public function processLoginRequest(PhabricatorAuthLoginController $controller)
     $request = $controller->getRequest();
     $viewer = $request->getUser();
     $require_captcha = false;
     $captcha_valid = false;
     if (AphrontFormRecaptchaControl::isRecaptchaEnabled()) {
         $failed_attempts = PhabricatorUserLog::loadRecentEventsFromThisIP(PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILURE, 60 * 15);
         if (count($failed_attempts) > 5) {
             $require_captcha = true;
             $captcha_valid = AphrontFormRecaptchaControl::processCaptcha($request);
     $response = null;
     $account = null;
     $log_user = null;
     if ($request->isFormPost()) {
         if (!$require_captcha || $captcha_valid) {
             $username_or_email = $request->getStr('username');
             if (strlen($username_or_email)) {
                 $user = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere('username = %s', $username_or_email);
                 if (!$user) {
                     $user = PhabricatorUser::loadOneWithEmailAddress($username_or_email);
                 if ($user) {
                     $envelope = new PhutilOpaqueEnvelope($request->getStr('password'));
                     if ($user->comparePassword($envelope)) {
                         $account = $this->loadOrCreateAccount($user->getPHID());
                         $log_user = $user;
                         // If the user's password is stored using a less-than-optimal
                         // hash, upgrade them to the strongest available hash.
                         $hash_envelope = new PhutilOpaqueEnvelope($user->getPasswordHash());
                         if (PhabricatorPasswordHasher::canUpgradeHash($hash_envelope)) {
                             $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
     if (!$account) {
         if ($request->isFormPost()) {
             $log = PhabricatorUserLog::initializeNewLog(null, $log_user ? $log_user->getPHID() : null, PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILURE);
         $response = $controller->buildProviderPageResponse($this, $this->renderPasswordLoginForm($request, $require_captcha, $captcha_valid));
     return array($account, $response);
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->getUser()->getPHID()) {
         // Kick the user out if they're already logged in.
         return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI('/');
     if ($request->isConduit()) {
         // A common source of errors in Conduit client configuration is getting
         // the request path wrong. The client will end up here, so make some
         // effort to give them a comprehensible error message.
         $request_path = $this->getRequest()->getPath();
         $conduit_path = '/api/<method>';
         $example_path = '/api/';
         $message = "ERROR: You are making a Conduit API request to '{$request_path}', " . "but the correct HTTP request path to use in order to access a " . "Conduit method is '{$conduit_path}' (for example, " . "'{$example_path}'). Check your configuration.";
         return id(new AphrontPlainTextResponse())->setContent($message);
     $error_view = null;
     if ($request->getCookie('phusr') && $request->getCookie('phsid')) {
         // The session cookie is invalid, so clear it.
         $error_view = new AphrontErrorView();
         $error_view->setTitle('Invalid Session');
         $error_view->setErrors(array("Your login session is invalid. Try logging in again. If that " . "doesn't work, clear your browser cookies."));
     $next_uri = $this->getRequest()->getPath();
     if ($next_uri == '/login/') {
         $next_uri = '/';
     if (!$request->isFormPost()) {
         $request->setCookie('next_uri', $next_uri);
     $password_auth = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('auth.password-auth-enabled');
     $forms = array();
     $errors = array();
     if ($password_auth) {
         $require_captcha = false;
         $e_captcha = true;
         $username_or_email = $request->getCookie('phusr');
         if ($request->isFormPost()) {
             if (AphrontFormRecaptchaControl::isRecaptchaEnabled()) {
                 $failed_attempts = PhabricatorUserLog::loadRecentEventsFromThisIP(PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILURE, 60 * 15);
                 if (count($failed_attempts) > 5) {
                     $require_captcha = true;
                     if (!AphrontFormRecaptchaControl::processCaptcha($request)) {
                         if (AphrontFormRecaptchaControl::hasCaptchaResponse($request)) {
                             $e_captcha = 'Invalid';
                             $errors[] = 'CAPTCHA was not entered correctly.';
                         } else {
                             $e_captcha = 'Required';
                             $errors[] = 'Too many login failures recently. You must ' . 'submit a CAPTCHA with your login request.';
             $username_or_email = $request->getStr('username_or_email');
             $user = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere('username = %s', $username_or_email);
             if (!$user) {
                 $user = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere('email = %s', $username_or_email);
             if (!$errors) {
                 // Perform username/password tests only if we didn't get rate limited
                 // by the CAPTCHA.
                 if (!$user || !$user->comparePassword($request->getStr('password'))) {
                     $errors[] = 'Bad username/password.';
             if (!$errors) {
                 $session_key = $user->establishSession('web');
                 $request->setCookie('phusr', $user->getUsername());
                 $request->setCookie('phsid', $session_key);
                 $uri = new PhutilURI('/login/validate/');
                 $uri->setQueryParams(array('phusr' => $user->getUsername()));
                 return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI((string) $uri);
             } else {
                 $log = PhabricatorUserLog::newLog(null, $user, PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILURE);
         if ($errors) {
             $error_view = new AphrontErrorView();
             $error_view->setTitle('Login Failed');
         $form = new AphrontFormView();
         $form->setUser($request->getUser())->setAction('/login/')->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextControl())->setLabel('Username/Email')->setName('username_or_email')->setValue($username_or_email))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormPasswordControl())->setLabel('Password')->setName('password')->setCaption('<a href="/login/email/">' . 'Forgot your password? / Email Login</a>'));
         if ($require_captcha) {
             $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormRecaptchaControl())->setError($e_captcha));
         $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue('Login'));
         //    $panel->setCreateButton('Register New Account', '/login/register/');
         $forms['Phabricator Login'] = $form;
     $providers = PhabricatorOAuthProvider::getAllProviders();
     foreach ($providers as $provider) {
         $enabled = $provider->isProviderEnabled();
         if (!$enabled) {
         $auth_uri = $provider->getAuthURI();
         $redirect_uri = $provider->getRedirectURI();
         $client_id = $provider->getClientID();
         $provider_name = $provider->getProviderName();
         $minimum_scope = $provider->getMinimumScope();
         $extra_auth = $provider->getExtraAuthParameters();
         // TODO: In theory we should use 'state' to prevent CSRF, but the total
         // effect of the CSRF attack is that an attacker can cause a user to login
         // to Phabricator if they're already logged into some OAuth provider. This
         // does not seem like the most severe threat in the world, and generating
         // CSRF for logged-out users is vaugely tricky.
         if ($provider->isProviderRegistrationEnabled()) {
             $title = "Login or Register with {$provider_name}";
             $body = 'Login or register for Phabricator using your ' . phutil_escape_html($provider_name) . ' account.';
             $button = "Login or Register with {$provider_name}";
         } else {
             $title = "Login with {$provider_name}";
             $body = 'Login to your existing Phabricator account using your ' . phutil_escape_html($provider_name) . ' account.<br /><br />' . '<strong>You can not use ' . phutil_escape_html($provider_name) . ' to register a new ' . 'account.</strong>';
             $button = "Login with {$provider_name}";
         $auth_form = new AphrontFormView();
         $auth_form->setAction($auth_uri)->addHiddenInput('client_id', $client_id)->addHiddenInput('redirect_uri', $redirect_uri)->addHiddenInput('scope', $minimum_scope);
         foreach ($extra_auth as $key => $value) {
             $auth_form->addHiddenInput($key, $value);
         $auth_form->setUser($request->getUser())->setMethod('GET')->appendChild('<p class="aphront-form-instructions">' . $body . '</p>')->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue("{$button} »"));
         $forms[$title] = $auth_form;
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     foreach ($forms as $name => $form) {
         $panel->appendChild('<h1>' . $name . '</h1>');
         $panel->appendChild('<br />');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(array($error_view, $panel), array('title' => 'Login'));