public static function getInstance() { if (null == self::$instance) { self::$instance = new AdminUtils(); } return self::$instance; }
private function renderRightBlock() { $content = "<div style='border:1px solid #000; padding:5px; width:30%; float:left;'>\n"; $items = AdminUtils::getMenuItemsList(); foreach ($items as $id => $title) { $content .= "- {$title} <br />\n"; } $content .= "</div>\n"; $this->data["content"] .= $content; }
/** * Get all official plugins using GitHub API */ public static function getOfficialPlugins() { $plugins = array(); // Get the official list from the website $content = json_decode(AdminUtils::get_content('')); // If internet is available if (!is_null($content)) { foreach ($content as $plugin) { // Get information from each repo // TODO: cache $plugins[] = json_decode(AdminUtils::get_content('' . $plugin . '/master/featherbb.json')); } } return $plugins; }
/** * Change status * * @param string $what field to change * @param integer $id ID of the item to change * @param integer $value value to set (0 = off, 1 = on) * @return void */ public function set($what, $id, $value = 0) { $msg = null; $mod = new Widget_model(); $id_user = $mod->get_var($id, 'widgets', 'id_user'); if ($id_user != $_SESSION['xuid']) { $msg = AdminUtils::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_NOT_PERMITTED', 'msg')); } if (is_null($msg)) { $qs = X4Route_core::get_query_string(); // do action $mod = new Widget_model(); $result = $mod->update($id, array($what => $value)); // set message $this->dict->get_words(); $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result); // set update if ($result[1]) { $msg->update[] = array('element' => $qs['div'], 'url' => urldecode($qs['url']), 'title' => null); } } $this->response($msg); }
function __construct($zookeeper_connect) { $this->zookeeper_connect_ = $zookeeper_connect; list($this->zookeeper_urls_, $this->kafka_chroot_path_) = AdminUtils::splitZookeeperConnect($zookeeper_connect); $this->log_collect_config_path_ = $this->kafka_chroot_path_ . "/logkafka/config"; $this->log_collect_client_path_ = $this->kafka_chroot_path_ . "/logkafka/client"; }
function detectMessage($app) { // sets up utils $utils = Utils::getInstance(); $wmUtils = WatermarkUtils::getInstance(); $adminUtils = AdminUtils::getInstance(); $session = Session::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); // reads incoming $type = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('type'), 64); // $mid = $wmUtils->getStoredMid(); $midLen = $wmUtils->getStoredMidLen(); // evals message $message = $utils->getDecBinFromInt($mid, $midLen); // reads incoming song-id and user-id $sid = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('sid'), 64); $uid = $utils->iStr($app->request()->post('uid'), 64); if (-1 == $uid) { $uid = $user->getId(); } // evals user by given user-id $targetUser = new User($uid); $bucket = $targetUser->getBucket(); // evals song record by the given user and song ids $exc = $adminUtils->loadSong($uid, $sid); // evals *real path of the song $path = ''; if (false != $exc) { $path = $exc[0]['path']; } // starts detect proc $res = $wmUtils->detectMark($bucket, $path, $message); // sets up a result $err = false == $res ? $session->flushError() : ''; $res = false == $res ? 'false' : $res; // $pid = 0; if (false != $res) { $pid = $res[0]; } // $path = $wmUtils->getDetectProcLogpath(); $path = false == $path ? 'false' : $path; // $res = array('req' => 'detectMessage', 'uid' => $uid, 'sid' => $sid, 'pid' => $pid, 'res' => $res, 'err' => $err, 'path' => $path); return $res; }
case "c_small": $new_width = 40; $new_height = 40; break; case "c_medium": default: $new_width = 270; $new_height = 180; break; case "c_large": $new_width = 0; $new_height = 0; break; } G::logMessage("CROP :: " . $filename); $data = AdminUtils::cropProductImage($filename, $width, $height, $x, $y, $new_width, $new_height); } else { $data = array(); $data["result"] = false; $data["errors"] = array(RenderUtils::renderError("Access denied!")); } break; case COPY_IMAGE_TMP: init("admin/images"); $errors = array(); $result = false; if (G::$user->isOrHigher(U_MODERATOR)) { $filename = $_POST["img_filename"]; $type = $_POST["image_type"]; $new_filename = trim($_POST["filename"]); $new_filename = G::$db->quote(strip_tags($new_filename));
$invoices = $utils->searchInvoices($values['search_supplier']); //$invoices = array( $values['search_supplier'], 'HP ProLiant server plus memory', 'druus', '23177401', '2013-12-19' ); $template = $twig->loadTemplate('invoices.tmpl'); echo $template->render(array('pageTitle' => $data01, 'cfgData' => $cfgData, 'suppliers' => $supArray, 'invoices' => $invoices, 'choosenSuppliers' => $values['search_supplier'], 'startdate' => $values['startdate'], 'enddate' => $values['enddate'])); break; /***************************************/ /** Deal with admin functions */ /***************************************/ /***************************************/ /** Deal with admin functions */ /***************************************/ case "admin-suppliers": $formCmd = ""; // Create an instance of AdminUtils try { $adminUtils = new AdminUtils($DBNAME, $DBUSER, $DBPASSWD, $DBTYPE, $DBSERVER); if ($values['subcmd'] == "edit" && $values['suppid'] > 0) { $suppliers = $adminUtils->getSupplier($values['suppid']); $suppliers = $suppliers[0]; $formCmd = "update"; $template = $twig->loadTemplate('admin-suppliers_edit.tmpl'); } else { if ($values['subcmd'] == "new") { $formCmd = "create"; $template = $twig->loadTemplate('admin-suppliers_edit.tmpl'); } else { if ($values['subcmd'] == "delete" && $values['suppid'] > 0) { $adminUtils->deleteSupplier($values['suppid']); $suppliers = $adminUtils->getSuppliers(); $template = $twig->loadTemplate('admin-suppliers_list.tmpl'); } else {
$userObj = new ADAPractitioner($user_dataAr); break; case AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER: $userObj = new ADASwitcher($user_dataAr); break; case AMA_TYPE_ADMIN: $userObj = new ADAAdmin($user_dataAr); break; } $userObj->setPassword($_POST['user_password']); $result = MultiPort::addUser($userObj, array($_POST['user_tester'])); if ($result > 0) { if ($userObj instanceof ADAAuthor) { AdminUtils::performCreateAuthorAdditionalSteps($userObj->getId()); } elseif ($userObj instanceof ADASwitcher || $userObj instanceof ADAPractitioner) { AdminUtils::createUploadDirForUser($userObj->getId()); } $message = translateFN("Utente aggiunto con successo"); header('Location: ' . $userObj->getHomePage($message)); exit; } else { /* * Qui bisogna ricreare il form per la registrazione passando in $errorsAr['registration_error'] * $result e portando li' dentro lo switch su $result */ $errorsAr['registration_error'] = $result; unset($_POST['submit']); $user_dataAr = $_POST; $testers_dataAr = $common_dh->get_all_testers(array('id_tester', 'nome')); if (AMA_Common_DataHandler::isError($testers_dataAr)) { $errObj = new ADA_Error($testersAr, translateFN("Errore nell'ottenimento delle informazioni sui tester"));
static function listConfig($zkClient, $configs) { /*{{{*/ if (empty($configs)) { throw new LogConfException("configs empty! \n"); } if (array_key_exists('hostname', $configs) && !empty($configs['hostname'])) { // get logkafka/conf/$hostname znode value $hostname = $configs['hostname']; $tmp_ret = AdminUtils::getLogCollectionConf($zkClient, $hostname); if ($tmp_ret['errno'] == 0) { $lk_host_confs = $tmp_ret['data']; } else { echo $tmp_ret['errmsg']; } $tmp_ret = AdminUtils::getLogCollectionState($zkClient, $hostname); if ($tmp_ret['errno'] == 0) { $lk_host_stats = $tmp_ret['data']; } else { echo $tmp_ret['errmsg']; } if (empty($lk_host_confs)) { echo "No logkafka configurations for hostname({$hostname}).\n"; return; } if (array_key_exists('log_path', $configs) && !empty($configs['log_path'])) { AdminUtils::listConfigByHostAndPath($zkClient, $lk_host_confs, $lk_host_stats, $hostname, $configs['log_path']); } else { $paths = array_keys($lk_host_confs); foreach ($paths as $path) { AdminUtils::listConfigByHostAndPath($zkClient, $lk_host_confs, $lk_host_stats, $hostname, $path); } } } else { // get logkafka/conf/<all hostname> znode value $tmp_ret = AdminUtils::getLogkafkaHosts($zkClient); if ($tmp_ret['errno'] == 0) { $hosts = $tmp_ret['data']; } else { echo $tmp_ret['errmsg']; } if (empty($hosts)) { echo "No logkafka configurations.\n"; return; } foreach ($hosts as $host) { $tmp_ret = AdminUtils::getLogCollectionConf($zkClient, $host); if ($tmp_ret['errno'] == 0) { $lk_host_confs = $tmp_ret['data']; } else { echo $tmp_ret['errmsg']; } $tmp_ret = AdminUtils::getLogCollectionState($zkClient, $host); if ($tmp_ret['errno'] == 0) { $lk_host_stats = $tmp_ret['data']; } else { echo $tmp_ret['errmsg']; } if (empty($lk_host_confs)) { echo "No logkafka configurations for host({$host}).\n"; continue; } if (array_key_exists('log_path', $configs) && !empty($configs['log_path'])) { AdminUtils::listConfigByHostAndPath($zkClient, $lk_host_confs, $lk_host_stats, $host, $configs['log_path']); } else { $paths = array_keys($lk_host_confs); foreach ($paths as $path) { AdminUtils::listConfigByHostAndPath($zkClient, $lk_host_confs, $lk_host_stats, $host, $path); } } } } }
case AMA_TYPE_SUPERTUTOR: case AMA_TYPE_TUTOR: $userObj = new ADAPractitioner($user_dataAr); break; case AMA_TYPE_SWITCHER: $userObj = new ADASwitcher($user_dataAr); break; case AMA_TYPE_ADMIN: $userObj = new ADAAdmin($user_dataAr); break; } $userObj->setPassword($_POST['password']); $result = MultiPort::addUser($userObj, array($sess_selected_tester)); if ($result > 0) { if ($userObj instanceof ADAAuthor) { AdminUtils::performCreateAuthorAdditionalSteps($userObj->getId()); } $message = translateFN('Utente aggiunto con successo'); header('Location: ' . $userObj->getHomePage($message)); exit; } else { $form = new CText(translateFN('Si sono verificati dei problemi durante la creazione del nuovo utente')); } } else { $form = new CText(translateFN('I dati inseriti nel form non sono validi')); } } else { $form = new UserSubscriptionForm(); } $label = translateFN('Aggiunta utente'); $help = translateFN('Da qui il provider admin può creare un nuovo utente');
public function __construct() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->adminUtils = AdminUtils::getInstance(); $this->webDBUtils = WebDBUtils::getInstance(); }