (empty($containerFiles)) {
         $this->logErrorMessage('document with id ' . $this->_docId . ' does not have associated files that are accessible');
         throw new Oai_Model_Exception('access denied on all files that are associated to the requested document');
     return $containerFiles;
  * Zeigt an, ob eine neuere Version von OPUS verfügbar ist.
  * TODO Behandlung von is_null($latestVersion) hängt vom Verhalten der Version Helpers ab (ueberarbeiten)
 public function updateAction()
     $localVersion = Application_Configuration::getOpusVersion();
     $latestVersion = $this->_helper->version();
     $this->view->currentVersion = $localVersion;
     $this->view->latestVersion = null;
     if (is_null($latestVersion)) {
         $this->view->message = $this->view->translate('admin_info_version_error_getting_latest');
     } elseif ($localVersion == $latestVersion) {
         $this->view->message = $this->view->translate('admin_info_version_current');
     } else {
         $this->view->message = $this->view->translate('admin_info_version_outdated');
         $this->view->latestVersion = $latestVersion;
Esempio n. 6
 public function testGetInstance()
     $config = Application_Configuration::getInstance();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Application_Configuration', $config);
     $this->assertSame($config, Application_Configuration::getInstance());
 public function testGetOpusInfo()
     $data = Application_Configuration::getOpusInfo();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Config');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $data);
     /* OPUSVIER-3542 Version not working the same way with git
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('admin_info_version', $data);
        $this->assertEquals($config->version, $data['admin_info_version']);
Esempio n. 8
 protected function _initVersionInfo()
     $view = $this->getResource('View');
     $view->headMeta()->appendName('Opus-Version', Application_Configuration::getOpusVersion());
Esempio n. 9
  * Switches the language for Zend_Translate and redirects back.
  * @return void
 public function languageAction()
     $module = null;
     $controller = null;
     $action = null;
     $language = null;
     $params = array();
     foreach ($this->getRequest()->getParams() as $param => $value) {
         switch ($param) {
             case 'rmodule':
                 $module = $value;
             case 'rcontroller':
                 $controller = $value;
             case 'raction':
                 $action = $value;
             case 'rrmodule':
                 $params['rmodule'] = $value;
             case 'rrcontroller':
                 $params['rcontroller'] = $value;
             case 'rraction':
                 $params['raction'] = $value;
             case 'language':
                 $language = $value;
                 $params[$param] = $value;
     $appConfig = new Application_Configuration();
     if ($appConfig->isLanguageSelectionEnabled() && !is_null($language) && Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->isAvailable($language)) {
         $sessiondata = new Zend_Session_Namespace();
         $sessiondata->language = $language;
     $this->_redirectTo($action, '', $controller, $module, $params);
Esempio n. 10
  * Updates configuration with values from form elements.
 public function updateModel($config)
     foreach ($this->_options as $name => $option) {
         $value = $this->getElement($name)->getValue();
         // TODO move into Admin_Model_Option?
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = implode(',', $value);
         Application_Configuration::setValueInConfig($config, $option->getKey(), $value);