  * @Security("has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')")
  * @Route("/plugins/add")
  * @return array
 public function pluginsAddAction()
     $appPlugin = new \AppPlugin();
     $allPlugins = $appPlugin->read_plugins_from_path();
     $allPluginsList = [];
     foreach ($allPlugins as $pluginName) {
         $file = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH) . $pluginName . '/plugin.php';
         if (is_file($file)) {
             $pluginInfo = (require $file);
             $allPluginsList[] = $pluginInfo;
     $installedPlugins = $appPlugin->get_installed_plugins();
     $manager = $this->getSettingsManager();
     $schemas = $manager->getSchemas();
     return $this->render('@ChamiloCore/Admin/Settings/pluginsAdd.html.twig', array('plugins' => $allPluginsList, 'installed_plugins' => $installedPlugins));
Esempio n. 2
 * Sends an HTML email using the phpmailer class (and multipart/alternative to downgrade gracefully)
 * Sender name and email can be specified, if not specified
 * name and email of the platform admin are used
 * @author Bert Vanderkimpen ICT&O UGent
 * @author Yannick Warnier <*****@*****.**>
 * @param string    name of recipient
 * @param string    email of recipient
 * @param string    email subject
 * @param string    email body
 * @param string    sender name
 * @param string    sender e-mail
 * @param array     extra headers in form $headers = array($name => $value) to allow parsing
 * @param array     data file (path and filename)
 * @param array     data to attach a file (optional)
 * @param bool      True for attaching a embedded file inside content html (optional)
 * @return          returns true if mail was sent
 * @see             class.phpmailer.php
function api_mail_html($recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $senderName = '', $senderEmail = '', $extra_headers = array(), $data_file = array(), $embedded_image = false, $additionalParameters = array())
    global $platform_email;
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->Mailer = $platform_email['SMTP_MAILER'];
    $mail->Host = $platform_email['SMTP_HOST'];
    $mail->Port = $platform_email['SMTP_PORT'];
    $mail->CharSet = $platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET'];
    // Stay far below SMTP protocol 980 chars limit.
    $mail->WordWrap = 200;
    if ($platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']) {
        $mail->SMTPAuth = 1;
        $mail->Username = $platform_email['SMTP_USER'];
        $mail->Password = $platform_email['SMTP_PASS'];
    // 5 = low, 1 = high
    $mail->Priority = 3;
    $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
    // Default values
    $notification = new Notification();
    $defaultEmail = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderEmail();
    $defaultName = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderName();
    // Error to admin.
    $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To: ' . $defaultEmail);
    // If the parameter is set don't use the admin.
    $senderName = !empty($senderName) ? $senderName : $defaultEmail;
    $senderEmail = !empty($senderEmail) ? $senderEmail : $defaultName;
    // Reply to first
    if (isset($extra_headers['reply_to'])) {
        $mail->AddReplyTo($extra_headers['reply_to']['mail'], $extra_headers['reply_to']['name']);
        $mail->Sender = $extra_headers['reply_to']['mail'];
    $mail->SetFrom($senderEmail, $senderName);
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', "\n", api_html_entity_decode($message)));
    // Send embedded image.
    if ($embedded_image) {
        // Get all images html inside content.
        preg_match_all("/<img\\s+.*?src=[\"\\']?([^\"\\' >]*)[\"\\']?[^>]*>/i", $message, $m);
        // Prepare new tag images.
        $new_images_html = array();
        $i = 1;
        if (!empty($m[1])) {
            foreach ($m[1] as $image_path) {
                $real_path = realpath($image_path);
                $filename = basename($image_path);
                $image_cid = $filename . '_' . $i;
                $encoding = 'base64';
                $image_type = mime_content_type($real_path);
                $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($real_path, $image_cid, $filename, $encoding, $image_type);
                $new_images_html[] = '<img src="cid:' . $image_cid . '" />';
        // Replace origin image for new embedded image html.
        $x = 0;
        if (!empty($m[0])) {
            foreach ($m[0] as $orig_img) {
                $message = str_replace($orig_img, $new_images_html[$x], $message);
    $message = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\n", "\r"), '<br />', $message);
    $mail->Body = '<html><head></head><body>' . $message . '</body></html>';
    // Attachment ...
    if (!empty($data_file)) {
        $mail->AddAttachment($data_file['path'], $data_file['filename']);
    // Only valid addresses are accepted.
    if (is_array($recipient_email)) {
        foreach ($recipient_email as $dest) {
            if (api_valid_email($dest)) {
                $mail->AddAddress($dest, $recipient_name);
    } else {
        if (api_valid_email($recipient_email)) {
            $mail->AddAddress($recipient_email, $recipient_name);
        } else {
            return 0;
    if (is_array($extra_headers) && count($extra_headers) > 0) {
        foreach ($extra_headers as $key => $value) {
            switch (strtolower($key)) {
                case 'encoding':
                case 'content-transfer-encoding':
                    $mail->Encoding = $value;
                case 'charset':
                    $mail->Charset = $value;
                case 'contenttype':
                case 'content-type':
                    $mail->ContentType = $value;
                    $mail->AddCustomHeader($key . ':' . $value);
    } else {
        if (!empty($extra_headers)) {
    // WordWrap the html body (phpMailer only fixes AltBody) FS#2988
    $mail->Body = $mail->WrapText($mail->Body, $mail->WordWrap);
    // Send the mail message.
    if (!$mail->Send()) {
        error_log('ERROR: mail not sent to ' . $recipient_name . ' (' . $recipient_email . ') because of ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />');
        return 0;
    $plugin = new AppPlugin();
    $installedPluginsList = $plugin->getInstalledPluginListObject();
    foreach ($installedPluginsList as $installedPlugin) {
        if ($installedPlugin->isMailPlugin and array_key_exists("smsType", $additionalParameters)) {
            $clockworksmsObject = new Clockworksms();
    // Clear all the addresses.
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */

require_once '../../main/inc/global.inc.php';
require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileUpload.lib.php';


$plugin = new AppPlugin();
$pluginList = $plugin->get_installed_plugins();
$capturePluginInstalled = in_array('jcapture', $pluginList);
if (!$capturePluginInstalled) {

if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) {

$courseInfo = api_get_course_info();
$folderName = 'captures';
$documentId = DocumentManager::get_document_id($courseInfo, '/'.$folderName);
$path = null;
if (empty($documentId)) {
    $course_dir = $courseInfo['path'] . '/document';
    $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);
    $dir = $sys_course_path . $course_dir;
    $createdDir = create_unexisting_directory(
Esempio n. 4
  * Course available settings variables see c_course_setting table
  * @param AppPlugin $appPlugin
  * @return array
 public static function getCourseSettingVariables(AppPlugin $appPlugin)
     $pluginCourseSettings = $appPlugin->getAllPluginCourseSettings();
     $courseSettings = array('allow_learning_path_theme', 'allow_open_chat_window', 'allow_public_certificates', 'allow_user_edit_agenda', 'allow_user_edit_announcement', 'allow_user_image_forum', 'allow_user_view_user_list', 'course_theme', 'display_info_advance_inside_homecourse', 'documents_default_visibility', 'email_alert_manager_on_new_doc', 'email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz', 'email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox', 'email_alert_students_on_new_homework', 'email_alert_to_teacher_on_new_user_in_course', 'enable_lp_auto_launch', 'pdf_export_watermark_text', 'show_system_folders');
     $allowLPReturnLink = api_get_setting('course.allow_lp_return_link');
     if ($allowLPReturnLink === 'true') {
         $courseSettings[] = 'lp_return_link';
     if (!empty($pluginCourseSettings)) {
         $courseSettings = array_merge($courseSettings, $pluginCourseSettings);
     return $courseSettings;
  * Fills the course database with some required content and example content.
  * @param int Course (int) ID
  * @param string Course directory name (e.g. 'ABC')
  * @param string Language used for content (e.g. 'spanish')
  * @param bool Whether to fill the course with example content
  * @return bool False on error, true otherwise
  * @version 1.2
  * @assert (null, '', '', null) === false
  * @assert (1, 'ABC', null, null) === false
  * @assert (1, 'TEST', 'spanish', true) === true
 public static function fill_db_course($course_id, $course_repository, $language, $fill_with_exemplary_content = null)
     if (is_null($fill_with_exemplary_content)) {
         $fill_with_exemplary_content = api_get_setting('course.example_material_course_creation') != 'false';
     $course_id = intval($course_id);
     if (empty($course_id)) {
         return false;
     $entityManager = Database::getManager();
     $course = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course')->find($course_id);
     $tools = array();
     $settingsManager = CourseManager::getCourseSettingsManager();
     $toolList = CourseManager::getToolList();
     $toolList = $toolList->getTools();
     /** @var Chamilo\CourseBundle\Tool\BaseTool $tool */
     foreach ($toolList as $tool) {
         $visibility = self::string2binary(api_get_setting_in_list('course.active_tools_on_create', $tool->getName()));
         $toolObject = new CTool();
         $tools[] = $toolObject;
         $settings = $settingsManager->loadSettings($tool->getName());
         $settingsManager->saveSettings($tool->getName(), $settings);
     $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($course_id);
     $now = api_get_utc_datetime(time());
     $tbl_course_homepage = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST);
     $TABLEINTROS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_INTRO);
     $TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_CATEGORY);
     $TABLEITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
     $TABLETOOLAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA);
     $TABLETOOLDOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
     $TABLETOOLLINK = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK);
     $TABLEQUIZ = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
     $TABLEQUIZQUESTION = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
     $TABLEQUIZQUESTIONLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
     $TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
     $TABLESETTING = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING);
     $TABLEFORUMCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORY);
     $TABLEFORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM);
     $TABLEFORUMTHREADS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD);
     $TABLEFORUMPOSTS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST);
     $visible_for_all = 1;
     $visible_for_course_admin = 0;
     $visible_for_platform_admin = 2;
     /*    Course tools  */
     $alert = api_get_setting('exercise.email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz');
     if ($alert === 'true') {
         $defaultEmailExerciseAlert = 1;
     } else {
         $defaultEmailExerciseAlert = 0;
     /* course_setting table (courseinfo tool)   */
     $settings = ['email_alert_manager_on_new_doc' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'work'], 'email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'dropbox'], 'allow_user_edit_agenda' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'agenda'], 'allow_user_edit_announcement' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'announcement'], 'email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz' => ['default' => $defaultEmailExerciseAlert, 'category' => 'quiz'], 'allow_user_image_forum' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'forum'], 'course_theme' => ['default' => '', 'category' => 'theme'], 'allow_learning_path_theme' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'theme'], 'allow_open_chat_window' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'chat'], 'email_alert_to_teacher_on_new_user_in_course' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'registration'], 'allow_user_view_user_list' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'user'], 'display_info_advance_inside_homecourse' => ['default' => 1, 'category' => 'thematic_advance'], 'email_alert_students_on_new_homework' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'work'], 'enable_lp_auto_launch' => ['default' => 0, 'category' => 'learning_path'], 'pdf_export_watermark_text' => ['default' => '', 'category' => 'learning_path'], 'allow_public_certificates' => ['default' => api_get_setting('course.allow_public_certificates') === 'true' ? 1 : '', 'category' => 'certificates'], 'documents_default_visibility' => ['default' => 'visible', 'category' => 'document']];
     /*$counter = 1;
       foreach ($settings as $variable => $setting) {
               "INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (id, c_id, variable, value, category)
                VALUES ($counter, $course_id, '".$variable."', '".$setting['default']."', '".$setting['category']."')"
     /* Course homepage tools for platform admin only */
     /* Group tool */
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES}  (c_id, id, title , description, max_student, self_reg_allowed, self_unreg_allowed, groups_per_user, display_order)\n             VALUES ({$course_id}, '2', '" . self::lang2db(get_lang('DefaultGroupCategory')) . "', '', '8', '0', '0', '0', '0');");
     /*    Example Material  */
     $language_interface = !empty($language_interface) ? $language_interface : api_get_setting('language.platform_language');
     // Example material should be in the same language as the course is.
     $language_interface_original = $language_interface;
     $now = api_get_utc_datetime();
     $files = [['path' => '/shared_folder', 'title' => get_lang('UserFolders'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/chat_files', 'title' => get_lang('ChatFiles'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0]];
     $counter = 1;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         self::insertDocument($course_id, $counter, $file);
     $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);
     $perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_directories();
     $perm_file = api_get_permissions_for_new_files();
     $chat_path = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . '/document/chat_files';
     if (!is_dir($chat_path)) {
         @mkdir($chat_path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
     /*    Documents   */
     if ($fill_with_exemplary_content) {
         $files = [['path' => '/images', 'title' => get_lang('Images'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/images/gallery', 'title' => get_lang('DefaultCourseImages'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/audio', 'title' => get_lang('Audio'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/flash', 'title' => get_lang('Flash'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/video', 'title' => get_lang('Video'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0], ['path' => '/certificates', 'title' => get_lang('Certificates'), 'filetype' => 'folder', 'size' => 0]];
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             self::insertDocument($course_id, $counter, $file);
         $folders_to_copy_from_default_course = array('images', 'audio', 'flash', 'video', 'certificates');
         $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document/';
         $default_document_array = array();
         foreach ($folders_to_copy_from_default_course as $folder) {
             $default_course_folder_path = $default_course_path . $folder . '/';
             $files = self::browse_folders($default_course_folder_path, array(), $folder);
             $sorted_array = self::sort_pictures($files, 'dir');
             $sorted_array = array_merge($sorted_array, self::sort_pictures($files, 'file'));
             $default_document_array[$folder] = $sorted_array;
         //Light protection (adding index.html in every document folder)
         $htmlpage = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <title>Not authorized</title>\n  </head>\n  <body>\n  </body>\n</html>";
         $example_cert_id = 0;
         if (is_array($default_document_array) && count($default_document_array) > 0) {
             foreach ($default_document_array as $media_type => $array_media) {
                 $path_documents = "/{$media_type}/";
                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                 if ($media_type == 'images') {
                     $media_type = 'images/gallery';
                     $images_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/images/";
                     if (!is_dir($images_folder)) {
                         //Creating index.html
                         mkdir($images_folder, $perm);
                         $fd = fopen($images_folder . 'index.html', 'w');
                         fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                         @chmod($images_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file);
                 $course_documents_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/{$media_type}/";
                 $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document' . $path_documents;
                 if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder)) {
                     // Creating index.html
                     mkdir($course_documents_folder, $perm);
                     $fd = fopen($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', 'w');
                     fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                     @chmod($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file);
                 if (is_array($array_media) && count($array_media) > 0) {
                     foreach ($array_media as $key => $value) {
                         if (isset($value['dir']) && !empty($value['dir'])) {
                             if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'])) {
                                 //Creating folder
                                 mkdir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'], $perm);
                                 //Creating index.html (for light protection)
                                 $index_html = $course_documents_folder . $value['dir'] . '/index.html';
                                 $fd = fopen($index_html, 'w');
                                 fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                                 @chmod($index_html, $perm_file);
                                 //Inserting folder in the DB
                                 $folder_path = substr($value['dir'], 0, strlen($value['dir']) - 1);
                                 $temp = explode('/', $folder_path);
                                 $title = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
                                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                                 if ($title == 'gallery') {
                                     $title = get_lang('DefaultCourseImages');
                                 if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') {
                                     $folder_path = 'gallery/' . $folder_path;
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size)\n                                        VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $folder_path . "','" . $title . "','folder','0')");
                                 $image_id = Database::insert_id();
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                                        VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,'{$now}','{$now}',{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,NULL,NULL,0)");
                         if (isset($value['file']) && !empty($value['file'])) {
                             if (!file_exists($course_documents_folder . $value['file'])) {
                                 //Copying file
                                 copy($default_course_path . $value['file'], $course_documents_folder . $value['file']);
                                 chmod($course_documents_folder . $value['file'], $perm_file);
                                 //echo $default_course_path.$value['file']; echo ' - '; echo $course_documents_folder.$value['file']; echo '<br />';
                                 $temp = explode('/', $value['file']);
                                 $file_size = filesize($course_documents_folder . $value['file']);
                                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                                 if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') {
                                     $value["file"] = 'gallery/' . $value["file"];
                                 //Inserting file in the DB
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size)\n                                        VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $value["file"] . "','" . $temp[count($temp) - 1] . "','file','{$file_size}')");
                                 $image_id = Database::insert_id();
                                 if ($image_id) {
                                     $sql = "UPDATE {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} SET id = iid WHERE iid = {$image_id}";
                                     if ($path_documents . $value['file'] == '/certificates/default.html') {
                                         $example_cert_id = $image_id;
                                     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                                            VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,'{$now}','{$now}',{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,NULL,NULL,1)");
                                     $docId = Database::insert_id();
                                     if ($docId) {
                                         $sql = "UPDATE {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} SET id = iid WHERE iid = {$docId}";
         $agenda = new Agenda();
         $agenda->addEvent($now, $now, 0, get_lang('AgendaCreationTitle'), get_lang('AgendaCreationContenu'));
         /*  Links tool */
         $link = new Link();
         $links = [['c_id' => $course_id, 'url' => 'http://www.google.com', 'title' => 'Google', 'description' => get_lang('Google'), 'category_id' => 0, 'on_homepage' => 0, 'target' => '_self', 'session_id' => 0], ['c_id' => $course_id, 'url' => 'http://www.wikipedia.org', 'title' => 'Wikipedia', 'description' => get_lang('Wikipedia'), 'category_id' => 0, 'on_homepage' => 0, 'target' => '_self', 'session_id' => 0]];
         foreach ($links as $params) {
         /* Announcement tool */
         AnnouncementManager::add_announcement(get_lang('AnnouncementExampleTitle'), get_lang('AnnouncementEx'), ['everyone' => 'everyone'], null, null, $now);
         $manager = Database::getManager();
         /* Introduction text */
         $intro_text = '<p style="text-align: center;">
                         <img src="' . api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH) . 'img/mascot.png" alt="Mr. Chamilo" title="Mr. Chamilo" />
                         <h2>' . self::lang2db(get_lang('IntroductionText')) . '</h2>
         $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro();
         $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro();
         $toolIntro = new Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CToolIntro();
         /*  Exercise tool */
         $exercise = new Exercise($course_id);
         $exercise->exercise = get_lang('ExerciceEx');
         $html = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                     <td width="110" valign="top" align="left">
                         <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'default_course_document/images/mr_dokeos/thinking.jpg">
                     <td valign="top" align="left">' . get_lang('Antique') . '</td></tr>
         $exercise->type = 1;
         $exercise->active = 1;
         $exercise->results_disabled = 0;
         $exercise->description = $html;
         $exercise_id = $exercise->id;
         $question = new MultipleAnswer();
         $question->question = get_lang('SocraticIrony');
         $question->description = get_lang('ManyAnswers');
         $question->weighting = 10;
         $question->position = 1;
         $question->course = $courseInfo;
         $questionId = $question->id;
         $answer = new Answer($questionId, $courseInfo['real_id']);
         $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Ridiculise'), 0, get_lang('NoPsychology'), -5, 1);
         $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('AdmitError'), 0, get_lang('NoSeduction'), -5, 2);
         $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Force'), 1, get_lang('Indeed'), 5, 3);
         $answer->createAnswer(get_lang('Contradiction'), 1, get_lang('NotFalse'), 5, 4);
         /* Forum tool */
         require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/forumfunction.inc.php';
         $params = ['forum_category_title' => get_lang('ExampleForumCategory'), 'forum_category_comment' => ''];
         $forumCategoryId = store_forumcategory($params, $courseInfo, false);
         $params = ['forum_category' => $forumCategoryId, 'forum_title' => get_lang('ExampleForum'), 'forum_comment' => '', 'default_view_type_group' => ['default_view_type' => 'flat']];
         $forumId = store_forum($params, $courseInfo, true);
         $forumInfo = get_forum_information($forumId, $courseInfo['real_id']);
         $params = ['post_title' => get_lang('ExampleThread'), 'forum_id' => $forumId, 'post_text' => get_lang('ExampleThreadContent'), 'calification_notebook_title' => '', 'numeric_calification' => '', 'weight_calification' => '', 'forum_category' => $forumCategoryId, 'thread_peer_qualify' => 0];
         store_thread($forumInfo, $params, $courseInfo, false);
         /* Gradebook tool */
         $course_code = $courseInfo['code'];
         // father gradebook
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id)\n                VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',0,100,0,75,NULL,{$example_cert_id})");
         $gbid = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id)\n                VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},100,1,75,NULL,{$example_cert_id})");
         $gbid = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOKLINK} (type, ref_id, user_id, course_code, category_id, created_at, weight, visible, locked)\n                VALUES (1,{$exercise_id},1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},'{$now}',100,1,0)");
     //Installing plugins in course
     $app_plugin = new AppPlugin();
     $language_interface = $language_interface_original;
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
 * Sends an HTML email using the phpmailer class (and multipart/alternative to downgrade gracefully)
 * Sender name and email can be specified, if not specified
 * name and email of the platform admin are used
 * @author Bert Vanderkimpen ICT&O UGent
 * @author Yannick Warnier <*****@*****.**>
 * @param string    name of recipient
 * @param string    email of recipient
 * @param string    email subject
 * @param string    email body
 * @param string    sender name
 * @param string    sender e-mail
 * @param array     extra headers in form $headers = array($name => $value) to allow parsing
 * @param array     data file (path and filename)
 * @param array     data to attach a file (optional)
 * @param bool      True for attaching a embedded file inside content html (optional)
 * @return          returns true if mail was sent
 * @see             class.phpmailer.php
function api_mail_html($recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $senderName = '', $senderEmail = '', $extra_headers = array(), $data_file = array(), $embedded_image = false, $additionalParameters = array())
    // Default values
    $notification = new Notification();
    $defaultEmail = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderEmail();
    $defaultName = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderName();
    // If the parameter is set don't use the admin.
    $senderName = !empty($senderName) ? $senderName : $defaultName;
    $senderEmail = !empty($senderEmail) ? $senderEmail : $defaultEmail;
    $link = isset($additionalParameters['link']) ? $additionalParameters['link'] : '';
    $swiftMessage = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($subject)->setFrom($senderEmail, $senderName)->setTo($recipient_email, $recipient_name)->setBody(Container::getTemplating()->render('ChamiloCoreBundle:default/mail:mail.html.twig', array('content' => $message, 'link' => $link)), 'text/html');
    if (!empty($additionalParameters)) {
        $plugin = new AppPlugin();
        $smsPlugin = $plugin->getSMSPluginLibrary();
        if ($smsPlugin) {
    return 1;
    global $platform_email;
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->Mailer = $platform_email['SMTP_MAILER'];
    $mail->Host = $platform_email['SMTP_HOST'];
    $mail->Port = $platform_email['SMTP_PORT'];
    $mail->CharSet = $platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET'];
    // Stay far below SMTP protocol 980 chars limit.
    $mail->WordWrap = 200;
    if ($platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']) {
        $mail->SMTPAuth = 1;
        $mail->Username = $platform_email['SMTP_USER'];
        $mail->Password = $platform_email['SMTP_PASS'];
    // 5 = low, 1 = high
    $mail->Priority = 3;
    $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
    // Default values
    $notification = new Notification();
    $defaultEmail = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderEmail();
    $defaultName = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderName();
    // Error to admin.
    $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To: ' . $defaultEmail);
    // If the parameter is set don't use the admin.
    $senderName = !empty($senderName) ? $senderName : $defaultName;
    $senderEmail = !empty($senderEmail) ? $senderEmail : $defaultEmail;
    // Reply to first
    if (isset($extra_headers['reply_to'])) {
        $mail->AddReplyTo($extra_headers['reply_to']['mail'], $extra_headers['reply_to']['name']);
        $mail->Sender = $extra_headers['reply_to']['mail'];
    //If the SMTP configuration only accept one sender
    if ($platform_email['SMTP_UNIQUE_SENDER']) {
        $senderName = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'];
        $senderEmail = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'];
    $mail->SetFrom($senderEmail, $senderName);
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', "\n", api_html_entity_decode($message)));
    // Send embedded image.
    if ($embedded_image) {
        // Get all images html inside content.
        preg_match_all("/<img\\s+.*?src=[\"\\']?([^\"\\' >]*)[\"\\']?[^>]*>/i", $message, $m);
        // Prepare new tag images.
        $new_images_html = array();
        $i = 1;
        if (!empty($m[1])) {
            foreach ($m[1] as $image_path) {
                $real_path = realpath($image_path);
                $filename = basename($image_path);
                $image_cid = $filename . '_' . $i;
                $encoding = 'base64';
                $image_type = mime_content_type($real_path);
                $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($real_path, $image_cid, $filename, $encoding, $image_type);
                $new_images_html[] = '<img src="cid:' . $image_cid . '" />';
        // Replace origin image for new embedded image html.
        $x = 0;
        if (!empty($m[0])) {
            foreach ($m[0] as $orig_img) {
                $message = str_replace($orig_img, $new_images_html[$x], $message);
    $message = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\n", "\r"), '<br />', $message);
    $mailView = new Template(null, false, false, false, false, false, false);
    $mailView->assign('content', $message);
    $link = $additionalParameters['link'];
    $mailView->assign('link', $link);
    $layout = $mailView->get_template('mail/mail.tpl');
    $mail->Body = $mailView->fetch($layout);
    // Attachment ...
    if (!empty($data_file)) {
        $mail->AddAttachment($data_file['path'], $data_file['filename']);
    // Only valid addresses are accepted.
    if (is_array($recipient_email)) {
        foreach ($recipient_email as $dest) {
            if (api_valid_email($dest)) {
                $mail->AddAddress($dest, $recipient_name);
    } else {
        if (api_valid_email($recipient_email)) {
            $mail->AddAddress($recipient_email, $recipient_name);
        } else {
            return 0;
    if (is_array($extra_headers) && count($extra_headers) > 0) {
        foreach ($extra_headers as $key => $value) {
            switch (strtolower($key)) {
                case 'encoding':
                case 'content-transfer-encoding':
                    $mail->Encoding = $value;
                case 'charset':
                    $mail->Charset = $value;
                case 'contenttype':
                case 'content-type':
                    $mail->ContentType = $value;
                    $mail->AddCustomHeader($key . ':' . $value);
    } else {
        if (!empty($extra_headers)) {
    // WordWrap the html body (phpMailer only fixes AltBody) FS#2988
    $mail->Body = $mail->WrapText($mail->Body, $mail->WordWrap);
    // Send the mail message.
    if (!$mail->Send()) {
        error_log('ERROR: mail not sent to ' . $recipient_name . ' (' . $recipient_email . ') because of ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />');
        return 0;
    if (!empty($additionalParameters)) {
        $plugin = new AppPlugin();
        $smsPlugin = $plugin->getSMSPluginLibrary();
        if ($smsPlugin) {
    // Clear all the addresses.
    return 1;
Esempio n. 7
  * Displays the tools of a certain category.
  * @param array $all_tools_list List of tools as returned by get_tools_category()
  * @param bool  $rows
  * @return void
 public static function show_tools_category($all_tools_list, $rows = false)
     $_user = api_get_user_info();
     $theme = api_get_setting('homepage_view');
     if ($theme == 'vertical_activity') {
         //ordering by get_lang name
         $order_tool_list = array();
         if (is_array($all_tools_list) && count($all_tools_list) > 0) {
             foreach ($all_tools_list as $key => $new_tool) {
                 $tool_name = self::translate_tool_name($new_tool);
                 $order_tool_list[$key] = $tool_name;
             $my_temp_tool_array = array();
             foreach ($order_tool_list as $key => $new_tool) {
                 $my_temp_tool_array[] = $all_tools_list[$key];
             $all_tools_list = $my_temp_tool_array;
         } else {
             $all_tools_list = array();
     $web_code_path = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH);
     $session_id = api_get_session_id();
     $is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin();
     if ($session_id == 0) {
         $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && api_is_course_admin();
     } else {
         $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && !api_is_coach();
     $i = 0;
     $items = array();
     $app_plugin = new AppPlugin();
     if (isset($all_tools_list)) {
         $lnk = '';
         foreach ($all_tools_list as &$tool) {
             $item = array();
             $studentview = false;
             $tool['original_link'] = $tool['link'];
             if ($tool['image'] == 'scormbuilder.gif') {
                 // check if the published learnpath is visible for student
                 $published_lp_id = self::get_published_lp_id_from_link($tool['link']);
                 if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
                     $studentview = true;
                 if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && !learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student($published_lp_id, api_get_user_id(), api_get_course_id(), api_get_session_id())) {
             if ($session_id != 0 && in_array($tool['name'], array('course_setting'))) {
             // This part displays the links to hide or remove a tool.
             // These links are only visible by the course manager.
             $item['extra'] = null;
             $toolAdmin = isset($tool['admin']) ? $tool['admin'] : '';
             if ($is_allowed_to_edit) {
                 if (empty($session_id)) {
                     if (isset($tool['id'])) {
                         if ($tool['visibility'] == '1' && $toolAdmin != '1') {
                             $link['name'] = Display::return_icon('visible.png', get_lang('Deactivate'), array('id' => 'linktool_' . $tool['id']), ICON_SIZE_SMALL, false);
                             $link['cmd'] = 'hide=yes';
                             $lnk[] = $link;
                         if ($tool['visibility'] == '0' && $toolAdmin != '1') {
                             $link['name'] = Display::return_icon('invisible.png', get_lang('Activate'), array('id' => 'linktool_' . $tool['id']), ICON_SIZE_SMALL, false);
                             $link['cmd'] = 'restore=yes';
                             $lnk[] = $link;
                 if (!empty($tool['adminlink'])) {
                     $item['extra'] = '<a href="' . $tool['adminlink'] . '">' . Display::return_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('Edit')) . '</a>';
             // Both checks are necessary as is_platform_admin doesn't take student view into account
             if ($is_platform_admin && $is_allowed_to_edit) {
                 if ($toolAdmin != '1') {
                     $link['cmd'] = 'hide=yes';
             $item['visibility'] = null;
             if (isset($lnk) && is_array($lnk)) {
                 foreach ($lnk as $this_link) {
                     if (empty($tool['adminlink'])) {
                         $item['visibility'] .= '<a class="make_visible_and_invisible" href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&amp;id=' . $tool['id'] . '&amp;' . $this_link['cmd'] . '">' . $this_link['name'] . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $item['visibility'] .= '';
             // NOTE : Table contains only the image file name, not full path
             if (stripos($tool['link'], 'http://') === false && stripos($tool['link'], 'https://') === false && stripos($tool['link'], 'ftp://') === false) {
                 $tool['link'] = $web_code_path . $tool['link'];
             if ($tool['visibility'] == '0' && $toolAdmin != '1' && !isset($tool['original_link'])) {
                 $class = 'invisible';
                 $info = pathinfo($tool['image']);
                 $basename = basename($tool['image'], '.' . $info['extension']);
                 // $file is set to "index"
                 $tool['image'] = $basename . '_na.' . $info['extension'];
             } else {
                 $class = '';
             $qm_or_amp = strpos($tool['link'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
             // If it's a link, we don't add the cidReq
             if ($tool['image'] == 'file_html.png' || $tool['image'] == 'file_html_na.png') {
                 $tool['link'] = $tool['link'] . $qm_or_amp;
             } else {
                 $tool['link'] = $tool['link'] . $qm_or_amp . api_get_cidreq();
             $tool_link_params = array();
             $toolId = isset($tool["id"]) ? $tool["id"] : null;
             //@todo this visio stuff should be removed
             if (strpos($tool['name'], 'visio_') !== false) {
                 $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $toolId, 'href' => '"javascript: void(0);"', 'class' => $class, 'onclick' => 'javascript: window.open(\'' . $tool['link'] . '\',\'window_visio' . $_SESSION['_cid'] . '\',config=\'height=\'+730+\', width=\'+1020+\', left=2, top=2, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, directories=no, status=no\')', 'target' => $tool['target']);
             } elseif (strpos($tool['name'], 'chat') !== false && api_get_course_setting('allow_open_chat_window')) {
                 $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $toolId, 'class' => $class, 'href' => 'javascript: void(0);', 'onclick' => 'javascript: window.open(\'' . $tool['link'] . '\',\'window_chat' . $_SESSION['_cid'] . '\',config=\'height=\'+600+\', width=\'+825+\', left=2, top=2, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, directories=no, status=no\')', 'target' => $tool['target']);
             } else {
                 if (count(explode('type=classroom', $tool['link'])) == 2 || count(explode('type=conference', $tool['link'])) == 2) {
                     $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $toolId, 'href' => $tool['link'], 'class' => $class, 'target' => '_blank');
                 } else {
                     $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $toolId, 'href' => $tool['link'], 'class' => $class, 'target' => $tool['target']);
             $tool_name = self::translate_tool_name($tool);
             // Including Courses Plugins
             // Creating title and the link
             if (isset($tool['category']) && $tool['category'] == 'plugin') {
                 $plugin_info = $app_plugin->getPluginInfo($tool['name']);
                 if (isset($plugin_info) && isset($plugin_info['title'])) {
                     $tool_name = $plugin_info['title'];
                 if (!file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'img/' . $tool['image']) && !file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'img/icons/22/' . $tool['image'])) {
                     $tool['image'] = 'plugins.png';
                 $tool_link_params['href'] = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH) . $tool['original_link'] . '?' . api_get_cidreq();
             $icon = Display::return_icon($tool['image'], $tool_name, array('class' => 'tool-icon', 'id' => 'toolimage_' . $toolId), ICON_SIZE_BIG, false);
             /*if (!empty($tool['custom_icon'])) {
                   $image = self::getCustomWebIconPath().$tool['custom_icon'];
                   $icon = Display::img(
                           'class' => 'tool-icon',
                           'id' => 'toolimage_'.$tool['id']
             // Validation when belongs to a session
             $session_img = api_get_session_image($tool['session_id'], !empty($_user['status']) ? $_user['status'] : '');
             if ($studentview) {
                 $tool_link_params['href'] .= '&isStudentView=true';
             $item['url_params'] = $tool_link_params;
             $item['icon'] = Display::url($icon, $tool_link_params['href'], $tool_link_params);
             $item['tool'] = $tool;
             $item['name'] = $tool_name;
             $tool_link_params['id'] = 'is' . $tool_link_params['id'];
             $item['link'] = Display::url($tool_name . $session_img, $tool_link_params['href'], $tool_link_params);
             $items[] = $item;
         // end of foreach
     $i = 0;
     $html = '';
     if (!empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             switch ($theme) {
                 case 'activity_big':
                     $data = '';
                     $html .= '<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3 course-tool">';
                     $image = substr($item['tool']['image'], 0, strpos($item['tool']['image'], '.')) . '.png';
                     $toolId = isset($item['tool']['id']) ? $item['tool']['id'] : null;
                     if (isset($item['tool']['custom_image'])) {
                         $original_image = Display::img($item['tool']['custom_image'], $item['name'], array('id' => 'toolimage_' . $toolId));
                     } elseif (isset($item['tool']['custom_icon']) && !empty($item['tool']['custom_icon'])) {
                         $customIcon = $item['tool']['custom_icon'];
                         if ($item['tool']['visibility'] == '0') {
                             $fileInfo = pathinfo($item['tool']['custom_icon']);
                             $customIcon = self::getDisableIcon($item['tool']['custom_icon']);
                         $original_image = Display::img(self::getCustomWebIconPath() . $customIcon, $item['name'], array('id' => 'toolimage_' . $toolId));
                     } else {
                         $original_image = Display::return_icon($image, $item['name'], array('id' => 'toolimage_' . $toolId), ICON_SIZE_BIG, false);
                     $data .= Display::url($original_image, $item['url_params']['href'], $item['url_params']);
                     $html .= Display::div($data, array('class' => 'big_icon'));
                     //box-image reflection
                     $html .= Display::div('<h4>' . $item['visibility'] . $item['extra'] . $item['link'] . '</h4>', array('class' => 'content'));
                     $html .= '</div>';
                 case 'activity':
                     $html .= '<div class="offset2 col-md-4 course-tool">';
                     $html .= $item['extra'];
                     $html .= $item['visibility'];
                     $html .= $item['icon'];
                     $html .= $item['link'];
                     $html .= '</div>';
                 case 'vertical_activity':
                     if ($i == 0) {
                         $html .= '<ul>';
                     $html .= '<li class="course-tool">';
                     $html .= $item['extra'];
                     $html .= $item['visibility'];
                     $html .= $item['icon'];
                     $html .= $item['link'];
                     $html .= '</li>';
                     if ($i == count($items) - 1) {
                         $html .= '</ul>';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 8
 * Sends an HTML email using the phpmailer class (and multipart/alternative to downgrade gracefully)
 * Sender name and email can be specified, if not specified
 * name and email of the platform admin are used
 * @author Bert Vanderkimpen ICT&O UGent
 * @author Yannick Warnier <*****@*****.**>
 * @param string    name of recipient
 * @param string    email of recipient
 * @param string    email subject
 * @param string    email body
 * @param string    sender name
 * @param string    sender e-mail
 * @param array     extra headers in form $headers = array($name => $value) to allow parsing
 * @param array     data file (path and filename)
 * @param array     data to attach a file (optional)
 * @param bool      True for attaching a embedded file inside content html (optional)
 * @return          returns true if mail was sent
 * @see             class.phpmailer.php
function api_mail_html($recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $senderName = '', $senderEmail = '', $extra_headers = array(), $data_file = array(), $embedded_image = false, $additionalParameters = array())
    // Default values
    $notification = new Notification();
    $defaultEmail = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderEmail();
    $defaultName = $notification->getDefaultPlatformSenderName();
    // If the parameter is set don't use the admin.
    $senderName = !empty($senderName) ? $senderName : $defaultName;
    $senderEmail = !empty($senderEmail) ? $senderEmail : $defaultEmail;
    $link = isset($additionalParameters['link']) ? $additionalParameters['link'] : '';
    $swiftMessage = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($subject)->setFrom($senderEmail, $senderName)->setTo($recipient_email, $recipient_name)->setBody(Container::getTemplating()->render('ChamiloCoreBundle:default/mail:mail.html.twig', array('content' => $message, 'link' => $link)), 'text/html');
    if (!empty($additionalParameters)) {
        $plugin = new AppPlugin();
        $smsPlugin = $plugin->getSMSPluginLibrary();
        if ($smsPlugin) {
    return 1;
Esempio n. 9
 * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of plugins
 * @author Patrick Cool <*****@*****.**>, Ghent University
function store_plugins()
    $appPlugin = new AppPlugin();
    // Get a list of all current 'Plugins' settings
    $plugin_list = $appPlugin->read_plugins_from_path();
    $installed_plugins = array();
    foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin) {
        if (isset($_POST['plugin_' . $plugin])) {
            $installed_plugins[] = $plugin;
    if (!empty($installed_plugins)) {
        $remove_plugins = array_diff($plugin_list, $installed_plugins);
    } else {
        $remove_plugins = $plugin_list;
    foreach ($remove_plugins as $plugin) {
Esempio n. 10
  * Fills the course database with some required content and example content.
 public static function fill_db_course($course_id, $course_repository, $language, $fill_with_exemplary_content = null)
     if (is_null($fill_with_exemplary_content)) {
         $fill_with_exemplary_content = api_get_setting('example_material_course_creation') != 'false';
     $course_id = intval($course_id);
     if (empty($course_id)) {
         return false;
     $now = api_get_utc_datetime(time());
     $toolTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST);
     $TABLEINTROS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_INTRO);
     $TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_CATEGORY);
     $TABLEITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
     $TABLETOOLAGENDA = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA);
     $TABLETOOLDOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
     $TABLETOOLLINK = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK);
     $TABLEQUIZ = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
     $TABLEQUIZQUESTION = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
     $TABLEQUIZQUESTIONLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
     $TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER);
     $TABLESETTING = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING);
     $TABLEFORUMCATEGORIES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORY);
     $TABLEFORUMS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM);
     $TABLEFORUMTHREADS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD);
     $TABLEFORUMPOSTS = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST);
     $visible_for_all = 1;
     $visible_for_course_admin = 0;
     $visible_for_platform_admin = 2;
     // Move this in a doctrine listener
     $toolList = self::getToolList();
     $toolList = $toolList->getTools();
     /** @var Course $course */
     $entityManager = Database::getManager();
     $course = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course')->find($course_id);
     // @todo move in a manager.
     /** @var Chamilo\CourseBundle\Tool\BaseTool $tool */
     $tools = array();
     $settingsManager = self::getCourseSettingsManager();
     foreach ($toolList as $tool) {
         $visibility = Text::string2binary(api_get_setting('course.course_create_active_tools', $tool->getName()));
         $toolObject = new CTool();
         $tools[] = $toolObject;
         $settings = $settingsManager->loadSettings($tool->getName());
         $settingsManager->saveSettings($tool->getName(), $settings);
     /*    Course tools  */
     /*if (api_get_setting('service_visio', 'active') == 'true') {
           $mycheck = api_get_setting('service_visio', 'visio_host');
           if (!empty($mycheck)) {
               //Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '" . TOOL_VISIO_CONFERENCE . "','conference/index.php?type=conference','visio_meeting.gif','1','0','squaregrey.gif','NO','_self','interaction','0', '', '')");
               //Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '" . TOOL_VISIO_CLASSROOM . "','conference/index.php?type=classroom','visio.gif','1','0','squaregrey.gif','NO','_self','authoring','0', '', '')");
     /*if (api_get_setting('search_enabled') == 'true') {
           //Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '" . TOOL_SEARCH. "','search/','info.gif','".Text::string2binary(api_get_setting('course_create_active_tools', 'enable_search')) . "','0','search.gif','NO','_self','authoring','0', '', '')");
     // Blogs (Kevin Van Den Haute :: kevin@develop-it.be)
     /*$sql = "INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL,'" . TOOL_BLOGS . "','blog/blog_admin.php','blog_admin.gif','" . Text::string2binary(api_get_setting('course_create_active_tools', 'blogs')) . "','1','squaregrey.gif','NO','_self','admin','0', '', '')";
     /*  Course homepage tools for course admin only    */
     /*        Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '".TOOL_TRACKING . "','tracking/courseLog.php','statistics.gif','$visible_for_course_admin','1','', 'NO','_self','admin','0', '', '')");
             Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '".TOOL_COURSE_SETTING . "','course_info/infocours.php','reference.gif','$visible_for_course_admin','1','', 'NO','_self','admin','0', '', '')");
             Database::query("INSERT INTO $toolTable VALUES ($course_id, NULL, '".TOOL_COURSE_MAINTENANCE."','course_info/maintenance.php','backup.gif','$visible_for_course_admin','1','','NO','_self', 'admin','0', '', '')");*/
     /* Course_setting table (courseinfo tool)   */
     /*Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'email_alert_manager_on_new_doc',0,'work')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox',0,'dropbox')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_user_edit_agenda',0,'agenda')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_user_edit_announcement',0,'announcement')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz',1,'quiz')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_user_image_forum',1,'forum')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'course_theme','','theme')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_learning_path_theme','1','theme')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_open_chat_window',1,'chat')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'email_alert_to_teacher_on_new_user_in_course',0,'registration')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_user_view_user_list',1,'user')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'display_info_advance_inside_homecourse',1,'thematic_advance')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'email_alert_students_on_new_homework',0,'work')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'enable_lp_auto_launch',0,'learning_path')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'pdf_export_watermark_text','','learning_path')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_public_certificates','','certificates')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'allow_fast_exercise_edition', 0 ,'exercise')");
       Database::query("INSERT INTO $TABLESETTING (c_id, variable,value,category) VALUES ($course_id, 'enable_exercise_auto_launch', 0 ,'exercise')");*/
     /* Course homepage tools for platform admin only */
     /* Group tool */
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGROUPCATEGORIES}  (c_id,  id , title , description , max_student , self_reg_allowed , self_unreg_allowed , groups_per_user , display_order )\n                VALUES ({$course_id}, '2', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('DefaultGroupCategory')) . "', '', '8', '0', '0', '0', '0');");
     /*    Example Material  */
     $language_interface = Container::getTranslator()->getLocale();
     // Example material should be in the same language as the course is.
     $language_interface_original = $language_interface;
     $language_interface = $language;
     //Share folder
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/shared_folder','" . get_lang('UserFolders') . "','folder','0')");
     $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                         VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
     //Chat folder
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/chat_files','" . get_lang('ChatFiles') . "','folder','0')");
     $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
     Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
     $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);
     $perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_directories();
     $perm_file = api_get_permissions_for_new_files();
     $chat_path = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . '/document/chat_files';
     if (!is_dir($chat_path)) {
         @mkdir($chat_path, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
     /*    Documents   */
     if ($fill_with_exemplary_content) {
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id,path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/images','" . get_lang('Images') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/images/gallery','" . get_lang('DefaultCourseImages') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/audio','" . get_lang('Audio') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/flash','" . get_lang('Flash') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/video','" . get_lang('Video') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'/certificates','" . get_lang('Certificates') . "','folder','0')");
         $example_doc_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$example_doc_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
         $folders_to_copy_from_default_course = array('images', 'audio', 'flash', 'video', 'certificates');
         $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH);
         $default_document_array = array();
         foreach ($folders_to_copy_from_default_course as $folder) {
             $default_course_folder_path = $default_course_path . $folder . '/';
             $files = self::browse_folders($default_course_folder_path, array(), $folder);
             $sorted_array = self::sort_pictures($files, 'dir');
             $sorted_array = array_merge($sorted_array, self::sort_pictures($files, 'file'));
             $default_document_array[$folder] = $sorted_array;
         //Light protection (adding index.html in every document folder)
         $htmlpage = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n <head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <title>Not authorized</title>\n  </head>\n  <body>\n  </body>\n</html>";
         $example_cert_id = 0;
         if (is_array($default_document_array) && count($default_document_array) > 0) {
             foreach ($default_document_array as $media_type => $array_media) {
                 $path_documents = "/{$media_type}/";
                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                 if ($media_type == 'images') {
                     $media_type = 'images/gallery';
                     $images_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/images/";
                     if (!is_dir($images_folder)) {
                         //Creating index.html
                         mkdir($images_folder, $perm);
                         $fd = fopen($images_folder . 'index.html', 'w');
                         fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                         @chmod($images_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file);
                 $course_documents_folder = $sys_course_path . $course_repository . "/document/{$media_type}/";
                 $default_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH) . $path_documents;
                 //echo 'try '.$course_documents_folder; echo '<br />';
                 if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder)) {
                     //Creating index.html
                     mkdir($course_documents_folder, $perm);
                     $fd = fopen($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', 'w');
                     fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                     @chmod($course_documents_folder . 'index.html', $perm_file);
                 if (is_array($array_media) && count($array_media) > 0) {
                     foreach ($array_media as $key => $value) {
                         if (isset($value['dir']) && !empty($value['dir'])) {
                             if (!is_dir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'])) {
                                 //Creating folder
                                 mkdir($course_documents_folder . $value['dir'], $perm);
                                 //Creating index.html (for light protection)
                                 $index_html = $course_documents_folder . $value['dir'] . '/index.html';
                                 $fd = fopen($index_html, 'w');
                                 fwrite($fd, $htmlpage);
                                 @chmod($index_html, $perm_file);
                                 //Inserting folder in the DB
                                 $folder_path = substr($value['dir'], 0, strlen($value['dir']) - 1);
                                 $temp = explode('/', $folder_path);
                                 $title = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
                                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                                 if ($title == 'gallery') {
                                     $title = get_lang('DefaultCourseImages');
                                 if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') {
                                     $folder_path = 'gallery/' . $folder_path;
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $folder_path . "','" . $title . "','folder','0')");
                                 $image_id = Database::insert_id();
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,0)");
                         if (isset($value['file']) && !empty($value['file'])) {
                             if (!file_exists($course_documents_folder . $value['file'])) {
                                 //Copying file
                                 copy($default_course_path . $value['file'], $course_documents_folder . $value['file']);
                                 chmod($course_documents_folder . $value['file'], $perm_file);
                                 //echo $default_course_path.$value['file']; echo ' - '; echo $course_documents_folder.$value['file']; echo '<br />';
                                 $temp = explode('/', $value['file']);
                                 $file_size = filesize($course_documents_folder . $value['file']);
                                 //hack until feature #5242 is implemented
                                 if ($media_type == 'images/gallery') {
                                     $value["file"] = 'gallery/' . $value["file"];
                                 //Inserting file in the DB
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLDOCUMENT} (c_id, path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ({$course_id},'{$path_documents}" . $value["file"] . "','" . $temp[count($temp) - 1] . "','file','{$file_size}')");
                                 $image_id = Database::insert_id();
                                 if ($path_documents . $value['file'] == '/certificates/default.html') {
                                     $example_cert_id = $image_id;
                                 Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id},'document',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$image_id},'DocumentAdded',1,0,NULL,1)");
         /* Agenda tool */
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLAGENDA} VALUES ({$course_id}, NULL, '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('AgendaCreationTitle')) . "', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('AgendaCreationContenu')) . "', now(), now(), NULL, 0, 0)");
         // We need to add the item properties too!
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT . "',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'AgendaAdded',1,0,NULL,1)";
         /*  Links tool */
         $add_google_link_sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLLINK}  (c_id, url, title, description, category_id, display_order, on_homepage, target)\n                    VALUES ({$course_id}, 'http://www.google.com','Google','" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Google')) . "','0','0','0','_self')";
         // We need to add the item properties too!
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                    VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_LINK . "',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'LinkAdded',1,0,NULL,1)";
         $add_wikipedia_link_sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLLINK}  (c_id, url, title, description, category_id, display_order, on_homepage, target)\n                    VALUES ({$course_id}, 'http://www.wikipedia.org','Wikipedia','" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Wikipedia')) . "','0','1','0','_self')";
         // We need to add the item properties too!
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ('" . TOOL_LINK . "',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'LinkAdded',1,0,NULL,1)";
         /* Announcement tool */
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLETOOLANNOUNCEMENTS}  (c_id, title,content,end_date,display_order,email_sent)\n                    VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('AnnouncementExampleTitle')) . "', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('AnnouncementEx')) . "', NOW(), '1','0')";
         // We need to add the item properties too!
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY} (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                    VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT . "',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'AnnouncementAdded',1,0,NULL,1)";
         /* Introduction text */
         $intro_text = '<p style="text-align: center;">
                         <img src="' . api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH) . 'img/mascot.png" alt="Mr. Chamilo" title="Mr. Chamilo" />
                         <h2>' . Database::escape_string(get_lang('IntroductionText')) . '</h2>
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEINTROS} VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_COURSE_HOMEPAGE . "','" . $intro_text . "', 0)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEINTROS} VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION . "','" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('IntroductionTwo')) . "', 0)");
         // Wiki intro
         $intro_wiki = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="110" valign="top" align="left"></td><td valign="top" align="left">' . Database::escape_string(get_lang('IntroductionWiki')) . '</td></tr></table>';
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEINTROS} VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_WIKI . "','" . $intro_wiki . "', 0)");
         /*  Exercise tool */
         $html = Database::escape_string('<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                             <tr><td width="110" valign="top" align="left">
                                             <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH) . 'images/mr_dokeos/thinking.jpg"></td><td valign="top" align="left">' . get_lang('Antique') . '
         // Insert exercise
         Database::query('INSERT INTO ' . $TABLEQUIZ . ' (c_id, title, description, type, random, random_answers, active, results_disabled ) ' . ' VALUES (' . $course_id . ', "' . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExerciceEx')) . '", "' . $html . '", "1", "0", "0", "1", "0")');
         $exercise_id = Database::insert_id();
         // Insert question
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZQUESTIONLIST} (c_id, question, description, ponderation, position, type, picture, level)\n                            VALUES ( '.{$course_id}.', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('SocraticIrony')) . "', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ManyAnswers')) . "', '10', '1', '2','',1)");
         $questionId = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZQUESTION}  (c_id, question_id, exercice_id, question_order) VALUES ({$course_id},{$questionId} , {$exercise_id}, 1)");
         // Insert answers
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST} (c_id, question_id, answer, correct, comment, ponderation, position) VALUES ({$course_id}, '{$questionId}', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Ridiculise')) . "', '0', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('NoPsychology')) . "', '-5', '1')");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST} (c_id, question_id, answer, correct, comment, ponderation, position) VALUES ({$course_id}, '{$questionId}', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('AdmitError')) . "', '0', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('NoSeduction')) . "', '-5', '2')");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST} (c_id, question_id, answer, correct, comment, ponderation, position) VALUES ({$course_id}, '{$questionId}', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Force')) . "', '1', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Indeed')) . "', '5', '3')");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEQUIZANSWERSLIST} (c_id, question_id, answer, correct, comment, ponderation, position) VALUES ({$course_id}, '{$questionId}', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Contradiction')) . "', '1', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('NotFalse')) . "', '5', '4')");
         /* Forum tool */
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEFORUMCATEGORIES} VALUES ({$course_id}, 1,'" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExampleForumCategory')) . "', '', 1, 0, 0)");
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                            VALUES ({$course_id}, 'forum_category',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'ForumCategoryAdded',1,0,NULL,1)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEFORUMS} (c_id, forum_title, forum_comment, forum_threads,forum_posts,forum_last_post,forum_category, allow_anonymous, allow_edit,allow_attachments, allow_new_threads,default_view,forum_of_group,forum_group_public_private, forum_order,locked,session_id )\n                            VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExampleForum')) . "', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '0', 1, 'flat','0', 'public', 1, 0,0)");
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                             VALUES ({$course_id}, '" . TOOL_FORUM . "', 1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'ForumAdded',1,0,NULL,1)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEFORUMTHREADS} (c_id, thread_id, thread_title, forum_id, thread_replies, thread_poster_id, thread_poster_name, thread_views, thread_last_post, thread_date, locked, thread_qualify_max, session_id)\n                            VALUES ({$course_id}, 1, '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExampleThread')) . "', 1, 0, 1, '', 0, 1, NOW(), 0, 10, 0)");
         $insert_id = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEITEMPROPERTY}  (c_id, tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility)\n                            VALUES ({$course_id}, 'forum_thread',1,NOW(),NOW(),{$insert_id},'ForumThreadAdded',1,0,NULL,1)");
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEFORUMPOSTS} VALUES ({$course_id}, 1, '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExampleThread')) . "', '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('ExampleThreadContent')) . "', 1, 1, 1, '', NOW(), 0, 0, 1)");
         /* Gradebook tool */
         $course = api_get_course_info_by_id($course_id);
         $course_code = $course['code'];
         // father gradebook
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id) VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',0,100,0,NULL,NULL,{$example_cert_id})");
         $gbid = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOK} (name, description, user_id, course_code, parent_id, weight, visible, certif_min_score, session_id, document_id) VALUES ('{$course_code}','',1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},100,1,75,NULL,{$example_cert_id})");
         $gbid = Database::insert_id();
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$TABLEGRADEBOOKLINK} (type, ref_id, user_id, course_code, category_id, created_at, weight, visible, locked) VALUES (1,{$exercise_id},1,'{$course_code}',{$gbid},'{$now}',100,1,0)");
     //Installing plugins in course
     $app_plugin = new AppPlugin();
     $language_interface = $language_interface_original;
     return true;

/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
	@author Julio Montoya <*****@*****.**> BeezNest 2012
*	@package chamilo.admin
// name of the language file that needs to be included
$language_file = array('registration', 'admin');
$cidReset = true;
require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
// Access restrictions
$plugin_name = $_GET['name'];
$plugin_obj = new AppPlugin();
$plugin_info = $plugin_obj->get_plugin_info($plugin_name, true);
if (empty($plugin_info)) {
$installed_plugins = $plugin_obj->get_installed_plugins();
if (!in_array($plugin_name, $installed_plugins)) {
global $_configuration;
$content = null;
if (isset($plugin_info['settings_form'])) {
    $form = $plugin_info['settings_form'];
    if (isset($form)) {
        //We override the form attributes
        $attributes = array('action' => api_get_self() . '?name=' . $plugin_name, 'method' => 'POST');
Esempio n. 12
$group = array($form->createElement('radio', 'show_system_folders', null, get_lang('Yes'), 1), $form->createElement('radio', 'show_system_folders', null, get_lang('No'), 2));
$form->addGroup($group, '', array(get_lang("ShowSystemFolders")), '');
$form->addButtonSave(get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'submit_save');
$form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
// Certificate settings
if (api_get_setting('course.allow_public_certificates') == 'true') {
    $form->addElement('html', '<div><h3>' . Display::return_icon('certificate.png', Security::remove_XSS(get_lang('Certificates')), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL) . ' ' . Security::remove_XSS(get_lang('Certificates')) . '</h3><div>');
    $group = array();
    $group[] = $form->createElement('radio', 'allow_public_certificates', get_lang('AllowPublicCertificates'), get_lang('Yes'), 1);
    $group[] = $form->createElement('radio', 'allow_public_certificates', null, get_lang('No'), 0);
    $form->addGroup($group, '', array(get_lang("AllowPublicCertificates")), '');
    $form->addButtonSave(get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'submit_save');
    $form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
// Plugin course settings
$appPlugin = new AppPlugin();
// Get all the course information
$all_course_information = CourseManager::get_course_information($_course['sysCode']);
// Set the default values of the form
$values = array();
$values['title'] = $_course['name'];
$values['category_code'] = $_course['categoryCode'];
$values['course_language'] = $_course['language'];
$values['department_name'] = $_course['extLink']['name'];
$values['department_url'] = $_course['extLink']['url'];
$values['visibility'] = $_course['visibility'];
$values['subscribe'] = $course_access_settings['subscribe'];
$values['unsubscribe'] = $course_access_settings['unsubscribe'];
$values['course_registration_password'] = $all_course_information['registration_code'];
$values['legal'] = $all_course_information['legal'];
Esempio n. 13
$group[] = $form->createElement('radio', 'display_info_advance_inside_homecourse', null, get_lang('DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance'), 0);
$form->addGroup($group, '', array(get_lang("InfoAboutAdvanceInsideHomeCourse")), '');
$form->addElement('style_submit_button', null, get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'class="save"');
$form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
// Certificate settings
if (api_get_setting('allow_public_certificates') == 'true') {
    $form->addElement('html', '<div><h3>' . Display::return_icon('certificate.png', Security::remove_XSS(get_lang('Certificates')), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL) . ' ' . Security::remove_XSS(get_lang('Certificates')) . '</h3><div>');
    $group = array();
    $group[] = $form->createElement('radio', 'allow_public_certificates', get_lang('AllowPublicCertificates'), get_lang('Yes'), 1);
    $group[] = $form->createElement('radio', 'allow_public_certificates', null, get_lang('No'), 0);
    $form->addGroup($group, '', array(get_lang("AllowPublicCertificates")), '');
    $form->addElement('style_submit_button', null, get_lang('SaveSettings'), 'class="save"');
    $form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
// Plugin course settings
$app_plugin = new AppPlugin();
// Get all the course information
$all_course_information = CourseManager::get_course_information($_course['sysCode']);
// Set the default values of the form
$values = array();
$values['title'] = $_course['name'];
$values['category_code'] = $_course['categoryCode'];
$values['course_language'] = $_course['language'];
$values['department_name'] = $_course['extLink']['name'];
$values['department_url'] = $_course['extLink']['url'];
$values['visibility'] = $_course['visibility'];
$values['subscribe'] = $course_access_settings['subscribe'];
$values['unsubscribe'] = $course_access_settings['unsubscribe'];
$values['course_registration_password'] = $all_course_information['registration_code'];
$values['legal'] = $all_course_information['legal'];
Esempio n. 14

/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
 * @author Julio Montoya <*****@*****.**> BeezNest 2012
 * @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <*****@*****.**>
 * @package chamilo.admin
use ChamiloSession as Session;
$cidReset = true;
//require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
// Access restrictions
$pluginName = $_GET['name'];
$appPlugin = new AppPlugin();
$installedPlugins = $appPlugin->get_installed_plugins();
$pluginInfo = $appPlugin->getPluginInfo($pluginName, true);
if (!in_array($pluginName, $installedPlugins) || empty($pluginInfo)) {
$message = null;
$content = null;
$currentUrl = api_get_self() . "?name={$pluginName}";
if (isset($pluginInfo['settings_form'])) {
    $form = $pluginInfo['settings_form'];
    if (isset($form)) {
        //We override the form attributes
        $attributes = array('action' => $currentUrl, 'method' => 'POST');
        $content = Display::page_header($pluginInfo['title']);
        $content .= $form->toHtml();
  * Displays the tools of a certain category.
  * @param Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface $urlGenerator
  * @param array List of tools as returned by get_tools_category()
  * @param bool rows
  * @return string
 public static function show_tools_category($urlGenerator, $toolList, $rows = false)
     $rowDiv = '<div class="row">';
     $theme = api_get_setting('homepage_view');
     if ($theme == 'vertical_activity') {
         //ordering by get_lang name
         $order_tool_list = array();
         if (is_array($toolList) && count($toolList) > 0) {
             foreach ($toolList as $key => $new_tool) {
                 $tool_name = self::translate_tool_name($new_tool);
                 $order_tool_list[$key] = $tool_name;
             $my_temp_tool_array = array();
             foreach ($order_tool_list as $key => $new_tool) {
                 $my_temp_tool_array[] = $toolList[$key];
             $toolList = $my_temp_tool_array;
         } else {
             $toolList = array();
     $courseInfo = api_get_course_info();
     $web_code_path = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH);
     $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true);
     $is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin();
     $session_id = api_get_session_id();
     $items = array();
     $app_plugin = new AppPlugin();
     if (isset($toolList)) {
         $lnk = '';
         foreach ($toolList as &$tool) {
             $item = array();
             $tool['admin'] = isset($tool['admin']) ? $tool['admin'] : null;
             $tool['id'] = isset($tool['id']) ? $tool['id'] : null;
             $tool['target'] = isset($tool['target']) ? $tool['target'] : null;
             if (isset($tool['link_id'])) {
                 $tool['original_link'] = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'link/link_goto.php?link_id=' . $tool['link_id'] . '&' . api_get_cidreq();
                 $tool['link'] = $tool['original_link'];
             } else {
                 $tool['original_link'] = $tool['link'];
             // Re-writing URL for new tools
             $newTools = array(TOOL_CURRICULUM);
             $toolName = isset($tool['name']) ? $tool['name'] : null;
             if (in_array($toolName, $newTools)) {
                 $tool['link'] = $courseInfo['course_web_public_url'] . $tool['name'] . '/';
             if ($tool['image'] == 'scormbuilder.gif') {
                 // Check if the published learnpath is visible for student
                 $published_lp_id = self::get_published_lp_id_from_link($tool['link']);
                 if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && !learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student($published_lp_id, api_get_user_id())) {
             if ($session_id != 0 && in_array($tool['name'], array('course_maintenance', 'course_setting'))) {
             if ($tool['name'] == 'course_description') {
                 $tool['link'] = 'course_description/index.php';
             // This part displays the links to hide or remove a tool.
             // These links are only visible by the course manager.
             $item['extra'] = null;
             if ($is_allowed_to_edit && !api_is_coach()) {
                 if (empty($session_id)) {
                     if ($tool['visibility'] == '1' && $tool['admin'] != '1') {
                         $link['name'] = Display::return_icon('visible.gif', get_lang('Deactivate'), array('id' => 'linktool_' . $tool['id']), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM, false);
                         if (!empty($tool['id'])) {
                             $link['cmd'] = $urlGenerator->generate('course_home.controller:hideIconAction', array('course' => api_get_course_id(), 'iconId' => $tool['id']));
                         $lnk[] = $link;
                     if ($tool['visibility'] == '0' && $tool['admin'] != '1') {
                         $link['name'] = Display::return_icon('invisible.gif', get_lang('Activate'), array('id' => 'linktool_' . $tool['id']), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM, false);
                         if (!empty($tool['id'])) {
                             $link['cmd'] = $urlGenerator->generate('course_home.controller:showIconAction', array('course' => api_get_course_id(), 'iconId' => $tool['id']));
                         $lnk[] = $link;
                 if (!empty($tool['adminlink'])) {
                     $item['extra'] = '<a href="' . $tool['adminlink'] . '">' . Display::return_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('Edit')) . '</a>';
             // Both checks are necessary as is_platform_admin doesn't take student view into account
             if ($is_platform_admin && $is_allowed_to_edit) {
                 if ($tool['admin'] != '1') {
                     $link['cmd'] = 'hide=yes';
             $item['visibility'] = null;
             if (isset($lnk) && is_array($lnk)) {
                 foreach ($lnk as $this_link) {
                     if (empty($tool['adminlink'])) {
                         $item['visibility'] .= '<a class="make_visible_and_invisible" href="' . $this_link['cmd'] . '">' . $this_link['name'] . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $item['visibility'] .= null;
             // NOTE : Table contains only the image file name, not full path
             if (stripos($tool['link'], 'http://') === false && stripos($tool['link'], 'https://') === false && stripos($tool['link'], 'ftp://') === false) {
                 $tool['link'] = $web_code_path . $tool['link'];
             if (!empty($tool['custom_icon'])) {
                 $tool['image'] = self::getCustomIconPath($courseInfo) . $tool['custom_icon'];
             if ($tool['visibility'] == '0' && $tool['admin'] != '1') {
                 $class = 'invisible';
                 $info = pathinfo($tool['image']);
                 $dirName = null;
                 if ($info['dirname'] != '.') {
                     $dirName = $info['dirname'] . '/';
                 $basename = basename($tool['image'], '.' . $info['extension']);
                 // $file is set to "index"
                 $tool['image'] = $dirName . $basename . '_na.' . $info['extension'];
             } else {
                 $class = '';
             $qm_or_amp = strpos($tool['link'], '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
             // If it's a link, we don't add the cidReq
             if ($tool['image'] == 'file_html.gif' || $tool['image'] == 'file_html_na.gif') {
                 $tool['link'] = $tool['link'] . $qm_or_amp;
             } else {
                 $tool['link'] = $tool['link'] . $qm_or_amp . api_get_cidreq();
             $tool_link_params = array();
             //@todo this visio stuff should be removed
             if (strpos($tool['name'], 'visio_') !== false) {
                 $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $tool["id"], 'href' => '"javascript: void(0);"', 'class' => $class, 'onclick' => 'javascript: window.open(\'' . $tool['link'] . '\',\'window_visio' . $_SESSION['_cid'] . '\',config=\'height=\'+730+\', width=\'+1020+\', left=2, top=2, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, directories=no, status=no\')', 'target' => $tool['target']);
             } elseif (strpos($tool['name'], 'chat') !== false && api_get_course_setting('allow_open_chat_window')) {
                 $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $tool["id"], 'class' => $class, 'href' => 'javascript: void(0);', 'onclick' => 'javascript: window.open(\'' . $tool['link'] . '\',\'window_chat' . $_SESSION['_cid'] . '\',config=\'height=\'+380+\', width=\'+625+\', left=2, top=2, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, directories=no, status=no\')', 'target' => $tool['target']);
             } else {
                 if (count(explode('type=classroom', $tool['link'])) == 2 || count(explode('type=conference', $tool['link'])) == 2) {
                     $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $tool["id"], 'href' => $tool['link'], 'class' => $class, 'target' => '_blank');
                 } else {
                     $tool_link_params = array('id' => 'tooldesc_' . $tool["id"], 'href' => $tool['link'], 'class' => $class, 'target' => $tool['target']);
             $tool_name = self::translate_tool_name($tool);
             $toolTip = $tool_name;
             if (!empty($tool['description'])) {
                 $toolTip = $tool['description'];
             $tool_link_params['data-original-title'] = $toolTip;
             $tool_link_params['data-toggle'] = 'tooltip';
             //$tool_link_params['title'] = $toolTip;
             // Including Courses Plugins
             // Creating title and the link
             if (isset($tool['category']) && $tool['category'] == 'plugin') {
                 $plugin_info = $app_plugin->get_plugin_info($tool['name']);
                 if (isset($plugin_info) && isset($plugin_info['title'])) {
                     $tool_name = $plugin_info['title'];
                 $tool_link_params['href'] = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH) . $tool['original_link'] . '?' . api_get_cidreq();
             if (!empty($tool['custom_icon'])) {
                 $icon = Display::img($tool['image'], null, array('class' => 'tool-icon', 'id' => 'toolimage_' . $tool['id']));
             } else {
                 $image = substr($tool['image'], 0, strpos($tool['image'], '.')) . '.png';
                 $icon = Display::return_icon($image, null, array('class' => 'tool-icon', 'id' => 'toolimage_' . $tool['id']), ICON_SIZE_BIG, false);
             $userInfo = api_get_user_info();
             $userStatus = isset($userInfo['status']) ? $userInfo['status'] : null;
             // Validation when belongs to a session
             $session_img = api_get_session_image($tool['session_id'], $userStatus);
             $item['url_params'] = $tool_link_params;
             $item['icon'] = Display::url($icon, $tool_link_params['href'], $tool_link_params);
             $item['tool'] = $tool;
             $item['name'] = $tool_name;
             $tool_link_params['id'] = 'is' . $tool_link_params['id'];
             $item['link'] = Display::url($tool_name . $session_img, $tool_link_params['href'], $tool_link_params);
             $items[] = $item;
         // end of foreach
     $i = 0;
     $html = '';
     $counter = 0;
     if (!empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             switch ($theme) {
                 case 'activity_big':
                     $data = '';
                     if ($counter == 0) {
                         $html .= $rowDiv;
                     $html .= '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4 course-tool">';
                     $image = substr($item['tool']['image'], 0, strpos($item['tool']['image'], '.')) . '.png';
                     if (!empty($item['tool']['custom_icon'])) {
                         $original_image = Display::img($item['tool']['image'], null, array('id' => 'toolimage_' . $item['tool']['id']));
                     } else {
                         $original_image = Display::return_icon($image, null, array('id' => 'toolimage_' . $item['tool']['id']), ICON_SIZE_BIG, false);
                     switch ($image) {
                         case 'scormbuilder.png':
                             if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
                                 $item['url_params']['href'] .= '&isStudentView=true';
                             $image = $original_image;
                             $lp_id = self::get_published_lp_id_from_link($item['link']);
                             if ($lp_id) {
                                 $lp = new learnpath(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, api_get_user_id());
                                 $path = $lp->get_preview_image_path(64);
                                 if ($path) {
                                     $image = '<img src="' . $path . '">';
                             $image = $original_image;
                     $data .= Display::url($image, $item['url_params']['href'], $item['url_params']);
                     $html .= Display::div($data, array('class' => 'big_icon'));
                     //box-image reflection
                     $html .= Display::div('<h4>' . $item['visibility'] . $item['extra'] . $item['link'] . '</h4>', array('class' => 'content'));
                     $html .= '</div>';
                     if ($counter == 2) {
                         $html .= '</div>';
                         $counter = -1;
                 case 'activity':
                     if ($counter == 0) {
                         $html .= $rowDiv;
                     $html .= '<div class="col-md-6 course-tool">';
                     $content = $item['extra'];
                     $content .= $item['visibility'];
                     $content .= $item['icon'];
                     $content .= $item['link'];
                     $html .= Display::div($content, array('class' => 'activity_content'));
                     $html .= '</div>';
                     if ($counter == 1) {
                         $html .= '</div>';
                         $counter = -1;
                 case 'vertical_activity':
                     if ($i == 0) {
                         $html .= '<ul>';
                     $html .= '<li class="course-tool">';
                     $html .= $item['extra'];
                     $html .= $item['visibility'];
                     $html .= $item['icon'];
                     $html .= $item['link'];
                     $html .= '</li>';
                     if ($i == count($items) - 1) {
                         $html .= '</ul>';
     return array('content' => $html, 'tool_list' => $items);
Esempio n. 16
 * @deprecated 25-JAN-2010: See api_mail() and api_mail_html(), mail.lib.inc.php
 * Send an email.
 * Wrapper function for the standard php mail() function. Change this function
 * to your needs. The parameters must follow the same rules as the standard php
 * mail() function. Please look at the documentation on http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
 * @param string $to
 * @param string $subject
 * @param string $message
 * @param string $additional_headers
 * @param string $additionalParameters
 * @author Ivan Tcholakov, 04-OCT-2009, a reworked version of this function.
 * @link http://www.dokeos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15557
function api_send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers = null, $additionalParameters = array())
    require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
    if (empty($platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'])) {
        $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'] = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
    if (empty($platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'])) {
        $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'] = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator');
    $matches = array();
    if (preg_match('/([^<]*)<(.+)>/si', $to, $matches)) {
        $recipient_name = trim($matches[1]);
        $recipient_email = trim($matches[2]);
    } else {
        $recipient_name = '';
        $recipient_email = trim($to);
    $sender_name = '';
    $sender_email = '';
    $extra_headers = $additional_headers;
    // Regular expression to test for valid email address.
    // This should actually be revised to use the complete RFC3696 description.
    // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696#section-3
    //$regexp = "^[0-9a-z_\.+-]+@(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+[a-z]{2,3})$"; // Deprecated, 13-OCT-2010.
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->CharSet = $platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET'];
    $mail->Mailer = $platform_email['SMTP_MAILER'];
    $mail->Host = $platform_email['SMTP_HOST'];
    $mail->Port = $platform_email['SMTP_PORT'];
    if ($platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']) {
        $mail->SMTPAuth = 1;
        $mail->Username = $platform_email['SMTP_USER'];
        $mail->Password = $platform_email['SMTP_PASS'];
    $mail->Priority = 3;
    // 5 = low, 1 = high
    $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To: ' . $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']);
    $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
    // Attachments.
    // $mail->AddAttachment($path);
    // $mail->AddAttachment($path, $filename);
    if ($sender_email != '') {
        $mail->From = $sender_email;
        $mail->Sender = $sender_email;
    } else {
        $mail->From = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'];
        $mail->Sender = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'];
    if ($sender_name != '') {
        $mail->FromName = $sender_name;
    } else {
        $mail->FromName = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'];
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->Body = $message;
    // Only valid address are to be accepted.
    if (api_valid_email($recipient_email)) {
        $mail->AddAddress($recipient_email, $recipient_name);
    if ($extra_headers != '') {
    // Send mail.
    if (!$mail->Send()) {
        return 0;
    $plugin = new AppPlugin();
    $installedPluginsList = $plugin->getInstalledPluginListObject();
    foreach ($installedPluginsList as $installedPlugin) {
        if ($installedPlugin->isMailPlugin and array_key_exists("smsType", $additionalParameters)) {
            $clockworksmsObject = new Clockworksms();
    // Clear all the addresses.
    return 1;