function AdoDBRecord_AssociationProxy($client, $returns_many, $options)
     $this->_client = $client;
     $this->_returns_many = $returns_many;
     $this->_options = $options;
     # build base data from options
     # TODO select source from polymorphic type
     $source = $this->_source = Singleton::instance($options["class_name"]);
     if (!is_subclass_of($this->_source, 'AdoDBRecord')) {
         die("AdoDBRecord_AssociationProxy: associated class isn't an ancestor of AdoDBRecord");
     # extract find options
     $find_options = array();
     if (isset($options["order"])) {
         $find_options["order"] = $options["order"];
     # TODO if (isset($options["select"])) $find_options["select"] = $options["select"];
     # parse conditions into string + parameters
     # FIXME make this DRY
     $parsed_conditions = array();
     $parsed_params = array();
     if (isset($options["conditions"])) {
         $arg = $options["conditions"];
         if (!is_array($arg)) {
             $arg = array($arg);
         $conditions = array_merge_recursive($conditions, $arg);
         AdoDBRecord_Tools::parse_conditions($conditions, $parsed_conditions, $parsed_params);
     if (isset($options["primary_key"])) {
         $parsed_conditions[] = sprintf("%s = ?", $options["foreign_key"]);
         # FIXME PHP4 does not like $obj->$property indirection, fix this after dropping PHP4 support
         $parsed_params[] = $client->_attributes[$options["primary_key"]];
     } else {
         $parsed_conditions[] = sprintf("%s = ?", 'id');
         # FIXME PHP4 does not like $obj->$property indirection, fix this after dropping PHP4 support
         $parsed_params[] = $client->_attributes[$options["foreign_key"]];
     $find_conditions = sprintf("(%s)", join($parsed_conditions, ") AND ("));
     $find_conditions = strtr($find_conditions, array("%" => "%%", "?" => "'%s'"));
     # FIXME not database agnostic
     $find_conditions = vsprintf($find_conditions, $parsed_params);
     $find_options = array_merge($find_options, array("conditions" => $find_conditions));
     if (isset($options["primary_key"])) {
         $this->_wrap_scope = array("find" => $find_options, "create" => array($options["foreign_key"] => $client->{$options}["primary_key"]));
     } else {
         $this->_wrap_scope = array("find" => $find_options);
Esempio n. 2
 function is_association_property($name)
     return AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_belongs_to_property($name) || AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_has_many_property($name) || AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_has_one_property($name);
Esempio n. 3
 function parse_member()
     $args = func_get_args();
     switch (count($args)) {
         case 1:
             # this call was made by __get()
             list($property) = $args;
             if (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_column_property($property)) {
                 return $this->_attributes[$property];
             if ($property == "id") {
                 return $this->_attributes[$this->_primary_key];
             # if no column property check for association or proxy
             # TODO cache proxy
             $use_proxy = substr($property, -1) == "_";
             if ($use_proxy) {
                 $property = substr($property, 0, -1);
             if (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_association_property($property)) {
                 if (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_has_many_property($property)) {
                     $returns_many = true;
                     $options = $this->_has_many[$property];
                 } elseif (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_belongs_to_property($property)) {
                     $returns_many = false;
                     $options = $this->_belongs_to[$property];
                 } elseif (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_has_one_property($property)) {
                     $returns_many = false;
                     $options = $this->_has_one[$property];
                 } else {
                     die("AdoDBRecord_Base::parse_member(): fatal association inconsistency");
                 $proxy = new AdoDBRecord_AssociationProxy($this, $returns_many, $options);
                 if ($use_proxy) {
                     return $proxy;
                 return $proxy->find();
             # TODO write a real error handler
             die(get_class($this) . "->{$property}: No such property");
         case 2:
             # this call was made by __set()
             # TODO check property is valid (_associations)
             list($property, $value) = $args;
             if (AdoDBRecord_Tools::is_column_property($property)) {
                 return $this->set_attributes(array($property => $value));
             if ($property == "id") {
                 return $this->set_attributes(array($this->_primary_key => $value));
             # TODO write a real error handler
             die(get_class($this) . "->{$property}: No such property");
             # this call was made by some chaotic wizard and is invalid
             # TODO write a real error handler
             die("AdoDBRecord_Base::parse_member(): unexpected arguments received");
Esempio n. 4
 function end_scope()
     if (defined("AR_PHP4_COMPAT")) {
         # PHP4 cannot pass properties of overloaded objects by reference - work around it
         $temp = $this->_scoped_methods;
         $this->_scoped_methods = $temp;
     } else {