public function perform() { $package = Addon::get()->byID($this->args['id']); $builder = Injector::inst()->get('AddonBuilder'); $builder->build($package); $package->BuildQueued = false; $package->write(); }
public function run($request) { $addons = Addon::get(); if ($request->getVar('addons')) { $addons = $addons->filter('Name', explode(',', $request->getVar('addons'))); } foreach ($addons as $addon) { $this->log(sprintf('Building "%s"', $addon->Name)); try { $this->builder->build($addon); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $this->log('Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $addon->BuildQueued = false; $addon->write(); } }
public function run($request) { $dateOneWeekAgo = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week')); $addons = Addon::get()->filter('LastUpdated:LessThan', $dateOneWeekAgo); foreach ($addons as $addon) { try { $addon->Keywords()->removeAll(); $addon->Screenshots()->removeAll(); $addon->CompatibleVersions()->removeAll(); foreach ($addon->Versions() as $version) { $version->Authors()->removeAll(); $version->Keywords()->removeAll(); $version->CompatibleVersions()->removeAll(); $version->delete(); } $addon->delete(); } catch (Elastica\Exception\NotFoundException $e) { // no-op } } }
private function updateLinks(AddonVersion $version, CompletePackage $package) { $getLink = function ($name, $type) use($version) { $link = null; if ($version->isInDB()) { $link = $version->Links()->filter('Name', $name)->filter('Type', $type)->first(); } if (!$link) { $link = new AddonLink(); $link->Name = $name; $link->Type = $type; } return $link; }; $types = array('require' => 'getRequire', 'require-dev' => 'getRequireDev', 'provide' => 'getProvide', 'conflict' => 'getConflict', 'replace' => 'getReplace'); foreach ($types as $type => $method) { if ($linked = $package->{$method}()) { foreach ($linked as $link => $constraint) { $name = $link; $addon = Addon::get()->filter('Name', $name)->first(); $local = $getLink($name, $type); $local->Constraint = $constraint; if ($addon) { $local->TargetID = $addon->ID; } $version->Links()->add($local); } } } //to-do api have no method to get this. /*$suggested = $package->getSuggests(); if ($suggested) foreach ($suggested as $package => $description) { $link = $getLink($package, 'suggest'); $link->Description = $description; $version->Links()->add($link); }*/ }
public function RandomAddons($limit = 10) { return Addon::get()->sort(DB::getConn()->random(), 'DESC')->limit($limit); }
public function Addons() { return Addon::get()->filter('ID', $this->Versions()->column('AddonID')); }
public function rss($request, $limit = 10) { $addons = Addon::get()->sort('Released', 'DESC')->limit($limit); $rss = new RSSFeed($addons, $this->Link(), "Newest addons on", null, 'RSSTitle'); return $rss->outputToBrowser(); }