public function listAction() { if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { if (empty($data["admin_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("The admin_id parameter is required")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["admin_id"]); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $applications = array(); foreach ($admin->getApplications() as $application) { if (!$application->isActive()) { continue; } $icon = null; if ($application->getIcon()) { $icon = $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getIcon(); } $application->addData(array("url" => $application->getUrl(), "icon" => $icon, 'startup_image_url' => str_replace("//", "/", $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getStartupImageUrl()), 'retina_startup_image_url' => str_replace("//", "/", $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getStartupImageUrl("retina")))); $applications[] = $application->getData(); } $data = array("success" => 1, "applications" => $applications); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function createAction() { if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { if (isset($data["id"])) { unset($data["id"]); } if (isset($data["app_id"])) { unset($data["app_id"]); } if (empty($data["name"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("The name is required")); } if (empty($data["user_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["user_id"]); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $application = new Application_Model_Application(); $this->__checkKeyAndDomain($data, $application); $application->addData($data)->addAdmin($admin)->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "app_id" => $application->getId(), "app_url" => $application->getUrl()); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function saveAction() { if ($datas = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { $message = ''; // Récupère le commerçe en cours $admin = $this->getSession()->getAdmin(); if (empty($datas['url_key'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please enter a subdomain.')); } if (preg_match("#[^a-z0-9]#", $datas['url_key'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Your mobile address should not contain special characters')); } $dummy = new Admin_Model_Admin(); if ($dummy->find($datas['url_key'], 'url_key')->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_('We are sorry but this address is already used.')); } $admin->setUrlKey($datas['url_key'])->save(); $html = array('success' => '1', 'success_message' => $message, 'message_timeout' => 2, 'message_button' => 0, 'message_loader' => 0); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = array('message' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->getLayout()->setHtml(Zend_Json::encode($html)); } }
public function canPublishThemself() { $publication_type = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("system_publication_access_type"); $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($this->getApplication()->getAdminId()); $publish_rights = $admin->getPublicationAccessType() ? $admin->getPublicationAccessType() : $publication_type; return $publish_rights == 'sources'; }
public function loginasAction() { if ($admin_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam("admin_id")) { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($admin_id); if ($admin->getId()) { $key = sha1($admin->getFirstname() . $admin->getId()); if ($key == $this->getRequest()->getParam('key', 'aa')) { $front_session = $this->getSession('front'); $front_session->resetInstance()->setAdmin($admin); $this->_redirect(''); return $this; } } } }
public function deleteAction() { if ($admin_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('admin_id')) { try { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($admin_id); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This administrator does not exist")); } $admin->delete(); $html = array('success' => 1, 'admin_id' => $admin_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = array('error' => 1, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($html); } }
public function saveAction() { if ($data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody())) { try { if (!Zend_Validate::is($data["email"], "emailAddress")) { throw new Exception($this->_("Please, enter a correct email address.")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $dummy = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $dummy->find($data["email"], "email"); $isNew = true; $data["confirm_password"] = !empty($data["confirm_password"]) ? $data["confirm_password"] : ""; if (!empty($data["id"])) { $admin->find($data["id"]); $isNew = !$admin->getId(); } if ($isNew and empty($data["password"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("Please, enter a password.")); } if (empty($data["password"]) and empty($data["confirm_password"])) { unset($data["password"]); unset($data["confirm_password"]); } if (!empty($data["password"]) and $data["password"] != $data["confirm_password"]) { throw new Exception($this->_("Passwords don't match")); } $admin->addData($data); if ($dummy->getEmail() == $admin->getEmail() and $dummy->getId() != $admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("We are sorry but this email address already exists.")); } if (!empty($data["password"])) { $admin->setPassword($data["password"]); } if (!empty($data["publication_access_type"])) { $admin->setPublicationAccessType($data["publication_access_type"]); } $admin->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("User successfully saved")); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function setaddpageAction() { if ($data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody())) { try { if (empty($data["admin_id"]) or empty($data["app_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving. Please try again later.")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["admin_id"]); $application = new Application_Model_Application(); $application->find($data["app_id"]); if (!$admin->getId() or !$application->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving. Please try again later.")); } $admin->setIsAllowedToAddPages(!empty($data["can_add_page"]))->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("Data saved successfully.")); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function autologinAction() { if ($email = $this->getRequest()->getParam("email") and $token = $this->getRequest()->getParam("token")) { try { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($email, "email"); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("The user doesn't exist.")); } if ($admin->getLoginToken() != $token) { throw new Exception($this->_("Authentication failed")); } $this->getSession()->setAdmin($admin); $this->_redirect("admin/application/list"); } catch (Exception $e) { } } }
public function __construct($params) { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($params['id']); $this->setObject($admin); }
public function getOwner() { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($this->getAdminId()); return $admin; }