Esempio n. 1
 public static function doPay($invest, &$errors = array())
     try {
         $project = Project::getMini($invest->project);
         $userData = User::getMini($invest->user);
         // Create request object
         $payRequest = new \ExecutePaymentRequest();
         $payRequest->payKey = $invest->payment;
         $payRequest->requestEnvelope = 'SOAP';
         // Create service wrapper object
         $ap = new \AdaptivePayments();
         // invoke business method on service wrapper passing in appropriate request params
         $response = $ap->ExecutePayment($payRequest);
         // Check response
         if (strtoupper($ap->isSuccess) == 'FAILURE') {
             $soapFault = $ap->getLastError();
             if (is_array($soapFault->error)) {
                 $errorId = $soapFault->error[0]->errorId;
                 $errorMsg = $soapFault->error[0]->message;
             } else {
                 $errorId = $soapFault->error->errorId;
                 $errorMsg = $soapFault->error->message;
             if (is_array($soapFault->payErrorList->payError)) {
                 $errorId = $soapFault->payErrorList->payError[0]->error->errorId;
                 $errorMsg = $soapFault->payErrorList->payError[0]->error->message;
             // tratamiento de errores
             switch ($errorId) {
                 case '569013':
                     // preapproval cancelado por el usuario desde panel paypal
                 // preapproval cancelado por el usuario desde panel paypal
                 case '539012':
                     // preapproval no se llegó a autorizar
                     if ($invest->cancel()) {
                         $action = 'Aporte cancelado';
                         // Evento Feed
                         $log = new Feed();
                         $log->populate('Aporte cancelado por preaproval cancelado por el usuario paypal', '/admin/invests', \vsprintf('Se ha <span class="red">Cancelado</span> el aporte de %s de %s (id: %s) al proyecto %s del dia %s por preapproval cancelado', array(Feed::item('user', $userData->name, $userData->id), Feed::item('money', $invest->amount . ' &euro;'), Feed::item('system', $invest->id), Feed::item('project', $project->name, $project->id), Feed::item('system', date('d/m/Y', strtotime($invest->invested))))));
             if (empty($errorId)) {
                 $errors[] = 'NO es soapFault pero no es Success: <pre>' . print_r($ap, 1) . '</pre>';
                 @mail(\GOTEO_FAIL_MAIL, 'Error en implementacion Paypal API', 'ERROR en ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' No es un soap fault pero no es un success.<br /><pre>' . print_r($ap, 1) . '</pre>');
             } else {
                 $errors[] = "{$action} {$errorMsg} [{$errorId}]";
             return false;
         // verificar el campo paymentExecStatus
         if ($response->paymentExecStatus == 'COMPLETED') {
             if ($invest->setStatus('3')) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $errors[] = "Obtenido estatus de ejecución {$response->paymentExecStatus} pero no se ha actualizado el registro de aporte id {$invest->id}.";
                 @mail(\GOTEO_FAIL_MAIL, 'Error al actualizar registro aporte (setStatus)', 'ERROR en ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' Metodo paypal::setStatus ha fallado.<br /><pre>' . print_r($response, 1) . '</pre>');
                 return false;
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'No se ha completado el pago encadenado, no se ha pagado al proyecto.';
             @mail(\GOTEO_FAIL_MAIL, 'Error fatal en comunicacion Paypal API', 'ERROR en ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' aporte id ' . $invest->id . '. No payment exec status completed.<br /><pre>' . print_r($response, 1) . '</pre>');
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $fault = new \FaultMessage();
         $errorData = new \ErrorData();
         $errorData->errorId = $ex->getFile();
         $errorData->message = $ex->getMessage();
         $fault->error = $errorData;
         $errors[] = 'No se ha podido inicializar la comunicación con Paypal, se ha reportado la incidencia.';
         @mail(\GOTEO_FAIL_MAIL, 'Error fatal en comunicacion Paypal API', 'ERROR en ' . __FUNCTION__ . '<br />No se ha podido inicializar la comunicación con Paypal.<br /><pre>' . print_r($fault, 1) . '</pre>');
         return false;
try {
    $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
    $url = dirname('http://' . $serverName . ':' . $serverPort . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    /* The returnURL is the location where buyers return when a
    	 payment has been succesfully authorized.
    	 The cancelURL is the location buyers are sent to when they hit the
    	 cancel button during authorization of payment during the PayPal flow                 */
    $payKey = $_REQUEST["payKey"];
    $executePaymentRequest = new ExecutePaymentRequest();
    $executePaymentRequest->payKey = $payKey;
    $executePaymentRequest->requestEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope();
    $executePaymentRequest->requestEnvelope->errorLanguage = "en_US";
    $ap = new AdaptivePayments();
    $response = $ap->ExecutePayment($executePaymentRequest);
    if (strtoupper($ap->isSuccess) == 'FAILURE') {
        $_SESSION['FAULTMSG'] = $ap->getLastError();
        $location = "APIError.php";
        header("Location: {$location}");
    } else {
        if ($response->paymentExecStatus == "COMPLETED") {
            if ($response->responseEnvelope->ack == "Success") {

<title>PayPal Platform SDK - Execute Payment Options</title>
<link href="sdk.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body alink=#0000FF vlink=#0000FF>
function ExecutePay($token)
    $executePaymentRequest = new ExecutePaymentRequest();
    $executePaymentRequest->payKey = $token;
    $executePaymentRequest->requestEnvelope = new RequestEnvelope();
    $executePaymentRequest->requestEnvelope->errorLanguage = "en_US";
    $ap = new AdaptivePayments();
    $response = $ap->ExecutePayment($executePaymentRequest);
    if (strtoupper($ap->isSuccess) == 'FAILURE') {
        $FaultMsg = $ap->getLastError();
        echo "Transaction ExecutePayment Failed: error Id: ";
        if (is_array($FaultMsg->error)) {
            echo $FaultMsg->error[0]->errorId . ", error message: " . $FaultMsg->error[0]->message;
        } else {
            echo $FaultMsg->error->errorId . ", error message: " . $FaultMsg->error->message;
    } else {
        if ($response->paymentExecStatus == "COMPLETED") {
            if ($response->responseEnvelope->ack == "Success") {
                echo "Transaction ExecutePay Successful! \n";