  * Creates a map($sourceId => map($from, pair($to, $ambiguous))).
  * That is, for each sourceId and abbreviated text, we store the expanded text and whether the abbreviation is ambiguous.
  * An ambigious abbreviation such as "top" or "gen" also has a meaning as an inflected form.
  * Ambiguous abbreviations should be expanded carefully, or with human approval.
 private static function loadAbbreviations()
     if (!self::$ABBREVS) {
         $raw = self::loadRawAbbreviations();
         $result = array();
         foreach ($raw['sources'] as $sourceId => $sectionList) {
             $sections = preg_split('/, */', $sectionList);
             $list = array();
             foreach ($sections as $section) {
                 // If an abbreviation is defined in several sections, use the one that's defined later
                 $list = array_merge($list, $raw[$section]);
             $result[$sourceId] = array();
             foreach ($list as $from => $to) {
                 $ambiguous = $from[0] == '*';
                 if ($ambiguous) {
                     $from = substr($from, 1);
                 $numWords = 1 + substr_count($from, ' ');
                 $regexp = str_replace(array('.', ' '), array("\\.", ' *'), $from);
                 $pattern = "[^-a-zăâîșțáéíóúA-ZĂÂÎȘȚÁÉÍÓÚ.]({$regexp})([^-a-zăâîșțáéíóúA-ZĂÂÎȘȚÁÉÍÓÚ.]|\$)";
                 $hasCaps = $from !== mb_strtolower($from);
                 $result[$sourceId][$from] = array('to' => $to, 'ambiguous' => $ambiguous, 'regexp' => $pattern, 'numWords' => $numWords, 'hasCaps' => $hasCaps);
             // Sort the list by number of words, then by ambiguous
             uasort($result[$sourceId], 'self::abbrevCmp');
         self::$ABBREVS = $result;
     return self::$ABBREVS;