Esempio n. 1
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger("merchant", array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 15))->setLabel(array("Korta Merchant", ""))->addRule('required');
     $form->addInteger("terminal", array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 15))->setLabel(array("Korta Terminal", ""))->addRule('required');
     $form->addText("secretCode", array('size' => 40))->setLabel(array("Korta Secret Code", ""))->addRule('required');
     $form->addAdvCheckbox("testMode")->setLabel(array("Test Mode Enabled", ""));
Esempio n. 2
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => 20))->setLabel('Your Verotel Merchant ID#');
     $form->addInteger('site_id')->setLabel('Verotel Site Id');
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('dynamic_pricing')->setLabel(array('Allow Dynamic Pricing', 'this option does not allow to use recurring'));
     $form->addText('secret')->setLabel(array('Private key', 'required for dynamic pricing only'));
Esempio n. 3
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('site_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Zombaio Site ID');
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Your Zombaio Merchant ID', 'Can be found in ZOA dashboard'));
     $form->addText('password')->setLabel(array("Zombaio GW Pass", "Unique key for the verify site/merchant. Can be found under site information in Zombaio Online Administrator"));
     $form->addSelect("lang", array(), array('options' => array('ZOM' => 'Default (Script will detect user language based on IP)', 'US' => 'English', 'FR' => 'French', 'DE' => 'German', 'IT' => 'Italian', 'JP' => 'Japanese', 'ES' => 'Spanish', 'SE' => 'Swedish', 'KR' => 'Korean', 'CH' => 'Traditional Chinese', 'HK' => 'Simplified Chinese')))->setLabel('Zombaio Site Language');
Esempio n. 4
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('client_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Client ID#');
     $form->addText('secret', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Client Secret');
     $form->addText('token', array('size' => 40))->setLabel('Your Access Token');
     $form->addInteger('account_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Account ID#');
     $form->addSelect('fee_payer')->setLabel(___('Who is paying the fee'))->loadOptions(array('payee' => 'the person receiving the money', 'payer' => 'the person paying'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox("testing")->setLabel("Test Mode Enabled" . "\n" . "The Test Mode requires a separate developer test account, which can be set up by filling out the following form: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>");
Esempio n. 5
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('account_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Hipay Account Id', '(number)'));
     $form->addPassword('merchant_password', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Merchant Password', '(set within your Hipay account)'));
     $form->addInteger('site_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Hipay Site Id', '(number)'));
     $sel = $form->addSelect('order_category')->setLabel(array("The order/product category attached to the merchant site's category", "if there is no values - please enter Site Id and Save"));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('testing')->setLabel('Test Mode');
Esempio n. 6
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('client_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Client ID#');
     $form->addText('secret', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Client Secret');
     $form->addText('token', array('size' => 40))->setLabel('Your Access Token');
     $form->addInteger('account_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Account ID#');
     $form->addSelect('fee_payer')->setLabel(___('Who is paying the fee'))->loadOptions(array('payee' => 'the person receiving the money', 'payer' => 'the person paying'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('testing')->setLabel('Test Mode');
Esempio n. 7
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('site_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Zombaio Site ID');
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Your Zombaio Merchant ID', 'Can be found in ZOA dashboard'));
     $form->addText('password')->setLabel(array("Zombaio GW Pass", "Unique key for the verify site/merchant. Can be found under site information in Zombaio Online Administrator"));
     $form->addSelect("lang", array(), array('options' => array('ZOM' => 'Default (Script will detect user language based on IP)', 'US' => 'English', 'FR' => 'French', 'DE' => 'German', 'IT' => 'Italian', 'JP' => 'Japanese', 'ES' => 'Spanish', 'SE' => 'Swedish', 'KR' => 'Korean', 'CH' => 'Traditional Chinese', 'HK' => 'Simplified Chinese')))->setLabel('Zombaio Site Language');
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('validation_mode')->setLabel(array('Enable Validation Mode', 'Turn this on in order to validate ZScript in your Zombaio account. 
             After script will be validated this setting should be disabled immediately'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('dynamic_pricing')->setLabel(array('Enable Dynamic Pricing', 'The amount must be within the range €/$ 10.00 - €/$ 100.00 if you want to use other amounts you must get an approval from'));
Esempio n. 8
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addSelect("ideal_bank")->setLabel("Merchant bank")->loadOptions(array('ing' => '', 'rabobank' => ''));
     $form->addInteger("merchantId", array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 15))->setLabel(array("Merchant ID", ""))->addRule('required');
     $form->addInteger("subId", array('value' => 0))->setLabel(array("Sub ID", "usually it is not need to change it"));
     $form->addText("privateKey", array('size' => 40))->setLabel(array("Private Key", "filename of private key"))->addRule('required');
     $form->addText("privateKeyPass")->setLabel(array("Private Key Password", "password for private key"))->addRule('required');
     $form->addText("privateCert", array('size' => 40))->setLabel(array("Merchant Certificate", "filename of the certificate created by the merchant"))->addRule('required');
     $form->addText("acquirerCert", array('size' => 40))->setLabel(array("Acquirer Certificate", "filename of the certificate created by the acquirer"))->addRule('required');
     $form->addSelect("lang")->setLabel(array("Language", ""))->loadOptions(array('nl' => 'NL', 'en' => 'EN'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox("testMode")->setLabel(array("Test Mode Enabled", ""));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox("debugLog")->setLabel(array("Debug Log Enabled", "write all requests/responses to log"));
Esempio n. 9
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('installation_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('WorldPay Installation Id (number)');
     //        $form->addText('callback_pw', array('size'=>20))
     //            ->setLabel('Callback Password (the same as configured in WorldPay)');
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('testing')->setLabel('Test Mode');
Esempio n. 10
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Merchant ID#');
     $form->addText('password')->setLabel(array('Postback Password', 'Should be the same as in in your 1SC account'));
     /* $form->addText('key', array('size'=>30))
        ->setLabel(array('API Key', '1SC -> My Account -> API Settings -> Your Current Merchant API Key')); */
Esempio n. 11
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('pos_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Id punktu płatności (pos_id)');
     $form->addText('key1', array('size' => 32, 'maxlength' => '32'))->setLabel('Klucz MD5');
     $form->addText('key2', array('size' => 32, 'maxlength' => '32'))->setLabel('Drugi klucz MD5');
     $form->addText('pos_auth_key', array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => '32'))->setLabel('Parametr pos_auth_key');
Esempio n. 12
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('SWREG Account#');
     $form->addText('product_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('SWREG Product#');
     $form->addText('ip', array('size' => 10))->setLabel('SWREG Postback IP, default value is');
     $form->addPassword('pass', array('size' => 10))->setLabel('SWREG API Password');
Esempio n. 13
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Merchant ID#');
     $form->addPassword('password')->setLabel(array('Postback Password', 'Should be the same as in your 1SC account'));
     $form->addText('key', array('size' => 30))->setLabel(array('API Key', '1SC -> My Account -> API Settings -> Your Current Merchant API Key'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('skip_amount_check')->setLabel(array('Skip Amount Check', 'Plugin will not check amount of incomming transaction. This option makes it possible to use coupons on 1SC'));
     $form->addText('api_resend', array('size' => 60))->setLabel(array('Resend API Requests', 'Specify url of third-party script that should receive API notifications as well'));
Esempio n. 14
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('seller_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('2CO Account#');
     $form->setDefault('secret', $this->getDi()->app->generateRandomString(10));
     $form->addText('secret', array('size' => 30))->setLabel(array('2CO Secret Phrase', 'set it to the same value as configured in 2CO'));
     $form->addText('api_username')->setLabel('2CO API Username');
     $form->addPassword('api_password')->setLabel('2CO Password');
     $form->addSelect('lang', array(), array('options' => array('en' => 'English', 'zh' => 'Chinese', 'da' => 'Danish', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'fr' => 'French', 'gr' => 'German', 'el' => 'Greek', 'it' => 'Italian', 'jp' => 'Japanese', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pt' => 'Portuguese', 'sl' => 'Slovenian', 'es_ib' => 'Spanish (es_ib)', 'es_la' => 'Spanish (es_la)', 'sv' => 'Swedish')))->setLabel('2CO Interface language');
Esempio n. 15
    public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
        $form->addInteger('merchantId', array('maxlength' => 20, 'size' => 15))->setLabel('Your WMI Merchant ID#')->addRule('required');
        $form->addSelect('signature')->setLabel('Signature Method')->loadOptions(array('' => 'None', 'md5' => 'MD5', 'sha1' => 'SHA1'));
        $form->addText('key', array('size' => 40))->setLabel('Secret Key')->addRule('callback2', 'error', array($this, 'validateSecretKey'));
Esempio n. 16
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('business', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Mollie iDEAL Partner Id', 'your partner id in'));
     $form->addText('profile_key', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(array('Mollie iDEAL Profile Key', 'Optional. ID of corresponding profile on Mollie.'));
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('testing')->setLabel(array('Test Mode', 'activate Test Mode in your account at as well'));
Esempio n. 17
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger("rtlo", array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 15))->setLabel(array("Subaccount (rtlo)", ""))->addRule('required');
     $form->addInteger("service", array('maxlength' => 15, 'size' => 15))->setLabel(array("The ID of your service", ""))->addRule('required');
Esempio n. 18
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('product_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('PayPro Product Id');
     $form->addText('key', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('PayPro Product Variable Price Hash');
Esempio n. 19
 public function _initSetupForm(Am_Form_Setup $form)
     $form->addInteger('merchant_id', array('size' => 20))->setLabel('Your Merchant ID#');
     $form->addAdvCheckbox('testing')->setLabel('Test Mode');