if ($type == "user") { // Verify if the user is used by assistances. $count = Assistance::count(array('conditions' => 'user_id = ' . $id)); if ($count <= 0) { // Delete officer. $row = User::find($id); $row->delete(); } else { // Set error. $error = "CantDeleteUser"; $message = "The user could not be deleted since some assistance lists are linked to him"; $statusCode = 422; } } // Return result. ApiUtils::returnSimpleMessage($app, $error, $message, $statusCode); } else { // Return error message. ApiUtils::returnError($app, 'UserNotAdmin'); } } catch (Exception $e) { // An exception ocurred. Return an error message. ApiUtils::handleException($app, $e); } }); // Service for update the values of an assistance list. $app->put('/assistanceList', function () use($app) { try { // Verify that the user is logged. if (ApiUtils::isLogged()) { // Get input.