  * aanan fanan me likha buy :P
 public function actionBuy($id)
     $currDateTime = new DateTime();
     $currDateTime = $currDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $selectedTiffin = ATiffin::model()->findAll(array('select' => 't.id, t.name, t.contents', 'condition' => 't.verified_by != "not verified" AND t.is_deleted = "no" AND t.id = ' . $id, 'order' => 't.id ASC, aPriceTimes.id ASC', 'with' => array('aPriceTimes' => array('select' => 'aPriceTimes.price_after_discount, aPriceTimes.order_end_time, aPriceTimes.discount, aPriceTimes.id, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time, aPriceTimes.quantity_currently_available, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.orderType', 'on' => 'aPriceTimes.order_start_time <= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.order_end_time >= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"', 'condition' => 'aPriceTimes.verified_by != "not verified" AND aPriceTimes.is_deleted = "no"'))));
     if (isset($selectedTiffin[0]) and isset($selectedTiffin[0]->aPriceTimes[0])) {
         $model = new BuyForm();
         if (isset($_POST['BuyForm'])) {
             $model->attributes = $_POST['BuyForm'];
             $model->name = Yii::app()->user->name;
             $model->email = AppCommon::getEmail();
             if ($model->validate()) {
                 $temp_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $selectedTiffin[0]->aPriceTimes[0]->order_delivery_time);
                 $temp_date_sms = $temp_date;
                 if ($temp_date != FALSE) {
                     $temp_date_sms = $temp_date->format('d M Y h:i a');
                     //01 Apr 2015 01:22 am
                     $temp_date = $temp_date->format('Y-M-d l, h:i:s a');
                 $subject_email = "Tiffin order confirmation " . $temp_date;
                 $content_user = "******" . $model->name . ",\n" . "Your order comprising " . $model->quantity . " tiffin(s) of " . $selectedTiffin[0]->name . " has been accepted." . " We will deliver the order by " . $temp_date . " ( +/- 15 min. ) to " . $model->address . ", " . $model->techpark . ".\n The order is " . $model->paymentMode . " and order's cost is " . $model->quantity . " x " . $selectedTiffin[0]->aPriceTimes[0]->price_after_discount . " = Rs. " . $model->quantity * $selectedTiffin[0]->aPriceTimes[0]->price_after_discount . ". We may call on " . $model->phone . " for asking directions, if needed." . " Kindly receive the calls to make us deliver quickly. \n Thanks and regards, \n tw.in team ";
                 //notify customer
                 AppCommon::sendEmail($model->email, $model->name, $subject_email, $content_user, array("order_notification_customer"));
                 //notify tw team
                 AppCommon::sendEmail(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'], $model->name, $subject_email, $content_user, array("order_notification_tiffinwale.in_team"));
                 $content_sms = "Dear Customer, we have received your order and it will be delivered" . " on " . $temp_date_sms . " ( +/- 15 min. ). Do check your email for complete details." . " Thanks! tw.in";
                 /*$content_sms = "Dear Customer, we have received your order and it will be delivered".
                 		" on 01 Apr 2015 12:00 am. Do check your email for complete details.".
                 		" Thanks! tw.in";
                 		$content_sms = "Dear Customer, we have received your order from".
                 		" and it will be delivered between 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. Thank You! tw.in";*/
                 //sms customer
                 AppCommon::sendSmsOnTime($model->phone, $content_sms, "null", true);
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('buy', 'Thank you for ordering. Kindly check sms on your phone, we will deliver the meal at your address by ' . $temp_date . '.');
         $this->render('buy', array('model' => $model, 'data' => $selectedTiffin[0]));
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('buy', 'Currently this meal is unavailable. Kindly do visit us again tomorrow, during lunch hours.');
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return ATiffin the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id, $condition = '')
     $model = ATiffin::model()->findByPk($id, $condition);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'Either, the requested page does not exist or you are not allowed to view this page now.');
     return $model;
  * takes the given array and respond with changed array which contains proper quantity of every tiffin
  * plus some message is given with the tiffin quantity row.
  * reponse array has 'total_price' as total cart price and 'has_changed' over all and per tiffin row to depict 
  * if cart has changed like quantity has been changed
  * or tiffins have been removed. Example row below
  * tiffn_id=>array("has_changed"=>true,"id"=>xyz,"tiffin_name"=>xyz,"tiffin_content"=>xyz,"image_link"=>xyz,"delivery_time"=>xyz
  * , 'quantity'=> xyz, "per_unit_price"=> xyz,"error_msg"=>xyz )
  * error_msg exists when row's has_changed is true and if has_changed is false error_msg does not exists
 public static function modifyInputTiffinsQuantity($tiffinAndQuantArr, $location = null)
     $response = array();
     $response["has_changed"] = false;
     //made true if a change is array data is made
     $response["total_price"] = 0;
     $response["total_items_at_locality"] = 0;
     $tiffinIdSqlInCondtStr = ATiffin::model()->getCommandBuilder()->createInCondition(ATiffin::model()->tableName(), 'id', array_keys($tiffinAndQuantArr), 't.');
     //string containing IN condition
     $selectedTiffins = array();
     $currDateTime = new DateTime();
     $currDateTime = $currDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     if (isset($location)) {
         $selectedTiffins = ATiffin::model()->findAll(array('select' => 't.id, t.name, t.contents, t.rating_of_tiffin, t.num_of_reviews, t.image', 'condition' => 't.verified_by != "not verified" AND t.is_deleted = "no" AND ' . $tiffinIdSqlInCondtStr, 'order' => 't.id, aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time ASC', 'with' => array('tiffin2userDetails' => array('select' => 'tiffin2userDetails.id, tiffin2userDetails.first_name, tiffin2userDetails.last_name, 
     				 tiffin2userDetails.rating_of_tiffinwala, tiffin2userDetails.unique_name', 'on' => 'tiffin2userDetails.is_active=1 AND tiffin2userDetails.user_type = 1', 'with' => array('aBangaloreLocalities' => array('on' => 'aBangaloreLocalities.is_deleted = "no" AND aBangaloreLocalities.locality_name=' . '"' . $location . '"', 'joinType' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'))), 'aPriceTimes' => array('select' => 'aPriceTimes.price_after_discount, aPriceTimes.order_end_time, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time, aPriceTimes.quantity_currently_available, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.orderType, aPriceTimes.discount', 'on' => 'aPriceTimes.order_start_time <= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.order_end_time >= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time >= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.quantity_currently_available > 0 ' . 'AND aPriceTimes.verified_by != "not verified" AND aPriceTimes.is_deleted = "no"', 'joinType' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'))));
     } else {
         $selectedTiffins = ATiffin::model()->findAll(array('select' => 't.id, t.name, t.contents, t.rating_of_tiffin, t.num_of_reviews, t.image', 'condition' => 't.verified_by != "not verified" AND t.is_deleted = "no" AND ' . $tiffinIdSqlInCondtStr, 'order' => 't.id, aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time ASC', 'with' => array('tiffin2userDetails' => array('select' => 'tiffin2userDetails.id, tiffin2userDetails.first_name, tiffin2userDetails.last_name, 
     				 tiffin2userDetails.rating_of_tiffinwala, tiffin2userDetails.unique_name', 'on' => 'tiffin2userDetails.is_active=1 AND tiffin2userDetails.user_type = 1'), 'aPriceTimes' => array('select' => 'aPriceTimes.price_after_discount, aPriceTimes.order_end_time, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time, aPriceTimes.quantity_currently_available, 
 	    					aPriceTimes.orderType, aPriceTimes.discount', 'on' => 'aPriceTimes.order_start_time <= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.order_end_time >= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.order_delivery_time >= ' . '"' . $currDateTime . '"' . ' AND aPriceTimes.quantity_currently_available > 0 ' . 'AND aPriceTimes.verified_by != "not verified" AND aPriceTimes.is_deleted = "no"', 'joinType' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'))));
     foreach ($selectedTiffins as $currRec) {
         if (isset($tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id])) {
             $response[$currRec->id]["has_changed"] = false;
             if (isset($location) and !isset($currRec->tiffin2userDetails->aBangaloreLocalities[0])) {
                 $response[$currRec->id]["is_available_at_current_locality"] = false;
             } else {
                 $response[$currRec->id]["is_available_at_current_locality"] = true;
             if (isset($currRec->aPriceTimes[0]) and $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->quantity_currently_available > 0) {
                 if ($tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id] < 1) {
                     $tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id] = 1;
                     $response["has_changed"] = true;
                     $response[$currRec->id]["has_changed"] = true;
                     $response[$currRec->id]["error_msg"] = AppCommon::$cartErrorMsgTiffinQuanCappedToLimits;
                     $response[$currRec->id]["quantity"] = $tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id];
                     $response[$currRec->id]["per_unit_price"] = $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->price_after_discount;
                     $response[$currRec->id]["delivery_time"] = AppCommon::getDetailedDateString($currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->order_delivery_time);
                 } else {
                     if ($tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id] > $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->quantity_currently_available) {
                         $tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id] = $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->quantity_currently_available;
                         $response["has_changed"] = true;
                         $response[$currRec->id]["has_changed"] = true;
                         $response[$currRec->id]["error_msg"] = AppCommon::$cartErrorMsgTiffinQuanCappedToLimits;
                         $response[$currRec->id]["quantity"] = $tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id];
                         $response[$currRec->id]["per_unit_price"] = $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->price_after_discount;
                         $response[$currRec->id]["delivery_time"] = AppCommon::getDetailedDateString($currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->order_delivery_time);
                     } else {
                         $response[$currRec->id]["quantity"] = $tiffinAndQuantArr[$currRec->id];
                         $response[$currRec->id]["per_unit_price"] = $currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->price_after_discount;
                         $response[$currRec->id]["delivery_time"] = AppCommon::getDetailedDateString($currRec->aPriceTimes[0]->order_delivery_time);
                 if ($response[$currRec->id]["is_available_at_current_locality"]) {
                     $response["total_items_at_locality"] = $response["total_items_at_locality"] + $response[$currRec->id]["quantity"];
                     $response["total_price"] = $response["total_price"] + $response[$currRec->id]["quantity"] * $response[$currRec->id]["per_unit_price"];
             } else {
                 $response["has_changed"] = true;
                 $response[$currRec->id]["has_changed"] = true;
                 $response[$currRec->id]["error_msg"] = AppCommon::$cartErrorMsgTiffinNotAvailable;
             $imagePath = null;
             $response[$currRec->id]["id"] = $currRec->id;
             $response[$currRec->id]["tiffin_name"] = $currRec->name;
             $response[$currRec->id]["tiffin_content"] = $currRec->contents;
             $response[$currRec->id]["chef_id"] = $currRec->tiffin2userDetails->id;
             if (isset($currRec->image)) {
                 $imagePath = AppCommon::getAppFolderUrl() . '/images/tiffin_images/' . $currRec->image;
             } else {
                 $imagePath = AppCommon::getAppFolderUrl() . '/images/tiffin_images/5.jpg';
             //default image
             $response[$currRec->id]["image_link"] = $imagePath;
     foreach ($tiffinAndQuantArr as $key => $value) {
         $response["has_changed"] = true;
         $response[$key]["has_changed"] = true;
         $response[$key]["error_msg"] = AppCommon::$cartErrorMsgTiffinNotExist;
     //$response["total_items"] = AppCommon::cartItemCount( );
     $response["location"] = $location;
     return $response;