  * Complete
  * Override if applicable, but ensure that the below actions are
  * performed, or, call parent::complete().
 protected function complete()
     $count = number_format_i18n($this->total_processed);
     $message = __('<strong>Find & Replace Complete</strong> &mdash; %s URLs have been updated in your content to reflect the new URL settings.', 'as3cf-pro');
     $this->as3cf->notices->add_notice(sprintf($message, $count));
  * Complete
  * Override if applicable, but ensure that the below actions are
  * performed, or, call parent::complete().
 protected function complete()
     $this->as3cf->notices->add_notice(__('<strong>Find & Replace Complete</strong> &mdash; Media items within your content have been updated to use the S3 URLs.', 'as3cf-pro'));