public function execute(HTTPRequestCustom $request)
     $lang = LangLoader::get('common');
     $is_admin = AppContext::get_current_user()->check_level(User::ADMIN_LEVEL);
     $number_admins = UserService::count_admin_members();
     $suggestions = array();
     try {
         $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("SELECT user_id, display_name, level, groups FROM " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " WHERE display_name LIKE '" . str_replace('*', '%', $request->get_value('value', '')) . "%'");
         while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
             $user_group_color = User::get_group_color($row['groups'], $row['level']);
             $suggestion = '';
             if ($is_admin) {
                 $edit_link = new LinkHTMLElement(UserUrlBuilder::edit_profile($row['user_id']), '', array('title' => $lang['edit']), 'fa fa-edit');
                 if ($row['level'] != User::ADMIN_LEVEL || $row['level'] == User::ADMIN_LEVEL && $number_admins > 1) {
                     $delete_link = new LinkHTMLElement(AdminMembersUrlBuilder::delete($row['user_id']), '', array('title' => $lang['delete'], 'data-confirmation' => 'delete-element'), 'fa fa-delete');
                 } else {
                     $delete_link = new LinkHTMLElement('', '', array('title' => $lang['delete'], 'onclick' => 'return false;'), 'fa fa-delete icon-disabled');
                 $suggestion .= $edit_link->display() . ' ' . $delete_link->display() . ' ';
             $profile_link = new LinkHTMLElement(UserUrlBuilder::profile($row['user_id'])->rel(), $row['display_name'], array('style' => !empty($user_group_color) ? 'color:' . $user_group_color : ''), UserService::get_level_class($row['level']));
             $suggestion .= $profile_link->display();
             $suggestions[] = $suggestion;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return new JSONResponse(array('suggestions' => $suggestions));
 public function __construct($view, $title_page)
     $lang = LangLoader::get('admin-user-common');
     $this->add_link($lang['members.members-management'], AdminMembersUrlBuilder::management());
     $this->add_link($lang['members.add-member'], AdminMembersUrlBuilder::add());
     $this->add_link($lang['members.config-members'], AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration());
     $this->add_link($lang['members.members-punishment'], UserUrlBuilder::moderation_panel());
     $env = $this->get_graphical_environment();
 public function execute(HTTPRequestCustom $request)
     $tpl = new StringTemplate('# INCLUDE MSG # # INCLUDE FORM #');
     if ($this->submit_button->has_been_submited() && $this->form->validate()) {
         $display_name = $this->save();
         AppContext::get_response()->redirect($this->form->get_value('referrer') ? $this->form->get_value('referrer') : AdminMembersUrlBuilder::management(), StringVars::replace_vars($this->lang['user.message.success.add'], array('name' => $display_name)));
     $tpl->put('FORM', $this->form->display());
     return new AdminMembersDisplayResponse($tpl, LangLoader::get_message('members.add-member', 'admin-user-common'));
 public function execute(HTTPRequestCustom $request)
     $user_id = $request->get_int('id', null);
     $user = UserService::get_user($user_id);
     if (!$user->is_admin() || $user->is_admin() && UserService::count_admin_members() > 1) {
         try {
         } catch (RowNotFoundException $ex) {
             $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_element();
         AppContext::get_response()->redirect($request->get_url_referrer() ? $request->get_url_referrer() : AdminMembersUrlBuilder::management(), StringVars::replace_vars(LangLoader::get_message('user.message.success.delete', 'user-common'), array('name' => $user->get_display_name())));
     } else {
         $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unauthorized_action();
 private function build_table()
     $number_admins = UserService::count_admin_members();
     $table_model = new SQLHTMLTableModel(DB_TABLE_MEMBER, 'table', array(new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['display_name'], 'display_name'), new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['level'], 'level'), new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['email']), new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['registration_date'], 'registration_date'), new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['last_connection'], 'last_connection_date'), new HTMLTableColumn($this->lang['approbation'], 'approved'), new HTMLTableColumn('')), new HTMLTableSortingRule('display_name', HTMLTableSortingRule::ASC));
     $table = new HTMLTable($table_model);
     $table_model->set_caption(LangLoader::get_message('members.members-management', 'admin-user-common'));
     $results = array();
     $result = $table_model->get_sql_results('m LEFT JOIN ' . DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION . ' ia ON ia.user_id = m.user_id');
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $user = new User();
         $edit_link = new LinkHTMLElement(UserUrlBuilder::edit_profile($user->get_id()), '', array('title' => LangLoader::get_message('edit', 'common')), 'fa fa-edit');
         if ($user->get_level() != User::ADMIN_LEVEL || $user->get_level() == User::ADMIN_LEVEL && $number_admins > 1) {
             $delete_link = new LinkHTMLElement(AdminMembersUrlBuilder::delete($user->get_id()), '', array('title' => LangLoader::get_message('delete', 'common'), 'data-confirmation' => 'delete-element'), 'fa fa-delete');
         } else {
             $delete_link = new LinkHTMLElement('', '', array('title' => LangLoader::get_message('delete', 'common'), 'onclick' => 'return false;'), 'fa fa-delete icon-disabled');
         $user_group_color = User::get_group_color($user->get_groups(), $user->get_level(), true);
         $results[] = new HTMLTableRow(array(new HTMLTableRowCell(new LinkHTMLElement(UserUrlBuilder::profile($user->get_id()), $user->get_display_name(), !empty($user_group_color) ? array('style' => 'color: ' . $user_group_color) : array(), UserService::get_level_class($user->get_level()))), new HTMLTableRowCell(UserService::get_level_lang($user->get_level())), new HTMLTableRowCell(new LinkHTMLElement('mailto:' . $user->get_email(), $this->lang['email'], array(), 'basic-button smaller')), new HTMLTableRowCell(Date::to_format($row['registration_date'], Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR)), new HTMLTableRowCell(!empty($row['last_connection_date']) ? Date::to_format($row['last_connection_date'], Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR) : LangLoader::get_message('never', 'main')), new HTMLTableRowCell($row['approved'] ? LangLoader::get_message('yes', 'common') : LangLoader::get_message('no', 'common')), new HTMLTableRowCell($edit_link->display() . $delete_link->display())));
     $table->set_rows($table_model->get_number_of_matching_rows(), $results);
     $this->view->put_all(array('FORM' => $this->build_form()->display(), 'table' => $table->display()));
Esempio n. 6
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
#                     English                       #
$lang['advises'] = 'Advises';
$lang['advises.modules_management'] = '<a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->rel() . '">Disable or uninstall modules</a> you don\'t you to free ressources on the website.';
$lang['advises.check_modules_authorizations'] = 'Check the authorizations of all your modules and menus before opening your website to avoit guest or unauthorized users accessing protected areas.';
$lang['advises.disable_debug_mode'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Disable debug mode</a> to hide errors to users (the errors are loggued in the <a href="' . AdminErrorsUrlBuilder::logged_errors()->rel() . '">Loggued errors</a>).';
$lang['advises.enable_url_rewriting'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable URL rewriting</a> to have more readable urls (usefull for SEO).';
$lang['advises.enable_output_gz'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable Output pages compression</a> to gain performance.';
$lang['advises.enable_apcu_cache'] = '<a href="' . AdminCacheUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">Enable APCu cache</a> to allow loading the cache in RAM on the server and not on the hard-drive and win a performance advantage.';
$lang['advises.upgrade_php_version'] = 'Upgrade your PHP version in 5.6 (last stable release) if your host allows it.';
$lang['advises.save_database'] = 'Save your database frequently.';
$lang['advises.optimize_database_tables'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Enable auto tables optimization</a> or optimize occasionally your tables in the module <strong>Database</strong> (if it is installed) or in your database management tool to recover the wasted base space.';
$lang['advises.password_security'] = 'Increase strength and length of passwords in <a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">members configuration</a> to strengthen security.';
Esempio n. 7
$lang[''] = 'Test';
$lang['cat.description'] = 'Catégorie de test';
$lang['news.title'] = 'Votre site sous PHPBoost ' . GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version();
$lang['news.content'] = 'Votre site boosté par PHPBoost ' . GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version() . ' est bien installé. Afin de vous aider à le prendre en main, 
l\'accueil de chaque module contient un message pour vous guider dans vos premiers pas. Voici également quelques recommandations supplémentaires que nous vous proposons de lire avec attention : <br />
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">N\'oubliez pas de supprimer le répertoire "install"</h2><br />
<br />
Supprimez le répertoire /install à la racine de votre site pour des raisons de sécurité afin que personne ne puisse recommencer l\'installation.<br />
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">Administrez votre site</h2><br />
<br />
Accédez au <a href="/admin/">panneau d\'administration de votre site</a> afin de le paramétrer comme vous le souhaitez!  Pour cela : <br />
<br />
<ul class="formatter-ul">
<li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminMaintainUrlBuilder::maintain()->relative() . '">Mettez votre site en maintenance</a> en attendant que vous le configuriez à votre guise.
</li><li class="formatter-li">Rendez vous à la <a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::general_config()->relative() . '">Configuration générale du site</a>.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->relative() . '">Configurez les modules</a> disponibles et donnez leur les droits d\'accès (si vous n\'avez pas installé le pack complet, tous les modules sont disponibles sur le site de <a href=""></a> dans la section téléchargement).
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminContentUrlBuilder::content_configuration()->relative() . '">Choisissez le langage de formatage du contenu</a> par défaut du site.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->relative() . '">Configurez l\'inscription des membres</a>.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminThemeUrlBuilder::list_installed_theme()->relative() . '">Choisissez le thème par défaut de votre site</a> pour changer l\'apparence de votre site (vous pouvez en obtenir d\'autres sur le site de <a href=""></a>).
</li><li class="formatter-li">Avant de donner l\'accès de votre site à vos visiteurs, prenez un peu de temps pour y mettre du contenu.
</li><li class="formatter-li">Enfin <a href="' . AdminMaintainUrlBuilder::maintain()->relative() . '">désactivez la maintenance</a> de votre site afin qu\'il soit visible par vos visiteurs.<br />
</li></ul><br />
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">Que faire si vous rencontrez un problème ?</h2><br />
<br />
N\'hésitez pas à consulter <a href="">la documentation de PHPBoost</a> ou à poser vos question sur le <a href="">forum d\'entraide</a>.<br /> <br />
<br />
<p class="float-right">Toute l\'équipe de PHPBoost vous remercie d\'utiliser son logiciel pour créer votre site web !</p>';
Esempio n. 8
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
#                     French                       #
$lang['advises'] = 'Conseils';
$lang['advises.modules_management'] = '<a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->rel() . '">Désactivez ou désinstallez les modules</a> que vous n\'utilisez pas pour économiser les ressources du site.';
$lang['advises.check_modules_authorizations'] = 'Vérifiez les autorisations d\'accès de tous vos modules et menus avant de mettre le site en ligne pour éviter que les visiteurs ou des utilisateurs non autorisés aient accès à des sections protégées du site.';
$lang['advises.disable_debug_mode'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Désactivez le mode debug</a> pour ne pas afficher les erreurs aux utilisateurs (les erreurs sont quand même logguées dans les <a href="' . AdminErrorsUrlBuilder::logged_errors()->rel() . '">Erreurs archivées</a>).';
$lang['advises.enable_url_rewriting'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez la réécriture des URL</a> pour que les URL de votre site soient plus lisibles (très utile pour le référencement).';
$lang['advises.enable_output_gz'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez la compression des pages</a> pour gagner en performance.';
$lang['advises.enable_apcu_cache'] = '<a href="' . AdminCacheUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">Activez le cache APCu</a> pour permettre de charger le cache en RAM sur le serveur et non sur le disque-dur et ainsi gagner d\'avantage en performance.';
$lang['advises.upgrade_php_version'] = 'Mettez à jour votre version PHP pour passer en 5.6 (qui est la dernière version stable) si votre hébergeur le permet.';
$lang['advises.save_database'] = 'Pensez à sauvegarder votre base de données régulièrement.';
$lang['advises.optimize_database_tables'] = '<a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::advanced_config()->rel() . '">Activez l\'optimisation automatique des tables</a> ou optimisez de temps en temps vos tables dans le module <strong>Base de données</strong> (s\'il est installé) ou dans votre outil de gestion de base de donnée pour récupérer de la place perdue en base.';
$lang['advises.password_security'] = 'Augmentez la complexité et la longueur des mots de passe dans la <a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->rel() . '">configuration des membres</a> pour renforcer la sécurité.';
Esempio n. 9
$lang['cat.description'] = 'Test category';
$lang['news.title'] = 'Your site within PHPBoost ' . GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version();
$lang['news.content'] = 'Your PHPBoost ' . GeneralConfig::load()->get_phpboost_major_version() . ' website is now installed and running. To help you build your website, 
each module home has a message to guide you through its configuration. We strongly recommand to do the followings :  <br />
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">Delete the "install" folder</h2><br />
<br />
For security reasons, you must delete the entire "install" folder located in the PHPBoost root directory.
Otherwise, some people may try to re-install the software and in that case you may lose datas.
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">Manage your website</h2><br />
<br />
Access the <a href="/admin/">Administration Panel</a> to set up your website as you wish.
To do so : <br />
<br />
<ul class="formatter-ul">
<li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminMaintainUrlBuilder::maintain()->relative() . '">Put your website under maintenance</a> and you won\'t be disturbed while you\'re working on it.
</li><li class="formatter-li">Now\'s the time to setup the <a href="' . AdminConfigUrlBuilder::general_config()->relative() . '">main configurations</a> of the website.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminModulesUrlBuilder::list_installed_modules()->relative() . '">Configure the installed modules</a> and give them access rights (If you have not installed the complete package, all modules are available on the <a href="">PHPBoost website</a> in the resources section.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminContentUrlBuilder::content_configuration()->relative() . '">Choose the default content language formatting</a>.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminMembersUrlBuilder::configuration()->relative() . '">Configure the members settings</a>.
</li><li class="formatter-li"><a href="' . AdminThemeUrlBuilder::list_installed_theme()->relative() . '">Choose the website style</a> to change the look of your site (You can find more styles on the <a href="">PHPBoost website</a> in the resources section.
</li><li class="formatter-li">Before giving back access to your members, take time to add content to your website!
</li><li class="formatter-li">Finally, Finally, <a href="' . AdminMaintainUrlBuilder::maintain()->relative() . '">put your site online</a> in order to restore access to your site to your visitors.<br />
</li></ul><br />
<br />
<h2 class="formatter-title">What should I do if I have problems ?</h2><br />
<br />
Do not hesitate to consult the <a href="">PHPBoost documentation</a> or ask your question on the <a href="">forum</a> for assistance. As the English community is still young, we strongly recommend that you use the second solution.<br /> <br />
<br />
<p class="float-right">The PHPBoost Team thanks you for using its software to create your Web site!</p>';