function get_option($name) { $cache = Cache::get('system-options'); if (empty($cache)) { $options = App\Option::get(['name', 'value']); foreach ($options as $option) { $data[$option->name] = $option->value; } Cache::forever('system-options', $data); $cache = Cache::get('system-options'); } return htmlspecialchars_decode($cache[$name]); }
public function store(Request $request) { $personal_photo = \Input::file('personal_photo'); $tphoto1_1 = \Input::file('tphoto1_1'); $tphoto2_1 = \Input::file('tphoto2_1'); $tphoto3_1 = \Input::file('tphoto3_1'); $tphoto1_2 = \Input::file('tphoto1_2'); $tphoto2_2 = \Input::file('tphoto2_2'); $tphoto3_2 = \Input::file('tphoto3_2'); $tphoto1_3 = \Input::file('tphoto1_3'); $tphoto2_3 = \Input::file('tphoto2_3'); $tphoto3_3 = \Input::file('tphoto3_3'); if ($personal_photo != null) { $size = $personal_photo->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $personal_photo->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($personal_photo)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto1_1 != null) { $size = $tphoto1_1->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto1_1->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto1_1)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto2_1 != null) { $size = $tphoto2_1->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto2_1->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto2_1)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto3_1 != null) { $size = $tphoto3_1->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto3_1->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto3_1)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto1_2 != null) { $size = $tphoto1_2->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto1_2->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto1_2)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto2_2 != null) { $size = $tphoto2_2->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto2_2->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto2_2)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto3_2 != null) { $size = $tphoto3_2->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto3_2->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto3_2)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto1_3 != null) { $size = $tphoto1_3->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto1_3->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto1_3)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto2_3 != null) { $size = $tphoto2_3->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto2_3->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto2_3)) { return view('error'); } } if ($tphoto3_3 != null) { $size = $tphoto3_3->getClientSize(); if ($size <= 0 || $size > $tphoto3_3->getMaxFilesize() || $this->check($tphoto3_3)) { return view('error'); } } $email = $_POST['email']; $destinationPath = 'files'; $clients = new \App\Client(); $clients->fname = $_POST['fname']; $clients->lname = $_POST['lname']; $clients->nname = $_POST['nname']; $clients->email = $_POST['email']; $clients->city = $_POST['city']; $clients->state = $_POST['state']; $clients->zipcode = $_POST['zipcode']; $clients->gender = $_POST['gender']; $clients->phone_number = $_POST['phoneNum']; $clients->dob = $_POST['dob']; $clients->self_introduction = $_POST['self']; $clients->status = $_POST['status']; if ($personal_photo != null) { $name = ''; $extension = $personal_photo->getClientOriginalName(); $name .= $email; $name .= '_personal_photo_'; $name .= $extension; $name = str_replace("@", "_", $name); $personal_photo->move($destinationPath, $name); $clients->personal_photo = $destinationPath . '\\'; $clients->personal_photo .= $name; } $clients->save(); if ($_POST['category1'] != null) { $talent = new \App\Talent(); $talent->category = $_POST['category1']; $talent->specific_talent = $_POST['specific_talent1']; $talent->client_id = $clients->id; $talent->save(); $audiolink = $_POST['audiolink1']; $videolink = $_POST['videolink1']; $portfolio = new \App\Portfolio(); $portfolio->talent_id = $talent->id; if ($audiolink != null) { $portfolio->audio .= $audiolink; } if ($videolink != null) { $portfolio->video .= $videolink; } if ($tphoto1_1 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto1_1_', $destinationPath, $tphoto1_1, $email); } if ($tphoto1_2 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto1_2_', $destinationPath, $tphoto1_2, $email); } if ($tphoto1_3 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto1_3_', $destinationPath, $tphoto1_3, $email); } $portfolio->photo = substr($portfolio->photo, 0, strlen($portfolio->photo) - 1); $portfolio->save(); } if ($_POST['category2'] != null) { $talent = new \App\Talent(); $talent->category = $_POST['category2']; $talent->specific_talent = $_POST['specific_talent2']; $talent->client_id = $clients->id; $talent->save(); $audiolink = $_POST['audiolink2']; $videolink = $_POST['videolink2']; $portfolio = new \App\Portfolio(); $portfolio->talent_id = $talent->id; if ($audiolink != null) { $portfolio->audio .= $audiolink; } if ($videolink != null) { $portfolio->video .= $videolink; } if ($tphoto2_1 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto2_1_', $destinationPath, $tphoto2_1, $email); } if ($tphoto2_2 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto2_2_', $destinationPath, $tphoto2_2, $email); } if ($tphoto2_3 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto2_3_', $destinationPath, $tphoto2_3, $email); } $portfolio->photo = substr($portfolio->photo, 0, strlen($portfolio->photo) - 1); $portfolio->save(); } if ($_POST['category3'] != null) { $talent = new \App\Talent(); $talent->category = $_POST['category3']; $talent->specific_talent = $_POST['specific_talent3']; $talent->client_id = $clients->id; $talent->save(); $audiolink = $_POST['audiolink3']; $videolink = $_POST['videolink3']; $portfolio = new \App\Portfolio(); $portfolio->talent_id = $talent->id; if ($audiolink != null) { $portfolio->audio .= $audiolink; } if ($videolink != null) { $portfolio->video .= $videolink; } if ($tphoto3_1 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto3_1_', $destinationPath, $tphoto3_1, $email); } if ($tphoto3_2 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto3_2_', $destinationPath, $tphoto3_2, $email); } if ($tphoto3_3 != null) { $this->save_pic($portfolio, '_tphoto3_3_', $destinationPath, $tphoto3_3, $email); } $portfolio->photo = substr($portfolio->photo, 0, strlen($portfolio->photo) - 1); $portfolio->save(); } $desire = new \App\Servicedesire(); $desire->client_id = $clients->id; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_POST['representation']); $i++) { if ($_POST['representation'][$i] != null) { $desire->representation .= $_POST['representation'][$i]; if ($i < sizeof($_POST['representation']) - 1) { $desire->representation .= ';'; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_POST['opportunity']); $i++) { if ($_POST['opportunity'][$i] != null) { $desire->opportunity .= $_POST['opportunity'][$i]; if ($i < sizeof($_POST['opportunity']) - 1) { $desire->opportunity .= ';'; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_POST['service']); $i++) { if ($_POST['service'][$i] != null) { $desire->service .= $_POST['service'][$i]; if ($i < sizeof($_POST['service']) - 1) { $desire->service .= ';'; } } } $desire->save(); $option = new \App\Option(); $option->client_id = $clients->id; $option->describeword1 = $_POST['describeword1']; $option->describeword2 = $_POST['describeword2']; $option->describeword3 = $_POST['describeword3']; $option->intro_video = $_POST['introVideo']; $option->presonal_website = $_POST['personalWebsite']; $option->social_media = $_POST['socialMedia']; $option->accolades = $_POST['accolades']; $option->current_representation = $_POST['current_representation']; $option->experiences = $_POST['experience']; $option->anything = $_POST['anything']; $option->save(); $subject = 'Thanks for your interest in Talentscool'; $message = 'Hi there,' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . 'Thank you for your interest in Talentscool! Our aim is to connect you to opportunities and service providers for your career.' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . 'We have received your application and will be reviewing it shortly. A member of our team will be in contact with you as your application proceeds. ' . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . 'Thank you,' . "\r\n" . 'Talentscool Team'; $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $flag = mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($flag) { return view('thanks'); } }
public function run() { $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 1; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "hard working"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->accolades = "music award"; $option->experiences = "guitar list of a band"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 2; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "famous"; $option->describeword3 = "fast"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->accolades = "Champions league, Most goal in la liga"; $option->experiences = "Manchester United, Real Mardrid"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 3; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "famous"; $option->describeword3 = "act"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->accolades = "Academy Awards, Golden Globes"; $option->experiences = "Maleficent, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Gia"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 4; $option->describeword1 = "awesome"; $option->describeword2 = "famous"; $option->describeword3 = "funny"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->accolades = "Academy Awards, Golden Globes"; $option->experiences = "Lucy, The Avangers, Iron Man2"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 5; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "deaf"; $option->describeword3 = "musician"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->experiences = "Symphony"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 6; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "famous"; $option->describeword3 = "musician"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->experiences = "Symphony, Piano Sonata"; $option->save(); $option = new App\Option(); $option->client_id = 7; $option->describeword1 = "skilled"; $option->describeword2 = "guitar"; $option->describeword3 = "musician"; $option->intro_video = ""; $option->accolades = "Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrument, Grammy Award for Best POP Instrument"; $option->experiences = "The Yardbirds"; $option->save(); }
<li class="list-group-item"> <a class="menu"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span> <?php $opt = DB::table('tbl_option_header')->where('id', $option->header)->first(); ?> {{ $opt->name }} </a> <?php $o = DB::table('tbl_useroption')->where('header', $option->header)->where('userid', $user)->orderBY('optionid', 'ASC')->get(); ?> @foreach($o as $oo) <?php $options = App\Option::find($oo->optionid); ?> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li class="li-sub-menu"> <a class="menu" href="{{ url($options->link) }}"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span> {{ $options->desc }} </a> </li> </ul> @endforeach </li> @endforeach