Esempio n. 1
 function Verify($channel, $hubloc)
     logger('auth request received from ' . $hubloc['hubloc_addr']);
     $this->remote = remote_channel();
     $this->remote_service_class = '';
     $this->remote_level = 0;
     $this->remote_hub = $hubloc['hubloc_url'];
     $this->dnt = 0;
     // check credentials and access
     // If they are already authenticated and haven't changed credentials,
     // we can save an expensive network round trip and improve performance.
     // Also check that they are coming from the same site as they authenticated with originally.
     $already_authed = remote_channel() && $hubloc['hubloc_hash'] == remote_channel() && $hubloc['hubloc_url'] === $_SESSION['remote_hub'] ? true : false;
     if ($this->delegate && $this->delegate !== $_SESSION['delegate_channel']) {
         $already_authed = false;
     if ($already_authed) {
         return true;
     if (local_channel()) {
         // tell them to logout if they're logged in locally as anything but the target remote account
         // in which case just shut up because they don't need to be doing this at all.
         if (\App::$channel['channel_hash'] == $hubloc['xchan_hash']) {
             return true;
         } else {
             logger('already authenticated locally as somebody else.');
             notice(t('Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry.') . EOL);
             if ($this->test) {
                 $this->Debug('already logged in locally with a conflicting identity.');
                 return false;
         return false;
     // Auth packets MUST use ultra top-secret hush-hush mode - e.g. the entire packet is encrypted using the
     // site private key
     // The actual channel sending the packet ($c[0]) is not important, but this provides a
     // generic zot packet with a sender which can be verified
     $p = zot_build_packet($channel, $type = 'auth_check', array(array('guid' => $hubloc['hubloc_guid'], 'guid_sig' => $hubloc['hubloc_guid_sig'])), $hubloc['hubloc_sitekey'], $this->sec);
     $this->Debug('auth check packet created using sitekey ' . $hubloc['hubloc_sitekey']);
     $this->Debug('packet contents: ' . $p);
     $result = zot_zot($hubloc['hubloc_callback'], $p);
     if (!$result['success']) {
         logger('auth_check callback failed.');
         if ($this->test) {
             $this->Debug('auth check request to your site returned .' . print_r($result, true));
         return false;
     $j = json_decode($result['body'], true);
     if (!$j) {
         logger('auth_check json data malformed.');
         if ($this->test) {
             $this->Debug('json malformed: ' . $result['body']);
         return false;
     $this->Debug('auth check request returned .' . print_r($j, true));
     if (!$j['success']) {
         return false;
     // legit response, but we do need to check that this wasn't answered by a man-in-middle
     if (!rsa_verify($this->sec . $hubloc['xchan_hash'], base64url_decode($j['confirm']), $hubloc['xchan_pubkey'])) {
         logger('final confirmation failed.');
         if ($this->test) {
             $this->Debug('final confirmation failed. ' . $sec . print_r($j, true) . print_r($hubloc, true));
         return false;
     if (array_key_exists('service_class', $j)) {
         $this->remote_service_class = $j['service_class'];
     if (array_key_exists('level', $j)) {
         $this->remote_level = $j['level'];
     if (array_key_exists('DNT', $j)) {
         $this->dnt = $j['DNT'];
     // log them in
     if ($this->test) {
         // testing only - return the success result
         $this->test_results['success'] = true;
         $this->Debug('Authentication Success!');
     $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
     // check for delegation and if all is well, log them in locally with delegation restrictions
     $this->delegate_success = false;
     if ($this->delegate) {
         $r = q("select * from channel left join xchan on channel_hash = xchan_hash where xchan_addr = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($this->delegate));
         if ($r && intval($r[0]['channel_id'])) {
             $allowed = perm_is_allowed($r[0]['channel_id'], $hubloc['xchan_hash'], 'delegate');
             if ($allowed) {
                 $_SESSION['delegate_channel'] = $r[0]['channel_id'];
                 $_SESSION['delegate'] = $hubloc['xchan_hash'];
                 $_SESSION['account_id'] = intval($r[0]['channel_account_id']);
                 require_once 'include/security.php';
                 // this will set the local_channel authentication in the session
                 $this->delegate_success = true;
     if (!$this->delegate_success) {
         // normal visitor (remote_channel) login session credentials
         $_SESSION['visitor_id'] = $hubloc['xchan_hash'];
         $_SESSION['my_url'] = $hubloc['xchan_url'];
         $_SESSION['my_address'] = $this->address;
         $_SESSION['remote_service_class'] = $this->remote_service_class;
         $_SESSION['remote_level'] = $this->remote_level;
         $_SESSION['remote_hub'] = $this->remote_hub;
         $_SESSION['DNT'] = $this->dnt;
     $arr = array('xchan' => $hubloc, 'url' => $this->desturl, 'session' => $_SESSION);
     call_hooks('magic_auth_success', $arr);
     require_once 'include/security.php';
     info(sprintf(t('Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful.'), $hubloc['xchan_name']));
     logger('mod_zot: auth success from ' . $hubloc['xchan_addr']);
     $this->success = true;
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
 function get()
     $noid = get_config('system', 'disable_openid');
     if ($noid) {
     logger('mod_openid ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true), LOGGER_DATA);
     if (x($_REQUEST, 'openid_mode')) {
         $openid = new LightOpenID(z_root());
         if ($openid->validate()) {
             logger('openid: validate');
             $authid = normalise_openid($_REQUEST['openid_identity']);
             if (!strlen($authid)) {
                 logger(t('OpenID protocol error. No ID returned.') . EOL);
             $x = match_openid($authid);
             if ($x) {
                 $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($x));
                 if ($r) {
                     $y = q("select * from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($r[0]['channel_account_id']));
                     if ($y) {
                         foreach ($y as $record) {
                             if ($record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_OK || $record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) {
                                 logger('mod_openid: openid success for ' . $x[0]['channel_name']);
                                 $_SESSION['uid'] = $r[0]['channel_id'];
                                 $_SESSION['account_id'] = $r[0]['channel_account_id'];
                                 $_SESSION['authenticated'] = true;
                                 authenticate_success($record, $r[0], true, true, true, true);
             // Successful OpenID login - but we can't match it to an existing account.
             // See if they've got an xchan
             $r = q("select * from xconfig left join xchan on xchan_hash = xconfig.xchan where cat = 'system' and k = 'openid' and v = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($authid));
             if ($r) {
                 $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
                 $_SESSION['visitor_id'] = $r[0]['xchan_hash'];
                 $_SESSION['my_url'] = $r[0]['xchan_url'];
                 $_SESSION['my_address'] = $r[0]['xchan_addr'];
                 $arr = array('xchan' => $r[0], 'session' => $_SESSION);
                 call_hooks('magic_auth_openid_success', $arr);
                 require_once 'include/security.php';
                 info(sprintf(t('Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful.'), $r[0]['xchan_name']));
                 logger('mod_openid: remote auth success from ' . $r[0]['xchan_addr']);
                 if ($_SESSION['return_url']) {
             // no xchan...
             // create one.
             // We should probably probe the openid url and figure out if they have any kind of
             // social presence we might be able to scrape some identifying info from.
             $name = $authid;
             $url = trim($_REQUEST['openid_identity'], '/');
             if (strpos($url, 'http') === false) {
                 $url = 'https://' . $url;
             $pphoto = z_root() . '/' . get_default_profile_photo();
             $parsed = @parse_url($url);
             if ($parsed) {
                 $host = $parsed['host'];
             $attr = $openid->getAttributes();
             if (is_array($attr) && count($attr)) {
                 foreach ($attr as $k => $v) {
                     if ($k === 'namePerson/friendly') {
                         $nick = notags(trim($v));
                     if ($k === 'namePerson/first') {
                         $first = notags(trim($v));
                     if ($k === 'namePerson') {
                         $name = notags(trim($v));
                     if ($k === 'contact/email') {
                         $addr = notags(trim($v));
                     if ($k === 'media/image/aspect11') {
                         $photosq = trim($v);
                     if ($k === 'media/image/default') {
                         $photo_other = trim($v);
             if (!$nick) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $nick = $first;
                 } else {
                     $nick = $name;
             require_once 'library/urlify/URLify.php';
             $x = strtolower(\URLify::transliterate($nick));
             if ($nick & $host) {
                 $addr = $nick . '@' . $host;
             $network = 'unknown';
             if ($photosq) {
                 $pphoto = $photosq;
             } elseif ($photo_other) {
                 $pphoto = $photo_other;
             $mimetype = guess_image_type($pphoto);
             $x = q("insert into xchan ( xchan_hash, xchan_guid, xchan_guid_sig, xchan_pubkey, xchan_photo_mimetype,\n\t                xchan_photo_l, xchan_addr, xchan_url, xchan_connurl, xchan_follow, xchan_connpage, xchan_name, xchan_network, xchan_photo_date, \n\t\t\t\t\txchan_name_date, xchan_hidden)\n\t                values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', 1) ", dbesc($url), dbesc(''), dbesc(''), dbesc(''), dbesc($mimetype), dbesc($pphoto), dbesc($addr), dbesc($url), dbesc(''), dbesc(''), dbesc(''), dbesc($name), dbesc($network), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()));
             if ($x) {
                 $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($url));
                 if ($r) {
                     $photos = import_xchan_photo($pphoto, $url);
                     if ($photos) {
                         $z = q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\txchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($photos[0]), dbesc($photos[1]), dbesc($photos[2]), dbesc($photos[3]), dbesc($url));
                     set_xconfig($url, 'system', 'openid', $authid);
                     $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
                     $_SESSION['visitor_id'] = $r[0]['xchan_hash'];
                     $_SESSION['my_url'] = $r[0]['xchan_url'];
                     $_SESSION['my_address'] = $r[0]['xchan_addr'];
                     $arr = array('xchan' => $r[0], 'session' => $_SESSION);
                     call_hooks('magic_auth_openid_success', $arr);
                     info(sprintf(t('Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful.'), $r[0]['xchan_name']));
                     logger('mod_openid: remote auth success from ' . $r[0]['xchan_addr']);
                     if ($_SESSION['return_url']) {
     notice(t('Login failed.') . EOL);
Esempio n. 3
     if (array_key_exists('atoken', $_SESSION)) {
         $y = q("select * from atoken where atoken_id = %d limit 1", intval($_SESSION['atoken']));
         if ($y) {
             $r = array(atoken_xchan($y[0]));
     } else {
         $r = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($_SESSION['visitor_id']));
     if ($r) {
     } else {
 // already logged in user returning
 if (x($_SESSION, 'uid') || x($_SESSION, 'account_id')) {
     $r = q("select * from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($_SESSION['account_id']));
     if ($r && ($r[0]['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_OK || $r[0]['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED)) {
         App::$account = $r[0];
         $login_refresh = false;
         if (!x($_SESSION, 'last_login_date')) {
             $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC');
         if (strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 12 hours'), $_SESSION['last_login_date']) > 0) {
             $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = datetime_convert();
             $login_refresh = true;