public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$_instance == NULL) {
         self::$_instance = new App_Models_StoreModel();
         self::$_instance->_db = App_Storage_Mysql_Connector::getInstance();
     return self::$_instance;
 public function deleteAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idpage = @$_GET['idpage'];
     $sql = "delete from ishali_noidung_page where idpage = " . $idpage;
     $data = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin/baivietcuapage';
     header("location: {$link}");
 public function preDispatch()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $this->_SESSION = new Zend_Session_Namespace();
     if ($facebook->getpageid() != "") {
         @($idpage = $facebook->getpageid());
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
         $this->_SESSION->idpage = $idpage;
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     } else {
         $idpage = isset($_SESSION['idpage']) ? $_SESSION['idpage'] : "";
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if ($this->_request->getParam("idpage") != "") {
         $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
         $this->_SESSION->idpage = $idpage;
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $idpage = '356730004423499';
     $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
     $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_GET['tabs_added'])) {
         $tabs_added = $_GET['tabs_added'];
         foreach ($tabs_added as $idpage => $status) {
             $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin?pg=' . $idpage;
         echo "<script>top.location.href = '{$link}'</script>";
     if (!$idpage) {
         $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin';
         echo "<script>top.location.href = '{$link}'</script>";
     //Khi link có app_data
     if ($facebook->getParameterUrl() != null) {
         $idsp = $facebook->getParameterUrl();
         $idsp = base64_decode($idsp);
         $link = APP_DOMAIN . "/detail?idpage={$idpage}&id={$idsp}";
         //echo "<script>showMessageNotClose('Ðang chuyển trang, vui lòng đợi',5000);</script>";
         echo "<script>setTimeout(function(){window.location = '{$link}'},3000);</script>";
     $config = $store->getConfig($idpage);
     $this->view->config = $config;
     $template = $config['template'] != "" ? $config['template'] : 'bookshop';
     $option = array('layout' => 'layout', 'layoutPath' => LAYOUT_PATH . '/' . $template);
 public function xoapagelikeAction()
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idpage = $_GET['idpage'];
     $sql = "delete from ishali_pages_like where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $rs = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     if ($rs == 1) {
         $link = APP_DOMAIN . '/admin/sapxeppagelike';
         echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Xóa Thành Công.', '{$link}');</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Xóa không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.', '{$link}');</script>";
 public function indexAction()
     $_SESSION['list_page'] = "1";
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if ($this->_request->getParam("idpage") != "") {
         $idpagee = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpagee;
     @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
     $checkSessionIdpage = $store->KiemTraSessionIdPage($idpage);
     if ($checkSessionIdpage == 0) {
         $this->view->checkSessionIdpage = $checkSessionIdpage;
     } else {
         $config = $this->view->config = $store->getConfig($idpage);
         if ($this->_request->getParam("key") != "") {
             $keyword = $this->_request->getParam("key");
             $arr_keyword = explode('_', $keyword);
             $where = "";
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($arr_keyword as $value) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $where .= " tensp like '%{$value}%' ";
                 } else {
                     $where .= " or tensp like '%{$value}%' ";
             //$this->view->product = $store->getListProductByIdCate($idpage, 0, 0, 1, $where, "");
             $sql = "select a.idsp, a.idloaisp, b.tenloaisp, b.parent_id, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   c.tenloaisp as tenloaisp_parent, a.masp, a.tensp, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   a.gia, a.giagiam, a.sale_off, a.spmoi, a.hinhchinh, a.anhien, a.showindex \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom ishali_sanpham a, ishali_loaisp b LEFT JOIN (select idloaisp, tenloaisp \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  from ishali_loaisp \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  where parent_id = 0 and idpage = '{$idpage}') c on b.parent_id = c.idloaisp\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere a.idloaisp = b.idloaisp and a.idpage = '{$idpage}' and ({$where})";
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->product = $data;
         $category = $store->getAllParentCategoryByIdPage($idpage, 0);
         $this->view->category = $category;
         $sql = "select donvitien, thongtinsp from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
         $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
         if (count($data) == 0) {
             $donvitien = "VNĐ";
             $thongtinsp = 0;
         } else {
             if ($data[0]['donvitien'] == "") {
                 $donvitien = "VNĐ";
             } else {
                 $donvitien = $data[0]['donvitien'];
         $this->view->donvitien = $donvitien;
         $this->view->checkSessionIdpage = $checkSessionIdpage;
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
 public function listAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
         $act = trim($_GET['act']);
         $key = trim($_GET['key']);
         $list_cart = $store->getListCart($idpage, $act, $key);
         $this->view->list_cart = $list_cart;
 public function xulyconfigAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $banner = "";
     @($file = $_FILES['banner']);
     if ($file['name'] != "") {
         $banner = time() . '_' . $file['name'];
         move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], 'public/images/banner/' . $banner);
     $footer = $_POST['footer'];
     $solanlike = $_POST['solanlike'];
     $sql = "Select 1 from ishali_config";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(footer, solanlike) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$footer}', '{$solanlike}')";
         } else {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(banner, footer, solanlike) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$banner}', '{$footer}', '{$solanlike}')";
     } else {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "solanlike = '" . $solanlike . "' ";
         } else {
             $sql = "Select banner from ishali_config";
             $bn = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             if ($bn[0]['banner'] != "") {
                 $banner_old = $bn[0]['banner'];
                 if (file_exists('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old)) {
                     unlink('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old);
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "banner = '" . $banner . "', ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "solanlike = '" . $solanlike . "'";
     //echo $sql;
     $config = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     if ($config == 1) {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu Thành Công.');</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.');</script>";
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     //$idpage = '356730004423499';
     $idsp = @$_GET['id'];
     $this->view->idsp = $idsp;
     $this->view->detailProduct = $store->getProductById($idpage, $idsp);
     $this->view->array_hinhphu = $store->getPhotoProduct($idsp);
     $this->view->sanPhamLienQuan = $store->getSanPhamLienQuan($idpage, $idsp);
Esempio n. 10
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $id = base64_decode($this->_request->getParam("id"));
     //$idpage = '356730004423499';
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     } else {
         //$idpage = $_GET["idpage"];
         $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $sql = "select count(*) as tongsp ";
     $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
     $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and idloaisp = " . $id . " and idpage = " . $idpage;
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     $tongsp = $data[0]['tongsp'];
     $sp1trang = 12;
     if ($tongsp > $sp1trang) {
         $sotrang = ceil($tongsp / $sp1trang);
         if ($this->_request->getParam("page") == "") {
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and idloaisp = " . $id . " and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit 0," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         } else {
             $npage = base64_decode($this->_request->getParam("page"));
             $sp_start = $sp1trang * ($npage - 1);
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and idloaisp = " . $id . " and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit " . $sp_start . "," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         $this->view->sotrang = $sotrang;
     } else {
         $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
         $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
         $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and idloaisp = " . $id . " and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
         $sql .= "limit 0," . $sp1trang;
         $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
         $this->view->showsp = $data;
Esempio n. 11
 public function thongtinsanphamxulyAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idsp = $_POST['idsp'];
     $idtab = $_POST['idtab'];
     $sql = "Select noidung from ishali_thongtinsp where idsp = '" . $idsp . "' and keytab = '" . $idtab . "'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         $noidung = $data[0]['noidung'];
     } else {
         $noidung = "";
     echo $noidung;
Esempio n. 12
 public function kiemtratendangnhapAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $UserName = $_POST['username'];
     $sql = "select 1 from ishali_admin ";
     $sql .= "where user = '******' limit 0,1";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) >= 1) {
         echo 0;
     } else {
         echo 1;
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $flag = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['flag'])) {
         $flag = $_GET['flag'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getuserfbid() == 0) {
         if ($flag == 1) {
             $this->view->isfbuser = 0;
         } else {
             $url = APP_DOMAIN . "/dathang?idpage=" . $idpage . "&flag=1";
     } else {
         $user_profile = $facebook->getUserInfo();
         $this->view->isfbuser = 1;
         $this->view->linkfb = $user_profile['link'];
         $this->view->idfb = $user_profile['id'];
         $checkFbUserInDb = $store->checkFbUserInDb($idpage, $user_profile['id']);
         if (!empty($checkFbUserInDb)) {
             $this->view->name = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['name'];
             $this->view->phone = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['phone'];
             $this->view->email = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['email'];
             $this->view->district = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['district'];
             $this->view->address = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['address'];
         } else {
             $this->view->name = $user_profile['name'];
             $this->view->phone = "";
             $this->view->email = $user_profile['email'];
             $this->view->district = "";
             $this->view->address = "";
Esempio n. 14
 public function installpageAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $pageid = $_GET['pageid'];
     $pagename = $_GET['pagename'];
     $userid = $_GET['userid'];
     $appid = $_GET['appid'];
     $status = $_GET['status'];
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $linkpage = $facebook->getLinkPage($pageid);
     if ($status == 1) {
         $sql = "Select 1 from ishali_pages where id_fb_page = '" . $pageid . "' and id_fb = '" . $userid . "'";
         $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
         if (count($data) > 0) {
             echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Fanpage <u>{$pagename}</u><br/>Đã được cài thành công vào ứng dụng.', '" . ROOT_DOMAIN . "/admin');</script>";
         } else {
             $link = "{$appid}&pages=1&page={$pageid}";
             echo "<script>customerLoadWindow('{$link}', '', '540', '400');</script>";
             $sql = "Insert into ishali_pages(id_fb_page, page_name, id_fb, link_page, templates) value(";
             $sql .= "'" . $pageid . "', ";
             $sql .= "'" . $pagename . "', ";
             $sql .= "'" . $userid . "', ";
             $sql .= "'" . $linkpage . "', ";
             $sql .= "'tmpstore') ";
             $data = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
             if ($data == 1) {
                 echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Sau khi cài ứng dụng lên FanPage thành công,<br/>Hãy nhấn nút Đóng', '" . ROOT_DOMAIN . "/admin');</script>";
             } else {
                 echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Cài ứng dụng không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.', '" . ROOT_DOMAIN . "/admin');</script>";
     } else {
         $link = "{$appid}&pages=1&page={$pageid}";
         echo "<script>customerLoadWindow('{$link}', '', '540', '400');</script>";
         echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Sau khi cài ứng dụng lên FanPage thành công,<br/>Hãy nhấn nút Đóng', '" . ROOT_DOMAIN . "/admin');</script>";
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     //$idpage = '356730004423499';
     $keyword = isset($_GET['key']) ? $_GET['key'] : "";
     //$keyword = "pham_hong_tien";
     if ($keyword != "") {
         $arr_keyword = explode('_', $keyword);
         $where = "";
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($arr_keyword as $value) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $where .= " and masp like '%{$value}%' or tensp like '%{$value}%' ";
             } else {
                 $where .= " or masp like '%{$value}%' or tensp like '%{$value}%' ";
         $page = @$_GET['page'];
         $num_page = $store->getNumPage($idpage, 0, 0, $where);
         $page = round($page);
         $page = max(1, $page);
         $page = min($num_page, $page);
         $this->view->listProduct = $store->getListProductByIdCate($idpage, 0, 0, $page, $where, "");
         $this->view->num_page = $num_page;
         $this->view->curent_page = $page;
         $link = APP_DOMAIN . "/search?idpage=" . $idpage . "&key={$keyword}&page=np";
         $this->view->pagination = $store->pagination(5, $num_page, $link, $page);
     } else {
         $this->view->listProduct = array();
Esempio n. 16
 public function xulychangepassAction()
     $iduserfb = $_POST['iduserfb'];
     $oldpass = sha1($_POST['oldpass']);
     $newpass = sha1($_POST['newpass']);
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $sql = "select 1 from ishali_admin ";
     $sql .= "where iduserfb = '" . $iduserfb . "' and pass = '******' ";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         echo '-1';
     } else {
         $sql = "update ishali_admin set pass = '******' ";
         $sql .= "where iduserfb = " . $iduserfb;
         $data = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
         echo $data;
Esempio n. 17
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     include "sendmail.php";
     @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
     $sql = "Select * from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $config = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     $hoten = $_POST['hoten'];
     $sdt = $_POST['sdt'];
     $email = $_POST['email'];
     $diachi = $_POST['diachi'];
     $ghichu = $_POST['ghichu'];
     $sanpham = $_POST['sanpham'];
     if ($config[0]['emailsmtp'] != "") {
         $usersmtp = $config[0]['emailsmtp'];
     } else {
         $usersmtp = "*****@*****.**";
     if ($config[0]['passsmtp'] != "") {
         $passsmtp = $config[0]['passsmtp'];
     } else {
         $passsmtp = "phamhongtien510";
     if ($config[0]['emailfrom'] != "") {
         $mailfrom = $config[0]['emailfrom'];
     } else {
         $mailfrom = "*****@*****.**";
     if ($config[0]['title_from'] != "") {
         $namefrom = $namereplay = $config[0]['title_from'];
     } else {
         $namefrom = $namereplay = "ISHALI MEDIA";
     // Ten khi Admin gui mail den KH, va ten KH tra loi mail
     $namefrom_kh = $namereplay_kh = $hoten;
     // Ten khi KH gui mail den admin
     $subject_bk = "Cảm ơn bạn " . $hoten . " đã đặt hàng sản phẩm của Store ISHALI MEDIA";
     if ($config[0]['subject_from'] != "") {
         $subject = $config[0]['subject_from'];
     } else {
         $subject = $subject_bk;
     $subject_reply = "KH (" . $hoten . "-" . $sdt . ") đã đặt hàng sản phẩm";
     $sql = "Select idsp, masp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh, mota, chitietsp ";
     $sql .= "From ishali_sanpham ";
     $sql .= "Where idsp = " . $sanpham;
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     //APP_DOMAIN -
     $linkanh = APP_DOMAIN . "/application/layouts/tmpstore/images/upload/images/" . $data[0]['hinhchinh'];
     $noidung = "";
     $noidung .= "<table width='600' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='35' colspan='2'>Xin chào bạn <strong>" . $hoten . "</strong>.</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='30' colspan='2'>Thông tin sản phẩm đặt hàng như sau:</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr>";
     $noidung .= "<td width='317' rowspan='4'>";
     $noidung .= "<img src='" . $linkanh . "' width='300' height='350' /></td>";
     $noidung .= "<td height='30' valign='top'><strong>Tên SP</strong> : " . $data[0]['tensp'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='30' valign='top'><strong>Giá bán</strong> : " . $data[0]['gia'] . " VNĐ</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='100' valign='top'><strong>Mô tả</strong> : " . $data[0]['mota'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td width='273' height='155' valign='top'><strong>Chi tiết</strong> : " . $data[0]['chitietsp'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='30' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='200' colspan='2' valign='top'><p><span style='color:#00F; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px'>Thông tin đơn đặt hàng:</span></p>";
     $noidung .= "<p>Họ tên : " . $hoten . "</p>";
     $noidung .= "<p>SĐT : " . $sdt . "</p>";
     $noidung .= "<p>Email : " . $email . "</p>";
     $noidung .= "<p>Địa chỉ : " . $diachi . "</p>";
     $noidung .= "<p>Ghi chú : " . $ghichu . "</p></td>";
     $noidung .= "</tr>";
     $noidung .= "<tr><td height='45' colspan='2' valign='top'><p><em>Chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ sớm để xác nhận đơn hàng của bạn.<br/>Cảm ơn bạn đã quan tâm đến sản phẩm của chúng tôi.</em></p></td></tr>";
     $noidung .= "</table>";
     $noidung_reply = "";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Thông Tin Khách Hàng</b><br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Họ Tên KH : </b>" . $hoten . ".<br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Số Điện Thoại : </b>" . $sdt . ".<br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Email : </b>" . $email . ".<br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Địa chỉ : </b>" . $diachi . ".<br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Ghi chú : </b>" . $ghichu . ".<br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<b>Thông Tin Đơn Hàng</b><br/><br/>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<table width='600' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<td width='317' rowspan='4'>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<img src='" . $linkanh . "' width='300' height='350' /></td>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<td height='30' valign='top'><strong>Tên SP</strong> : " . $data[0]['tensp'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<tr><td height='30' valign='top'><strong>Giá bán</strong> : " . $data[0]['gia'] . " VNĐ</td></tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<tr><td height='100' valign='top'><strong>Mô tả</strong> : " . $data[0]['mota'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<tr><td width='273' height='155' valign='top'><strong>Chi tiết</strong> : " . $data[0]['chitietsp'] . "</td></tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "<tr><td height='30' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
     $noidung_reply .= "</table>";
     $mailto = $email;
     $nameto = $hoten;
     $result = sendmail($usersmtp, $passsmtp, $mailfrom, $mailto, $nameto, $namefrom, $namereplay, $subject, $noidung);
     sendmail($usersmtp, $passsmtp, $mailto, $mailfrom, $nameto, $namefrom_kh, $namereplay_kh, $subject_reply, $noidung_reply);
     //$result = 1;
     if ($result == '1') {
         $kq = array('result' => 1);
         echo json_encode($kq);
     } else {
         $kq = array('result' => 0);
         echo json_encode($kq);
Esempio n. 18
    public function viewcartAction()
        $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
        if ($this->_request->getParam("idpage") != "") {
            $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
            $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
        @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
        $idCart = $_POST['idCart'];
        $config = $this->view->config = $store->getConfig($idpage);
        $sql = "select * from cart where id_cart = '{$idCart}' and idpage = '{$idpage}'";
        $infoCart = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
        $infoCart = $infoCart[0];
        $sql = "select * from detail_cart where id_cart = '{$idCart}' and idpage = '{$idpage}'";
        $detailCart = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
        $status = "";
        if ($infoCart['status'] == 0) {
            $status = "Chưa đọc";
        if ($infoCart['status'] == 1) {
            $status = "Chưa giao";
        if ($infoCart['status'] == 2) {
            $status = "Đã giao";
        <div class="header_popup_content">
            Chi tiết đơn hàng <?php 
        echo $idCart;
            <p class="close_popup" onclick="close_popup()"><img src="<?php 
        echo APP_DOMAIN;
        <div class="popup_content">
            <table class="table_detail_cart">
                    <td width='30%' align='right'>Tình trạng đơn hàng:</td>
        echo $status;
                    <td align='left'><strong>Thông tin người đặt hàng</strong></td>
                    <td align='right'>Họ và tên:</td>
        echo $infoCart['name'];
                    <td align='right'>Số điện thoại:</td>
        echo $infoCart['phone'];
                    <td align='right'>Email:</td>
        echo $infoCart['email'];
                <tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
                    <td align='left'><strong>Thông tin giao hàng</strong></td>
                    <td align='right'>Tỉnh/Thành phố:</td>
        echo $infoCart['city'];
                    <td align='right'>Quận/Huyện:</td>
        echo $infoCart['district'];
                    <td align='right'>Địa chỉ:</td>
        echo $infoCart['address'];
                    <td align='right'>Ghi chú:</td>
        echo $infoCart['comment'];
                <tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
                    <td align='left'><strong>Thông tin đơn hàng</strong></td>
                    <td colspan="2">
                        <table class="table_detail_cart">
                                <th>Số lượng</th>
                                <th>Thành tiền</th>
        $tong_tien = 0;
        foreach ($detailCart as $key => $value) {
            $sql = "select * from ishali_sanpham where idsp = " . $value['idsp'];
            $data = mysql_query($sql);
            $sp = mysql_fetch_assoc($data);
            $gia = $value['giagiam'] != 0 ? $value['giagiam'] : $value['gia'];
            $thanh_tien = $value['soluong'] * $gia;
            $tong_tien += $thanh_tien;
                                        <td><img class="img_detail_cart" src="<?php 
            echo $sp['hinhchinh'];
                                            <div class="name_detail_cart">
                                                <p class="name_pro"><?php 
            echo $sp['tensp'];
                                                <p class="price_pro"><?php 
            echo number_format($value['gia'], 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
                                        <td align='center'><span class="text3"><?php 
            echo $value['soluong'];
                                        <td align='center'><span class="text3"><?php 
            echo number_format($thanh_tien, 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
                                <th colspan="2"></th>
                                <th class="tong_cong" colspan="2">Tổng cộng : <?php 
        echo number_format($tong_tien, 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
 public function getorderAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     $parent_id = $_POST['parent_id'];
     $idloaisp = isset($_POST['idloaisp']) ? $_POST['idloaisp'] : "";
     if ($parent_id != 0 && $idloaisp != "") {
         $sql = "select idloaisp from ishali_loaisp where idpage = '{$idpage}' and parent_id = {$idloaisp}";
         $rs = mysql_query($sql);
         if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) {
             echo 'ko';
     $sql = "select max(vitri) as 'maxvitri' from ishali_loaisp where idpage = '{$idpage}' and parent_id = '{$parent_id}'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     $order = $data[0]['maxvitri'];
     echo $order = max(0, $order);
Esempio n. 20
 public function xulyconfigAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $banner = "";
     @($file = $_FILES['banner']);
     if ($file['name'] != "") {
         $banner = time() . '_' . $file['name'];
         move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], 'public/images/banner/' . $banner);
     $idpage = $_POST['idpage'];
     $footer = $_POST['footer'];
     $emailsmtp = $_POST['emailsmtp'];
     $passsmtp = $_POST['passsmtp'];
     $emailfrom = $_POST['emailfrom'];
     $titlemail = $_POST['titlemail'];
     $subjectemail = $_POST['subjectemail'];
     $bg_color_menu = $_POST['bg_color_menu'];
     $color_text_menu = $_POST['color_text_menu'];
     $bg_color_menu_act = $_POST['bg_color_menu_act'];
     $color_text_menu_act = $_POST['color_text_menu_act'];
     $donvitien = $_POST['donvitien'];
     $linkpage = $_POST['linkpage'];
     if (@$_POST['thongtinsp'] != "") {
         $thongtinsp = @$_POST['thongtinsp'];
     } else {
         $thongtinsp = 0;
     $menuthongtinsp = $_POST['menuthongtinsp'];
     if ($menuthongtinsp == "") {
         $thongtinsp = 0;
     $sql = "Select 1 from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(footer, emailsmtp, passsmtp, emailfrom, title_from, subject_from, idpage, bg_color_menu, color_text_menu, bg_color_menu_act, color_text_menu_act, donvitien, thongtinsp, menuthongtinsp, link_page) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$footer}', '{$emailsmtp}', '{$passsmtp}', '{$emailfrom}', '{$titlemail}', '{$subjectemail}', '{$idpage}', '{$bg_color_menu}', '{$color_text_menu}', '{$bg_color_menu_act}', '{$color_text_menu_act}', '{$donvitien}', '{$thongtinsp}', '{$menuthongtinsp}', '{$linkpage}')";
         } else {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(banner, footer, emailsmtp, passsmtp, emailfrom, title_from, subject_from, idpage, bg_color_menu, color_text_menu, bg_color_menu_act, color_text_menu_act, donvitien, thongtinsp, menuthongtinsp, link_page) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$banner}', '{$footer}', '{$emailsmtp}', '{$passsmtp}', '{$emailfrom}', '{$titlemail}', '{$subjectemail}', '{$idpage}', '{$bg_color_menu}', '{$color_text_menu}', '{$bg_color_menu_act}', '{$color_text_menu_act}', '{$donvitien}', '{$thongtinsp}', '{$menuthongtinsp}', '{$linkpage}')";
     } else {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailsmtp = '" . $emailsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "passsmtp = '" . $passsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailfrom = '" . $emailfrom . "', ";
             $sql .= "title_from = '" . $titlemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "subject_from = '" . $subjectemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu = '" . $bg_color_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu = '" . $color_text_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu_act = '" . $bg_color_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu_act = '" . $color_text_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "donvitien = '" . $donvitien . "', ";
             $sql .= "thongtinsp = '" . $thongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "menuthongtinsp = '" . $menuthongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "link_page = '" . $linkpage . "' ";
             $sql .= "where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
         } else {
             $sql = "Select banner from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
             $bn = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             if ($bn[0]['banner'] != "") {
                 $banner_old = $bn[0]['banner'];
                 if (file_exists('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old)) {
                     unlink('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old);
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "banner = '" . $banner . "', ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailsmtp = '" . $emailsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "passsmtp = '" . $passsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailfrom = '" . $emailfrom . "', ";
             $sql .= "title_from = '" . $titlemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "subject_from = '" . $subjectemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu = '" . $bg_color_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu = '" . $color_text_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu_act = '" . $bg_color_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu_act = '" . $color_text_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "donvitien = '" . $donvitien . "', ";
             $sql .= "thongtinsp = '" . $thongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "menuthongtinsp = '" . $menuthongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "link_page = '" . $linkpage . "' ";
             $sql .= "where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     //echo $sql;
     $config = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     if ($config == 1) {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu Thành Công.');</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.');</script>";
Esempio n. 21
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getParameterUrl() != null) {
         $param = $facebook->getParameterUrl();
         $data = explode('-', $param);
         $id = $data[0];
         $sp = $data[1];
         $host = APP_DOMAIN;
         header("location: {$host}/product?id={$id}&sp={$sp}");
     //$idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     //$this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     } else {
         //$idpage = $_GET["idpage"];
         $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $sql = "select count(*) as tongsp ";
     $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
     $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and showindex=1 and idpage = " . $idpage;
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     $tongsp = $data[0]['tongsp'];
     $sp1trang = 12;
     if ($tongsp > $sp1trang) {
         $sotrang = ceil($tongsp / $sp1trang);
         if ($this->_request->getParam("page") == "") {
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where showindex = 1 and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit 0," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         } else {
             $npage = base64_decode($this->_request->getParam("page"));
             $sp_start = $sp1trang * ($npage - 1);
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where showindex = 1 and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit " . $sp_start . "," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         $this->view->sotrang = $sotrang;
     } else {
         $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
         $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
         $sql .= "where (showindex = 1 || ngaycapnhat < now()) and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
         $sql .= "limit 0,12";
         $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
         $this->view->showsp = $data;
     $sql = "select donvitien from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         $donvitien = "VNĐ";
     } else {
         if ($data[0]['donvitien'] == "") {
             $donvitien = "VNĐ";
         } else {
             $donvitien = $data[0]['donvitien'];
     $this->view->donvitien = $donvitien;
 public function checkhavechildcatAction()
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idcat = $_POST['idcat'];
     $sql = "select count(*) as count_child_cat from ishali_loaisp where parent_id = '{$idcat}'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     echo $data[0]['count_child_cat'];
 public function deleteAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idnoidung = $_GET['idnd'];
     $sql = "Select tenhinh from ishali_noidung_chiase where idnoidung = '" . $idnoidung . "'";
     $bn = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if ($bn[0]['tenhinh'] != "") {
         $tenhinh = $bn[0]['tenhinh'];
         if (file_exists('application/layouts/tmplikepage/images/noidung/' . $tenhinh)) {
             unlink('application/layouts/tmplikepage/images/noidung/' . $tenhinh);
     $sql = "delete from ishali_noidung_chiase where idnoidung = '" . $idnoidung . "'";
     $data = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     if ($data == 1) {
         $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin/noidungchiase';
         echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Xóa thành công.', '{$link}');</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoDongY('Xóa không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.', '{$link}');</script>";
 public function xulyconfigAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $banner = "";
     		if($file['name']!="")//Neu nhu NSD co upload file
     $idpage = $_POST['idpage'];
     $shopname = isset($_POST['shopname']) ? $_POST['shopname'] : "";
     $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : "";
     $emailfrom = isset($_POST['emailfrom']) ? $_POST['emailfrom'] : "";
     $donvitien = isset($_POST['donvitien']) ? $_POST['donvitien'] : "";
     $checkout = isset($_POST['checkout']) ? $_POST['checkout'] : "";
     $delivery = isset($_POST['delivery']) ? $_POST['delivery'] : "";
     $contact = isset($_POST['contact']) ? $_POST['contact'] : "";
     $email_cart = isset($_POST['email_cart']) ? $_POST['email_cart'] : "";
     $footer = isset($_POST['footer']) ? $_POST['footer'] : "";
     $emailsmtp = isset($_POST['emailsmtp']) ? $_POST['emailsmtp'] : "";
     $passsmtp = isset($_POST['passsmtp']) ? $_POST['passsmtp'] : "";
     $titlemail = isset($_POST['titlemail']) ? $_POST['titlemail'] : "";
     $subjectemail = isset($_POST['subjectemail']) ? $_POST['subjectemail'] : "";
     $bg_color_menu = isset($_POST['bg_color_menu']) ? $_POST['bg_color_menu'] : "";
     $color_text_menu = isset($_POST['color_text_menu']) ? $_POST['color_text_menu'] : "";
     $bg_color_menu_act = isset($_POST['bg_color_menu_act']) ? $_POST['bg_color_menu_act'] : "";
     $color_text_menu_act = isset($_POST['color_text_menu_act']) ? $_POST['color_text_menu_act'] : "";
     $linkpage = isset($_POST['linkpage']) ? $_POST['linkpage'] : "";
     if (@$_POST['thongtinsp'] != "") {
         $thongtinsp = 1;
     } else {
         $thongtinsp = 0;
     $menuthongtinsp = isset($_POST['menuthongtinsp']) ? $_POST['menuthongtinsp'] : "";
     if ($menuthongtinsp == "") {
         $thongtinsp = 0;
     $sql = "Select 1 from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(footer, emailsmtp, passsmtp, emailfrom, title_from, subject_from, idpage, bg_color_menu, color_text_menu, bg_color_menu_act, color_text_menu_act, donvitien, thongtinsp, menuthongtinsp, link_page, shopname, phone, checkout, delivery, contact, email_cart) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$footer}', '{$emailsmtp}', '{$passsmtp}', '{$emailfrom}', '{$titlemail}', '{$subjectemail}', '{$idpage}', '{$bg_color_menu}', '{$color_text_menu}', '{$bg_color_menu_act}', '{$color_text_menu_act}', '{$donvitien}', '{$thongtinsp}', '{$menuthongtinsp}', '{$linkpage}', '{$shopname}', '{$phone}', '{$checkout}', '{$delivery}', '{$contact}', '{$email_cart}')";
         } else {
             $sql = "insert into ishali_config(banner, footer, emailsmtp, passsmtp, emailfrom, title_from, subject_from, idpage, bg_color_menu, color_text_menu, bg_color_menu_act, color_text_menu_act, donvitien, thongtinsp, menuthongtinsp, link_page, shopname, phone, checkout, delivery, contact, email_cart) ";
             $sql .= "value('{$banner}', '{$footer}', '{$emailsmtp}', '{$passsmtp}', '{$emailfrom}', '{$titlemail}', '{$subjectemail}', '{$idpage}', '{$bg_color_menu}', '{$color_text_menu}', '{$bg_color_menu_act}', '{$color_text_menu_act}', '{$donvitien}', '{$thongtinsp}', '{$menuthongtinsp}', '{$linkpage}', '{$shopname}', '{$phone}', '{$checkout}', '{$delivery}', '{$contact}', '{$email_cart}')";
     } else {
         if ($banner == "") {
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailsmtp = '" . $emailsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "passsmtp = '" . $passsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailfrom = '" . $emailfrom . "', ";
             $sql .= "title_from = '" . $titlemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "subject_from = '" . $subjectemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu = '" . $bg_color_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu = '" . $color_text_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu_act = '" . $bg_color_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu_act = '" . $color_text_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "donvitien = '" . $donvitien . "', ";
             $sql .= "thongtinsp = '" . $thongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "menuthongtinsp = '" . $menuthongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "link_page = '" . $linkpage . "', ";
             $sql .= "shopname = '" . $shopname . "', ";
             $sql .= "phone = '" . $phone . "', ";
             $sql .= "checkout = '" . $checkout . "', ";
             $sql .= "delivery = '" . $delivery . "', ";
             $sql .= "contact = '" . $contact . "', ";
             $sql .= "email_cart = '" . $email_cart . "' ";
             $sql .= "where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
         } else {
             $sql = "Select banner from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
             $bn = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             if ($bn[0]['banner'] != "") {
                 $banner_old = $bn[0]['banner'];
                 if (file_exists('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old)) {
                     unlink('public/images/banner/' . $banner_old);
             $sql = "Update ishali_config set ";
             $sql .= "banner = '" . $banner . "', ";
             $sql .= "footer = '" . $footer . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailsmtp = '" . $emailsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "passsmtp = '" . $passsmtp . "', ";
             $sql .= "emailfrom = '" . $emailfrom . "', ";
             $sql .= "title_from = '" . $titlemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "subject_from = '" . $subjectemail . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu = '" . $bg_color_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu = '" . $color_text_menu . "', ";
             $sql .= "bg_color_menu_act = '" . $bg_color_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "color_text_menu_act = '" . $color_text_menu_act . "', ";
             $sql .= "donvitien = '" . $donvitien . "', ";
             $sql .= "thongtinsp = '" . $thongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "menuthongtinsp = '" . $menuthongtinsp . "', ";
             $sql .= "link_page = '" . $linkpage . "', ";
             $sql .= "shopname = '" . $shopname . "', ";
             $sql .= "phone = '" . $phone . "', ";
             $sql .= "checkout = '" . $checkout . "', ";
             $sql .= "delivery = '" . $delivery . "', ";
             $sql .= "contact = '" . $contact . "' ";
             $sql .= "email_cart = '" . $email_cart . "' ";
             $sql .= "where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $config = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     if ($config == 1) {
         //echo "<script>$(window).scrollTop(0);</script>";
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu Thành Công.');</script>";
         $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin/config';
         echo "<script>top.location.href='{$link}'</script>";
     } else {
         echo "<script>ThongBaoLoi3('Lưu không thành công<br/>Vui Lòng thực hiện lại thao tác.');</script>";
Esempio n. 25
 public function getLinkNoiDungCuaPage($idpage)
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $sql = "SELECT linktintuc ";
     $sql .= "FROM ishali_noidung_chiase inc, ishali_noidung_page inp ";
     $sql .= "WHERE inc.idnoidung = inp.idnoidung AND inp.idpage =  '{$idpage}'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     return $data[0]['linktintuc'];
    public function viewcustomerdetailsAction()
        $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
        if ($this->_request->getParam("idpage") != "") {
            $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
            $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
        @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
        $name = $_POST['name'];
        $phone = $_POST['phone'];
        $city = $_POST['city'];
        $district = $_POST['district'];
        $address = $_POST['address'];
        $latest_order = $_POST['latest_order'];
        $rating = $_POST['rating'];
        $fb_address = $_POST['fb_address'];
        $idpage = $_POST['idpage'];
        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $total_revenue = 0;
        $real_revenue = 0;
        $virtual_revenue = 0;
        $total_orders = 0;
        $delivered_orders = 0;
        $pending_orders = 0;
        $cancelled_orders = 0;
        $config = $this->view->config = $store->getConfig($idpage);
        /*Get cart and cart details of a customer*/
        $infoCarts = $store->getCustomerOrders($idpage, $email);
        foreach ($infoCarts as $key => $cart) {
            $idcart = $cart['id_cart'];
            $sql = "Select SUM(gia) From detail_cart Where id_cart = '{$idcart}' and idpage = '{$idpage}'";
            $result = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
            $price = $result[0]['SUM(gia)'];
            if ($cart['status'] == 1 || $cart['status'] == 0) {
                $virtual_revenue = $virtual_revenue + $price;
            } else {
                if ($cart['status'] == 2) {
                    $real_revenue = $real_revenue + $price;
                } else {
                    if ($cart['status'] == -1) {
            if ($cart['status'] != -1) {
                $total_revenue = $total_revenue + $price;

			<div class="header_popup_content">
				Thông Tin Khách Hàng <?php 
        echo $name;
				<p class="close_popup" onclick="close_popup()"><img src="<?php 
        echo APP_DOMAIN;
			<div class="popup_content">
				<table class="table_detail_cart">
						<td align='left'><strong>Thông tin khách hàng</strong></td>
						<td align='right'>Họ và tên:</td>
        echo $name;
						<td align='right'>Số điện thoại:</td>
        echo $phone;
						<td align='right'>Địa chỉ:</td>
        echo $address . " " . $district . " " . $city;
					<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
						<td align='left'><strong>Thông tin liên lạc</strong></td>
						<td align='right'>Email:</td>
        echo $email;
						<td align='right'>Facebook:</td>
        echo $fb_address;
						<td align='left'><strong>Thông tin mua hàng</strong></td>
						<td align='right'>Doanh thu đã nhận:</td>
        echo number_format($real_revenue, 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
						<td align='right'>Doanh thu chưa nhận:</td>
        echo number_format($virtual_revenue, 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
						<td align='right'>Tổng doanh thu:</td>
        echo number_format($total_revenue, 0, ',', '.') . ' ' . $config['donvitien'];
						<td align='left'><strong>Thông tin hoạt động</strong></td>
						<td align='right'>Lần mua hàng gần nhất:</td>
        echo $latest_order;
						<td align='right'>Mức độ uy tín:</td>
        echo $rating;
						<td align='right'>Đơn hàng đã giao:</td>
        echo $delivered_orders . " / " . $total_orders;
						<td align='right'>Đơn hàng chưa giao:</td>
        echo $pending_orders . " / " . $total_orders;
						<td align='right'>Đơn hàng đã huỷ:</td>
        echo $cancelled_orders . " / " . $total_orders;

						<td align='left'><strong>Danh sách đơn hàng</strong></td>
						<table class="tbl-home" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
								<th width="12%">Mã ĐH</th>
								<th width="10%">Ngày đặt</th>
								<th width="10%">Tình trạng</th>
								<th width="10%">Tổng giá</th>
								<th width="20%">Công cụ</th>
        foreach ($infoCarts as $key => $value) {
            $datecreate = strtotime(substr($value['date_create'], 0, 10));
            $datecreate = date('d-m-Y', $datecreate);
            $idcart = $value['id_cart'];
            $sql = "Select SUM(gia) From detail_cart Where id_cart = '{$idcart}' and idpage = '{$idpage}'";
            $result = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
            $total_price = $result[0]['SUM(gia)'];
            echo $value['id_cart'];
            echo $datecreate;
									<div style="position: relative;">
            $st = "";
            $status = "";
            if ($value['status'] == -1) {
                $st = "cancel";
                $status = "Hủy ĐH";
            if ($value['status'] == 0) {
                $st = "orange";
                $status = "Chưa đọc";
            if ($value['status'] == 1) {
                $st = "green";
                $status = "Chưa giao";
            if ($value['status'] == 2) {
                $st = "grey";
                $status = "Đã giao";
										<p class="status_cart status_cart_<?php 
            echo $value['id_cart'];
            echo $st;
            echo $status;
            echo $total_price;
								<td align="center">
									<a onclick="viewCart('<?php 
            echo $value['id_cart'];
')" href="javascript:void(0)"><img title="Chi tiết đơn hàng" alt="detail" src="<?php 
            echo APP_DOMAIN . '/application/templates/giaodien_admin/images/setting.png';
Esempio n. 27
 public function dathangAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     $path_image = $config->config->path_image;
     $prefix = $config->config->prefix;
     $appid = $config->facebook->appid;
     $idpage = $_POST['idpage'];
     $pageConfig = $store->getConfig($idpage);
     $pageInfo = $store->getInfoPage($idpage);
     $name = $_POST['name'];
     $phone = $_POST['phone'];
     $email = $_POST['email'];
     $city = $_POST['city'];
     $district = $_POST['district'];
     $address = $_POST['address'];
     $comment = $_POST['comment'];
     $idpage = $this->view->idpage;
     $isfbuser = $_POST['isfbuser'];
     $linkfb = $_POST['linkfb'];
     $idfb = $_POST['idfb'];
     /* if ($isfbuser == 1) {
     			$_sql = "select * from customer where fb_id = '".$idfb."'";
     			$_rs = mysql_query($_sql);
     			if (mysql_num_rows($_rs) == 0)
     				$_sql = "Insert into customer (`name`, `phone`, `email`, `city`, `district`, `address`, `fb_address`, `fb_id`, `idpage`)
     									values ('$name', '$phone', '$email', '$city', '$district', '$address', '$linkfb', '$idfb', '$idpage')";
     		} else if ($isfbuser == 0) {
     			$_sql = "select * from customer where email = '".$email."'";
     			$_rs = mysql_query($_sql);
     			if (mysql_num_rows($_rs) == 0)
     				$_sql = "Insert into customer (`name`, `phone`, `email`, `city`, `district`, `address`, `idpage`)
     									values ('$name', '$phone', '$email', '$city', '$district', '$address', '$idpage')";
     		} */
     $_sql = "select * from customer where email = '" . $email . "'";
     $_rs = mysql_query($_sql);
     if (mysql_num_rows($_rs) == 0) {
         $_sql = "Insert into customer (`name`, `phone`, `email`, `city`, `district`, `address`, `latest_order`, `fb_address`, `fb_id`, `idpage`)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues ('{$name}', '{$phone}', '{$email}', '{$city}', '{$district}', '{$address}', now(), '{$linkfb}', '{$idfb}', '{$idpage}')";
     } else {
         $_sql = "Update customer Set `phone` = '{$phone}', `city` = '{$city}', `district` = '{$district}', `address` = '{$address}', `latest_order` = now(), `fb_address` = '{$linkfb}', `fb_id` = '{$idfb}', Where `idpage` = '{$idpage}' and `email` = '{$email}'";
     $sql = "select id_cart from cart order by id_cart DESC";
     $rs = mysql_query($sql);
     if (mysql_num_rows($rs) >= 1) {
         $row = mysql_fetch_row($rs);
         $last_idCart = $row[0];
         $index_cart = explode('_', $last_idCart);
         $index_cart = $index_cart[1];
         $index_cart = $index_cart + 1;
     } else {
         $index_cart = 1;
     $len = strlen($index_cart);
     if ($len == 1) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_0000' . $index_cart;
     if ($len == 2) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_000' . $index_cart;
     if ($len == 3) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_00' . $index_cart;
     if ($len == 4) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_0' . $index_cart;
     if ($len == 5) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_' . $index_cart;
     if (!isset($id_cart)) {
         $id_cart = $prefix . '_' . $index_cart;
     $sql = "Insert into cart \r\n                (`id_cart`, `date_create`, `date_modify`, `status`, `name`, `phone`, `email`, `city`, `district`, `address`, `comment`, `fb_id`, `idpage`)\r\n                values ('{$id_cart}', now(), now(), '0', '{$name}','{$phone}', '{$email}', '{$city}', '{$district}', '{$address}', '{$comment}', '{$idfb}', '{$idpage}')";
     $cart = $_SESSION["cart_{$idpage}"];
     $arraySanPham = array();
     foreach ($cart as $idsp => $value) {
         $detailSanPham = $store->getProductById($idpage, $idsp);
         $arraySanPham[$idsp]['detail'] = $detailSanPham;
         $arraySanPham[$idsp]['soluong'] = $value['soluong'];
         //$arraySanPham[$idsp]['size'] = $value['size'];
     foreach ($arraySanPham as $key => $value) {
         $idsp = $value['detail']['idsp'];
         $gia = $value['detail']['gia'];
         $giagiam = $value['detail']['giagiam'];
         $soluong = $value['soluong'];
         $sql = "insert into detail_cart (`id_cart`, `idsp`, `gia`, `giagiam`, `soluong`, `idpage`)\r\n                    values('{$id_cart}', '{$idsp}', '{$gia}', '{$giagiam}', '{$soluong}', '{$idpage}')";
     $contentCart = "<table width='600' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
     $contentCart .= "<tr><td colspan='6'>Mã Đơn hàng: <span style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>{$id_cart}</span></td></tr>";
     $contentCart .= "<tr><th width='30' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>STT</th><th width='125' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>HÌNH</th><th width='180' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>TÊN SP</th><th width='50' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>SL</th><th width='101' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>GIÁ</th><th width='100' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' scope='col'>THÀNH TIỀN</th></tr>";
     $i = 1;
     $tongthanhtien = 0;
     foreach ($arraySanPham as $key => $value) {
         $stt = $i++;
         $image = $value['detail']['hinhchinh'];
         $tensp = $value['detail']['tensp'];
         $sl = $value['soluong'];
         //$size = $value['size'];
         $gia = $value['detail']['giagiam'] != 0 ? $value['detail']['giagiam'] : $value['detail']['gia'];
         $tonggia = $gia * $sl;
         $tongthanhtien += $tonggia;
         $gia = number_format($gia, 0, ',', '.');
         $tonggia = number_format($tonggia, 0, ',', '.');
         $contentCart .= "<tr><td align='center' valign='middle'>{$stt}</td><td align='center' valign='middle'><img width='85' height='65' src='{$image}'/></td><td>{$tensp}</td><td align='center' valign='middle'>{$sl}</td><td align='center' valign='middle'>{$gia}</td><td align='center' valign='middle'>{$tonggia}</td></tr>";
     $tongthanhtien = number_format($tongthanhtien, 0, ',', '.');
     $contentCart .= "<tr><td colspan='5' align='center' valign='middle'><strong>TỔNG CỘNG</strong></td><td colspan='2' align='center' valign='middle'><strong>{$tongthanhtien}</strong></td></tr></table>";
     //$contentCart_Email = $pageConfig['email_cart'];
     $path_template_email = APP_DOMAIN . '/application/layouts/bookshop/email/template_email.html';
     $contentCart_Email = file_get_contents($path_template_email);
     $delivery = $pageConfig['delivery'];
     $contact = $pageConfig['contact'];
     $datenow = date("d-m-Y H:i:s");
     $link_app = $pageInfo['link_page'] . '/app_' . $appid;
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[gio_hang]', $contentCart, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[id_cart]', $id_cart, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[name_shop]', $pageConfig['shopname'], $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[link_page]', $pageInfo['link_page'], $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[link_app]', $link_app, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[date_now]', $datenow, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[name]', $name, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[phone]', $phone, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[email]', $email, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[delivery]', $delivery, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[contact]', $contact, $contentCart_Email);
     $contentCart_Email = str_replace('[cart]', $contentCart, $contentCart_Email);
     $titleEmail = $pageConfig['shopname'];
     $subjectEmail = $pageConfig['shopname'] . ' Thong tin don hang.';
     $contentCart1 = $contentCart_Email;
     $subjectEmail2 = "ĐƠN HÀNG - {$name} - {$phone}";
     $contentCart2 = "<p>Thông tin đơn hàng</p>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Tên : {$name}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Email : {$email}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "SĐT : {$phone}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Thành phố : {$city}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Quận : {$district}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Địa chỉ : {$address}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= "Ghi chú : {$comment}<br/>";
     $contentCart2 .= $contentCart;
     $contact_email = $pageConfig['emailfrom'];
     //Email gui KH
     $send1 = $this->sendmail($email, $name, $titleEmail, $subjectEmail, $contentCart1, $titleEmail, $contact_email);
     //Email gui cho Quan ly
     echo $send2 = $this->sendmail($contact_email, $titleEmail, $name, $subjectEmail2, $contentCart2, $name, $email);
     if ($send2 == 1) {
Esempio n. 28
 public function deleteAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $idcat = base64_decode($this->_request->getParam("idcat"));
     $sql = "Delete from ishali_loaisp where idloaisp = " . $idcat;
     $data = $store->InsertDeleteUpdateQuery($sql);
     header("location: ../category");
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     //$idpage = '356730004423499';
     $sort = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : "";
     $sortSP = "";
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'asc':
             $sortSP = "order by gia asc";
         case 'desc':
             $sortSP = "order by gia desc";
         case 'new':
             $sortSP = "order by idsp desc";
         case '':
             $sortSP = "";
     $tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : "1";
     $where = "";
     switch ($tab) {
         case '1':
             $where = "";
         case '2':
             $where = "and spmoi = 1";
         case '3':
             $where = "and sale_off != 0";
         case '':
             $where = "";
     $page = @$_GET['page'];
     $cate = @$_GET['id'];
     $parent_cate = @$_GET['idp'];
     //$cate = round($cate); $cate = max(1,$cate);
     $num_page = $store->getNumPage($idpage, $cate, 0, $where, $parent_cate);
     $page = round($page);
     $page = max(1, $page);
     $page = min($num_page, $page);
     $this->view->listProduct = $store->getListProductByIdCate($idpage, $cate, 0, $page, $where, $sortSP, $parent_cate);
     $this->view->num_page = $num_page;
     $this->view->curent_page = $page;
     $sort = $sort != "" ? "&sort={$sort}" : "";
     $tab = $tab != "1" ? "&tab={$tab}" : "";
     $cate = $cate != "" ? "&id={$cate}" : "";
     $parent_cate = $parent_cate != "" ? "&idp={$parent_cate}" : "";
     $link = APP_DOMAIN . "/category?idpage=" . $idpage . $tab . $sort . $cate . $parent_cate . "&page=np";
     $this->view->cate = $cate;
     $this->view->parent_cate = $parent_cate;
     $this->view->pagination = $store->pagination(5, $num_page, $link, $page);
     $this->view->pageConfig = $store->getConfig($idpage);
Esempio n. 30
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_GET['tabs_added'])) {
         $tabs_added = $_GET['tabs_added'];
         foreach ($tabs_added as $idpage => $status) {
             $appid = $config->facebook->appid;
         //$linkPage = "$idpage?sk=app_$appid";
         $linkPage = FB_APP_DOMAIN . '/admin';
         echo "<p style=''>INSTALL APP SUCCESS. <a target='_top' href='{$linkPage}'>CLICK</a> TO CONFIG APP.</p>";
     //$idpage = '356730004423499';
     $sort = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : "";
     $sortSP = "";
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'asc':
             $sortSP = "order by gia asc";
         case 'desc':
             $sortSP = "order by gia desc";
         case 'new':
             $sortSP = "order by idsp desc";
         case '':
             $sortSP = "";
     $tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : "1";
     $where = "";
     switch ($tab) {
         case '1':
             $where = "";
         case '2':
             $where = "and spmoi = 1";
         case '3':
             $where = "and sale_off != 0";
         case '':
             $where = "";
     $page = @$_GET['page'];
     $num_page = $store->getNumPage($idpage, 0, 0, $where);
     $page = round($page);
     $page = max(1, $page);
     $page = min($num_page, $page);
     $this->view->listProduct = $store->getListProductByIdCate($idpage, 0, 0, $page, $where, $sortSP);
     $this->view->num_page = $num_page;
     $this->view->curent_page = $page;
     $sort = $sort != "" ? "&sort={$sort}" : "";
     $tab = $tab != "1" ? "&tab={$tab}" : "";
     $link = APP_DOMAIN . '?idpage=' . $idpage . $tab . $sort . '&page=np';
     $this->view->pagination = $store->pagination(5, $num_page, $link, $page);