function index() { // we'll show varying levels of blank state screens // do we have a consumer key and secret? if (setting('twitter_consumer_key') == '' or setting('twitter_consumer_secret') == '') { return redirect('admincp/twitter/register_application'); } // we have an app setup, but we may need the OAuth token... if (setting('twitter_oauth_token') == '' or setting('twitter_oauth_token_secret') == '') { return redirect('admincp/twitter/update_oauth'); } // we have oauth tokens, but let's make sure they are up-to-date require APPPATH . 'modules/twitter/libraries/twitteroauth.php'; $connection = new TwitterOAuth(setting('twitter_consumer_key'), setting('twitter_consumer_secret'), setting('twitter_oauth_token'), setting('twitter_oauth_token_secret')); $test = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials'); if ($connection->http_code != 200) { // connection failed $this->notices->SetError('Your Twitter OAuth tokens are out of date! Please re-authorize.'); return redirect('admincp/twitter/update_oauth'); } // Twitter credentials are solid! $this->admin_navigation->module_link('Update Application Credentials', site_url('admincp/twitter/register_application')); $this->admin_navigation->module_link('Update Authorization Tokens', site_url('admincp/twitter/update_oauth')); $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('Twitter Configuration'); // get content types $this->load->model('publish/content_type_model'); $types = $this->content_type_model->get_content_types(array('is_standard' => '1')); $type_options = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $type_options[$type['id']] = $type['name']; } // get topics $this->load->model('publish/topic_model'); $topics = $this->topic_model->get_tiered_topics(); $topic_options = array(); $topic_options[0] = 'Any Topic'; foreach ($topics as $topic) { $topic_options[$topic['id']] = $topic['name']; } $form->value_row(' ', 'Configure ' . setting('app_name') . ' to automatically tweet your latest content with the options below.'); $checked = setting('twitter_enabled') == '1' ? TRUE : FALSE; $form->checkbox('Enable Tweeting?', 'enabled', '1', $checked); $selected = setting('twitter_content_types') != '' ? unserialize(setting('twitter_content_types')) : array(); $form->dropdown('Content Types', 'content_types', $type_options, $selected, TRUE, FALSE, 'Only posts of these content types will be tweeted.'); $selected = setting('twitter_topics') != '' ? unserialize(setting('twitter_topics')) : array(); $form->dropdown('Topics', 'topics', $topic_options, $selected, TRUE, FALSE, 'Only posts in these topics will be tweeted.'); //$value = (setting('twitter_template') == '') ? '[TITLE]: [URL]' : setting('twitter_template'); //$form->textarea('Tweet Template','template',$value,'Specify the format of the Tweet. You may use the tags: [SITE_NAME], [TITLE], and [URL].'); $data = array('form_title' => 'Twitter: Configuration', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/twitter/post_config'), 'form' => $form->display(), 'form_button' => 'Save Configuration'); $this->load->view('generic', $data); }
private function build_coupon_form($coupon = array(), $id = 0) { $this->load->model('store/shipping_model'); $this->load->model('store/products_model'); $this->load->model('billing/subscription_plan_model'); // Get the required options $coupon_products = isset($coupon['products']) ? $coupon['products'] : array(); $coupon_plans = isset($coupon['plans']) ? $coupon['plans'] : array(); $coupon_shipping = isset($coupon['shipping']) ? $coupon['shipping'] : array(); $coupon_types = $this->coupon_model->get_coupon_types(); foreach ($coupon_types as $type) { $type_options[$type->coupon_type_id] = $type->coupon_type_name; } $reduction_options = array(0 => '%', 1 => setting('currency_symbol')); $products = $this->products_model->get_products(); $product_options = array(); $product_options['-1'] = 'not available for any products'; if (is_array($products)) { foreach ($products as $product) { $product_options[$product['id']] = $product['name']; } } $plans = $this->subscription_plan_model->get_plans(); $plan_options = array(); $plan_options['-1'] = 'not available for any subscriptions'; if (is_array($plans)) { foreach ($plans as $plan) { $plan_options[$plan['id']] = $plan['name']; } } $shipping = $this->shipping_model->get_rates(); $shipping_options = array(); if (is_array($shipping)) { foreach ($shipping as $rate) { $shipping_options[$rate['id']] = $rate['name']; } } // Build the form $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('Coupon Information'); $form->hidden('coupon_id', $id); $form->text('Coupon Name', 'coupon_name', isset($coupon['coupon_name']) ? $coupon['coupon_name'] : null, 'Something for you to recognize the coupon by.', TRUE); $form->text('Coupon Code', 'coupon_code', isset($coupon['coupon_code']) ? $coupon['coupon_code'] : null, 'The code the customer must enter.', TRUE); $form->date('Start Date', 'coupon_start_date', isset($coupon['coupon_start_date']) ? $coupon['coupon_start_date'] : null, null, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, '8em'); $form->date('Expiry Date', 'coupon_end_date', isset($coupon['coupon_end_date']) ? $coupon['coupon_end_date'] : null, null, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, '8em'); $form->text('Maximum Uses', 'coupon_max_uses', (isset($coupon['coupon_max_uses']) and !empty($coupon['coupon_max_uses'])) ? $coupon['coupon_max_uses'] : null, 'The maximum number of customers that can use the coupon.', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, '6em'); $form->checkbox('One Per Customer?', 'coupon_customer_limit', '1', isset($coupon['coupon_customer_limit']) && $coupon['coupon_customer_limit'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'Check to limit each customer to a single use.'); $form->dropdown('Coupon Type', 'coupon_type_id', $type_options, isset($coupon['coupon_type_id']) ? $coupon['coupon_type_id'] : FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'coupon_type'); $form->fieldset('Price Reduction', array('coupon_reduction')); $form->dropdown('Reduction Type', 'coupon_reduction_type', $reduction_options, isset($coupon['coupon_reduction_type']) ? $coupon['coupon_reduction_type'] : FALSE); $form->text('Reduction Amount', 'coupon_reduction_amt', isset($coupon['coupon_reduction_amt']) ? $coupon['coupon_reduction_amt'] : null, 'The amount of the discount.', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, '6em'); $form->dropdown('Products', 'products[]', $product_options, $coupon_products, TRUE, FALSE, 'Leave all unselected to make available for all products.'); $form->dropdown('Subscription Plans', 'plans[]', $plan_options, $coupon_plans, TRUE, FALSE, 'Leave all unselected to make available for all subscriptions.'); $form->fieldset('Free Trial', array('coupon_trial')); $form->text('Free Trial Length', 'coupon_trial_length', isset($coupon['coupon_trial_length']) ? $coupon['coupon_trial_length'] : null, null, FALSE, 'in days', FALSE, '6em'); $form->dropdown('Subscription Plans', 'trial_subs[]', $plan_options, $coupon_plans, TRUE, 'If left blank, will select ALL SUBSCRIPTION PLANS'); $form->fieldset('Free Shipping', array('coupon_shipping')); $form->text('Min. Cart Amount', 'coupon_min_cart_amt', isset($coupon['coupon_min_cart_amt']) ? $coupon['coupon_min_cart_amt'] : null, 'The minimum order amount before the coupon may be used.', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, '6em'); $form->dropdown('Shipping Methods', 'ship_rates[]', $shipping_options, $coupon_shipping, TRUE, 'If left blank, will select ALL SHIPPING PLANS'); return $form; }
function subscription_edit($id) { $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $this->load->model('subscription_plan_model'); $plan = $this->subscription_plan_model->get_plan($id); if (!$plan) { die(show_error('No subscription plan with that ID.')); } $this->load->model('users/usergroup_model'); $usergroups = $this->usergroup_model->get_usergroups(); $options = array(); $options[0] = 'No member group move'; foreach ($usergroups as $group) { $options[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } $usergroups = $options; $form->fieldset('Membership Options'); $form->dropdown('Promotion', 'promotion', $usergroups, $plan['promotion'], FALSE, FALSE, 'Upon subscription, the member will be moved into this usergroup. They will be removed from this group upon expiration or cancellation.'); $form->dropdown('Demotion', 'demotion', $usergroups, $plan['demotion'], FALSE, FALSE, 'Upon expiration or cancellation, the member will be moved into this usergroup.'); $form->fieldset('Description'); $form->textarea('Description', 'description', $plan['description'], 'This text may be displayed to the user in a list of subscription packages.', FALSE, 'basic', TRUE, '100%', '100px'); $data = array('member_form' => $form->display(), 'form_title' => 'Edit Subscription Plan', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/billing/post_subscription/edit/' . $plan['id']), 'action' => 'edit', 'form' => $plan); $this->load->view('subscription_form.php', $data); }
function type_edit($id) { $this->load->model('content_type_model'); $type = $this->content_type_model->get_content_type($id); if (empty($type)) { die(show_error('No content type exists by that ID.')); } $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('New Content Type'); $form->text('Name', 'name', $type['name'], 'Enter the name for this type of content.', TRUE, 'e.g., News Articles', TRUE); $form->fieldset('Options'); $form->checkbox('Standard page fields?', 'is_standard', '1', $type['is_standard'], 'If checked, each content item will have the following fields: "Title", "URL Path", and "Topic". These are standard items which allow ' . setting('app_name') . ' to display this content as an individual web page, include in blog/topic listings, etc.'); $form->checkbox('Restrict to certain member groups?', 'is_privileged', '1', $type['is_privileged'], 'If checked, you will be able to specify the member group(s) that have permissions to see this content (or make it public).'); $form->fieldset('Design'); $this->load->helper('template_files'); $template_files = template_files(); $form->dropdown('Output Template', 'template', $template_files, $type['template'], FALSE, TRUE, 'This template in your theme directory will be used to display content of this type. (Ignore this field if it\'s not applicable.)'); $form->text('Base URL Path', 'base_url', $type['base_url'], '(Optional) If this value is set, the URL Path box where you create the URL for each piece of content will be pre-loaded with a folder that will unify all content of this type. For example, setting this to "articles/" will help you make all URL\'s for content of this type like "articles/my_article", "articles/my_other_article", etc.'); $data = array('form' => $form->display(), 'form_title' => 'Edit Content Type', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/publish/post_type/edit/' . $type['id']), 'action' => 'edit'); $this->load->view('type_form.php', $data); }
function edit($id) { $this->load->model('usergroup_model'); $usergroups = $this->usergroup_model->get_usergroups(); $usergroup_options = array(); foreach ($usergroups as $group) { $usergroup_options[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } $user = $this->user_model->get_user($id); if (!$user) { die(show_error('No user found with that ID.')); } $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('System Information'); $form->text('Username', 'username', $user['username'], FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); $form->text('Email', 'email', $user['email'], FALSE, TRUE, '*****@*****.**', TRUE); $form->password('Password', 'password', '', FALSE, TRUE); $form->password('Repeat Password', 'password2', 'Leave blank to keep current password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters in length.', FALSE, TRUE); $form->fieldset('Usergroup'); $form->dropdown('Usergroups', 'usergroups', $usergroup_options, $user['usergroups'], TRUE, TRUE); $form->checkbox('Administrator', 'is_admin', '1', $user['is_admin']); $form->fieldset('Profile Information'); $form->names('Name', $user['first_name'], $user['last_name'], FALSE, TRUE); $form->custom_fields($this->user_model->get_custom_fields(), $user, TRUE); $data = array('user' => array(), 'usergroups' => $usergroup_options, 'default_usergroup' => $this->usergroup_model->get_default(), 'form' => $form->display(), 'form_title' => 'Edit Member Account', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/users/post_user/edit/' . $user['id'])); $this->load->view('user_form.php', $data); }
function edit($id) { $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->model('rss_model'); $feed = $this->rss_model->get_feed($id); // get content types $this->load->model('publish/content_type_model'); $types = $this->content_type_model->get_content_types(array('is_standard' => '1')); $type_options = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $type_options[$type['id']] = $type['name']; } // get users $users = $this->user_model->get_users(array('is_admin' => '1')); $user_options = array(); $user_options[0] = 'Any Author'; foreach ($users as $user) { $user_options[$user['id']] = $user['username'] . ' (' . $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] . ')'; } // get topics $this->load->model('publish/topic_model'); $topics = $this->topic_model->get_tiered_topics(); $topic_options = array(); $topic_options[0] = 'Any Topic'; foreach ($topics as $topic) { $topic_options[$topic['id']] = $topic['name']; } // get field options $type = $this->content_type_model->get_content_type($feed['type']); $custom_fields = $this->custom_fields_model->get_custom_fields(array('group' => $type['custom_field_group_id'])); $field_options = array(); $field_options['0'] = 'Do not include a summary for each item in the RSS feed.'; $field_options['content_title'] = 'Title'; $field_options['content_date'] = 'Date Created'; $field_options['content_modified'] = 'Date Modified'; $field_options['link_url_path'] = 'URL Path'; foreach ($custom_fields as $field) { $field_options[$field['name']] = $field['friendly_name']; } // template $this->load->library('Admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('Design'); $this->load->helper('template_files'); $template_files = template_files(); $form->dropdown('Output Template', 'template', $template_files, $feed['template'], FALSE, TRUE, 'This template in your theme directory will be used to display this RSS feed.'); $data = array('types' => $type_options, 'users' => $user_options, 'topics' => $topic_options, 'field_options' => $field_options, 'feed' => $feed, 'form' => $form->display(), 'form_title' => 'Edit RSS Feed', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/rss/post/edit/' . $feed['id'])); $this->load->view('feed_form', $data); }
function collection_edit($id) { $this->load->library('admin_form'); $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('Collection Information'); $this->load->model('collections_model'); $collections = $this->collections_model->get_tiered_collections(); $collection = $this->collections_model->get_collection($id); $options = array(); $options[0] = 'No parent'; foreach ($collections as $data) { $options[$data['id']] = $data['name']; } $form->dropdown('Parent', 'parent', $options, $collection['parent'], FALSE, FALSE, 'If a parent is selected, this collection will act as a sub-collection of its parent.', TRUE); $form->text('Collection Name', 'name', $collection['name'], FALSE, TRUE, 'e.g., Men\'s Shoes', TRUE); $form->textarea('Description', 'description', $collection['description'], FALSE, FALSE, 'complete', TRUE); // custom fields if (setting('collections_custom_field_group') != '') { $collection_data = $this->custom_fields_model->get_custom_fields(array('group' => setting('collections_custom_field_group'))); if (!empty($collection_data)) { $form->fieldset('Custom Product Data'); $form->custom_fields($collection_data, $collection); } } $data = array('form' => $form->display(), 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/store/post_collection/edit/' . $collection['id']), 'form_title' => 'Edit Collection'); $this->load->view('collection_form', $data); }
function edit($id) { define('INCLUDE_CKEDITOR', 'TRUE'); $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->model('blog_model'); $blog = $this->blog_model->get_blog($id); // get content types $this->load->model('publish/content_type_model'); $types = $this->content_type_model->get_content_types(array('is_standard' => '1')); $type_options = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { $type_options[$type['id']] = $type['name']; } // get users $users = $this->user_model->get_users(array('is_admin' => '1')); $user_options = array(); $user_options[0] = 'Any Author'; foreach ($users as $user) { $user_options[$user['id']] = $user['username'] . ' (' . $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] . ')'; } // get topics $this->load->model('publish/topic_model'); $topics = $this->topic_model->get_tiered_topics(); $topic_options = array(); $topic_options[0] = 'Any Topic'; foreach ($topics as $topic) { $topic_options[$topic['id']] = $topic['name']; } // get field options $type = $this->content_type_model->get_content_type($blog['type']); $custom_fields = $this->custom_fields_model->get_custom_fields(array('group' => $type['custom_field_group_id'])); $field_options = array(); $field_options['content_title'] = 'Title'; $field_options['content_date'] = 'Date Created'; $field_options['content_modified'] = 'Date Modified'; $field_options['link_url_path'] = 'URL Path'; foreach ($custom_fields as $field) { $field_options[$field['name']] = $field['friendly_name']; } $this->load->library('Admin_form'); // privileges form $this->load->model('users/usergroup_model'); $groups = $this->usergroup_model->get_usergroups(); $privileges = new Admin_form(); $privileges->fieldset('Member Group Access'); $options = array(); $options[0] = 'Public / Any Member Group'; foreach ($groups as $group) { $options[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } $privileges->dropdown('Access Requires Membership to Group', 'privileges', $options, !empty($blog['privileges']) ? $blog['privileges'] : array(0), TRUE, FALSE, 'Select multiple member groups by holding the CTRL or CMD button and selecting multiple options.'); $privilege_form = $privileges->display(); // template form $form = new Admin_form(); $form->fieldset('Design'); $this->load->helper('template_files'); $template_files = template_files(); $form->dropdown('Output Template', 'template', $template_files, $blog['template'], FALSE, TRUE, 'This template in your theme directory will be used to display this blog/archive page.'); $form->text('Items per Page', 'per_page', $blog['per_page'], 'Automatic pagination will occur if the total number of content items is greater than this number.', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, '70px', '', array('number')); $data = array('types' => $type_options, 'users' => $user_options, 'topics' => $topic_options, 'field_options' => $field_options, 'blog' => $blog, 'form' => $form->display(), 'privilege_form' => $privilege_form, 'form_title' => 'Edit Blog/Archive', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/blogs/post/edit/' . $blog['id'])); $this->load->view('blog_form', $data); }
function edit($id) { define('INCLUDE_CKEDITOR', TRUE); $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->model('form_model'); $form = $this->form_model->get_form($id); if (empty($form)) { die(show_error('No form exists with that ID.')); } // template $this->load->library('Admin_form'); $template_form = new Admin_form(); $template_form->fieldset('Design'); $this->load->helper('template_files'); $template_files = template_files(); $template_form->dropdown('Output Template', 'template', $template_files, $form['template'], FALSE, TRUE, 'This template in your theme directory will be used to display this form.'); // privileges $this->load->model('users/usergroup_model'); $groups = $this->usergroup_model->get_usergroups(); $privileges = new Admin_form(); $privileges->fieldset('Member Group Access'); $options = array(); $options[0] = 'Public / Any Member Group'; foreach ($groups as $group) { $options[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } $privileges->dropdown('Access Requires Membership to Group', 'privileges', $options, !empty($form['privileges']) ? $form['privileges'] : array(0), TRUE, FALSE, 'Select multiple member groups by holding the CTRL or CMD button and selecting multiple options.'); $privilege_form = $privileges->display(); $data = array('form' => $form, 'admin_form' => $template_form->display(), 'privilege_form' => $privilege_form, 'form_title' => 'Edit Form', 'form_action' => site_url('admincp/forms/post/edit/' . $form['id'])); $this->load->view('form', $data); }