public static function CheckApacheVHostFiles()
     $fileNames = array("/etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime", "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/airtime");
     $status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_OK;
     foreach ($fileNames as $fn) {
         if (!file_exists($fn)) {
             $status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
             self::$check_system_ok = false;
     //Since apache2 loads config files in alphabetical order
     //from the sites-enabled directory, we need to check if
     //airtime is lexically the first file in this directory.
     //get sorted array of files
     $arr = scandir("/etc/apache2/sites-enabled");
     foreach ($arr as $a){
         if ($a == "." || $a == ".."){
         if ($a == "airtime"){
         } else {
             echo "\t\t*Warning, the file \"$a\" is lexically ahead of the file \"airtime\" in".PHP_EOL;
             echo"\t\t /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and preventing airtime from being loaded".PHP_EOL;