Esempio n. 1
  * Add an item to the exporting list
  * @param Item $item The item to export
  * @param Type $type The type of the item
  * @return AppExporterZoo2 $this for chaining support
  * @since 2.0
 protected function _addZooItem(Item $item, Type $type)
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->item_attributes as $attribute) {
         if (isset($item->{$attribute})) {
             $data[$attribute] = $item->{$attribute};
     if ($user = $this->app->user->get($item->created_by)) {
         $data['author'] = $user->username;
     $data['tags'] = $item->getTags();
     // store item content, metadata, config params
     $data['content'] = $item->getParams()->get('content.');
     $data['metadata'] = $item->getParams()->get('metadata.');
     $data['config'] = $item->getParams()->get('config.');
     // add categories
     foreach ($item->getRelatedCategoryIds() as $category_id) {
         $alias = '';
         if (empty($category_id)) {
             $alias = '_root';
         } else {
             if (isset($this->_categories[$category_id])) {
                 $alias = $this->_categories[$category_id]->alias;
         if (!empty($alias)) {
             $data['categories'][] = $alias;
         if ($item->getPrimaryCategoryId() == $category_id) {
             $data['config']['primary_category'] = $alias;
     foreach ($item->elements as $identifier => $element_data) {
         if (!($element = $type->getElement($identifier))) {
         $element_type = $element->getElementType();
         switch ($element_type) {
             case 'relateditems':
                 $items = array();
                 if (isset($element_data['item'])) {
                     foreach ($element_data['item'] as $item_id) {
                         $items[] = $this->app->alias->item->translateIDToAlias($item_id);
                 $element_data['item'] = $items;
             case 'relatedcategories':
                 $categories = array();
                 if (isset($element_data['category'])) {
                     foreach ($element_data['category'] as $category_id) {
                         $categories[] = isset($this->_categories[$category_id]) ? $this->_categories[$category_id]->alias : $this->app->alias->category->translateIDToAlias($category_id);
                 $element_data['category'] = $categories;
         $data['elements'][$identifier]['type'] = $element_type;
         $data['elements'][$identifier]['name'] = $element->config->get('name');
         $data['elements'][$identifier]['data'] = $element_data;
         foreach ($this->_comment_table->getCommentsForItem($item->id) as $comment) {
             foreach ($this->comment_attributes as $attribute) {
                 if (isset($comment->{$attribute})) {
                     $data['comments'][$comment->id][$attribute] = $comment->{$attribute};
             if ($comment->user_type == 'joomla' && ($user = $this->app->user->get($comment->user_id))) {
                 $data['comments'][$comment->id]['username'] = $user->username;
     parent::_addItem($item->name, $item->alias, $type->name, $data);
Esempio n. 2
  * Add an item to the export list
  * @param object $article The article to export
  * @param string $parent Where the article should be inserted into
  * @param string $group The group in which it should be put into
  * @return AppExporterJoomla $this For chaining support
  * @since 2.0
 protected function _addJoomlaItem($article, $parent, $group = 'default')
     if ($article->state > 1) {
         $article->state = 0;
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->item_attributes as $attribute) {
         if (isset($article->{$attribute})) {
             $data[$attribute] = $article->{$attribute};
     $metadata = $this->app->parameter->create($article->metadata);
     $data['metadata'] = array('description' => $article->metadesc, 'keywords' => $article->metakey, 'robots' => $metadata->get('robots'), 'author' => $metadata->get('author'));
     $data['author'] = ($user = $this->app->user->get($article->created_by)) ? $user->username : $this->app->user->get()->username;
     if ($article->featured) {
         $data['categories'][] = '_root';
     $data['categories'][] = $parent;
     $data['elements'][0]['type'] = 'textarea';
     $data['elements'][0]['name'] = 'Article';
     $data['elements'][0]['data'] = array(array('value' => $article->introtext), array('value' => $article->fulltext));
     $images = @json_decode($article->images, true) ?: array();
     $data['elements'][1]['type'] = 'image';
     $data['elements'][1]['name'] = 'Intro Image';
     $data['elements'][1]['data'] = array('file' => @$images['image_intro'], 'title' => @$images['image_intro_caption']);
     $data['elements'][2]['type'] = 'image';
     $data['elements'][2]['name'] = 'Fulltext Image';
     $data['elements'][2]['data'] = array('file' => @$images['image_fulltext'], 'title' => @$images['image_fulltext_caption']);
     $urls = @json_decode($article->urls, true) ?: array();
     $data['elements'][3]['type'] = 'link';
     $data['elements'][3]['name'] = 'Link A';
     $data['elements'][3]['data'] = array(array('value' => @$urls['urla'] ?: '', 'text' => @$urls['urlatext']));
     $data['elements'][4]['type'] = 'link';
     $data['elements'][4]['name'] = 'Link B';
     $data['elements'][4]['data'] = array(array('value' => @$urls['urlb'] ?: '', 'text' => @$urls['urlbtext']));
     $data['elements'][5]['type'] = 'link';
     $data['elements'][5]['name'] = 'Link C';
     $data['elements'][5]['data'] = array(array('value' => @$urls['urlc'] ?: '', 'text' => @$urls['urlctext']));
     parent::_addItem($article->title, $article->alias, $group, $data);
Esempio n. 3
  * Add an item to the list of items to export
  * @param object $item The item to export
  * @param array $extra_fields The extra fields for this item
  * @param array $categories The categories for this item
  * @param array $tags The item tags
  * @param string $group The item group
  * @return AppExporterK2 $this for chaining support
 protected function _addK2Item($item, $extra_fields, $categories = array(), $tags = array(), $group = 'default')
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->item_attributes as $attribute) {
         if (isset($item->{$attribute})) {
             $data[$attribute] = $item->{$attribute};
     // add author
     $data['author'] = $this->app->user->get($item->created_by)->username;
     // add state
     $data['state'] = $item->published;
     // add category
     $data['categories'][] = $categories[$item->catid]->alias;
     // add tags
     $data['tags'] = isset($tags[$item->id]) ? $tags[$item->id] : array();
     // add item content
     $i = 0;
     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'textarea';
     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = 'content';
     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array(array('value' => $item->introtext), array('value' => $item->fulltext));
     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'image';
     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = 'image';
     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array('file' => 'media/k2/items/src/' . md5("Image" . $item->id) . '.jpg');
     // add extra fields
     if (isset($item->extra_fields)) {
         foreach (json_decode($item->extra_fields) as $element) {
             $extrafield = $extra_fields[$element->id];
             switch ($extrafield->type) {
                 case 'textfield':
                     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'text';
                     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = $extrafield->name;
                     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array(array('value' => $element->value));
                 case 'textarea':
                     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'textarea';
                     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = $extrafield->name;
                     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array(array('value' => $element->value));
                 case 'select':
                 case 'multipleSelect':
                     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'select';
                     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = $extrafield->name;
                     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array('option' => $element->value);
                 case 'radio':
                     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'radio';
                     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = $extrafield->name;
                     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array('option' => $element->value);
                 case 'link':
                     $data['elements'][$i]['type'] = 'link';
                     $data['elements'][$i]['name'] = $extrafield->name;
                     $data['elements'][$i++]['data'] = array(array('text' => $element->value[0], 'value' => $element->value[1]));
     parent::_addItem($item->title, $item->alias, $group, $data);
Esempio n. 4
  * Add an item to the export list
  * @param object $article The article to export
  * @param string $parent Where the article should be inserted into
  * @param string $group The group in which it should be put into
  * @return AppExporterJoomla $this For chaining support
  * @since 2.0
 protected function _addJoomlaItem($article, $parent, $group = 'default')
     if ($article->state > 1) {
         $article->state = 0;
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->item_attributes as $attribute) {
         if (isset($article->{$attribute})) {
             $data[$attribute] = $article->{$attribute};
     $metadata = $this->app->parameter->create($article->metadata);
     $data['metadata'] = array('description' => $article->metadesc, 'keywords' => $article->metakey, 'robots' => $metadata->get('robots'), 'author' => $metadata->get('author'));
     $data['author'] = ($user = $this->app->user->get($article->created_by)) ? $user->username : $this->app->user->get()->username;
     if ($article->featured) {
         $data['categories'][] = '_root';
     $data['categories'][] = $parent;
     $data['elements'][0]['type'] = 'textarea';
     $data['elements'][0]['name'] = 'Article';
     $data['elements'][0]['data'] = array(array('value' => $article->introtext), array('value' => $article->fulltext));
     parent::_addItem($article->title, $article->alias, $group, $data);