Esempio n. 1
  * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'language' satisfying some criteria
  * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
  * are returned.
  * This function overrides AR_Model::get_rows(). It can also accept 'contest_id' as a criteria key; i.e., the
  * contest IDs that this language is allowed in.
  * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
  *                           criteria will be retrieved.
  * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
  *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
  *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
  * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
 public function get_rows($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
     if (isset($criteria['contest_id'])) {
         $this->db->join('contest_language', 'contest_language.language_id=id');
         $this->db->where('contest_language.contest_id', $criteria['contest_id']);
     return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);
Esempio n. 2
  * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'category' satisfying some criteria
  * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
  * are returned.
  * This function overrides AR_Model::get_rows(). It can also accept 'contest_id' as a criteria key; i.e., the
  * contest IDs that this category can compete in.
  * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
  *                           criteria will be retrieved.
  * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
  *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
  *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
  * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
 public function get_rows($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
     if (isset($criteria['contest_id'])) {
         $this->db->join('contest_member', 'contest_member.category_id=id');
         $this->db->where('contest_member.contest_id', $criteria['contest_id']);
     return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);
Esempio n. 3
  * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'problem' satisfying some criteria
  * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
  * are returned.
  * This function overrides AR_Model::get_rows(). It can also accept 'contest_id' as a criteria key; i.e., the
  * contest IDs that this problem is assigned.
  * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
  *                           criteria will be retrieved.
  * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
  *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
  *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
  * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
 public function get_rows($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
     if (isset($criteria['contest_id'])) {
         $this->db->select('id, name, author, time_limit, memory_limit, alias');
         $this->db->join('contest_problem', 'contest_problem.problem_id=id');
         $this->db->where('contest_problem.contest_id', $criteria['contest_id']);
     } else {
         $this->db->select(' AS id, name, author, time_limit, memory_limit, COUNT( AS tc_count');
         $this->db->join('testcase', '', 'left outer');
     return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);
Esempio n. 4
  * Constructs a new model object
  * This function constructs a new model.
 public function __construct()
  * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'clarification' satisfying some criteria
  * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
  * are returned.
  * If there is 'clarification.user_id' in $criteria, the rows with user_id=1 will be also returned.
  * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
  *                           criteria will be retrieved.
  * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
  *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
  *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
  * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
 public function get_rows_with_admin($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
     $this->db->select(' AS id, user_id, clarification.contest_id, clar_time, title, (answer IS NOT NULL) AS answered, AS user_name, AS contest_name');
     $this->db->join('contest', '');
     $this->db->join('user', '', 'left outer');
     if (isset($criteria['clarification.user_id'])) {
         $this->db->where('(user_id=1 OR user_id=' . $criteria['clarification.user_id'] . ')');
     return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);
     * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'submission' satisfying some criteria
     * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
     * are returned.
     * This function overrides AR_Model::get_rows().
     * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
     *                           criteria will be retrieved.
     * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
     *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
     *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
     *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
     *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
     * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
    public function get_rows($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
        $this->db->select(' AS id, user_id, submission.contest_id, submission.problem_id, language_id, submit_time, start_judge_time, end_judge_time, verdict,
			      AS user_name, AS contest_name, AS problem_name, AS language_name,
			               alias AS problem_alias');
        $this->db->join('contest', '');
        $this->db->join('problem', '');
        $this->db->join('user', '');
        $this->db->join('language', '');
        $this->db->join('contest_problem', 'contest_problem.contest_id=submission.contest_id AND contest_problem.problem_id=submission.problem_id');
        return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);
Esempio n. 7
  * Constructs a new model object
  * This function constructs a new model.
 public function __construct()
Esempio n. 8
  * Retrieves zero or more rows from table 'problem' satisfying some criteria
  * This function returns zero or more rows from the wrapped table that satisfy the given criteria. All attributes
  * are returned.
  * This function overrides AR_Model::get_rows().
  * @param  array $criteria   An array of <attribute-name> => <attribute-value> pairs. Only rows that satisfy all
  *                           criteria will be retrieved.
  * @param  array $conditions An array of zero or more of the following pairs:
  *                           - 'limit'    => The maximum number of rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'offset'   => The starting number of the rows to be retrieved.
  *                           - 'order_by' => The resulting rows order as an array of zero or more
  *                                           <attribute-name> => ('ASC' | 'DESC') pairs.
  * @return array             Zero or more rows that satisfies the criteria as an array of <row-ID> => <row>.
 public function get_rows($criteria = array(), $conditions = array())
     $this->db->select(',, username, password, institution, category_id, AS category_name, last_activity');
     $this->db->join('category', '');
     return parent::get_rows($criteria, $conditions);